blob: 108f92041db33ff2f23091e278b3f3372169195e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
/** A Test that runs an instrumentation test package on given device. */
@OptionClass(alias = "instrumentation")
public class InstrumentationTest
implements IDeviceTest,
IMetricCollectorReceiver {
private static final String LOG_TAG = "InstrumentationTest";
/** max number of attempts to collect list of tests in package */
private static final int COLLECT_TESTS_ATTEMPTS = 3;
/** instrumentation test runner argument key used for test execution using a file */
private static final String TEST_FILE_INST_ARGS_KEY = "testFile";
/** instrumentation test runner argument key used for individual test timeout */
static final String TEST_TIMEOUT_INST_ARGS_KEY = "timeout_msec";
/** default timeout for tests collection */
static final long TEST_COLLECTION_TIMEOUT_MS = 2 * 60 * 1000;
/** test run name for merging coverage measurements */
static final String MERGE_COVERAGE_MEASUREMENTS_TEST_NAME = "mergeCoverageMeasurements";
name = "package",
shortName = 'p',
description = "The manifest package name of the Android test application to run.",
importance = Importance.IF_UNSET
private String mPackageName = null;
@Option(name = "runner",
description="The instrumentation test runner class name to use. Will try to determine "
+ "automatically if it is not specified.")
private String mRunnerName = null;
@Option(name = "class", shortName = 'c',
description="The test class name to run.")
private String mTestClassName = null;
@Option(name = "method", shortName = 'm',
description="The test method name to run.")
private String mTestMethodName = null;
@Option(name = "test-package",
description="Only run tests within this specific java package. " +
"Will be ignored if --class is set.")
private String mTestPackageName = null;
* @deprecated use shell-timeout or test-timeout option instead.
@Option(name = "timeout",
description="Deprecated - Use \"shell-timeout\" or \"test-timeout\" instead.")
private Integer mTimeout = null;
name = "shell-timeout",
description =
"The defined timeout (in milliseconds) is used as a maximum waiting time when "
+ "expecting the command output from the device. At any time, if the shell "
+ "command does not output anything for a period longer than defined "
+ "timeout the TF run terminates. For no timeout, set to 0.",
isTimeVal = true
private long mShellTimeout = 10 * 60 * 1000L; // default to 10 minutes
name = "test-timeout",
description =
"Sets timeout (in milliseconds) that will be applied to each test. In the event of "
+ "a test timeout, it will log the results and proceed with executing the "
+ "next test. For no timeout, set to 0.",
isTimeVal = true
private long mTestTimeout = 5 * 60 * 1000L; // default to 5 minutes
name = "max-timeout",
description =
"Sets the max timeout for the instrumentation to terminate. "
+ "For no timeout, set to 0.",
isTimeVal = true
private long mMaxTimeout = 0l;
@Option(name = "size",
description="Restrict test to a specific test size.")
private String mTestSize = null;
@Option(name = "rerun",
description = "Rerun unexecuted tests individually on same device if test run " +
"fails to complete.")
private boolean mIsRerunMode = true;
@Option(name = "resume",
description = "Schedule unexecuted tests for resumption on another device " +
"if first device becomes unavailable.")
private boolean mIsResumeMode = false;
@Option(name = "install-file",
description="Optional file path to apk file that contains the tests.")
private File mInstallFile = null;
@Option(name = "run-name",
description="Optional custom test run name to pass to listener. " +
"If unspecified, will use package name.")
private String mRunName = null;
name = "instrumentation-arg",
description = "Additional instrumentation arguments to provide.",
requiredForRerun = true)
private final Map<String, String> mInstrArgMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
@Option(name = "bugreport-on-failure", description = "Sets which failed testcase events " +
"cause a bugreport to be collected. a bugreport after failed testcases. Note that " +
"there is _no feedback mechanism_ between the test runner and the bugreport " +
"collector, so use the EACH setting with due caution.")
private BugreportCollector.Freq mBugreportFrequency = null;
name = "rerun-from-file",
description =
"Use test file instead of separate adb commands for each test "
+ "when re-running instrumentations for tests that failed to run in previous attempts. "
private boolean mReRunUsingTestFile = true;
name = "rerun-from-file-attempts",
description = "Max attempts to rerun tests from file. -1 means rerun from file infinitely."
private int mReRunUsingTestFileAttempts = 3;
name = "fallback-to-serial-rerun",
description = "Rerun tests serially after rerun from file failed."
private boolean mFallbackToSerialRerun = false;
@Option(name = "reboot-before-rerun", description =
"Reboot a device before re-running instrumentations.")
private boolean mRebootBeforeReRun = false;
@Option(name = AbiFormatter.FORCE_ABI_STRING,
description = AbiFormatter.FORCE_ABI_DESCRIPTION,
importance = Importance.IF_UNSET)
private String mForceAbi = null;
@Option(name = "collect-tests-only",
description = "Only invoke the instrumentation to collect list of applicable test "
+ "cases. All test run callbacks will be triggered, but test execution will "
+ "not be actually carried out.")
private boolean mCollectTestsOnly = false;
name = "collect-tests-timeout",
description = "Timeout for the tests collection operation.",
isTimeVal = true
private long mCollectTestTimeout = TEST_COLLECTION_TIMEOUT_MS;
name = "debug",
description =
"Wait for debugger before instrumentation starts. Note "
+ "that this should only be used for local debugging, not suitable for automated runs."
protected boolean mDebug = false;
/** @deprecated Use the --coverage option in CoverageOptions instead. */
name = "coverage",
description =
"Collect code coverage for this test run. Note that the build under test must be a "
+ "coverage build or else this will fail."
private boolean mCoverage = false;
name = "merge-coverage-measurements",
description =
"Merge coverage measurements from all test runs into a single measurement before "
+ "logging."
private boolean mMergeCoverageMeasurements = false;
name = "enforce-ajur-format",
description = "Whether or not enforcing the AJUR instrumentation output format")
private boolean mShouldEnforceFormat = false;
name = "hidden-api-checks",
description =
"If set to false, the '--no-hidden-api-checks' flag will be passed to the am "
+ "instrument command. Only works for P or later."
private boolean mHiddenApiChecks = true;
name = "test-api-access",
description =
"If set to false and hidden API checks are enabled, the '--no-test-api-access'"
+ " flag will be passed to the am instrument command."
+ " Only works for R or later.")
private boolean mTestApiAccess = true;
name = "isolated-storage",
description =
"If set to false, the '--no-isolated-storage' flag will be passed to the am "
+ "instrument command. Only works for Q or later.")
private boolean mIsolatedStorage = true;
name = "window-animation",
description =
"If set to false, the '--no-window-animation' flag will be passed to the am "
+ "instrument command. Only works for ICS or later."
private boolean mWindowAnimation = true;
name = "disable-duplicate-test-check",
description =
"If set to true, it will not check that a method is only run once by a "
+ "given instrumentation.")
private boolean mDisableDuplicateCheck = false;
name = "enable-soft-restart-check",
description =
"Whether or not to enable checking whether instrumentation crash is due to "
+ "a system_server restart.")
private boolean mEnableSoftRestartCheck = false;
name = "report-unexecuted-tests",
description =
"Whether or not to enable reporting all unexecuted tests from instrumentation.")
private boolean mReportUnexecuted = true;
private IAbi mAbi = null;
private Collection<String> mInstallArgs = new ArrayList<>();
private ITestDevice mDevice = null;
private IRemoteAndroidTestRunner mRunner;
private Collection<TestDescription> mTestsToRun = null;
private String mCoverageTarget = null;
private String mTestFilePathOnDevice = null;
private ListInstrumentationParser mListInstrumentationParser = null;
private NativeCodeCoverageListener mNativeCoverageListener = null;
private List<String> mExtraDeviceListener = new ArrayList<>();
private boolean mIsRerun = false;
private IConfiguration mConfiguration = null;
private List<IMetricCollector> mCollectors = new ArrayList<>();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void setConfiguration(IConfiguration config) {
mConfiguration = config;
/** Gets the {@link IConfiguration} for this test. */
public IConfiguration getConfiguration() {
return mConfiguration;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setDevice(ITestDevice device) {
mDevice = device;
* Set the Android manifest package to run.
