blob: b0d6487f5aca2ba1cda2f6d720a0aa377a1a6b63 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* The original Work has been changed by NXP Semiconductors.
* Copyright (C) 2015 NXP Semiconductors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Manage the listen-mode routing table.
#pragma once
#include "SyncEvent.h"
#include "NfcJniUtil.h"
#include "RouteDataSet.h"
#include "SecureElement.h"
#include <vector>
extern "C"
#include "nfa_api.h"
#include "nfa_ee_api.h"
#define AID_BASED_ROUTING 0x02
/*Size of type and length Fields : No of bytes*/
#define TYPE_LENGTH_SIZE 0x02
typedef struct{
UINT8 nfcid2Len;
UINT8 sysCodeLen;
UINT8 optParamLen;
UINT16 nfcid2Handle;
UINT8 sysCode[2];
UINT8 nfcid2[8];
UINT8* optParam;
UINT8 InUse;
// Mutex mMutex; /*add if it is required */
typedef struct{
NfcID2_info_t NfcID2_info[4];
IntervalTimer nfcID2_req_timer;
UINT8 NfcID2_ReqCount;
Mutex mMutex;
typedef struct{
NfcID2_info_t NfcID2_info[4];
IntervalTimer nfcID2_rmv_req_timer;
UINT8 NfcID2_Rmv_ReqCount;
Mutex mMutex;
typedef struct
UINT8 protocol;
UINT16 routeLoc;
UINT8 power;
UINT8 enable;
} protoEntry_t;
typedef struct
UINT8 technology;
UINT16 routeLoc;
UINT8 power;
UINT8 enable;
} techEntry_t;
typedef struct
UINT16 nfceeID;//ID for the route location
tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK tech_switch_on; /* default routing - technologies switch_on */
tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK tech_switch_off; /* default routing - technologies switch_off */
tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK tech_battery_off; /* default routing - technologies battery_off*/
tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK tech_screen_lock; /* default routing - technologies screen_lock*/
tNFA_TECHNOLOGY_MASK tech_screen_off; /* default routing - technologies screen_off*/
tNFA_PROTOCOL_MASK proto_switch_on; /* default routing - protocols switch_on */
tNFA_PROTOCOL_MASK proto_switch_off; /* default routing - protocols switch_off */
tNFA_PROTOCOL_MASK proto_battery_off; /* default routing - protocols battery_off */
tNFA_PROTOCOL_MASK proto_screen_lock; /* default routing - protocols screen_lock */
tNFA_PROTOCOL_MASK proto_screen_off; /* default routing - protocols screen_off */
} LmrtEntry_t;
class RoutingManager
static const int NFA_SET_AID_ROUTING = 4;
static const int NFA_SET_TECHNOLOGY_ROUTING = 1;
static const int NFA_SET_PROTOCOL_ROUTING = 2;
nfc_jni_native_data* mNativeData;
static const int ROUTE_HOST = 0;
static const int ROUTE_ESE = 1;
static RoutingManager& getInstance ();
bool initialize(nfc_jni_native_data* native);
void enableRoutingToHost();
void disableRoutingToHost();
bool setRoutingEntry(int type, int value, int route, int power);
bool clearRoutingEntry(int type);
void setRouting(bool);
bool setDefaultRoute(const UINT8 defaultRoute, const UINT8 protoRoute, const UINT8 techRoute);
bool clearAidTable ();
void HandleAddNfcID2_Req();
void HandleRmvNfcID2_Req();
void setCeRouteStrictDisable(UINT32 state);
bool is_ee_recovery_ongoing();
void handleSERemovedNtf();
se_rd_req_state_t getEtsiReaederState();
Rdr_req_ntf_info_t getSwpRrdReqInfo();
void setEtsiReaederState(se_rd_req_state_t newState);
void setDefaultTechRouting (int seId, int tech_switchon,int tech_switchoff);
void setDefaultProtoRouting (int seId, int proto_switchon,int proto_switchoff);
int addNfcid2Routing(UINT8* nfcid2, UINT8 aidLen,const UINT8* syscode,
int syscodelen,const UINT8* optparam, int optparamlen);
bool removeNfcid2Routing(UINT8* nfcID2);
void getRouting();
void processGetRoutingRsp(tNFA_DM_CBACK_DATA* eventData, UINT8* sRoutingBuff);
bool addAidRouting(const UINT8* aid, UINT8 aidLen, int route, int power, bool isprefix);
bool addAidRouting(const UINT8* aid, UINT8 aidLen, int route);
bool removeAidRouting(const UINT8* aid, UINT8 aidLen);
bool commitRouting();
int registerT3tIdentifier(UINT8* t3tId, UINT8 t3tIdLen);
void deregisterT3tIdentifier(int handle);
void onNfccShutdown();
int registerJniFunctions (JNIEnv* e);
void ee_removed_disc_ntf_handler(tNFA_HANDLE handle, tNFA_EE_STATUS status);
SyncEvent mLmrtEvent;
SyncEvent mEeSetModeEvent;
SyncEvent mCeRegisterEvent;//FelicaOnHost
SyncEvent mCeDeRegisterEvent;
Mutex mResetHandlerMutex;
