blob: 4c8efe8d2c19e92015cbb35bd9b87d8f5687f495 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
* Parses a configuration.xml file.
* <p/>
* See TODO for expected format
class ConfigurationXmlParser {
* SAX callback object. Handles parsing data from the xml tags.
static class ConfigHandler extends DefaultHandler {
private static final String OBJECT_TAG = "object";
private static final String OPTION_TAG = "option";
private static final String INCLUDE_TAG = "include";
private static final String TEMPLATE_INCLUDE_TAG = "template-include";
private static final String CONFIG_TAG = "configuration";
private static final String DEVICE_TAG = "device";
private static final String IS_FAKE_ATTR = "isFake";
/** Note that this simply hasn't been implemented; it is not intentionally forbidden. */
"Configurations which contain a <template-include> tag, not having a 'default' " +
"attribute, may not be the target of any <include> or <template-include> tag. " +
"However, configuration '%s' attempted to include configuration '%s', which " +
"contains a <template-include> tag without a 'default' attribute.";
// Settings
private final IConfigDefLoader mConfigDefLoader;
private final ConfigurationDef mConfigDef;
private final Map<String, String> mTemplateMap;
private final Set<String> mTemplateSeen;
private final String mName;
private final boolean mInsideParentDeviceTag;
// State-holding members
private String mCurrentConfigObject;
private String mCurrentObjectType;
private String mCurrentDeviceObject;
private List<String> mListDevice = new ArrayList<String>();
private List<String> mOutsideTag = new ArrayList<String>();
private Boolean isLocalConfig = null;
ConfigurationDef def,
String name,
IConfigDefLoader loader,
String parentDeviceObject,
Map<String, String> templateMap,
Set<String> templateSeen) {
mName = name;
mConfigDef = def;
mConfigDefLoader = loader;
mCurrentDeviceObject = parentDeviceObject;
mInsideParentDeviceTag = (parentDeviceObject != null) ? true : false;
if (templateMap == null) {
mTemplateMap = Collections.<String, String>emptyMap();
} else {
mTemplateMap = templateMap;
if (templateSeen == null) {
mTemplateSeen = new HashSet<>();
} else {
mTemplateSeen = templateSeen;
public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String name, Attributes attributes)
throws SAXException {
if (OBJECT_TAG.equals(localName)) {
final String objectTypeName = attributes.getValue("type");
if (objectTypeName == null) {
throw new SAXException(new ConfigurationException(
"<object> must have a 'type' attribute"));
if (GlobalConfiguration.isBuiltInObjType(objectTypeName) ||
Configuration.isBuiltInObjType(objectTypeName)) {
throw new SAXException(new ConfigurationException(String.format("<object> "
+ "cannot be type '%s' this is a reserved type.", objectTypeName)));
addObject(objectTypeName, attributes);
} else if (DEVICE_TAG.equals(localName)) {
if (mCurrentDeviceObject != null) {
throw new SAXException(new ConfigurationException(
"<device> tag cannot be included inside another device"));
// tag is a device tag (new format) for multi device definition.
String deviceName = attributes.getValue("name");
if (deviceName == null) {
throw new SAXException(
new ConfigurationException("device tag requires a name value"));
if (deviceName.equals(ConfigurationDef.DEFAULT_DEVICE_NAME)) {
throw new SAXException(new ConfigurationException(String.format("device name "
+ "cannot be reserved name: '%s'",
if (deviceName.contains(String.valueOf(OptionSetter.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR))) {
throw new SAXException(new ConfigurationException(String.format("device name "
+ "cannot contain reserved character: '%s'",
mCurrentDeviceObject = deviceName;
addObject(localName, attributes);
} else if (Configuration.isBuiltInObjType(localName)) {
mCurrentObjectType = localName;
// tag is a built in local config object
if (isLocalConfig == null) {
isLocalConfig = true;
} else if (!isLocalConfig) {
"Attempted to specify local object '%s' for global config!",
// Prevent a TF object from being inside another one
if (mCurrentConfigObject != null) {
"Declared '%s' object inside %s is not valid.",
localName, mCurrentConfigObject));
if (mCurrentDeviceObject == null &&
Configuration.doesBuiltInObjSupportMultiDevice(localName)) {
// Keep track of all the BuildInObj outside of device tag for final check
// if it turns out we are in multi mode, we will throw an exception.
