wlan: Change conn_state to connecting before sme_RoamConnect

sme_RoamConnect() has a direct path to call hdd_smeRoamCallback(),
which will change the conn_state.
If direct path, conn_state will be accordingly changed to
NotConnected or Associated.
Driver is not changing connection state to eConnectionState_Connecting
when connecting with iwconfig.

If connection state is not changed, connection state will remain
in eConnectionState_NotConnected state.
In hdd_AssociationCompletionHandler, "hddDisconInProgress" is set
to true if conn state is eConnectionState_NotConnected.
If "hddDisconInProgress" is set to true then cfg80211 layer is not
informed of connect result indication which is an issue.

Change-Id: Ieeaef582a04aa90ddcdcc373b00b68442c795337
CRs-Fixed: 900008
diff --git a/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_assoc.c b/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_assoc.c
index 8d42891..a52d667 100644
--- a/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_assoc.c
+++ b/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_assoc.c
@@ -4193,8 +4193,46 @@
+   /*
+    * Change conn_state to connecting before sme_RoamConnect(),
+    * because sme_RoamConnect() has a direct path to call
+    * hdd_smeRoamCallback(), which will change the conn_state
+    * If direct path, conn_state will be accordingly changed
+    * to NotConnected or Associated by either
+    * hdd_AssociationCompletionHandler() or hdd_DisConnectHandler()
+    * in sme_RoamCallback()
+    * if sme_RomConnect is to be queued,
+    * Connecting state will remain until it is completed.
+    *
+    * If connection state is not changed,
+    * connection state will remain in eConnectionState_NotConnected state.
+    * In hdd_AssociationCompletionHandler, "hddDisconInProgress" is set to true
+    * if conn state is eConnectionState_NotConnected.
+    * If "hddDisconInProgress" is set to true then cfg80211 layer is not
+    * informed of connect result indication which is an issue.
+    */
+    if (WLAN_HDD_INFRA_STATION == pAdapter->device_mode ||
+            WLAN_HDD_P2P_CLIENT == pAdapter->device_mode)
+    {
+                   FL("Set HDD connState to eConnectionState_Connecting"));
+        hdd_connSetConnectionState(WLAN_HDD_GET_STATION_CTX_PTR(pAdapter),
+                                                 eConnectionState_Connecting);
+    }
     status = sme_RoamConnect( hHal,pAdapter->sessionId,
                          &(pWextState->roamProfile), &roamId);
+    if ((eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != status) &&
+        (WLAN_HDD_INFRA_STATION == pAdapter->device_mode ||
+        WLAN_HDD_P2P_CLIENT == pAdapter->device_mode))
+    {
+        hddLog(VOS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR,
+               FL("sme_RoamConnect (session %d) failed with status %d. -> NotConnected"),
+                            pAdapter->sessionId, status);
+            /* change back to NotAssociated */
+        hdd_connSetConnectionState(WLAN_HDD_GET_STATION_CTX_PTR(pAdapter),
+                                             eConnectionState_NotConnected);
+    }
     pRoamProfile->ChannelInfo.ChannelList = NULL;
     pRoamProfile->ChannelInfo.numOfChannels = 0;
diff --git a/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_cfg80211.c b/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_cfg80211.c
index 41c3865..d51e7e0 100644
--- a/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_cfg80211.c
+++ b/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_cfg80211.c
@@ -11466,18 +11466,29 @@
-        /* change conn_state to connecting before sme_RoamConnect(), because sme_RoamConnect()
-         * has a direct path to call hdd_smeRoamCallback(), which will change the conn_state
-         * If direct path, conn_state will be accordingly changed to NotConnected or Associated
-         * by either hdd_AssociationCompletionHandler() or hdd_DisConnectHandler() in sme_RoamCallback()
-         * if sme_RomConnect is to be queued, Connecting state will remain until it is completed.
-         */
+       /*
+        * Change conn_state to connecting before sme_RoamConnect(),
+        * because sme_RoamConnect() has a direct path to call
+        * hdd_smeRoamCallback(), which will change the conn_state
+        * If direct path, conn_state will be accordingly changed
+        * to NotConnected or Associated by either
+        * hdd_AssociationCompletionHandler() or hdd_DisConnectHandler()
+        * in sme_RoamCallback()
+        * if sme_RomConnect is to be queued,
+        * Connecting state will remain until it is completed.
+        * If connection state is not changed,
+        * connection state will remain in eConnectionState_NotConnected state.
+        * In hdd_AssociationCompletionHandler, "hddDisconInProgress" is set to true
+        * if conn state is eConnectionState_NotConnected.
+        * If "hddDisconInProgress" is set to true then cfg80211 layer is not
+        * informed of connect result indication which is an issue.
+        */
         if (WLAN_HDD_INFRA_STATION == pAdapter->device_mode ||
             WLAN_HDD_P2P_CLIENT == pAdapter->device_mode)
-                   "%s: Set HDD connState to eConnectionState_Connecting",
-                   __func__);
+                   FL("Set HDD connState to eConnectionState_Connecting"));
@@ -11489,8 +11500,9 @@
              WLAN_HDD_P2P_CLIENT == pAdapter->device_mode))
-            hddLog(VOS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "%s: sme_RoamConnect (session %d) failed with "
-                                      "status %d. -> NotConnected", __func__, pAdapter->sessionId, status);
+            hddLog(VOS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR,
+                        FL("sme_RoamConnect (session %d) failed with status %d. -> NotConnected"),
+                        pAdapter->sessionId, status);
             /* change back to NotAssociated */