blob: bc8d1dd5914fa236dffe32f56667a93ee0dec939 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
* Configuration information for a TradeFederation invocation.
* Each TradeFederation invocation has a single {@link IConfiguration}. An {@link IConfiguration}
* stores all the delegate objects that should be used during the invocation, and their associated
* {@link Option}'s
public interface IConfiguration {
/** Returns the name of the configuration. */
public String getName();
* Gets the {@link IBuildProvider} from the configuration.
* @return the {@link IBuildProvider} provided in the configuration
public IBuildProvider getBuildProvider();
* Gets the {@link ITargetPreparer}s from the configuration.
* @return the {@link ITargetPreparer}s provided in order in the configuration
public List<ITargetPreparer> getTargetPreparers();
* Gets the {@link IRemoteTest}s to run from the configuration.
* @return the tests provided in the configuration
public List<IRemoteTest> getTests();
* Gets the {@link ITestInvocationListener}s to use from the configuration.
* @return the {@link ITestInvocationListener}s provided in the configuration.
public List<ITestInvocationListener> getTestInvocationListeners();
* Gets the {@link IDeviceRecovery} to use from the configuration.
* @return the {@link IDeviceRecovery} provided in the configuration.
public IDeviceRecovery getDeviceRecovery();
* Gets the {@link TestDeviceOptions} to use from the configuration.
* @return the {@link TestDeviceOptions} provided in the configuration.
public TestDeviceOptions getDeviceOptions();
* Gets the {@link ILeveledLogOutput} to use from the configuration.
* @return the {@link ILeveledLogOutput} provided in the configuration.
public ILeveledLogOutput getLogOutput();
* Gets the {@link ILogSaver} to use from the configuration.
* @return the {@link ILogSaver} provided in the configuration.
public ILogSaver getLogSaver();
* Gets the {@link IMultiTargetPreparer}s from the configuration.
* @return the {@link IMultiTargetPreparer}s provided in order in the configuration
public List<IMultiTargetPreparer> getMultiTargetPreparers();
* Gets the {@link IMultiTargetPreparer}s from the configuration that should be executed before
* any of the devices target_preparers.
* @return the {@link IMultiTargetPreparer}s provided in order in the configuration
public List<IMultiTargetPreparer> getMultiPreTargetPreparers();
* Gets the {@link ISystemStatusChecker}s from the configuration.
* @return the {@link ISystemStatusChecker}s provided in order in the configuration
public List<ISystemStatusChecker> getSystemStatusCheckers();
/** Gets the {@link IMetricCollector}s from the configuration. */
public List<IMetricCollector> getMetricCollectors();
/** Gets the {@link IPostProcessor}s from the configuration. */
public List<IPostProcessor> getPostProcessors();
* Gets the {@link DeviceSideCollectorSpecification} driving the device/target-side
* specification of the collectors and their options.
public DeviceSideCollectorSpecification getDeviceSideCollectorsSpec();
* Gets the {@link ICommandOptions} to use from the configuration.
* @return the {@link ICommandOptions} provided in the configuration.
public ICommandOptions getCommandOptions();
/** Returns the {@link ConfigurationDescriptor} provided in the configuration. */
public ConfigurationDescriptor getConfigurationDescription();
* Gets the {@link IDeviceSelection} to use from the configuration.
* @return the {@link IDeviceSelection} provided in the configuration.
public IDeviceSelection getDeviceRequirements();
* Generic interface to get the configuration object with the given type name.
* @param typeName the unique type of the configuration object
* @return the configuration object or <code>null</code> if the object type with given name
* does not exist.
public Object getConfigurationObject(String typeName);
* Generic interface to get all the object of one given type name across devices.
* @param typeName the unique type of the configuration object
* @return The list of configuration objects of the given type.
public Collection<Object> getAllConfigurationObjectsOfType(String typeName);
* Similar to {@link #getConfigurationObject(String)}, but for configuration
* object types that support multiple objects.
* @param typeName the unique type name of the configuration object
* @return the list of configuration objects or <code>null</code> if the object type with
* given name does not exist.
public List<?> getConfigurationObjectList(String typeName);
* Gets the {@link IDeviceConfiguration}s from the configuration.
* @return the {@link IDeviceConfiguration}s provided in order in the configuration
public List<IDeviceConfiguration> getDeviceConfig();
* Return the {@link IDeviceConfiguration} associated to the name provided, null if not found.
public IDeviceConfiguration getDeviceConfigByName(String nameDevice);
* Inject a option value into the set of configuration objects.
* <p/>
* Useful to provide values for options that are generated dynamically.
* @param optionName the option name
* @param optionValue the option value
* @throws ConfigurationException if failed to set the option's value
public void injectOptionValue(String optionName, String optionValue)
throws ConfigurationException;
* Inject a option value into the set of configuration objects.
* <p/>
* Useful to provide values for options that are generated dynamically.
* @param optionName the option name
* @param optionKey the optional key for map options, or null
* @param optionValue the map option value
* @throws ConfigurationException if failed to set the option's value
public void injectOptionValue(String optionName, String optionKey, String optionValue)
throws ConfigurationException;
* Inject a option value into the set of configuration objects.
* <p/>
* Useful to provide values for options that are generated dynamically.
* @param optionName the option name
* @param optionKey the optional key for map options, or null
* @param optionValue the map option value
* @param optionSource the source config that provided this option value
* @throws ConfigurationException if failed to set the option's value
public void injectOptionValueWithSource(String optionName, String optionKey, String optionValue,
String optionSource) throws ConfigurationException;
* Inject multiple option values into the set of configuration objects.
* <p/>
* Useful to inject many option values at once after creating a new object.
* @param optionDefs a list of option defs to inject
* @throws ConfigurationException if failed to set option values
public void injectOptionValues(List<OptionDef> optionDefs) throws ConfigurationException;
* Create a shallow copy of this object.
* @return a {link IConfiguration} copy
public IConfiguration clone();
* Replace the current {@link IBuildProvider} in the configuration.
* @param provider the new {@link IBuildProvider}
public void setBuildProvider(IBuildProvider provider);
* Set the {@link ILeveledLogOutput}, replacing any existing value.
* @param logger
public void setLogOutput(ILeveledLogOutput logger);
* Set the {@link ILogSaver}, replacing any existing value.
* @param logSaver
public void setLogSaver(ILogSaver logSaver);
* Set the {@link IDeviceRecovery}, replacing any existing value.
* @param recovery
public void setDeviceRecovery(IDeviceRecovery recovery);
* Set the {@link ITargetPreparer}, replacing any existing value.
* @param preparer
public void setTargetPreparer(ITargetPreparer preparer);
* Set the list of {@link ITargetPreparer}s, replacing any existing value.
* @param preparers
public void setTargetPreparers(List<ITargetPreparer> preparers);
* Set a {@link IDeviceConfiguration}, replacing any existing value.
* @param deviceConfig
public void setDeviceConfig(IDeviceConfiguration deviceConfig);
* Set the {@link IDeviceConfiguration}s, replacing any existing value.
* @param deviceConfigs
public void setDeviceConfigList(List<IDeviceConfiguration> deviceConfigs);
* Convenience method to set a single {@link IRemoteTest} in this configuration, replacing any
* existing values
* @param test
public void setTest(IRemoteTest test);
* Set the list of {@link IRemoteTest}s in this configuration, replacing any
* existing values
* @param tests
public void setTests(List<IRemoteTest> tests);
* Set the list of {@link IMultiTargetPreparer}s in this configuration, replacing any
* existing values
* @param multiTargPreps
public void setMultiTargetPreparers(List<IMultiTargetPreparer> multiTargPreps);
* Convenience method to set a single {@link IMultiTargetPreparer} in this configuration,
* replacing any existing values
* @param multiTargPrep
public void setMultiTargetPreparer(IMultiTargetPreparer multiTargPrep);
* Set the list of {@link IMultiTargetPreparer}s in this configuration that should be executed
* before any of the devices target_preparers, replacing any existing values
* @param multiPreTargPreps
public void setMultiPreTargetPreparers(List<IMultiTargetPreparer> multiPreTargPreps);
* Convenience method to set a single {@link IMultiTargetPreparer} in this configuration that
* should be executed before any of the devices target_preparers, replacing any existing values
* @param multiPreTargPreps
public void setMultiPreTargetPreparer(IMultiTargetPreparer multiPreTargPreps);
* Set the list of {@link ISystemStatusChecker}s in this configuration, replacing any
* existing values
* @param systemCheckers
public void setSystemStatusCheckers(List<ISystemStatusChecker> systemCheckers);
* Convenience method to set a single {@link ISystemStatusChecker} in this configuration,
* replacing any existing values
* @param systemChecker
public void setSystemStatusChecker(ISystemStatusChecker systemChecker);
* Set the list of {@link ITestInvocationListener}s, replacing any existing values
* @param listeners
public void setTestInvocationListeners(List<ITestInvocationListener> listeners);
* Convenience method to set a single {@link ITestInvocationListener}
* @param listener
public void setTestInvocationListener(ITestInvocationListener listener);
/** Set the list of {@link IMetricCollector}s, replacing any existing values. */
public void setDeviceMetricCollectors(List<IMetricCollector> collectors);
/** Set the {@link DeviceSideCollectorSpecification}, replacing any existing values. */
public void setDeviceSideCollectorSpec(DeviceSideCollectorSpecification deviceCollectorSpec);
/** Set the list of {@link IPostProcessor}s, replacing any existing values. */
public void setPostProcessors(List<IPostProcessor> processors);
* Set the {@link ICommandOptions}, replacing any existing values
* @param cmdOptions
public void setCommandOptions(ICommandOptions cmdOptions);
* Set the {@link IDeviceSelection}, replacing any existing values
* @param deviceSelection
public void setDeviceRequirements(IDeviceSelection deviceSelection);
* Set the {@link TestDeviceOptions}, replacing any existing values
public void setDeviceOptions(TestDeviceOptions deviceOptions);
* Generic method to set the config object with the given name, replacing any existing value.
