blob: 397df86ee4475c060f3ca6c562fecf3af1e7a621 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import jline.ConsoleReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Main TradeFederation console providing user with the interface to interact
* <p/>
* Current has empty implementation, but future support will include commands such as
* <ul>
* <li>add a configuration to test
* <li>list devices and their state
* <li>list invocations in progress
* <li>list configs in queue
* <li>dump invocation log to file/stdout
* <li>shutdown
* </ul>
public class Console extends Thread {
private static final String CONSOLE_PROMPT = "tf >";
protected static final String HELP_PATTERN = "\\?|h|help";
protected static final String LIST_PATTERN = "l(?:ist)?";
protected static final String DUMP_PATTERN = "d(?:ump)?";
protected static final String RUN_PATTERN = "r(?:un)?";
protected static final String EXIT_PATTERN = "(?:q|exit)";
protected static final String SET_PATTERN = "s(?:et)?";
protected static final String DEBUG_PATTERN = "debug";
protected final static String LINE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("line.separator");
/* FIXME: reimplement these somewhere
* @Option(name = "log-level-display", description =
* "minimum log level to display on stdout for global log")
* private String mLogLevelDisplay = null;
* @Option(name = "log-tag-display", description =
* "Log tag filter for global log. Always display logs with this tag on stdout")
* private Collection<String> mLogTagsDisplay = new HashSet<String>();
* if (mLogLevelDisplay != null) {
* LogRegistry.getLogRegistry().setGlobalLogDisplayLevel(mLogLevelDisplay);
* }
* LogRegistry.getLogRegistry().setGlobalLogTagDisplay(mLogTagsDisplay);
protected ICommandScheduler mScheduler;
protected ConsoleReader mConsoleReader;
private RegexTrie<Runnable> mCommandTrie = new RegexTrie<Runnable>();
private boolean mShouldExit = false;
private String[] mMainArgs = new String[] {};
/** A convenience type for List<List<String>> */
protected static class CaptureList extends LinkedList<List<String>> {
CaptureList() {
CaptureList(Collection<? extends List<String>> c) {
* A {@link Runnable} with a {@code run} method that can take an argument
protected abstract static class ArgRunnable<T> implements Runnable {
public void run() {
abstract public void run(T args);
* This is a sentinel class that will cause TF to shut down. This enables a user to get TF to
* shut down via the RegexTrie input handling mechanism.
private class QuitRunnable implements Runnable {
public void run() {
printLine("Signalling command scheduler for shutdown.");
printLine("TF will exit without warning when remaining invocations complete.");
* Like {@link QuitRunnable}, but attempts to harshly shut down current invocations by
* killing the adb connection
private class ForceQuitRunnable extends QuitRunnable {
public void run() {;
* Retrieve the {@link RegexTrie} that defines the console behavior. Exposed for unit testing.
RegexTrie<Runnable> getCommandTrie() {
return mCommandTrie;
protected Console() {
this(new CommandScheduler());
* Create a {@link Console} with given scheduler. Also, set up console command handling
* <p/>
* Exposed for unit testing
Console(ICommandScheduler scheduler) {
mScheduler = scheduler;
try {
mConsoleReader = new ConsoleReader();
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Unable to initialize ConsoleReader: " + e.getMessage());
mConsoleReader = null;
List<String> genericHelp = new LinkedList<String>();
Map<String, String> commandHelp = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
addDefaultCommands(mCommandTrie, genericHelp, commandHelp);
setCustomCommands(mCommandTrie, genericHelp, commandHelp);
generateHelpListings(mCommandTrie, genericHelp, commandHelp);
* A customization point that subclasses can use to alter which commands are available in the
* console.
* <p />
* Implementations should modify the {@code genericHelp} and {@code commandHelp} variables to
* document what functionality they may have added, modified, or removed.
* @param trie The {@link RegexTrie} to add the commands to
* @param genericHelp A {@link List} of lines to print when the user runs the "help" command
* with no arguments.
