blob: 08e0805fd508651d9933ed92928b911c29893c38 [file] [log] [blame]
apply from: "../commonHeader.gradle"
buildscript { apply from: "../commonBuildScript.gradle", to: buildscript }
if (buildToolsVersion < '21.0.0') {
println ("Warning : this sample requires build-tools version 21 or above")
apply plugin: ''
android {
compileSdkVersion 21
buildToolsVersion = rootProject.ext.buildToolsVersion
defaultConfig {
versionCode 12
minSdkVersion 16
targetSdkVersion 20
repositories {
maven { url System.env.CUSTOM_REPO }
dependencies {
compile ''
// JarJar tasks and related configurations\
configurations {
// create new configuration for JarJar
dependencies {
// add jarjar artifact to jarjar configuration
jarjar 'com.googlecode.jarjar:jarjar:1.3'
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
// create task name
String jarJarTaskName = "jarJar${}";
def workingDir = project.file('build/intermediates/jarjar');
// input file are the compiled files and the gson lib.
def inputDir = variant.javaCompiler.destinationDir
def outputLibrary = new File(workingDir, 'classes.jar').getCanonicalFile()
// define task
def jarJarTask = task("${jarJarTaskName}") { "${jarJarTaskName} inputDir: ${inputDir}" "${jarJarTaskName} outputLibrary: ${outputLibrary}"
inputs.file inputDir
outputs.file outputLibrary
doLast {
// in Ant
project.ant {
// define jarjar task, for classpath is used path from jarjar configuration
taskdef name: 'jarjar',
classname: 'com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask',
classpath: configurations.jarjar.asPath
// start jarjar task
jarjar(jarfile: outputLibrary) {
// input is our inputDir
fileset(dir: inputDir)
// this project has only ONE dependency, gson so this is easy but obviously, this is not
// the best way to include compile dependencies.
zipFileset(src: variant.compileLibraries.toArray()[0])
// rule to repackage gson to new package
rule pattern: '**', result: ''
// replace jar generated by compile with jar generated by JarJar
variant.dex.inputFiles = [outputLibrary]
// and remove our preDex'ed libraries.
variant.dex.libraries = []
// plan task to be started between Compile task and Dex task
// if the task was using proguard, we would need to reset the proguard inputs rather than dex.
variant.dex.dependsOn jarJarTask
jarJarTask.dependsOn variant.javaCompiler