blob: 4697eed734ce99b691394dd9b833b39db09e4f16 [file] [log] [blame]
# NXP RF configuration ALM/PLM settings
# This section needs to be updated with the correct values based on the platform
# NXP RF configuration ALM/PLM settings
# This section needs to be updated with the correct values based on the platform
# NXP RF configuration ALM/PLM settings
# This section needs to be updated with the correct values based on the platform
# NXP RF configuration ALM/PLM settings
# This section needs to be updated with the correct values based on the platform
# NXP RF configuration ALM/PLM settings
# This section needs to be updated with the correct values based on the platform
# NXP RF configuration ALM/PLM settings
# This section needs to be updated with the correct values based on the platform
# Core configuration extensions
# It includes
# Wired mode settings A0ED, A0EE
# Tag Detector A040, A041, A043
# Low Power mode A007
# Clock settings A002, A003
# PbF settings A008
# Clock timeout settings A004
# A0 9F 02 <svdd ON guard time (msec)> <svdd off guard time(msec)>
NXP_CORE_CONF_EXTN={20, 02, 26, 09,
A0, EC, 01, 01,
A0, ED, 01, 03,
A0, 5E, 01, 01,
A0, 12, 01, 02,
A0, 40, 01, 01,
A0, DD, 01, 2D,
A0, F2, 01, 01,
A0, 96, 01, 01,
A0, 9F, 02, 08, 08
# A0, 41, 01, 02,
# A0, 43, 01, 04,
# A0, 02, 01, 01,
# A0, 03, 01, 11,
# A0, 07, 01, 03,
# A0, 08, 01, 01
# }
# Core configuration settings
NXP_CORE_CONF={ 20, 02, 2E, 0E,
28, 01, 00,
21, 01, 00,
30, 01, 08,
31, 01, 03,
32, 01, 60,
38, 01, 01,
33, 04, 01, 02, 03, 04,
54, 01, 06,
50, 01, 02,
5B, 01, 00,
80, 01, 01,
81, 01, 01,
82, 01, 0E,
18, 01, 01