blob: e1d74f8756481e8a7b3d74164dc67961dcd2e4c5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* The original Work has been changed by NXP Semiconductors.
* Copyright (C) 2015 NXP Semiconductors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Tag-reading, tag-writing operations.
#pragma once
#include "SyncEvent.h"
#include "NfcJniUtil.h"
#include <vector>
extern "C"
#include "nfa_rw_api.h"
typedef struct activationParams{
int mTechParams;
int mTechLibNfcTypes;
} activationParams_t;
class NfcTag
enum ActivationState {Idle, Sleep, Active};
static const int MAX_NUM_TECHNOLOGY = 11; //max number of technologies supported by one or more tags
int mTechList [MAX_NUM_TECHNOLOGY]; //array of NFC technologies according to NFC service
int mTechHandles [MAX_NUM_TECHNOLOGY]; //array of tag handles according to NFC service
int mTechLibNfcTypes [MAX_NUM_TECHNOLOGY]; //array of detailed tag types according to NFC service
int mNumTechList; //current number of NFC technologies in the list
int mNumDiscNtf;
int mNumDiscTechList;
int mTechListIndex;
bool mNfcDisableinProgress;
bool mCashbeeDetected;
bool mEzLinkTypeTag;
activationParams_t mActivationParams_t;
bool mWaitingForSelect;
** Function: NfcTag
** Description: Initialize member variables.
** Returns: None
NfcTag ();
** Function: getInstance
** Description: Get a reference to the singleton NfcTag object.
** Returns: Reference to NfcTag object.
static NfcTag& getInstance ();
** Function: initialize
** Description: Reset member variables.
** native: Native data.
** Returns: None
void initialize (nfc_jni_native_data* native);
** Function: abort
** Description: Unblock all operations.
** Returns: None
void abort ();
** Function: connectionEventHandler
** Description: Handle connection-related events.
** event: event code.
** data: pointer to event data.
** Returns: None
void connectionEventHandler (UINT8 event, tNFA_CONN_EVT_DATA* data);
** Function: isActivated
** Description: Is tag activated?
** Returns: True if tag is activated.
bool isActivated ();
** Function: getActivationState
** Description: What is the current state: Idle, Sleep, or Activated.
** Returns: Idle, Sleep, or Activated.
ActivationState getActivationState ();
** Function: setDeactivationState
** Description: Set the current state: Idle or Sleep.
** deactivated: state of deactivation.
** Returns: None.
void setDeactivationState (tNFA_DEACTIVATED& deactivated);
** Function: setActivationState
** Description: Set the current state to Active.
** Returns: None.
void setActivationState ();
** Function: getProtocol
** Description: Get the protocol of the current tag.
** Returns: Protocol number.
tNFC_PROTOCOL getProtocol ();
** Function: isP2pDiscovered
** Description: Does the peer support P2P?
** Returns: True if the peer supports P2P.
bool isP2pDiscovered ();
** Function: selectP2p
** Description: Select the preferred P2P technology if there is a choice.
** Returns: None
void selectP2p ();
** Function: selectFirstTag
** Description: When multiple tags are discovered, just select the first one to activate.
** Returns: None
void selectFirstTag ();
** Function: selectNextTag
** Description: When multiple tags are discovered, selects the Nex one to activate.
** Returns: None
void selectNextTag ();
** Function: getT1tMaxMessageSize
** Description: Get the maximum size (octet) that a T1T can store.
** Returns: Maximum size in octets.
int getT1tMaxMessageSize ();
** Function: isMifareUltralight
** Description: Whether the currently activated tag is Mifare Ultralight.
** Returns: True if tag is Mifare Ultralight.
bool isMifareUltralight ();
** Function: isMifareDESFire
** Description: Whether the currently activated tag is Mifare Ultralight.
** Returns: True if tag is Mifare Ultralight.
bool isMifareDESFire ();
** Function: isFelicaLite
** Description: Whether the currently activated tag is Felica Lite.
** Returns: True if tag is Felica Lite.
bool isFelicaLite ();