public void setPackageName(String packageName) {
mPackageName = packageName;
* Optionally, set the Android instrumentation runner to use.
public void setRunnerName(String runnerName) {
mRunnerName = runnerName;
* Gets the Android instrumentation runner to be used.
public String getRunnerName() {
return mRunnerName;
* Optionally, set the test class name to run.
public void setClassName(String testClassName) {
mTestClassName = testClassName;
* Optionally, set the test method to run.
public void setMethodName(String testMethodName) {
mTestMethodName = StringEscapeUtils.escapeShell(testMethodName);
* Optionally, set the path to a file located on the device that should contain a list of line
* separated test classes and methods (format: to be run.
* If set, will automatically attempt to re-run tests using this test file
* via {@link InstrumentationFileTest} instead of executing separate adb commands for each
* remaining test via {@link InstrumentationSerialTest}"
public void setTestFilePathOnDevice(String testFilePathOnDevice) {
mTestFilePathOnDevice = testFilePathOnDevice;
* Optionally, set the test size to run.
public void setTestSize(String size) {
mTestSize = size;
* Get the Android manifest package to run.
public String getPackageName() {
return mPackageName;
* Get the custom test run name that will be provided to listener
public String getRunName() {
return mRunName;
* Set the custom test run name that will be provided to listener
public void setRunName(String runName) {
mRunName = runName;
* Set the collection of tests that should be executed by this InstrumentationTest.
* @param tests the tests to run
public void setTestsToRun(Collection<TestDescription> tests) {
mTestsToRun = tests;
* Get the class name to run.
protected String getClassName() {
return mTestClassName;
* Get the test method to run.
protected String getMethodName() {
return mTestMethodName;
* Get the path to a file that contains class#method combinations to be run
String getTestFilePathOnDevice() {
return mTestFilePathOnDevice;
/** Get the test java package to run. */
protected String getTestPackageName() {
return mTestPackageName;
* Sets the test package filter.
* <p/>
* If non-null, only tests within the given java package will be executed.
* <p/>
* Will be ignored if a non-null value has been provided to {@link #setClassName(String)}
public void setTestPackageName(String testPackageName) {
mTestPackageName = testPackageName;
* Get the test size to run. Returns <code>null</code> if no size has been set.
String getTestSize() {
return mTestSize;
* Optionally, set the maximum time (in milliseconds) expecting shell output from the device.
public void setShellTimeout(long timeout) {
mShellTimeout = timeout;
/** Optionally, set the maximum time (in milliseconds) for each individual test run. */
public void setTestTimeout(long timeout) {
mTestTimeout = timeout;
* Set the coverage target of this test.
* <p/>
* Currently unused. This method is just present so coverageTarget can be later retrieved via
* {@link #getCoverageTarget()}
public void setCoverageTarget(String coverageTarget) {
mCoverageTarget = coverageTarget;
* Get the coverageTarget previously set via {@link #setCoverageTarget(String)}.
public String getCoverageTarget() {
return mCoverageTarget;
* Return <code>true</code> if rerun mode is on.
boolean isRerunMode() {
return mIsRerunMode;
/** Sets whether this is a test rerun. Reruns do not create new listeners or merge coverage. */
void setIsRerun(boolean isRerun) {
mIsRerun = isRerun;
* Optionally, set the rerun mode.
public void setRerunMode(boolean rerun) {
mIsRerunMode = rerun;
* Optionally, set the resume mode.
public void setResumeMode(boolean resume) {
mIsResumeMode = resume;
* Get the shell timeout in ms.
long getShellTimeout() {
return mShellTimeout;
/** Get the test timeout in ms. */
long getTestTimeout() {
return mTestTimeout;
/** Returns the max timeout set for the instrumentation. */
public long getMaxTimeout() {
return mMaxTimeout;
* Set the optional file to install that contains the tests.
* @param installFile the installable {@link File}
public void setInstallFile(File installFile) {
mInstallFile = installFile;
* {@inheritDoc}
public ITestDevice getDevice() {
return mDevice;
* Set the max time in ms to allow for the 'max time to shell output response' when collecting
* tests.
