blob: 0d106072d42de1dbdce910652d954dfa68fafbf0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* Container for {@link ITestDevice} {@link Option}s
public class TestDeviceOptions {
public enum InstanceType {
/** A device that we remotely access via ssh and adb connect */
* A remote device inside an emulator that we access via ssh to the instance hosting the
* emulator then adb connect.
/** An android emulator. */
/** Chrome OS VM (betty) */
public static final int DEFAULT_ADB_PORT = 5555;
public static final String INSTANCE_TYPE_OPTION = "instance-type";
/** Do not provide a setter method for that Option as it might be misused. */
@Option(name = "enable-root", description = "enable adb root on boot.")
private boolean mEnableAdbRoot = true;
@Option(name = "disable-keyguard",
description = "attempt to disable keyguard once boot is complete.")
private boolean mDisableKeyguard = true;
@Option(name = "enable-logcat", description =
"Enable background logcat capture when invocation is running.")
private boolean mEnableLogcat = true;
@Option(name = "max-tmp-logcat-file", description =
"The maximum size of tmp logcat data to retain, in bytes. " +
"Only used if --enable-logcat is set")
private long mMaxLogcatDataSize = 20 * 1024 * 1024;
@Option(name = "logcat-options", description =
"Options to be passed down to logcat command, if unspecified, \"-v threadtime\" will " +
"be used. Only used if --enable-logcat is set")
private String mLogcatOptions = null;
@Option(name = "fastboot-timeout", description =
"time in ms to wait for a device to boot into fastboot.")
private int mFastbootTimeout = 1 * 60 * 1000;
@Option(name = "adb-recovery-timeout", description =
"time in ms to wait for a device to boot into recovery.")
private int mAdbRecoveryTimeout = 1 * 60 * 1000;
@Option(name = "reboot-timeout", description =
"time in ms to wait for a device to reboot to full system.")
private int mRebootTimeout = 2 * 60 * 1000;
@Option(name = "use-fastboot-erase", description =
"use fastboot erase instead of fastboot format to wipe partitions")
private boolean mUseFastbootErase = false;
@Option(name = "unencrypt-reboot-timeout", description = "time in ms to wait for the device to "
+ "format the filesystem and reboot after unencryption")
private int mUnencryptRebootTimeout = 0;
@Option(name = "online-timeout", description = "default time in ms to wait for the device to "
+ "be visible on adb.", isTimeVal = true)
private long mOnlineTimeout = 1 * 60 * 1000;
@Option(name = "available-timeout", description = "default time in ms to wait for the device "
+ "to be available aka fully boot.")
private long mAvailableTimeout = 6 * 60 * 1000;
@Option(name = "conn-check-url",
description = "default URL to be used for connectivity checks.")
private String mConnCheckUrl = "";
@Option(name = "wifi-attempts",
description = "default number of attempts to connect to wifi network.")
private int mWifiAttempts = 5;
@Option(name = "wifi-retry-wait-time",
description = "the base wait time in ms between wifi connect retries. "
+ "The actual wait time would be a multiple of this value.")
private int mWifiRetryWaitTime = 60 * 1000;
name = "max-wifi-connect-time",
isTimeVal = true,
description = "the maximum amount of time to attempt to connect to wifi."
private long mMaxWifiConnectTime = 10 * 60 * 1000;
@Option(name = "wifi-exponential-retry",
description = "Change the wifi connection retry strategy from a linear wait time into"
+ " a binary exponential back-offs when retrying.")
private boolean mWifiExpoRetryEnabled = true;
@Option(name = "wifiutil-apk-path", description = "path to the wifiutil APK file")
private String mWifiUtilAPKPath = null;
@Option(name = "post-boot-command",
description = "shell command to run after reboots during invocation")
private List<String> mPostBootCommands = new ArrayList<String>();
@Option(name = "disable-reboot",
description = "disables device reboots globally, making them no-ops")
private boolean mDisableReboot = false;
@Option(name = "cutoff-battery", description =
"the minimum battery level required to continue the invocation. Scale: 0-100")
private Integer mCutoffBattery = null;
name = "use-content-provider",
description =
"Allow to disable the use of the content provider at the device level. "
+ "This results in falling back to standard adb push/pull."
private boolean mUseContentProvider = true;
// ====================== Options Related to Virtual Devices ======================
description = "The type of virtual device instance to create")
private InstanceType mInstanceType = InstanceType.GCE;
name = "gce-boot-timeout",
description = "timeout to wait in ms for GCE to be online.",
isTimeVal = true)
private long mGceCmdTimeout = 30 * 60 * 1000; // 30 minutes.
name = "allow-gce-boot-timeout-override",
description =
"Acloud can take boot-timeout as an arg already, this flag allows to use "
+ "the Acloud value as a basis instead of the gce-boot-timeout option.")
private boolean mAllowGceCmdTimeoutOverride = false;
@Option(name = "gce-driver-path", description = "path of the binary to launch GCE devices")
private File mAvdDriverBinary = null;
name = "gce-driver-config-path",
description = "path of the config to use to launch GCE devices.")
private File mAvdConfigFile = null;
name = "gce-driver-config-test-resource-name",
description = "Test resource name of the config to use to launch GCE devices.")
private String mAvdConfigTestResourceName;
name = "gce-driver-service-account-json-key-path",
description = "path to the service account json key location.")
private File mJsonKeyFile = null;
name = "gce-private-key-path",
description = "path to the ssh key private key location.")
private File mSshPrivateKeyPath = new File("~/.ssh/id_rsa");
@Option(name = "gce-driver-log-level", description = "Log level for gce driver")
private LogLevel mGceDriverLogLevel = LogLevel.DEBUG;
name = "gce-driver-param",
description = "Additional args to pass to gce driver as parameters."
private List<String> mGceDriverParams = new ArrayList<>();
name = "gce-driver-build-id-param",
description =
"The parameter to be paired with "
+ "build id from build info when passed down to gce driver"
private String mGceDriverBuildIdParam = "build_id";
@Option(name = "gce-account", description = "email account to use with GCE driver.")
private String mGceAccount = null;
name = "max-gce-attempt",
description = "Maximum number of attempts to start Gce before throwing an exception."
private int mGceMaxAttempt = 1;
name = "skip-gce-teardown",
description =
"Whether or not to skip the GCE tear down. Skipping tear down will "
+ "result in the instance being left.")
private boolean mSkipTearDown = false;
name = "wait-gce-teardown",
description = "Whether or not to block on gce teardown before proceeding.")
private boolean mWaitForGceTearDown = false;
name = "instance-user",
description =
"The account to be used to interact with the "
+ "outer layer of the GCE VM, e.g. to SSH in")
private String mInstanceUser = "root";
name = "remote-adb-port",
description = "The port on remote instance where the adb " + "server listens to.")
private int mRemoteAdbPort = DEFAULT_ADB_PORT;
name = "base-host-image",
description = "The base image to be used for the GCE VM to host emulator.")
private String mBaseImage = null;
name = "remote-fetch-file-pattern",
description =
"Only for remote VM devices. Allows to specify patterns to fetch file on the "
+ "remote VM via scp. Pattern must follow the scp notations."
private Set<String> mRemoteFetchFilePattern = new HashSet<>();
@Option(name = "cros-user", description = "(CHEEPS ONLY) Account to log in to Chrome OS with.")
private String mCrosUser = null;
name = "cros-password",
description =
"(CHEEPS ONLY) Password to log in to Chrome OS with. Only used if cros-user "
+ "is specified."
private String mCrosPassword = null;
// END ====================== Options Related to Virtual Devices ======================
// Option related to Remote Device only
public static final String REMOTE_TF_VERSION_OPTION = "remote-tf-version";
description =
"The TF to push to the remote VM to drive the invocation. If null, current TF "
+ "will be pushed."
private File mRemoteTFVersion = null;
/** Check whether adb root should be enabled on boot for this device */
public boolean isEnableAdbRoot() {
return mEnableAdbRoot;
* Check whether or not we should attempt to disable the keyguard once boot has completed
public boolean isDisableKeyguard() {
return mDisableKeyguard;
* Set whether or not we should attempt to disable the keyguard once boot has completed
public void setDisableKeyguard(boolean disableKeyguard) {
mDisableKeyguard = disableKeyguard;
* Get the approximate maximum size of a tmp logcat data to retain, in bytes.
public long getMaxLogcatDataSize() {
return mMaxLogcatDataSize;
* Set the approximate maximum size of a tmp logcat to retain, in bytes
public void setMaxLogcatDataSize(long maxLogcatDataSize) {
mMaxLogcatDataSize = maxLogcatDataSize;
* @return the timeout to boot into fastboot mode in msecs.
public int getFastbootTimeout() {
return mFastbootTimeout;
* @param fastbootTimeout the timout in msecs to boot into fastboot mode.
public void setFastbootTimeout(int fastbootTimeout) {
mFastbootTimeout = fastbootTimeout;
* @return the timeout in msecs to boot into recovery mode.