IntervalTimer LmrtRspTimer;
SyncEvent mEeUpdateEvent;
RoutingManager(const RoutingManager&);
RoutingManager& operator=(const RoutingManager&);
void cleanRouting();
void handleData (UINT8 technology, const UINT8* data, UINT32 dataLen, tNFA_STATUS status);
void notifyActivated (UINT8 technology);
void notifyDeactivated (UINT8 technology);
void notifyLmrtFull();
void printMemberData(void);
void initialiseTableEntries(void);
void compileProtoEntries(void);
void compileTechEntries(void);
void consolidateProtoEntries(void);
void consolidateTechEntries(void);
void setProtoRouting(void);
void setTechRouting(void);
void processTechEntriesForFwdfunctionality(void);
void checkProtoSeID(void);
void dumpTables(int);
static const int DBG = true;
//Currently 4 protocols supported namely T3T, ISO-DEP, ISO-7816, NFC-DEP(taken care internally by the libnfc stack)
static const int MAX_PROTO_ENTRIES = 0x03;
static const int PROTO_T3T_IDX = 0x00;
static const int PROTO_ISODEP_IDX = 0x01;
static const int PROTO_ISO7816_IDX = 0x02;
//Currently 3 Technologies supported namely A,B,F
static const int MAX_TECH_ENTRIES = 0x03;
static const int TECH_A_IDX = 0x00;
static const int TECH_B_IDX = 0x01;
static const int TECH_F_IDX = 0x02;
//Fixed number of Lmrt entries
static const int MAX_ROUTE_LOC_ENTRIES = 0x04;
//Fixed route location Lmrt index
static const int ROUTE_LOC_HOST_ID_IDX = 0x00;
static const int ROUTE_LOC_ESE_ID_IDX = 0x01;
static const int ROUTE_LOC_UICC1_ID_IDX = 0x02;
static const int ROUTE_LOC_UICC2_ID_IDX = 0x03;
//Fixed route location Lmrt entries
static const int ROUTE_LOC_HOST_ID = 0x400;
static const int ROUTE_LOC_ESE_ID = 0x4C0;
static const int ROUTE_LOC_UICC1_ID = 0x402;
static const int ROUTE_LOC_UICC2_ID = 0x481;
// See for corresponding
// AID_MATCHING_ constants
// Every routing table entry is matched exact (BCM20793)
static const int AID_MATCHING_EXACT_ONLY = 0x00;
// Every routing table entry can be matched either exact or prefix
static const int AID_MATCHING_EXACT_OR_PREFIX = 0x01;
// Every routing table entry is matched as a prefix
static const int AID_MATCHING_PREFIX_ONLY = 0x02;
// See for corresponding
// AID_MATCHING_ platform constants
//Behavior as per Android-L, supporting prefix match and full
//match for both OnHost and OffHost apps.
static const int AID_MATCHING_L = 0x01;
//Behavior as per Android-KitKat by NXP, supporting prefix match for
//OffHost and prefix and full both for OnHost apps.
static const int AID_MATCHING_K = 0x02;
static void nfaEeCallback (tNFA_EE_EVT event, tNFA_EE_CBACK_DATA* eventData);
static void stackCallback (UINT8 event, tNFA_CONN_EVT_DATA* eventData);
static void nfcFCeCallback (UINT8 event, tNFA_CONN_EVT_DATA* eventData);
static int com_android_nfc_cardemulation_doGetDefaultRouteDestination (JNIEnv* e);
static int com_android_nfc_cardemulation_doGetDefaultOffHostRouteDestination (JNIEnv* e);
static int com_android_nfc_cardemulation_doGetAidMatchingMode (JNIEnv* e);
static int com_android_nfc_cardemulation_doGetAidMatchingPlatform (JNIEnv* e);
std::vector<UINT8> mRxDataBuffer;
// Fields below are final after initialize()
//int mDefaultEe;
int mDefaultEeNfcF;
int mOffHostEe;
int mActiveSe;
int mActiveSeNfcF;
int mAidMatchingMode;
int mNfcFOnDhHandle;
int mAidMatchingPlatform;
static const JNINativeMethod sMethods [];
int mDefaultEe; //since this variable is used in both cases moved out of compiler switch
int mHostListnTechMask;
int mUiccListnTechMask;
int mFwdFuntnEnable;
static int mChipId;
SyncEvent mEeRegisterEvent;
SyncEvent mRoutingEvent;
bool mIsDirty;
protoEntry_t mProtoTableEntries[MAX_PROTO_ENTRIES];
techEntry_t mTechTableEntries[MAX_TECH_ENTRIES];
LmrtEntry_t mLmrtEntries[MAX_ROUTE_LOC_ENTRIES];
UINT32 mCeRouteStrictDisable;
UINT32 mDefaultIso7816SeID;
UINT32 mDefaultIso7816Powerstate;
UINT32 mDefaultIsoDepSeID;
UINT32 mDefaultIsoDepPowerstate;
UINT32 mDefaultT3TSeID;
UINT32 mDefaultT3TPowerstate;
UINT32 mDefaultTechType;
UINT32 mDefaultTechASeID;
UINT32 mDefaultTechAPowerstate;
UINT32 mDefaultTechBSeID;
UINT32 mDefaultTechBPowerstate;
UINT32 mDefaultTechFSeID;
UINT32 mDefaultTechFPowerstate;
UINT32 mAddAid;
UINT32 mTechSupportedByEse;
UINT32 mTechSupportedByUicc1;
UINT32 mTechSupportedByUicc2;