// if we are inside a device object, some tags are not allowed.
if (mCurrentDeviceObject != null) {
if (!Configuration.doesBuiltInObjSupportMultiDevice(localName)) {
// Prevent some tags to be inside of a device in multi device mode.
throw new SAXException(new ConfigurationException(
String.format("Tag %s should not be included in a <device> tag.",
addObject(localName, attributes);
} else if (GlobalConfiguration.isBuiltInObjType(localName)) {
// tag is a built in global config object
if (isLocalConfig == null) {
// FIXME: config type should be explicit rather than inferred
isLocalConfig = false;
} else if (isLocalConfig) {
"Attempted to specify global object '%s' for local config!",
addObject(localName, attributes);
} else if (OPTION_TAG.equals(localName)) {
String optionName = attributes.getValue("name");
if (optionName == null) {
throwException("Missing 'name' attribute for option");
String optionKey = attributes.getValue("key");
// Key is optional at this stage. If it's actually required, another stage in the
// configuration validation will throw an exception.
String optionValue = attributes.getValue("value");
if (optionValue == null) {
throwException("Missing 'value' attribute for option '" + optionName + "'");
if (mCurrentConfigObject != null) {
// option is declared within a config object - namespace it with object class
// name
optionName = String.format("%s%c%s", mCurrentConfigObject,
OptionSetter.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR, optionName);
if (mCurrentDeviceObject != null) {
// preprend the device name in extra if inside a device config object.
optionName = String.format("{%s}%s", mCurrentDeviceObject, optionName);
optionName, optionKey, optionValue, mName, mCurrentObjectType);
} else if (CONFIG_TAG.equals(localName)) {
String description = attributes.getValue("description");
if (description != null) {
// Ensure that we only set the description the first time and not when it is
// loading the <include> configuration.
if (mConfigDef.getDescription() == null ||
mConfigDef.getDescription().isEmpty()) {
} else if (INCLUDE_TAG.equals(localName)) {
String includeName = attributes.getValue("name");
if (includeName == null) {
throwException("Missing 'name' attribute for include");
if (attributes.getLength() > 1) {
throwException("<include> tag only expect a 'name' attribute.");
try {
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
if (e instanceof TemplateResolutionError) {
mConfigDef.getName(), includeName));
throw new SAXException(e);
} else if (TEMPLATE_INCLUDE_TAG.equals(localName)) {
final String templateName = attributes.getValue("name");
if (templateName == null) {
throwException("Missing 'name' attribute for template-include");
if (mCurrentDeviceObject != null) {
// TODO: Add this use case.
throwException("<template> inside device object currently not supported.");
if (mTemplateSeen.contains(templateName)) {
"Template named '%s' appeared more than once.", templateName));
String includeName = mTemplateMap.get(templateName);
if (includeName == null) {
includeName = attributes.getValue("default");
if (includeName == null) {
throwTemplateException(mConfigDef.getName(), templateName);
// Removing the used template from the map to avoid re-using it.
try {
mConfigDef, mName, includeName, null, mTemplateMap, mTemplateSeen);
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
if (e instanceof TemplateResolutionError) {
mConfigDef.getName(), includeName));
throw new SAXException(e);
} else {
throw new SAXException(String.format(
"Unrecognized tag '%s' in configuration", localName));
public void endElement (String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {
if (OBJECT_TAG.equals(localName) || Configuration.isBuiltInObjType(localName)
|| GlobalConfiguration.isBuiltInObjType(localName)) {
mCurrentConfigObject = null;
if (DEVICE_TAG.equals(localName) && !mInsideParentDeviceTag) {
// Only unset if it was not the parent device tag.
mCurrentDeviceObject = null;
if (mCurrentObjectType != null && mCurrentObjectType.equals(localName)) {
mCurrentObjectType = null;
void addObject(String objectTypeName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {
if (Configuration.DEVICE_NAME.equals(objectTypeName)) {
String isFakeString = attributes.getValue(IS_FAKE_ATTR);
boolean isFake = false;
if (isFakeString != null && Boolean.parseBoolean(isFakeString) == true) {
isFake = true;
// We still want to add a standalone device without any inner object.