* @param commandHelp A {@link Map} containing documentation for any new commands that may have
* been added. The key is a regular expression to use as a key for {@link RegexTrie}.
* The value should be a String containing the help text to print for that command.
protected void setCustomCommands(RegexTrie<Runnable> trie, List<String> genericHelp,
Map<String, String> commandHelp) {
// Meant to be overridden by subclasses
* Generate help listings based on the contents of {@code genericHelp} and {@code commandHelp}.
* @param trie The {@link RegexTrie} to add the commands to
* @param genericHelp A {@link List} of lines to print when the user runs the "help" command
* with no arguments.
* @param commandHelp A {@link Map} containing documentation for any new commands that may have
* been added. The key is a regular expression to use as a key for {@link RegexTrie}.
* The value should be a String containing the help text to print for that command.
void generateHelpListings(RegexTrie<Runnable> trie, List<String> genericHelp,
Map<String, String> commandHelp) {
final String genHelpString = getGenericHelpString(genericHelp);
final String helpPattern = "\\?|h|help";
final ArgRunnable<CaptureList> genericHelpRunnable = new ArgRunnable<CaptureList>() {
public void run(CaptureList args) {
trie.put(genericHelpRunnable, helpPattern);
StringBuilder allHelpBuilder = new StringBuilder();
// Add help entries for everything listed in the commandHelp map
for (Map.Entry<String, String> helpPair : commandHelp.entrySet()) {
final String key = helpPair.getKey();
final String helpText = helpPair.getValue();
trie.put(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, helpPattern, key);
final String allHelpText = allHelpBuilder.toString();
trie.put(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, helpPattern, "all");
// Add a generic "not found" help message for everything else
trie.put(new ArgRunnable<CaptureList>() {
public void run(CaptureList args) {
// Command will be the only capture in the second argument
// (first argument is helpPattern)
"No help for '%s'; command is unknown or undocumented",
}, helpPattern, null);
// Add a fallback input handler
trie.put(new ArgRunnable<CaptureList>() {
public void run(CaptureList args) {
if (args.isEmpty()) {
// User hit <Enter> with a blank line
// Command will be the only capture in the first argument
printLine(String.format("Unknown command: '%s'", args.get(0).get(0)));;
}, (Pattern)null);
* Return the generic help string to display
* @param genericHelp
* @return
protected String getGenericHelpString(List<String> genericHelp) {
return join(genericHelp);
* A utility function to return the arguments that were passed to an {@link ArgRunnable}. In
* particular, it expects all first-level elements of {@code cl} after {@code argIdx} to be
* singleton {@link List}s. It will then coalesce the first element of each of those singleton
* {@link List}s as a single {@link List}.
* @param argIdx The zero-based index of the first argument.
* @param cl The {@link CaptureList} of arguments that was passed to the {@link ArgRunnable}
* @return A flattened {@link List} of arguments that were passed to the {@link ArgRunnable}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the data isn't formatted as expected
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code argIdx} isn't consistent with {@code cl}
static List<String> getFlatArgs(int argIdx, CaptureList cl) {
if (argIdx < 0 || argIdx >= cl.size()) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format("argIdx is %d, cl size is %d",
argIdx, cl.size()));
List<String> flat = new ArrayList<String>(cl.size() - argIdx);
ListIterator<List<String>> iter = cl.listIterator(argIdx);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
List<String> single =;
int len = single.size();
if (len != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
"Expected a singleton List, but got a List with %d elements: %s",
len, single.toString()));
return flat;
* Add commands to create the default Console experience
* <p />
* Adds relevant documentation to {@code genericHelp} and {@code commandHelp}.
* @param trie The {@link RegexTrie} to add the commands to
* @param genericHelp A {@link List} of lines to print when the user runs the "help" command
* with no arguments.
* @param commandHelp A {@link Map} containing documentation for any new commands that may have
* been added. The key is a regular expression to use as a key for {@link RegexTrie}.