public int getAdbRecoveryTimeout() {
return mAdbRecoveryTimeout;
* @param adbRecoveryTimeout the timeout in msecs to boot into recovery mode.
public void setAdbRecoveryTimeout(int adbRecoveryTimeout) {
mAdbRecoveryTimeout = adbRecoveryTimeout;
* @return the timeout in msecs for the full system boot.
public int getRebootTimeout() {
return mRebootTimeout;
* @param rebootTimeout the timeout in msecs for the system to fully boot.
public void setRebootTimeout(int rebootTimeout) {
mRebootTimeout = rebootTimeout;
* @return whether to use fastboot erase instead of fastboot format to wipe partitions.
public boolean getUseFastbootErase() {
return mUseFastbootErase;
* @param useFastbootErase whether to use fastboot erase instead of fastboot format to wipe
* partitions.
public void setUseFastbootErase(boolean useFastbootErase) {
mUseFastbootErase = useFastbootErase;
* @return the timeout in msecs for the filesystem to be formatted and the device to reboot
* after unencryption.
public int getUnencryptRebootTimeout() {
return mUnencryptRebootTimeout;
* @param unencryptRebootTimeout the timeout in msecs for the filesystem to be formatted and
* the device to reboot after unencryption.
public void setUnencryptRebootTimeout(int unencryptRebootTimeout) {
mUnencryptRebootTimeout = unencryptRebootTimeout;
* @return the default time in ms to to wait for a device to be online.
public long getOnlineTimeout() {
return mOnlineTimeout;
public void setOnlineTimeout(long onlineTimeout) {
mOnlineTimeout = onlineTimeout;
* @return the default time in ms to to wait for a device to be available.
public long getAvailableTimeout() {
return mAvailableTimeout;
* @return the default URL to be used for connectivity tests.
public String getConnCheckUrl() {
return mConnCheckUrl;
public void setConnCheckUrl(String url) {
mConnCheckUrl = url;
* @return true if background logcat capture is enabled
public boolean isLogcatCaptureEnabled() {
return mEnableLogcat;
* @return the default number of attempts to connect to wifi network.
public int getWifiAttempts() {
return mWifiAttempts;
public void setWifiAttempts(int wifiAttempts) {
mWifiAttempts = wifiAttempts;
* @return the base wait time between wifi connect retries.
public int getWifiRetryWaitTime() {
return mWifiRetryWaitTime;
/** @return the maximum time to attempt to connect to wifi. */
public long getMaxWifiConnectTime() {
return mMaxWifiConnectTime;
* @return a list of shell commands to run after reboots.
public List<String> getPostBootCommands() {
return mPostBootCommands;
* @return the minimum battery level to continue the invocation.
public Integer getCutoffBattery() {
return mCutoffBattery;
* set the minimum battery level to continue the invocation.
public void setCutoffBattery(int cutoffBattery) {
if (cutoffBattery < 0 || cutoffBattery > 100) {
// Prevent impossible value.
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Battery cutoff wasn't changed,"
+ "the value %s isn't within possible range (0-100).", cutoffBattery));
mCutoffBattery = cutoffBattery;
* @return the configured logcat options
public String getLogcatOptions() {
return mLogcatOptions;
* Set the options to be passed down to logcat
public void setLogcatOptions(String logcatOptions) {
mLogcatOptions = logcatOptions;
* @return if device reboot should be disabled
public boolean shouldDisableReboot() {
return mDisableReboot;
* @return if the exponential retry strategy should be used.
public boolean isWifiExpoRetryEnabled() {
return mWifiExpoRetryEnabled;
/** @return the wifiutil apk path */
public String getWifiUtilAPKPath() {
return mWifiUtilAPKPath;
/** Returns the instance type of virtual device that should be created */
public InstanceType getInstanceType() {
return mInstanceType;
/** Returns whether or not the Tradefed content provider can be used to push/pull files. */
public boolean shouldUseContentProvider() {
return mUseContentProvider;
// =========================== Getter and Setter for Virtual Devices
/** Return the Gce Avd timeout for the instance to come online. */
public long getGceCmdTimeout() {
return mGceCmdTimeout;
/** Set the Gce Avd timeout for the instance to come online. */
public void setGceCmdTimeout(long gceCmdTimeout) {
mGceCmdTimeout = gceCmdTimeout;
/** Returns whether or not we should rely on the boot-timeout args from acloud if present. */
public boolean allowGceCmdTimeoutOverride() {
return mAllowGceCmdTimeoutOverride;
/** Return the path to the binary to start the Gce Avd instance. */
public File getAvdDriverBinary() {
return mAvdDriverBinary;
/** Set the path to the binary to start the Gce Avd instance. */
public void setAvdDriverBinary(File avdDriverBinary) {
mAvdDriverBinary = avdDriverBinary;
/** Return the Gce Avd config file to start the instance. */
public File getAvdConfigFile() {
return mAvdConfigFile;
/** Set the Gce Avd config file to start the instance. */
public void setAvdConfigFile(File avdConfigFile) {
mAvdConfigFile = avdConfigFile;
/** Return the Gce Avd config test resource name to start the instance. */
public String getAvdConfigTestResourceName() {
return mAvdConfigTestResourceName;
/** @return the service account json key file. */
public File getServiceAccountJsonKeyFile() {
return mJsonKeyFile;
* Set the service account json key file.
* @param jsonKeyFile the key file.
public void setServiceAccountJsonKeyFile(File jsonKeyFile) {
mJsonKeyFile = jsonKeyFile;
/** Return the path of the ssh key to use for operations with the Gce Avd instance. */
public File getSshPrivateKeyPath() {
return mSshPrivateKeyPath;
/** Set the path of the ssh key to use for operations with the Gce Avd instance. */
public void setSshPrivateKeyPath(File sshPrivateKeyPath) {
mSshPrivateKeyPath = sshPrivateKeyPath;
/** Return the log level of the Gce Avd driver. */
public LogLevel getGceDriverLogLevel() {
return mGceDriverLogLevel;
/** Set the log level of the Gce Avd driver. */
public void setGceDriverLogLevel(LogLevel mGceDriverLogLevel) {
this.mGceDriverLogLevel = mGceDriverLogLevel;
/** Return the additional GCE driver parameters provided via option */
public List<String> getGceDriverParams() {
return mGceDriverParams;
/** Add a param to the gce driver params. */
public void addGceDriverParams(String param) {
/** Set the GCE driver parameter that should be paired with the build id from build info */
public void setGceDriverBuildIdParam(String gceDriverBuildIdParam) {
mGceDriverBuildIdParam = gceDriverBuildIdParam;
/** Return the GCE driver parameter that should be paired with the build id from build info */
public String getGceDriverBuildIdParam() {
return mGceDriverBuildIdParam;
/** Return the gce email account to use with the driver */
public String getGceAccount() {
return mGceAccount;
/** Return the max number of attempts to start a gce device */
public int getGceMaxAttempt() {
if (mGceMaxAttempt < 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("--max-gce-attempt cannot be bellow 1 attempt.");
return mGceMaxAttempt;
/** Set the max number of attempts to start a gce device */
public void setGceMaxAttempt(int gceMaxAttempt) {
mGceMaxAttempt = gceMaxAttempt;
/** Returns true if GCE tear down should be skipped. False otherwise. */
public boolean shouldSkipTearDown() {
return mSkipTearDown;
/** Returns true if we should block on GCE tear down completion before proceeding. */
public boolean waitForGceTearDown() {
return mWaitForGceTearDown;
/** Returns the instance type of GCE virtual device that should be created */
public String getInstanceUser() {
return mInstanceUser;
/** Returns the remote port in instance that the adb server listens to */
public int getRemoteAdbPort() {
return mRemoteAdbPort;
/** Returns the base image name to be used for the current instance */
public String getBaseImage() {
return mBaseImage;
/** Returns the list of pattern to attempt to fetch via scp. */
public Set<String> getRemoteFetchFilePattern() {
return mRemoteFetchFilePattern;
/** Returns the Chrome OS User to log in as. */
public String getCrosUser() {
return mCrosUser;
/** Returns the password to log in to Chrome OS with. */
public String getCrosPassword() {
return mCrosPassword;
/** The file pointing to the directory of the Tradefed version to be pushed to the remote. */
public File getRemoteTf() {
return mRemoteTFVersion;
public static String getCreateCommandByInstanceType(InstanceType type) {
switch (type) {
case CHEEPS:
case GCE:
return "create";
return "create_cf";
return "create_gf";
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected InstanceType: " + type);
public static List<String> getExtraParamsByInstanceType(InstanceType type, String baseImage) {
if (InstanceType.EMULATOR.equals(type)) {
// TODO(b/119440413) remove when base image can be passed via extra gce driver params
List<String> params = ArrayUtil.list();
if (baseImage != null) {
return params;
return Collections.emptyList();