String deviceName = attributes.getValue("name");
if (!mListDevice.contains(deviceName)) {
String resp = mConfigDef.addExpectedDevice(deviceName, isFake);
if (resp != null) {
} else {
String className = attributes.getValue("class");
if (className == null) {
throwException(String.format("Missing class attribute for object %s",
if (mCurrentDeviceObject != null) {
// Add the device name as a namespace to the type
objectTypeName = mCurrentDeviceObject + OptionSetter.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR
+ objectTypeName;
int classCount = mConfigDef.addConfigObjectDef(objectTypeName, className);
mCurrentConfigObject = String.format("%s%c%d", className,
OptionSetter.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR, classCount);
private void throwException(String reason) throws SAXException {
throw new SAXException(new ConfigurationException(String.format(
"Failed to parse config xml '%s'. Reason: %s", mConfigDef.getName(), reason)));
private void throwTemplateException(String configName, String templateName)
throws SAXException {
throw new SAXException(new TemplateResolutionError(configName, templateName));
private final IConfigDefLoader mConfigDefLoader;
* If we are loading a config from inside a <device> tag, this will contain the name of the
* current device tag to properly load in context.
private final String mParentDeviceObject;
ConfigurationXmlParser(IConfigDefLoader loader, String parentDeviceObject) {
mConfigDefLoader = loader;
mParentDeviceObject = parentDeviceObject;
* Parses out configuration data contained in given input into the given configdef.
* <p>Currently performs limited error checking.
* @param configDef the {@link ConfigurationDef} to load data into
* @param name the name of the configuration currently being loaded. Used for logging only. Can
* be different than configDef.getName in cases of included configs
* @param xmlInput the configuration xml to parse
* @param templateMap the current map of template to be loaded.
* @throws ConfigurationException if input could not be parsed or had invalid format
void parse(
ConfigurationDef configDef,
String name,
InputStream xmlInput,
Map<String, String> templateMap)
throws ConfigurationException {
parse(configDef, name, xmlInput, templateMap, null);
* Parses out configuration data contained in given input into the given configdef.
* <p>Currently performs limited error checking.
* @param configDef the {@link ConfigurationDef} to load data into
* @param name the name of the configuration currently being loaded. Used for logging only. Can
* be different than configDef.getName in cases of included configs
* @param xmlInput the configuration xml to parse
* @param templateMap the current map of template to be loaded.
* @param templateSeen Set of name of template placeholder already encountered.
* @throws ConfigurationException if input could not be parsed or had invalid format
void parse(
ConfigurationDef configDef,
String name,
InputStream xmlInput,
Map<String, String> templateMap,
Set<String> templateSeen)
throws ConfigurationException {
try {
SAXParserFactory parserFactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
SAXParser parser = parserFactory.newSAXParser();
ConfigHandler configHandler =
new ConfigHandler(
parser.parse(new InputSource(xmlInput), configHandler);
// ConfigurationDef holds whether or not the configs are multi-device or not.
checkValidMultiConfiguration(configHandler, configDef);
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
throwConfigException(name, e);
} catch (SAXException e) {
throwConfigException(name, e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throwConfigException(name, e);
* Helper to encapsulate exceptions in a {@link ConfigurationException}
private void throwConfigException(String configName, Throwable e)
throws ConfigurationException {
if (e.getCause() instanceof ConfigurationException) {
throw (ConfigurationException)e.getCause();
throw new ConfigurationException(String.format("Failed to parse config xml '%s' due to "
+ "'%s'", configName, e), e);
* Validate that the configuration is valid from a multi device configuration standpoint: Some
* tags are not allowed outside the <device> tags.
private void checkValidMultiConfiguration(
ConfigHandler configHandler, ConfigurationDef configDef) throws SAXException {
Map<String, Boolean> expected = configDef.getExpectedDevices();
Long numDut =
.filter(value -> (value == false))
Long numNonDut =
.filter(value -> (value == true))
if (numNonDut > 0 && numDut <= 1) {
// If we only have one DUT device and the rest are non-DUT devices. We need to consider
// this has an hybrid use case since there is technically only one device. So we cannot
// validate yet if objects are allowed to be outside <device> tags, it will be validated
// later during the parsing when we have more information.
if (configDef.isMultiDeviceMode() && !configHandler.mOutsideTag.isEmpty()) {
throw new SAXException(
new ConfigurationException(
"You seem to want a multi-devices configuration but you have "
+ "%s tags outside the <device> tags",