* The value should be a String containing the help text to print for that command.
void addDefaultCommands(RegexTrie<Runnable> trie, List<String> genericHelp,
Map<String, String> commandHelp) {
// Help commands
genericHelp.add("Enter 'q' or 'exit' to exit");
genericHelp.add("Enter 'kill' to attempt to forcibly exit, by shutting down adb");
genericHelp.add("Enter 'help all' to see all embedded documentation at once.");
genericHelp.add("Enter 'help list' for help with 'list' commands");
genericHelp.add("Enter 'help run' for help with 'run' commands");
genericHelp.add("Enter 'help dump' for help with 'dump' commands");
genericHelp.add("Enter 'help set' for help with 'set' commands");
genericHelp.add("Enter 'help debug' for help with 'debug' commands");
commandHelp.put(LIST_PATTERN, String.format(
"%s help:" + LINE_SEPARATOR +
"\ti[nvocations] List all invocation threads" + LINE_SEPARATOR +
"\td[evices] List all detected or known devices" + LINE_SEPARATOR +
"\tc[ommands] List all commands currently waiting to be executed" +
"\tconfigs List all known configurations" +
commandHelp.put(DUMP_PATTERN, String.format(
"%s help:" + LINE_SEPARATOR +
"\ts[tack] Dump the stack traces of all threads" + LINE_SEPARATOR +
"\tl[ogs] Dump the logs of all invocations to files" + LINE_SEPARATOR +
"\tc[onfig] <config> Dump the content of the specified config" + LINE_SEPARATOR,
commandHelp.put(RUN_PATTERN, String.format(
"%s help:" + LINE_SEPARATOR +
"\tcommand <config> [options] Run the specified command" + LINE_SEPARATOR +
"\t<config> [options] Shortcut for the above: run specified command" +
"\tcmdfile <cmdfile.txt> Run the specified commandfile" + LINE_SEPARATOR +
"\tsingleCommand <config> [options] Run the specified command, and run 'exit' " +
"immediately afterward" + LINE_SEPARATOR,
commandHelp.put(SET_PATTERN, String.format(
"%s help:" + LINE_SEPARATOR +
"\tlog-level-display <level> Sets the global display log level to <level>" +
commandHelp.put(DEBUG_PATTERN, String.format(
"%s help:" + LINE_SEPARATOR +
"\tgc Attempt to force a GC" + LINE_SEPARATOR,
// Handle quit commands
trie.put(new QuitRunnable(), EXIT_PATTERN);
trie.put(new ForceQuitRunnable(), "kill");
// List commands
trie.put(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Collection<String> invs = mScheduler.listInvocations();
int counter = 1;
for (String inv : invs) {
printLine(String.format("Invocation %d: %s", counter++, inv));
}, LIST_PATTERN, "i(?:nvocations)?");
trie.put(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
IDeviceManager manager = DeviceManager.getInstance();
manager.displayDevicesInfo(new PrintWriter(System.out, true));
}, LIST_PATTERN, "d(?:evices)?");
trie.put(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Collection<String> commands = mScheduler.listCommands();
int counter = 1;
for (String cmd : commands) {
printLine(String.format("Command %d: %s", counter++, cmd));
}, LIST_PATTERN, "c(?:ommands)?");
trie.put(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, LIST_PATTERN, "configs");
// Dump commands
trie.put(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, DUMP_PATTERN, "s(?:tacks?)?");
trie.put(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, DUMP_PATTERN, "l(?:ogs?)?");
ArgRunnable<CaptureList> dumpConfigRun = new ArgRunnable<CaptureList>() {
public void run(CaptureList args) {
// Skip 2 tokens to get past dumpPattern and "config"
String configArg = args.get(2).get(0);
getConfigurationFactory().dumpConfig(configArg, System.out);
trie.put(dumpConfigRun, DUMP_PATTERN, "c(?:onfig?)?", "(.*)");
// Run commands
ArgRunnable<CaptureList> runRunCommand = new ArgRunnable<CaptureList>() {
public void run(CaptureList args) {
// The second argument "command" may also be missing, if the
// caller used the shortcut.