* <p/>
* @deprecated This method is a no-op
public void setCollectsTestsShellTimeout(int timeout) {
// no-op
* Set the frequency with which to automatically collect bugreports after test failures.
* <p />
* Note that there is _no feedback mechanism_ between the test runner and the bugreport
* collector, so use the EACH setting with due caution: if a large quantity of failures happen
* in rapid succession, the bugreport for a given one of the failures could end up being
* collected tens of minutes or hours after the respective failure occurred.
public void setBugreportFrequency(BugreportCollector.Freq freq) {
mBugreportFrequency = freq;
* Add an argument to provide when running the instrumentation tests.
* @param key the argument name
* @param value the argument value
public void addInstrumentationArg(String key, String value) {
mInstrArgMap.put(key, value);
/** Allows to remove an entry from the instrumentation-arg. */
void removeFromInstrumentationArg(String key) {
* Retrieve the value of an argument to provide when running the instrumentation tests.
* @param key the argument name
* <p/>
* Exposed for testing
String getInstrumentationArg(String key) {
if (mInstrArgMap.containsKey(key)) {
return mInstrArgMap.get(key);
return null;
* Sets force-abi option.
* @param abi
public void setForceAbi(String abi) {
mForceAbi = abi;
public String getForceAbi() {
return mForceAbi;
/** Sets the --merge-coverage-measurements option for testing. */
void setMergeCoverageMeasurements(boolean merge) {
mMergeCoverageMeasurements = merge;
/** Sets the --rerun-from-file option. */
public void setReRunUsingTestFile(boolean reRunUsingTestFile) {
mReRunUsingTestFile = reRunUsingTestFile;
/** Sets the --fallback-to-serial-rerun option. */
public void setFallbackToSerialRerun(boolean reRunSerially) {
mFallbackToSerialRerun = reRunSerially;
/** Sets the --reboot-before-rerun option. */
public void setRebootBeforeReRun(boolean rebootBeforeReRun) {
mRebootBeforeReRun = rebootBeforeReRun;
/** Allows to add more custom listeners to the runner */
public void addDeviceListeners(List<String> extraListeners) {
* @return the {@link IRemoteAndroidTestRunner} to use.
* @throws DeviceNotAvailableException
IRemoteAndroidTestRunner createRemoteAndroidTestRunner(String packageName, String runnerName,
IDevice device) throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
RemoteAndroidTestRunner runner =
new DefaultRemoteAndroidTestRunner(packageName, runnerName, device);
String abiName = resolveAbiName();
String runOptions = "";
// hidden-api-checks flag only exists in P and after.
// Using a temp variable to consolidate the dynamic checks
int apiLevel = !mHiddenApiChecks || !mWindowAnimation ? getDevice().getApiLevel() : 0;
if (!mHiddenApiChecks && apiLevel >= 28) {
runOptions += "--no-hidden-api-checks ";
// test-api-access flag only exists in R and after.
// Test API checks are subset of hidden API checks, so only make sense if hidden API
// checks are enabled.
if (mHiddenApiChecks
&& !mTestApiAccess
&& getDevice().checkApiLevelAgainstNextRelease(30)) {
runOptions += "--no-test-api-access ";
// isolated-storage flag only exists in Q and after.
if (!mIsolatedStorage && getDevice().checkApiLevelAgainstNextRelease(29)) {
runOptions += "--no-isolated-storage ";
// window-animation flag only exists in ICS and after
if (!mWindowAnimation && apiLevel >= 14) {
runOptions += "--no-window-animation ";
if (abiName != null) {
mInstallArgs.add(String.format("--abi %s", abiName));
runOptions += String.format("--abi %s", abiName);
// Set the run options if any.
if (!runOptions.isEmpty()) {
return runner;
private String resolveAbiName() throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
if (mAbi != null && mForceAbi != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot specify both abi flags");
String abiName = null;
if (mAbi != null) {
abiName = mAbi.getName();
} else if (mForceAbi != null && !mForceAbi.isEmpty()) {
abiName = AbiFormatter.getDefaultAbi(mDevice, mForceAbi);
if (abiName == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(
String.format("Cannot find abi for force-abi %s", mForceAbi));
return abiName;
* Set the {@link ListInstrumentationParser}.
void setListInstrumentationParser(ListInstrumentationParser listInstrumentationParser) {
mListInstrumentationParser = listInstrumentationParser;
* Get the {@link ListInstrumentationParser} used to parse 'pm list instrumentation' queries.
protected ListInstrumentationParser getListInstrumentationParser() {
if (mListInstrumentationParser == null) {
mListInstrumentationParser = new ListInstrumentationParser();
return mListInstrumentationParser;
* Query the device for a test runner to use.