* @param name the unique name of the config object type.
* @param configObject the config object
* @throws ConfigurationException if the configObject was not the correct type
public void setConfigurationObject(String name, Object configObject)
throws ConfigurationException;
* Generic method to set the config object list for the given name, replacing any existing
* value.
* @param name the unique name of the config object type.
* @param configList the config object list
* @throws ConfigurationException if any objects in the list are not the correct type
public void setConfigurationObjectList(String name, List<?> configList)
throws ConfigurationException;
/** Returns whether or not a configured device is tagged isFake=true or not. */
public boolean isDeviceConfiguredFake(String deviceName);
* Set the config {@link Option} fields with given set of command line arguments
* <p/>
* {@link ArgsOptionParser} for expected format
* @param listArgs the command line arguments
* @return the unconsumed arguments
public List<String> setOptionsFromCommandLineArgs(List<String> listArgs)
throws ConfigurationException;
* Set the config {@link Option} fields with given set of command line arguments
* <p/>
* See {@link ArgsOptionParser} for expected format
* @param listArgs the command line arguments
* @param keyStoreClient {@link IKeyStoreClient} to use.
* @return the unconsumed arguments
public List<String> setOptionsFromCommandLineArgs(List<String> listArgs,
IKeyStoreClient keyStoreClient)
throws ConfigurationException;
* Outputs a command line usage help text for this configuration to given printStream.
* @param importantOnly if <code>true</code> only print help for the important options
* @param out the {@link PrintStream} to use.
* @throws ConfigurationException
public void printCommandUsage(boolean importantOnly, PrintStream out)
throws ConfigurationException;
* Returns a JSON representation of this configuration.
* <p/>
* The return value is a JSONArray containing JSONObjects to represent each configuration
* object. Each configuration object entry has the following structure:
* <pre>
* {@code
* &#123;
* "alias": "device-unavail-email",
* "name": "result_reporter",
* "class": "",
* "options": [ ... ]
* &#125;
* }
* </pre>
* The "options" entry is a JSONArray containing JSONObjects to represent each @Option annotated
* field. Each option entry has the following structure:
* <pre>
* {@code
* &#123;
* "updateRule": "LAST",
* "isTimeVal": false,
* "source": "google\/template\/reporters\/asit",
* "importance": "IF_UNSET",
* "description": "The envelope-sender address to use for the messages.",
* "mandatory": false,
* "name": "sender",
* "javaClass": "java.lang.String",
* "value": ""
* &#125;
* }
* </pre>
* Most of the values come from the @Option annotation. 'javaClass' is the name of the
* underlying java class for this option. 'value' is a JSON representation of the field's
* current value. 'source' is the set of config names which set the field's value. For regular
* objects or Collections, 'source' is a JSONArray containing each contributing config's name.
* For map fields, sources for each key are tracked individually and stored in a JSONObject.
* Each key / value pair in the JSONObject corresponds to a key in the map and an array of its
* source configurations.
* @throws JSONException
public JSONArray getJsonCommandUsage() throws JSONException;
* Validate option values.
* <p/>
* Currently this will just validate that all mandatory options have been set
* @throws ConfigurationException if config is not valid
public void validateOptions() throws ConfigurationException;
* Validate option values.
* <p>Currently this will just validate that all mandatory options have been set
* @param download Whether or not to download the files associated to a remote path
* @throws ConfigurationException if config is not valid
public void validateOptions(boolean download) throws ConfigurationException;
/** Delete any files that was downloaded to resolved Option fields of remote files. */
public void cleanDynamicOptionFiles();
* Sets the command line used to create this {@link IConfiguration}.
* This stores the whole command line, including the configuration name,
* unlike setOptionsFromCommandLineArgs.
* @param arrayArgs the command line
public void setCommandLine(String[] arrayArgs);
* Gets the command line used to create this {@link IConfiguration}.
* @return the command line used to create this {@link IConfiguration}.
public String getCommandLine();
* Gets the expanded XML file for the config with all options shown for this
* {@link IConfiguration} as a {@link String}.
* @param output the writer to print the xml to.
* @throws IOException
public void dumpXml(PrintWriter output) throws IOException;
* Gets the expanded XML file for the config with all options shown for this {@link
* IConfiguration} minus the objects filters by their key name.
* <p>Filter example: {@link Configuration#TARGET_PREPARER_TYPE_NAME}.
* @param output the writer to print the xml to.
* @param excludeFilters the list of object type that should not be dumped.
* @throws IOException
public void dumpXml(PrintWriter output, List<String> excludeFilters) throws IOException;
* Gets the expanded XML file for the config with all options shown for this {@link
* IConfiguration} minus the objects filters by their key name.
* <p>Filter example: {@link Configuration#TARGET_PREPARER_TYPE_NAME}.
* @param output the writer to print the xml to.
* @param excludeFilters the list of object type that should not be dumped.
* @param printDeprecatedOptions Whether or not to print options marked as deprecated
* @throws IOException
public void dumpXml(
PrintWriter output, List<String> excludeFilters, boolean printDeprecatedOptions)
throws IOException;