int startIdx = 1;
if (args.get(1).isEmpty()) {
// Empty array (that is, not even containing an empty string) means that
// we matched and skipped /(?:singleC|c)ommand/
startIdx = 2;
String[] flatArgs = new String[args.size() - startIdx];
for (int i = startIdx; i < args.size(); i++) {
flatArgs[i - startIdx] = args.get(i).get(0);
trie.put(runRunCommand, RUN_PATTERN, "c(?:ommand)?", null);
trie.put(runRunCommand, RUN_PATTERN, null);
ArgRunnable<CaptureList> runAndExitCommand = new ArgRunnable<CaptureList>() {
public void run(CaptureList args) {
// Skip 2 tokens to get past runPattern and "singleCommand"
String[] flatArgs = new String[args.size() - 2];
for (int i = 2; i < args.size(); i++) {
flatArgs[i - 2] = args.get(i).get(0);
NotifyingCommandListener cmdListener = new NotifyingCommandListener();
if (mScheduler.addCommand(flatArgs, cmdListener)) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// ignore
// Intentionally kill the console before CommandScheduler finishes
mShouldExit = true;
trie.put(runAndExitCommand, RUN_PATTERN, "s(?:ingleCommand)?", null);
// Missing required argument: show help
// FIXME: fix this functionality
// trie.put(runHelpRun, runPattern, "(?:singleC|c)ommand");
ArgRunnable<CaptureList> runRunCmdfile = new ArgRunnable<CaptureList>() {
public void run(CaptureList args) {
// Skip 2 tokens to get past runPattern and "cmdfile". We're guaranteed to have at
// least 3 tokens if we got #run.
int startIdx = 2;
List<String> flatArgs = getFlatArgs(startIdx, args);
String file = flatArgs.get(0);
List<String> extraArgs = flatArgs.subList(1, flatArgs.size());
printLine(String.format("Attempting to run cmdfile %s with args %s", file,
try {
createCommandFileParser().parseFile(new File(file), mScheduler);
} catch (IOException e) {
printLine(String.format("Failed to run %s: %s", file, e));
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
printLine(String.format("Failed to run %s: %s", file, e));
trie.put(runRunCmdfile, RUN_PATTERN, "cmdfile", "(.*)");
trie.put(runRunCmdfile, RUN_PATTERN, "cmdfile", "(.*)", null);
// Missing required argument: show help
// FIXME: fix this functionality
//trie.put(runHelpRun, runPattern, "cmdfile");
// Set commands
ArgRunnable<CaptureList> runSetLog = new ArgRunnable<CaptureList>() {
public void run(CaptureList args) {
// Skip 2 tokens to get past "set" and "log-level-display"
String logLevel = args.get(2).get(0);
String currentLogLevel = LogRegistry.getLogRegistry().getGlobalLogDisplayLevel();
if (LogLevel.getByString(logLevel) != null) {
// Make sure that the level was set.
currentLogLevel = LogRegistry.getLogRegistry().getGlobalLogDisplayLevel();
if (currentLogLevel != null) {
printLine(String.format("Current logging set to '%s'.", currentLogLevel));
} else {
if (currentLogLevel == null) {
printLine(String.format("Invalid log level '%s'.", logLevel));
} else{
"Invalid log level '%s'; log level remains at '%s'.",
logLevel, currentLogLevel));
trie.put(runSetLog, SET_PATTERN, "log-level-display", "(.*)");
// Debug commands
trie.put(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, DEBUG_PATTERN, "gc");
* Convenience method to join string pieces into a single string, with newlines after each piece
* FIXME: add a join implementation to Util
private static String join(List<String> pieces) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String piece : pieces) {
return sb.toString();
* Sets the ConsoleReader instance to use
* <p/>
* Exposed for unit testing
void setConsoleReader(ConsoleReader reader) {
mConsoleReader = reader;
* Get input from the console
* @return A {@link String} containing the input to parse and run. Will return {@code null} if
* console is not available or user entered EOF ({@code ^D}).
private String getConsoleInput() throws IOException {
if (mConsoleReader == null) {
// non-interactive mode
return null;
} else {
return mConsoleReader.readLine(getConsolePrompt());
* @return the text {@link String} to display for the console prompt
protected String getConsolePrompt() {
* Display a line of text on console
* @param output
protected void printLine(String output) {
if (mConsoleReader != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// not guaranteed to work, but worth a try
System.err.println("Console failed to print a message to stdout: "
+ e.getMessage());
} else {
* Execute a command.