* @return the first test runner name that matches the package or null if we don't find any.
* @throws DeviceNotAvailableException
protected String queryRunnerName() throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
ListInstrumentationParser parser = getListInstrumentationParser();
getDevice().executeShellCommand("pm list instrumentation", parser);
Set<String> candidates = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (InstrumentationTarget target : parser.getInstrumentationTargets()) {
if (mPackageName.equals(target.packageName)) {
if (candidates.isEmpty()) {
CLog.w("Unable to determine runner name for package: %s", mPackageName);
return null;
// Bias toward using one of the AJUR runner when available, otherwise use the first runner
// available.
Set<String> intersection =
Sets.intersection(candidates, ListInstrumentationParser.SHARDABLE_RUNNERS);
if (intersection.isEmpty()) {
return candidates.iterator().next();
return intersection.iterator().next();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void run(TestInformation testInfo, final ITestInvocationListener listener)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
checkArgument(mDevice != null, "Device has not been set.");
checkArgument(mPackageName != null, "Package name has not been set.");
// Install the apk before checking the runner
if (mInstallFile != null) {
String installOutput =
mInstallFile, true, mInstallArgs.toArray(new String[] {}));
if (installOutput != null) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Error while installing '%s': %s",
mInstallFile.getName(), installOutput));
if (mRunnerName == null) {
mRunnerName != null,
"Runner name has not been set and no matching instrumentations were found.");
CLog.i("No runner name specified. Using: %s.", mRunnerName);
mRunner = createRemoteAndroidTestRunner(mPackageName, mRunnerName, mDevice.getIDevice());
doTestRun(testInfo, listener);
if (mInstallFile != null) {
protected void setRunnerArgs(IRemoteAndroidTestRunner runner) {
if (mTestClassName != null) {
if (mTestMethodName != null) {
runner.setMethodName(mTestClassName, mTestMethodName);
} else {
} else if (mTestPackageName != null) {
if (mTestFilePathOnDevice != null) {
addInstrumentationArg(TEST_FILE_INST_ARGS_KEY, mTestFilePathOnDevice);
if (mTestSize != null) {
if (mRunName != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> argEntry : mInstrArgMap.entrySet()) {
runner.addInstrumentationArg(argEntry.getKey(), argEntry.getValue());
* Helper method to add test-timeout & shell-timeout timeouts to given runner
private void addTimeoutsToRunner(IRemoteAndroidTestRunner runner) {
if (mTimeout != null) {
CLog.w("\"timeout\" argument is deprecated and should not be used! \"shell-timeout\""
+ " argument value is overwritten with %d ms", mTimeout);
if (mTestTimeout < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("test-timeout %d cannot be negative", mTestTimeout));
if (mShellTimeout <= mTestTimeout) {
// set shell timeout to 110% of test timeout
mShellTimeout = mTestTimeout + mTestTimeout / 10;
CLog.w(String.format("shell-timeout should be larger than test-timeout %d; "
+ "NOTE: extending shell-timeout to %d, please consider fixing this!",
mTestTimeout, mShellTimeout));
runner.setMaxTimeToOutputResponse(mShellTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
runner.setMaxTimeout(mMaxTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
addInstrumentationArg(TEST_TIMEOUT_INST_ARGS_KEY, Long.toString(mTestTimeout));
* Execute test run.