** Function: isT2tNackResponse
** Description: Whether the response is a T2T NACK response.
** See NFC Digital Protocol Technical Specification (2010-11-17).
** Chapter 9 (Type 2 Tag Platform), section 9.6 (READ).
** response: buffer contains T2T response.
** responseLen: length of the response.
** Returns: True if the response is NACK
bool isT2tNackResponse (const UINT8* response, UINT32 responseLen);
** Function: isNdefDetectionTimedOut
** Description: Whether NDEF-detection algorithm has timed out.
** Returns: True if NDEF-detection algorithm timed out.
bool isNdefDetectionTimedOut ();
** Function setActive
** Description Sets the active state for the object
** Returns None.
void setActive(bool active);
** Function: isDynamicTagId
** Description: Whether a tag has a dynamic tag ID.
** Returns: True if ID is dynamic.
bool isDynamicTagId ();
** Function: resetAllTransceiveTimeouts
** Description: Reset all timeouts for all technologies to default values.
** Returns: none
void resetAllTransceiveTimeouts ();
** Function: isDefaultTransceiveTimeout
** Description: Is the timeout value for a technology the default value?
** techId: one of the values in TARGET_TYPE_* defined in NfcJniUtil.h.
** timeout: Check this value against the default value.
** Returns: True if timeout is equal to the default value.
bool isDefaultTransceiveTimeout (int techId, int timeout);
** Function: getTransceiveTimeout
** Description: Get the timeout value for one technology.
** techId: one of the values in TARGET_TYPE_* defined in NfcJniUtil.h
** Returns: Timeout value in millisecond.
int getTransceiveTimeout (int techId);
** Function: setTransceiveTimeout
** Description: Set the timeout value for one technology.
** techId: one of the values in TARGET_TYPE_* defined in NfcJniUtil.h
** timeout: timeout value in millisecond.
** Returns: Timeout value.
void setTransceiveTimeout (int techId, int timeout);
** Function: getPresenceCheckAlgorithm
** Description: Get presence-check algorithm from .conf file.
** Returns: Presence-check algorithm.
tNFA_RW_PRES_CHK_OPTION getPresenceCheckAlgorithm ();
** Function: isInfineonMyDMove
** Description: Whether the currently activated tag is Infineon My-D Move.
** Returns: True if tag is Infineon My-D Move.
bool isInfineonMyDMove ();
** Function: isKovioType2Tag
** Description: Whether the currently activated tag is Kovio 2Kb RFID tag.
** It is a NFC Forum type-2 tag.
** Returns: True if tag is Kovio 2Kb RFID tag.
bool isKovioType2Tag ();
** Function: isTypeBTag
** Description: Whether the currently activated tag is Type B.
** Returns: True if tag is Type B.
bool isTypeBTag ();
** Function: getTypeATagUID
** Description: Get the UID of TypeA Tag.
** Returns: UID in case of TypeA Tag otherwise NULL..
void getTypeATagUID(UINT8 **uid, UINT32 *len);
** Function: checkNextValidProtocol
** Description: When multiple tags are discovered, check next valid protocol
** Returns: id
int checkNextValidProtocol(void );
** Function: isEzLinkTagActivated
** Description: checks if EzLinkTag tag is detected
** Returns: True if tag is activated.
bool isEzLinkTagActivated ();
** Function: isCashBeeActivated
** Description: checks if cashbee tag is detected
** Returns: True if tag is activated.
bool isCashBeeActivated ();
** Function: storeActivationParams
** Description: stores tag activation parameters for backup
** Returns: None
void storeActivationParams();
** Function: selectCompleteStatus
** Description: Notify whether tag select is success/failure
** Returns: None
void selectCompleteStatus(bool status);
std::vector<int> mTechnologyTimeoutsTable;
std::vector<int> mTechnologyDefaultTimeoutsTable;
nfc_jni_native_data* mNativeData;
bool mIsActivated;
ActivationState mActivationState;
tNFC_PROTOCOL mProtocol;
int mtT1tMaxMessageSize; //T1T max NDEF message size
tNFA_STATUS mReadCompletedStatus;
int mLastKovioUidLen; // len of uid of last Kovio tag activated
bool mNdefDetectionTimedOut; // whether NDEF detection algorithm timed out
tNFC_RF_TECH_PARAMS mTechParams [MAX_NUM_TECHNOLOGY]; //array of technology parameters
SyncEvent mReadCompleteEvent;
struct timespec mLastKovioTime; // time of last Kovio tag activation
UINT8 mLastKovioUid[NFC_KOVIO_MAX_LEN]; // uid of last Kovio tag activated
bool mIsDynamicTagId; // whether the tag has dynamic tag ID
bool mIsFelicaLite;
tNFA_RW_PRES_CHK_OPTION mPresenceCheckAlgorithm;
** Function: IsSameKovio
** Description: Checks if tag activate is the same (UID) Kovio tag previously
** activated. This is needed due to a problem with some Kovio
** tags re-activating multiple times.
** activationData: data from activation.
** Returns: true if the activation is from the same tag previously
** activated, false otherwise
bool IsSameKovio(tNFA_ACTIVATED& activationData);
** Function: discoverTechnologies
** Description: Discover the technologies that NFC service needs by interpreting
** the data strucutures from the stack.
** activationData: data from activation.
** Returns: None
void discoverTechnologies (tNFA_ACTIVATED& activationData);
** Function: discoverTechnologies
** Description: Discover the technologies that NFC service needs by interpreting
** the data strucutures from the stack.
** discoveryData: data from discovery events(s).
** Returns: None
void discoverTechnologies (tNFA_DISC_RESULT& discoveryData);
** Function: createNativeNfcTag
** Description: Create a brand new Java NativeNfcTag object;
** fill the objects's member variables with data;
** notify NFC service;
** activationData: data from activation.
** Returns: None
void createNativeNfcTag (tNFA_ACTIVATED& activationData);
** Function: fillNativeNfcTagMembers1
** Description: Fill NativeNfcTag's members: mProtocols, mTechList, mTechHandles, mTechLibNfcTypes.
** e: JVM environment.
** tag_cls: Java NativeNfcTag class.
** tag: Java NativeNfcTag object.
** Returns: None
void fillNativeNfcTagMembers1 (JNIEnv* e, jclass tag_cls, jobject tag);
** Function: fillNativeNfcTagMembers2
** Description: Fill NativeNfcTag's members: mConnectedTechIndex or mConnectedTechnology.
** The original Google's implementation is in set_target_pollBytes(
** in com_android_nfc_NativeNfcTag.cpp;
** e: JVM environment.
** tag_cls: Java NativeNfcTag class.
** tag: Java NativeNfcTag object.
** activationData: data from activation.
** Returns: None
void fillNativeNfcTagMembers2 (JNIEnv* e, jclass tag_cls, jobject tag, tNFA_ACTIVATED& activationData);
** Function: fillNativeNfcTagMembers3
** Description: Fill NativeNfcTag's members: mTechPollBytes.
** The original Google's implementation is in set_target_pollBytes(
** in com_android_nfc_NativeNfcTag.cpp;
** e: JVM environment.
** tag_cls: Java NativeNfcTag class.
** tag: Java NativeNfcTag object.
** activationData: data from activation.
** Returns: None
void fillNativeNfcTagMembers3 (JNIEnv* e, jclass tag_cls, jobject tag, tNFA_ACTIVATED& activationData);
** Function: fillNativeNfcTagMembers4
** Description: Fill NativeNfcTag's members: mTechActBytes.
** The original Google's implementation is in set_target_activationBytes()
** in com_android_nfc_NativeNfcTag.cpp;
** e: JVM environment.
** tag_cls: Java NativeNfcTag class.
** tag: Java NativeNfcTag object.
** activationData: data from activation.
** Returns: None
void fillNativeNfcTagMembers4 (JNIEnv* e, jclass tag_cls, jobject tag, tNFA_ACTIVATED& activationData);
** Function: fillNativeNfcTagMembers5
** Description: Fill NativeNfcTag's members: mUid.
** The original Google's implementation is in nfc_jni_Discovery_notification_callback()
** in com_android_nfc_NativeNfcManager.cpp;
** e: JVM environment.
** tag_cls: Java NativeNfcTag class.
** tag: Java NativeNfcTag object.
** activationData: data from activation.
** Returns: None
void fillNativeNfcTagMembers5 (JNIEnv* e, jclass tag_cls, jobject tag, tNFA_ACTIVATED& activationData);
** Function: resetTechnologies
** Description: Clear all data related to the technology, protocol of the tag.
** Returns: None
void resetTechnologies ();
** Function: calculateT1tMaxMessageSize
** Description: Calculate type-1 tag's max message size based on header ROM bytes.
** activate: reference to activation data.
** Returns: None
void calculateT1tMaxMessageSize (tNFA_ACTIVATED& activate);