* <p />
* Exposed for unit testing
void executeCmdRunnable(Runnable command, CaptureList groups) {
if (command instanceof ArgRunnable) {
// FIXME: verify that command implements ArgRunnable<CaptureList> instead
// FIXME: of just ArgRunnable
} else {;
* The main method to launch the console. Will keep running until shutdown command is issued.
* @param args
public void run() {
List<String> arrrgs = Arrays.asList(mMainArgs);
try {
// Check System.console() since jline doesn't seem to consistently know whether or not
// the console is functional.
if (System.console() == null) {
mConsoleReader = null;
if (arrrgs.isEmpty()) {
printLine("No commands for non-interactive mode; exiting.");
} else {
printLine("Running indefinitely in non-interactive mode.");
mShouldExit = true;
// Notify the main thread that the scheduler is started, and will hold the JVM open.
// This is necessary since the Console thread is a Daemon thread. If not for this, the
// main thread would exit before we got a chance to #start() mScheduler, at which point
// the JVM would shut down immediately.
synchronized(this) {
String input = "";
CaptureList groups = new CaptureList();
String[] tokens;
// Note: since Console is a daemon thread, the JVM may exit without us actually leaving
// this read loop. This is by design.
do {
if (arrrgs.isEmpty()) {
input = getConsoleInput();
if (input == null) {
// Usually the result of getting EOF on the console
printLine("Received EOF; quitting...");
tokens = null;
try {
tokens = QuotationAwareTokenizer.tokenizeLine(input);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
printLine(String.format("Invalid input: %s.", input));
if (tokens == null || tokens.length == 0) {
} else {
printLine(String.format("Using commandline arguments as starting command: %s",
tokens = arrrgs.toArray(new String[0]);
arrrgs = Collections.emptyList();
// TODO: think about having the modules themselves advertise their management
// TODO: interfaces
Runnable command = mCommandTrie.retrieve(groups, tokens);
if (command != null) {
executeCmdRunnable(command, groups);
} else {
"Unable to handle command '%s'. Enter 'help' for help.", tokens[0]));
} while (!mShouldExit);
} catch (Exception e) {
printLine("Console received an unexpected exception (shown below); shutting down TF.");
* Factory method for creating a {@link CommandFileParser}.
* <p/>
* Exposed for unit testing.
CommandFileParser createCommandFileParser() {
return new CommandFileParser();
* Method for getting a {@link IConfigurationFactory}.
* <p/>
* Exposed for unit testing.
IConfigurationFactory getConfigurationFactory() {
return ConfigurationFactory.getInstance();
private void dumpStacks() {
Map<Thread, StackTraceElement[]> threadMap = Thread.getAllStackTraces();
for (Map.Entry<Thread, StackTraceElement[]> threadEntry : threadMap.entrySet()) {
dumpThreadStack(threadEntry.getKey(), threadEntry.getValue());
private void dumpThreadStack(Thread thread, StackTraceElement[] trace) {
printLine(String.format("%s", thread));
for (int i=0; i < trace.length; i++) {
printLine(String.format("\t%s", trace[i]));
private void dumpLogs() {
public void setArgs(String[] mainArgs) {
mMainArgs = mainArgs;
public static void main(final String[] mainArgs) throws InterruptedException {
Console console = new Console();
startConsole(console, mainArgs);
* Starts the given tradefed console with given args
* @param console the {@link Console} to start
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void startConsole(Console console, String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
synchronized(console) {
// Wait for the console to get started before we exit the main thread. See full
// explanation near the top of #run()