* @param listener the test result listener
* @throws DeviceNotAvailableException if device stops communicating
private void doTestRun(TestInformation testInfo, ITestInvocationListener listener)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
// If this is a dry-run, just collect the tests and return
if (mCollectTestsOnly) {
mTestsToRun == null,
"Tests to run should not be set explicitly when --collect-tests-only is set.");
// Use the actual listener to collect the tests, and print a error if this fails
Collection<TestDescription> collectedTests = collectTestsToRun(mRunner, listener);
if (collectedTests == null) {
CLog.e("Failed to collect tests for %s", mPackageName);
} else {
CLog.i("Collected %d tests for %s", collectedTests.size(), mPackageName);
// If the tests to run weren't provided explicitly, collect them.
Collection<TestDescription> testsToRun = mTestsToRun;
if (testsToRun == null) {
// Don't notify the listener since it's not a real run.
testsToRun = collectTestsToRun(mRunner, null);
// Only set the debug flag after collecting tests.
if (mDebug) {
if (mConfiguration != null && mConfiguration.getCoverageOptions().isCoverageEnabled()) {
mRunner.addInstrumentationArg("coverage", "true");
// Reruns do not create new listeners or clear coverage measurements.
if (!mIsRerun) {
listener = addBugreportListenerIfEnabled(listener);
listener = addJavaCoverageListenerIfEnabled(listener);
listener = addGcovCoverageListenerIfEnabled(listener);
listener = addClangCoverageListenerIfEnabled(listener);
// Clear coverage measurements on the device before running.
if (mConfiguration != null
&& mConfiguration.getCoverageOptions().isCoverageFlushEnabled()) {
CoverageOptions options = mConfiguration.getCoverageOptions();
if (options.getCoverageToolchains().contains(GCOV)
|| options.getCoverageToolchains().contains(CLANG)) {
NativeCodeCoverageFlusher flusher =
new NativeCodeCoverageFlusher(mDevice, options.getCoverageProcesses());
if (options.getCoverageToolchains().contains(JACOCO)) {
JavaCodeCoverageFlusher flusher =
new JavaCodeCoverageFlusher(mDevice, options.getCoverageProcesses());
// TODO: Convert to device-side collectors when possible.
for (IMetricCollector collector : mCollectors) {
if (collector.isDisabled()) {
CLog.d("%s has been disabled. Skipping.", collector);
} else {
"Initializing %s for instrumentation.",
listener = collector.init(testInfo.getContext(), listener);
// Add the extra listeners only to the actual run and not the --collect-test-only one
if (!mExtraDeviceListener.isEmpty()) {
mRunner.addInstrumentationArg("listener", ArrayUtil.join(",", mExtraDeviceListener));
if (testsToRun == null) {
// Failed to collect the tests or collection is off. Just try to run them all.
mDevice.runInstrumentationTests(mRunner, listener);
} else if (!testsToRun.isEmpty()) {
runWithRerun(testInfo, listener, testsToRun);
} else {
CLog.i("No tests expected for %s, skipping", mPackageName);
// Merge coverage measurements after all tests have been run, but not inside the rerun
// itself since the merging will be handled by the caller.
if (!mIsRerun && mMergeCoverageMeasurements) {
listener.testRunEnded(0, new HashMap<String, Metric>());
* Returns a listener that will collect bugreports, or the original {@code listener} if this
* feature is disabled.
ITestInvocationListener addBugreportListenerIfEnabled(ITestInvocationListener listener) {
if (mBugreportFrequency != null) {
// Collect a bugreport after EACH/FIRST failed testcase
BugreportCollector.Predicate pred = new BugreportCollector.Predicate(
BugreportCollector collector = new BugreportCollector(listener, getDevice());
listener = collector;
return listener;
* Returns a listener that will collect coverage measurements, or the original {@code listener}
* if this feature is disabled.
ITestInvocationListener addJavaCoverageListenerIfEnabled(ITestInvocationListener listener) {
if (mConfiguration == null) {
return listener;
if (mConfiguration.getCoverageOptions().isCoverageEnabled()
&& mConfiguration.getCoverageOptions().getCoverageToolchains().contains(JACOCO)) {
return new JavaCodeCoverageListener(
return listener;
* Returns a listener that will collect gcov coverage measurements, or the original {@code
* listener} if this feature is disabled.
ITestInvocationListener addGcovCoverageListenerIfEnabled(ITestInvocationListener listener) {
if (mConfiguration == null) {
return listener;
if (mConfiguration.getCoverageOptions().isCoverageEnabled()
&& mConfiguration.getCoverageOptions().getCoverageToolchains().contains(GCOV)) {
mNativeCoverageListener =
new NativeCodeCoverageListener(
getDevice(), mConfiguration.getCoverageOptions(), listener);
return mNativeCoverageListener;
return listener;
* Returns a listener that will collect Clang coverage measurements, or the original {@code
* listener} if this feature is disabled.
ITestInvocationListener addClangCoverageListenerIfEnabled(ITestInvocationListener listener) {
if (mConfiguration == null) {
return listener;
if (mConfiguration.getCoverageOptions().isCoverageEnabled()
&& mConfiguration.getCoverageOptions().getCoverageToolchains().contains(CLANG)) {
ClangCodeCoverageListener clangListener =
new ClangCodeCoverageListener(getDevice(), listener);
return clangListener;
return listener;
* Execute the test run, but re-run incomplete tests individually if run fails to complete.
* @param listener the {@link ITestInvocationListener}
* @param expectedTests the full set of expected tests in this run.
private void runWithRerun(
TestInformation testInfo,
final ITestInvocationListener listener,
Collection<TestDescription> expectedTests)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
CollectingTestListener testTracker = new CollectingTestListener();
// Our dedicated listener that allows to perform checks for the harness and collect
// the appropriate data.
InstrumentationListener instrumentationListener =
new InstrumentationListener(getDevice(), expectedTests, listener, testTracker);
if (mEnableSoftRestartCheck) {
mDevice.runInstrumentationTests(mRunner, instrumentationListener);
TestRunResult testRun = testTracker.getCurrentRunResults();
if (testRun.isRunFailure() || !testRun.getCompletedTests().containsAll(expectedTests)) {
// Don't re-run any completed tests, unless this is a coverage run.
if (mConfiguration != null
&& !mConfiguration.getCoverageOptions().isCoverageEnabled()) {
IRetryDecision decision = mConfiguration.getRetryDecision();
if (!RetryStrategy.NO_RETRY.equals(decision.getRetryStrategy())
&& decision.getMaxRetryCount() > 1) {
// Delegate retry to the module/invocation level.
// This prevents the InstrumentationTest retry from re-running by itself and
// creating overhead.
rerunTests(expectedTests, testInfo, listener);
/** Filter out "NOT_EXECUTED" for the purpose of tracking what needs to be rerun. */
protected static Set<TestDescription> excludeNonExecuted(TestRunResult results) {
Set<TestDescription> completedTest = results.getCompletedTests();
for (Entry<TestDescription, TestResult> entry : results.getTestResults().entrySet()) {
if (completedTest.contains(entry.getKey()) && entry.getValue().getFailure() != null) {
if (FailureStatus.NOT_EXECUTED.equals(
entry.getValue().getFailure().getFailureStatus())) {
return completedTest;
* Rerun any <var>mRemainingTests</var>
* @param listener the {@link ITestInvocationListener}
* @throws DeviceNotAvailableException
private void rerunTests(
Collection<TestDescription> expectedTests,
TestInformation testInfo,
final ITestInvocationListener listener)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
if (expectedTests.isEmpty()) {
CLog.d("No tests to re-run, all tests executed at least once.");
if (mRebootBeforeReRun) {
} else {
// Ensure device is online and responsive before retrying.
IRemoteTest testReRunner = null;
try {
testReRunner = getTestReRunner(expectedTests);
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
CLog.e("Failed to create test runner: %s", e.getMessage());
if (mNativeCoverageListener != null) {
}, listener);
if (mNativeCoverageListener != null) {
IRemoteTest getTestReRunner(Collection<TestDescription> tests) throws ConfigurationException {
if (mReRunUsingTestFile) {
return new InstrumentationFileTest(
this, tests, mFallbackToSerialRerun, mReRunUsingTestFileAttempts);
} else {
// Since the same runner is reused we must ensure TEST_FILE_INST_ARGS_KEY is not set.
// Otherwise, the runner will attempt to execute tests from file.
return new InstrumentationSerialTest(this, tests);
* Collect the list of tests that should be executed by this test run.
