wlan: Fix VOS Core run out of message wrapper.

Vos-Wrappers were  getting exhausted in case of Concurrent Session.
Whenever TL dosent get scheduled for longtime and incase of
concurrent sessions we don't check whether there has been a message of
type WLANTL_TX_STAID_AC_IND already posted to TL which is leading to
Vos Message Wrappers getting exhausted.

In non-Concurrent mode we directly invoke WDA_DS_StartXmit which will
post WDA_DS_TX_START_XMIT message to TL.

But in the case of Concurrent sessions we post WLANTL_TX_STAID_AC_IND
message then again post WDA_DS_TX_START_XMIT to TL.

The changes has been made to directly invoke WDA_DS_StartXmit
in case of both Concurrent/Non-Concurrent sessions.

Change-Id: I10c8e4a95dd7887a9cf9848b285e03aa784c3fdd
CRs-Fixed: 601242
1 file changed
tree: a5a83e66077fcf4b1c172c611476459b215f2dae
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig