Merge changes Ie19647cd,Ib62f4592,Ib7f90d94 into pi-dev

* changes:
  [AWARE] Add Latency measurement for a complete L2 end-to-end setup
  [AWARE] Update data analysis to extract CDF
  [AWARE] Update stress tests with PASS/FAIL critera
diff --git a/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/wifi/aware/ b/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/wifi/aware/
index 05ba784..eada097 100644
--- a/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/wifi/aware/
+++ b/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/wifi/aware/
@@ -310,21 +310,78 @@
   data_min = min(data)
   data_max = max(data)
   data_mean = statistics.mean(data)
+  data_cdf = extract_cdf(data)
+  data_cdf_decile = extract_cdf_decile(data_cdf)
   results['%smin' % key_prefix] = data_min
   results['%smax' % key_prefix] = data_max
   results['%smean' % key_prefix] = data_mean
+  results['%scdf' % key_prefix] = data_cdf
+  results['%scdf_decile' % key_prefix] = data_cdf_decile
   results['%sraw_data' % key_prefix] = data
   if num_samples > 1:
     data_stdev = statistics.stdev(data)
     results['%sstdev' % key_prefix] = data_stdev
-'%s: num_samples=%d, min=%.2f, max=%.2f, mean=%.2f, stdev=%.2f',
-                log_prefix, num_samples, data_min, data_max, data_mean,
-                data_stdev)
+      '%s: num_samples=%d, min=%.2f, max=%.2f, mean=%.2f, stdev=%.2f, cdf_decile=%s',
+      log_prefix, num_samples, data_min, data_max, data_mean, data_stdev,
+      data_cdf_decile)
-'%s: num_samples=%d, min=%.2f, max=%.2f, mean=%.2f', log_prefix,
-                num_samples, data_min, data_max, data_mean)
+      '%s: num_samples=%d, min=%.2f, max=%.2f, mean=%.2f, cdf_decile=%s',
+      log_prefix, num_samples, data_min, data_max, data_mean, data_cdf_decile)
+def extract_cdf_decile(cdf):
+  """Extracts the 10%, 20%, ..., 90% points from the CDF and returns their
+  value (a list of 9 values).
+  Since CDF may not (will not) have exact x% value picks the value >= x%.
+  Args:
+    cdf: a list of 2 lists, the X and Y of the CDF.
+  """
+  decades = []
+  next_decade = 10
+  for x, y in zip(cdf[0], cdf[1]):
+    while 100*y >= next_decade:
+      decades.append(x)
+      next_decade = next_decade + 10
+    if next_decade == 100:
+      break
+  return decades
+def extract_cdf(data):
+  """Calculates the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the data.
+  Args:
+      data: A list containing data (does not have to be sorted).
+  Returns: a list of 2 lists: the X and Y axis of the CDF.
+  """
+  x = []
+  cdf = []
+  if not data:
+    return (x, cdf)
+  all_values = sorted(data)
+  for val in all_values:
+    if not x:
+      x.append(val)
+      cdf.append(1)
+    else:
+      if x[-1] == val:
+        cdf[-1] += 1
+      else:
+        x.append(val)
+        cdf.append(cdf[-1] + 1)
+  scale = 1.0 / len(all_values)
+  for i in range(len(cdf)):
+    cdf[i] = cdf[i] * scale
+  return (x, cdf)
 def get_mac_addr(device, interface):
   """Get the MAC address of the specified interface. Uses ifconfig and parses
diff --git a/acts/tests/google/wifi/aware/performance/ b/acts/tests/google/wifi/aware/performance/
index 9f2a5bf..bfadebc 100644
--- a/acts/tests/google/wifi/aware/performance/
+++ b/acts/tests/google/wifi/aware/performance/
@@ -427,6 +427,209 @@
     results[key_avail]["ndp_setup_failures"] = ndp_setup_failures
+  def run_end_to_end_latency(self, results, dw_24ghz, dw_5ghz, num_iterations,
+      startup_offset, include_setup):
+    """Measure the latency for end-to-end communication link setup:
+    - Start Aware
+    - Discovery
+    - Message from Sub -> Pub
+    - Message from Pub -> Sub
+    - NDP setup
+    Args:
+      results: Result array to be populated - will add results (not erase it)
+      dw_24ghz: DW interval in the 2.4GHz band.