* <p>This will be done by executing the test run in 'logOnly' mode, and recording the list of
* tests.
* @param runner the {@link IRemoteAndroidTestRunner} to use to run the tests.
* @return a {@link Collection} of {@link TestDescription}s that represent all tests to be
* executed by this run
* @throws DeviceNotAvailableException
private Collection<TestDescription> collectTestsToRun(
final IRemoteAndroidTestRunner runner, final ITestInvocationListener listener)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
if (isRerunMode()) {
Log.d(LOG_TAG, String.format("Collecting test info for %s on device %s",
mPackageName, mDevice.getSerialNumber()));
// always explicitly set debug to false when collecting tests
// try to collect tests multiple times, in case device is temporarily not available
// on first attempt
Collection<TestDescription> tests = collectTestsAndRetry(runner, listener);
// done with "logOnly" mode, restore proper test timeout before real test execution
return tests;
return null;
* Performs the actual work of collecting tests, making multiple attempts if necessary
* @param runner the {@link IRemoteAndroidTestRunner} that will be used for the instrumentation
* @param listener the {ITestInvocationListener} where to report results, can be null if we are
* not reporting the results to the main invocation and simply collecting tests.
* @return the collection of tests, or <code>null</code> if tests could not be collected
* @throws DeviceNotAvailableException if communication with the device was lost
Collection<TestDescription> collectTestsAndRetry(
final IRemoteAndroidTestRunner runner, final ITestInvocationListener listener)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
boolean communicationFailure = false;
for (int i=0; i < COLLECT_TESTS_ATTEMPTS; i++) {
CollectingTestListener collector = new CollectingTestListener();
boolean instrResult = false;
// We allow to override the ddmlib default timeout for collection of tests.
runner.setMaxTimeToOutputResponse(mCollectTestTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (listener == null) {
instrResult = mDevice.runInstrumentationTests(runner, collector);
} else {
instrResult = mDevice.runInstrumentationTests(runner, collector, listener);
TestRunResult runResults = collector.getCurrentRunResults();
if (!instrResult || !runResults.isRunComplete()) {
// communication failure with device, retry
Log.w(LOG_TAG, String.format(
"No results when collecting tests to run for %s on device %s. Retrying",
mPackageName, mDevice.getSerialNumber()));
communicationFailure = true;
} else if (runResults.isRunFailure()) {
// not a communication failure, but run still failed.
// TODO: should retry be attempted
CLog.w("Run failure %s when collecting tests to run for %s on device %s.",
runResults.getRunFailureMessage(), mPackageName,
return null;
} else {
// success!
return runResults.getCompletedTests();
if (communicationFailure) {
// TODO: find a better way to handle this
// throwing DeviceUnresponsiveException is not always ideal because a misbehaving
// instrumentation can hang, even though device is responsive. Would be nice to have
// a louder signal for this situation though than just logging an error
// throw new DeviceUnresponsiveException(String.format(
// "Communication failure when attempting to collect tests %s on device %s",
// mPackageName, mDevice.getSerialNumber()));
CLog.w("Ignoring repeated communication failure when collecting tests %s for device %s",
mPackageName, mDevice.getSerialNumber());
CLog.e("Failed to collect tests to run for %s on device %s.",
mPackageName, mDevice.getSerialNumber());
return null;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setCollectTestsOnly(boolean shouldCollectTest) {
mCollectTestsOnly = shouldCollectTest;
public void setAbi(IAbi abi) {
mAbi = abi;
public IAbi getAbi() {
return mAbi;
public void setMetricCollectors(List<IMetricCollector> collectors) {
mCollectors = collectors;
/** Set True if we enforce the AJUR output format of instrumentation. */
public void setEnforceFormat(boolean enforce) {
mShouldEnforceFormat = enforce;
* Set the instrumentation debug setting.
* @param debug boolean value to set the instrumentation debug setting to.
public void setDebug(boolean debug) {
mDebug = debug;
* Get the instrumentation debug setting.
* @return The boolean debug setting.
public boolean getDebug() {
return mDebug;
/** Set wether or not to use the isolated storage. */
public void setIsolatedStorage(boolean isolatedStorage) {
mIsolatedStorage = isolatedStorage;