wlan: Fix to initialize the third character of country code

The country  code received as part of reg_notifier is of two character and
does not  specify the third character which signifies operating environment.
Hence , initialize the third character to an ASCII space charater ,
with the assumption that the station encompasses all environments for the
current frequency band in the country

Change-Id: Iffc3f585e68f01c3948c5110f898387eb0ff6225
CRs-Fixed: 710990
diff --git a/CORE/SME/src/sme_common/sme_Api.c b/CORE/SME/src/sme_common/sme_Api.c
index 3d4d793..7df8733 100644
--- a/CORE/SME/src/sme_common/sme_Api.c
+++ b/CORE/SME/src/sme_common/sme_Api.c
@@ -5214,6 +5214,9 @@
         pMsg->msgType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_GENERIC_CHANGE_COUNTRY_CODE);
         pMsg->msgLen = (tANI_U16)sizeof(tAniGenericChangeCountryCodeReq);
         vos_mem_copy(pMsg->countryCode, pCountry, 2);
+        pMsg->countryCode[2] = ' '; /* For ASCII space */
         pMsg->domain_index = reg_domain;