+      dw_5ghz: DW interval in the 5GHz band.
+      startup_offset: The start-up gap (in seconds) between the two devices
+      include_setup: True to include the cluster setup in the latency
+                    measurements.
+    """
+    key = "dw24_%d_dw5_%d" % (dw_24ghz, dw_5ghz)
+    results[key] = {}
+    results[key]["num_iterations"] = num_iterations
+    p_dut = self.android_devices[0]
+    p_dut.pretty_name = "Publisher"
+    s_dut = self.android_devices[1]
+    s_dut.pretty_name = "Subscriber"
+    # override the default DW configuration
+    autils.config_power_settings(p_dut, dw_24ghz, dw_5ghz)
+    autils.config_power_settings(s_dut, dw_24ghz, dw_5ghz)
+    latencies = []
+    # allow for failures here since running lots of samples and would like to
+    # get the partial data even in the presence of errors
+    failures = 0
+    if not include_setup:
+      # Publisher+Subscriber: attach and wait for confirmation
+      p_id = p_dut.droid.wifiAwareAttach(False)
+      autils.wait_for_event(p_dut, aconsts.EVENT_CB_ON_ATTACHED)
+      time.sleep(startup_offset)
+      s_id = s_dut.droid.wifiAwareAttach(False)
+      autils.wait_for_event(s_dut, aconsts.EVENT_CB_ON_ATTACHED)
+    for i in range(num_iterations):
+      while (True): # for pseudo-goto/finalize
+        timestamp_start = time.perf_counter()
+        if include_setup:
+          # Publisher+Subscriber: attach and wait for confirmation
+          p_id = p_dut.droid.wifiAwareAttach(False)
+          autils.wait_for_event(p_dut, aconsts.EVENT_CB_ON_ATTACHED)
+          time.sleep(startup_offset)
+          s_id = s_dut.droid.wifiAwareAttach(False)
+          autils.wait_for_event(s_dut, aconsts.EVENT_CB_ON_ATTACHED)
+        # start publish
+        p_disc_id, p_disc_event = self.start_discovery_session(
+            p_dut, p_id, True, aconsts.PUBLISH_TYPE_UNSOLICITED)
+        # start subscribe
+        s_disc_id, s_session_event = self.start_discovery_session(
+            s_dut, s_id, False, aconsts.SUBSCRIBE_TYPE_PASSIVE)
+        # wait for discovery (allow for failures here since running lots of
+        # samples and would like to get the partial data even in the presence of
+        # errors)
+        try:
+          event = s_dut.ed.pop_event(aconsts.SESSION_CB_ON_SERVICE_DISCOVERED,
+                                     autils.EVENT_TIMEOUT)
+                         event["data"])
+          peer_id_on_sub = event['data'][aconsts.SESSION_CB_KEY_PEER_ID]
+        except queue.Empty:
+"[Subscriber] Timed out while waiting for "
+                         "SESSION_CB_ON_SERVICE_DISCOVERED")
+          failures = failures + 1
+          break
+        # message from Sub -> Pub
+        msg_s2p = "Message Subscriber -> Publisher #%d" % i
+        next_msg_id = self.get_next_msg_id()
+        s_dut.droid.wifiAwareSendMessage(s_disc_id, peer_id_on_sub, next_msg_id,
+                                         msg_s2p, 0)
+        # wait for Tx confirmation
+        try:
+          s_dut.ed.pop_event(aconsts.SESSION_CB_ON_MESSAGE_SENT,
+                             autils.EVENT_TIMEOUT)
+        except queue.Empty:
+"[Subscriber] Timed out while waiting for "
+                         "SESSION_CB_ON_MESSAGE_SENT")
+          failures = failures + 1
+          break
+        # wait for Rx confirmation (and validate contents)
+        try:
+          event = p_dut.ed.pop_event(aconsts.SESSION_CB_ON_MESSAGE_RECEIVED,
+                                     autils.EVENT_TIMEOUT)
+          peer_id_on_pub = event['data'][aconsts.SESSION_CB_KEY_PEER_ID]
+          if (event["data"][
+            aconsts.SESSION_CB_KEY_MESSAGE_AS_STRING] != msg_s2p):
+  "[Publisher] Corrupted input message - %s", event)
+            failures = failures + 1
+            break
+        except queue.Empty:
+"[Publisher] Timed out while waiting for "
+                         "SESSION_CB_ON_MESSAGE_RECEIVED")
+          failures = failures + 1
+          break
+        # message from Pub -> Sub
+        msg_p2s = "Message Publisher -> Subscriber #%d" % i
+        next_msg_id = self.get_next_msg_id()
+        p_dut.droid.wifiAwareSendMessage(p_disc_id, peer_id_on_pub, next_msg_id,
+                                         msg_p2s, 0)
+        # wait for Tx confirmation
+        try:
+          p_dut.ed.pop_event(aconsts.SESSION_CB_ON_MESSAGE_SENT,
+                             autils.EVENT_TIMEOUT)
+        except queue.Empty:
+"[Publisher] Timed out while waiting for "
+                         "SESSION_CB_ON_MESSAGE_SENT")
+          failures = failures + 1
+          break
+        # wait for Rx confirmation (and validate contents)
+        try:
+          event = s_dut.ed.pop_event(aconsts.SESSION_CB_ON_MESSAGE_RECEIVED,
+                                     autils.EVENT_TIMEOUT)
+          if (event["data"][
+            aconsts.SESSION_CB_KEY_MESSAGE_AS_STRING] != msg_p2s):
+  "[Subscriber] Corrupted input message - %s", event)
+            failures = failures + 1
+            break
+        except queue.Empty:
+"[Subscriber] Timed out while waiting for "
+                         "SESSION_CB_ON_MESSAGE_RECEIVED")
+          failures = failures + 1
+          break
+        # create NDP
+        # Publisher: request network
+        p_req_key = autils.request_network(
+            p_dut,
+            p_dut.droid.wifiAwareCreateNetworkSpecifier(p_disc_id,
+                                                        peer_id_on_pub, None))
+        # Subscriber: request network
+        s_req_key = autils.request_network(
+            s_dut,
+            s_dut.droid.wifiAwareCreateNetworkSpecifier(s_disc_id,
+                                                        peer_id_on_sub, None))
+        # Publisher & Subscriber: wait for network formation
+        try:
+          p_net_event = autils.wait_for_event_with_keys(
+              p_dut, cconsts.EVENT_NETWORK_CALLBACK, autils.EVENT_TIMEOUT, (
+              cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_EVENT,
+              (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_ID, p_req_key))
+          s_net_event = autils.wait_for_event_with_keys(
+              s_dut, cconsts.EVENT_NETWORK_CALLBACK, autils.EVENT_TIMEOUT, (
+              cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_EVENT,
+              (cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_ID, s_req_key))
+        except:
+          failures = failures + 1
+          break
+        p_aware_if = p_net_event["data"][cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_INTERFACE_NAME]
+        s_aware_if = s_net_event["data"][cconsts.NETWORK_CB_KEY_INTERFACE_NAME]
+        p_ipv6 = \
+        p_dut.droid.connectivityGetLinkLocalIpv6Address(p_aware_if).split("%")[
+          0]
+        s_ipv6 = \
+        s_dut.droid.connectivityGetLinkLocalIpv6Address(s_aware_if).split("%")[
+          0]
+"[Publisher] IF=%s, IPv6=%s", p_aware_if, p_ipv6)
+"[Subscriber] IF=%s, IPv6=%s", s_aware_if, s_ipv6)
+        latencies.append(time.perf_counter() - timestamp_start)
+        break
+      # destroy sessions
+      p_dut.droid.wifiAwareDestroyDiscoverySession(p_disc_id)
+      s_dut.droid.wifiAwareDestroyDiscoverySession(s_disc_id)
+      if include_setup:
+        p_dut.droid.wifiAwareDestroy(p_id)
+        s_dut.droid.wifiAwareDestroy(s_id)
+    autils.extract_stats(
+        p_dut,
+        data=latencies,
+        results=results[key],
+        key_prefix="",
+        log_prefix="End-to-End(dw24=%d, dw5=%d)" % (dw_24ghz, dw_5ghz))
+    results[key]["failures"] = failures
@@ -554,3 +757,44 @@
         "test_ndp_setup_latency_non_interactive_dws finished", extras=results)
+  def test_end_to_end_latency_default_dws(self):
+    """Measure the latency for end-to-end communication link setup:
+      - Start Aware
+      - Discovery
+      - Message from Sub -> Pub
+      - Message from Pub -> Sub
+      - NDP setup
+    """
+    results = {}
+    self.run_end_to_end_latency(
+        results,
+        dw_24ghz=aconsts.POWER_DW_24_INTERACTIVE,
+        dw_5ghz=aconsts.POWER_DW_5_INTERACTIVE,
+        num_iterations=10,
+        startup_offset=0,
+        include_setup=True)
+    asserts.explicit_pass(
+        "test_end_to_end_latency_default_dws finished", extras=results)
+  def test_end_to_end_latency_post_attach_default_dws(self):
+    """Measure the latency for end-to-end communication link setup without
+    the initial synchronization:
+      - Start Aware & synchronize initially
+      - Loop:
+        - Discovery
+        - Message from Sub -> Pub
+        - Message from Pub -> Sub
+        - NDP setup
+    """
+    results = {}
+    self.run_end_to_end_latency(
+        results,
+        dw_24ghz=aconsts.POWER_DW_24_INTERACTIVE,
+        dw_5ghz=aconsts.POWER_DW_5_INTERACTIVE,
+        num_iterations=10,
+        startup_offset=0,
+        include_setup=False)
+    asserts.explicit_pass(
+      "test_end_to_end_latency_post_attach_default_dws finished",
+      extras=results)
diff --git a/acts/tests/google/wifi/aware/stress/ b/acts/tests/google/wifi/aware/stress/
index 28de5a7..ae0564e 100644
--- a/acts/tests/google/wifi/aware/stress/
+++ b/acts/tests/google/wifi/aware/stress/
@@ -30,7 +30,10 @@
   # Number of iterations on create/destroy NDP in each discovery session.
+  # Maximum percentage of NDP setup failures over all iterations
   def __init__(self, controllers):
     AwareBaseTest.__init__(self, controllers)
@@ -87,9 +90,9 @@
                   resp_id, aconsts.DATA_PATH_RESPONDER, init_mac, None))
           # Wait a minimal amount of time to let the Responder configure itself
-          # and be ready for the request. While calling it first may be sufficient
-          # there are no guarantees that a glitch may slow the Responder slightly
-          # enough to invert the setup order.
+          # and be ready for the request. While calling it first may be
+          # sufficient there are no guarantees that a glitch may slow the
+          # Responder slightly enough to invert the setup order.
           # Initiator: request network
@@ -106,7 +109,7 @@
           # Wait a minimal amount of time to let the Initiator configure itself
           # to guarantee failure!
-          time.sleep(1)
+          time.sleep(2)
           # Responder: request network
           resp_req_key = autils.request_network(
@@ -171,12 +174,16 @@
     results['ndp_init_setup_failures'] = ndp_init_setup_failures
     results['ndp_resp_setup_success'] = ndp_resp_setup_success
     results['ndp_resp_setup_failures'] = ndp_resp_setup_failures
-    asserts.assert_equal(
-        ndp_init_setup_failures + ndp_resp_setup_failures,
-        0,
-        'test_oob_ndp_stress finished',
-        extras=results)
-    asserts.explicit_pass("test_oob_ndp_stress done", extras=results)
+    max_failures = (
+        self.MAX_FAILURE_PERCENTAGE * attach_iterations * ndp_iterations / 100)
+    if max_failures == 0:
+      max_failures = 1
+    if trigger_failure_on_index is not None:
+      max_failures = max_failures + 1 # for the triggered failure
+    asserts.assert_true(
+      (ndp_init_setup_failures + ndp_resp_setup_failures) < (2 * max_failures),
+      'NDP setup failure rate exceeds threshold', extras=results)
+    asserts.explicit_pass("test_oob_ndp_stress* done", extras=results)
   def test_oob_ndp_stress(self):
     """Run NDP (NAN data-path) stress test creating and destroying Aware
@@ -190,4 +197,6 @@
     Verify recovery from failure by triggering an artifical failure and
     verifying that all subsequent iterations succeed.
-    self.run_oob_ndp_stress(1, 3, 0)
+    self.run_oob_ndp_stress(attach_iterations=1,
+                            ndp_iterations=10,
+                            trigger_failure_on_index=3)
diff --git a/acts/tests/google/wifi/aware/stress/ b/acts/tests/google/wifi/aware/stress/
index 8b3d925..730df18 100644
--- a/acts/tests/google/wifi/aware/stress/
+++ b/acts/tests/google/wifi/aware/stress/
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 #   limitations under the License.
 import queue
-import time
 from acts import asserts
 from acts.test_utils.wifi.aware import aware_const as aconsts
@@ -101,9 +100,6 @@
     results = {}
     results['discovery_setup_success'] = discovery_setup_success
     results['discovery_setup_fail'] = discovery_setup_fail
-    asserts.assert_equal(
-        discovery_setup_fail,
-        0,
-        'test_discovery_stress finished',
-        extras=results)
+    asserts.assert_equal(discovery_setup_fail, 0,
+                         'Discovery setup failures', extras=results)
     asserts.explicit_pass('test_discovery_stress done', extras=results)
diff --git a/acts/tests/google/wifi/aware/stress/ b/acts/tests/google/wifi/aware/stress/
index 5871d61..02b423c 100644
--- a/acts/tests/google/wifi/aware/stress/
+++ b/acts/tests/google/wifi/aware/stress/
@@ -29,7 +29,19 @@
 class MessagesStressTest(AwareBaseTest):
   """Set of stress tests for Wi-Fi Aware L2 (layer 2) message exchanges."""
+  # Number of iterations in the stress test (number of messages)
+  # Maximum permitted percentage of messages which fail to be transmitted
+  # correctly
+  # Maximum permitted percentage of messages which are received more than once
+  # (indicating, most likely, that the ACK wasn't received and the message was
+  # retransmitted)
   SERVICE_NAME = "GoogleTestServiceXY"
   def __init__(self, controllers):
@@ -250,6 +262,9 @@
     # clear errors
     asserts.assert_equal(results["tx_unknown_ids"], 0, "Message ID corruption",
+    asserts.assert_equal(results["tx_count_neither"], 0,
+                         "Tx message with no success or fail indication",
+                         results)
     asserts.assert_equal(results["tx_count_duplicate_fail"], 0,
                          "Duplicate Tx fail messages", results)
     asserts.assert_equal(results["tx_count_duplicate_success"], 0,
@@ -267,3 +282,13 @@
                          "Message received but Tx didn't get ACK", results)
     asserts.explicit_pass("test_stress_message done", extras=results)
+    # permissible failures based on thresholds
+    asserts.assert_true(results["tx_count_fail"] <= (
+          self.MAX_TX_FAILURE_PERCENTAGE * self.NUM_ITERATIONS / 100),
+                        "Number of Tx failures exceeds threshold",
+                        extras=results)
+    asserts.assert_true(results["rx_count_duplicate"] <= (
+                        "Number of duplicate Rx exceeds threshold",
+                        extras=results)