blob: 6b0d3bb42d0aa56a3ee9e07fc606d60804c837b9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Qualcomm Atheros Confidential and Proprietary.
#include "palTypes.h"
#include "wniApi.h" /* WNI_CFG_SET_REQ */
#include "sirParams.h" /* tSirMbMsg */
#include "smsDebug.h" /* smsLog */
#include "cfgApi.h"
#include "ccmApi.h"
#include "logDump.h"
//#define CCM_DEBUG
#undef CCM_DEBUG
#define CCM_DEBUG2
//#undef CCM_DEBUG2
#define CFGOBJ_ALIGN(len) ( ((len)+CFGOBJ_ALIGNTO-1) & ~(CFGOBJ_ALIGNTO-1) )
#define CFGOBJ_ID_SIZE 4 /* 4 bytes for cfgId */
#define CFGOBJ_LEN_SIZE 4 /* 4 bytes for length */
#define CFGOBJ_INTEGER_VALUE_SIZE 4 /* 4 bytes for integer value */
#define halHandle2HddHandle(hHal) ( (NULL == (hHal)) ? 0 : ((tpAniSirGlobal)(hHal))->hHdd )
static void ccmComplete(tHddHandle hHdd, void *done)
if (done)
(void)palSemaphoreGive(hHdd, done);
static void ccmWaitForCompletion(tHddHandle hHdd, void *done)
if (done)
(void)palSemaphoreTake(hHdd, done);
static tANI_U32 * encodeCfgReq(tHddHandle hHdd, tANI_U32 *pl, tANI_U32 cfgId, tANI_S32 length, void *pBuf, tANI_U32 value, tANI_U32 type)
*pl++ = pal_cpu_to_be32(cfgId) ;
*pl++ = pal_cpu_to_be32(length) ;
if (type == CCM_INTEGER_TYPE)
*pl++ = pal_cpu_to_be32(value) ;
vos_mem_copy((void *)pl, (void *)pBuf, length);
return pl ;
* |<-------- 4 ----->| |<-------- 4 ----->|
* +----------+ <-- msg --> +----------+
* |type | |type |
* +----------+ +----------+
* |msgLen=24 | |msgLen=16 |
* +----------+----------+ +----------+----------+
* | cfgId | | cfgId |
* +---------------------+ +---------------------+
* | length=11 | | length=4 |
* +---------------------+ +---------------------+
* | | | value |
* | | +---------------------+
* | |
* | +----+
* | |////| <- padding to 4-byte boundary
* +----------------+----+
static eHalStatus sendCfg(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tHddHandle hHdd, tCfgReq *req, tANI_BOOLEAN fRsp)
tSirMbMsg *msg;
eHalStatus status;
tANI_S16 msgLen = (tANI_U16)(4 + /* 4 bytes for msg header */
CFGOBJ_ALIGN(req->length)) ;
msg = vos_mem_malloc(msgLen);
if ( NULL != msg )
if( fRsp )
msg->type = pal_cpu_to_be16(WNI_CFG_SET_REQ);
msg->type = pal_cpu_to_be16(WNI_CFG_SET_REQ_NO_RSP);
msg->msgLen = pal_cpu_to_be16(msgLen);
(void)encodeCfgReq(hHdd, msg->data, req->cfgId, req->length, req->ccmPtr, req->ccmValue, req->type) ;
status = palSendMBMessage(hHdd, msg) ;
if (status != eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS)
smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("palSendMBMessage() failed"));
//No need to free msg. palSendMBMessage frees it.
smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("failed to allocate memory(len=%d)"), msgLen );
return status ;
static tCfgReq * allocateCfgReq(tHddHandle hHdd, tANI_U32 type, tANI_S32 length)
tCfgReq *req ;
tANI_S32 alloc_len = sizeof(tCfgReq) ;
if (type == CCM_STRING_TYPE)
alloc_len += length ;
req = vos_mem_malloc(alloc_len);
if ( NULL == req )
return NULL ;
req->ccmPtr = (req+1);
return req ;
static void freeCfgReq(tHddHandle hHdd, tCfgReq *req)
static void add_req_tail(tCfgReq *req, struct ccmlink *q)
if (q->tail)
q->tail->next = req;
q->tail = req ;
q->head = q->tail = req ;
static void del_req(tCfgReq *req, struct ccmlink *q)
q->head = req->next ;
req->next = NULL ;
if (q->head == NULL)
q->tail = NULL ;
static void purgeReqQ(tHalHandle hHal)
tHddHandle hHdd = halHandle2HddHandle(hHal);
tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
tCfgReq *req, *tmp ;
for (req = pMac->ccm.reqQ.head; req; req = tmp)
/* loop thru reqQ and invoke callback to return failure */
smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("deleting cfgReq, cfgid=%d"), (int)req->cfgId);
tmp = req->next ;
if (req->callback)
req->callback(hHal, eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE);
palSpinLockTake(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
del_req(req, &pMac->ccm.reqQ);
palSpinLockGive(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
freeCfgReq(hHdd, req);
return ;
static void sendQueuedReqToMacSw(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tHddHandle hHdd)
tCfgReq *req ;
/* Send the head req */
req = pMac->ccm.reqQ.head ;
if (req)
if (req->state == eCCM_REQ_QUEUED)
/* Send WNI_CFG_SET_REQ */
req->state = eCCM_REQ_SENT;
if (sendCfg(pMac, hHdd, req, eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE) != eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS)
smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("sendCfg() failed"));
palSpinLockTake(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
del_req(req, &pMac->ccm.reqQ) ;
palSpinLockGive(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
if (req->callback)
req->callback((tHalHandle)pMac, WNI_CFG_OTHER_ERROR) ;
#ifdef CCM_DEBUG
smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("ccmComplete(%p)"), req->done);
ccmComplete(hHdd, req->done);
freeCfgReq(hHdd, req);
smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("reqState is not eCCM_REQ_QUEUED, is %d"), req->state );
return ;
static eHalStatus cfgSetSub(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tHddHandle hHdd, tANI_U32 cfgId, tANI_U32 type,
tANI_S32 length, void *ccmPtr, tANI_U32 ccmValue,
tCcmCfgSetCallback callback, eAniBoolean toBeSaved, void *sem, tCfgReq **r)
eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
tCfgReq *req ;
*r = NULL ;
if (pMac->ccm.state == eCCM_STOPPED)
break ;
req = allocateCfgReq(hHdd, type, length);
if (req == NULL)
break ;
req->next = NULL ;
req->cfgId = (tANI_U16)cfgId ;
req->type = (tANI_U8)type ;
req->state = eCCM_REQ_QUEUED ;
req->toBeSaved = !!toBeSaved ;
req->length = length ;
req->done = sem ;
req->callback = callback ;
if (type == CCM_INTEGER_TYPE)
req->ccmValue = ccmValue ;
vos_mem_copy((void *)req->ccmPtr, (void *)ccmPtr, length);
palSpinLockTake(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
add_req_tail(req, &pMac->ccm.reqQ);
/* If this is the first req on the queue, send it to MAC SW */
if ((pMac->ccm.replay.started == 0) && (pMac->ccm.reqQ.head == req))
/* Send WNI_CFG_SET_REQ */
req->state = eCCM_REQ_SENT;
palSpinLockGive(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
status = sendCfg(pMac, hHdd, req, eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE) ;
if (status != eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS)
smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("sendCfg() failed"));
palSpinLockTake(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
del_req(req, &pMac->ccm.reqQ);
palSpinLockGive(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
freeCfgReq(hHdd, req);
break ;
palSpinLockTake(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
if(req != pMac->ccm.reqQ.head)
//We send the request and it must be done already
req = NULL;
palSpinLockGive(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
palSpinLockGive(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
*r = req ;
} while(0) ;
return status;
static eHalStatus cfgSet(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U32 cfgId, tANI_U32 type, tANI_S32 length, void * ccmPtr, tANI_U32 ccmValue, tCcmCfgSetCallback callback, eAniBoolean toBeSaved)
tHddHandle hHdd = halHandle2HddHandle(hHal);
tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
eHalStatus status;
tCfgReq *req ;
if (pal_in_interrupt())
#ifdef CCM_DEBUG2
smsLog(pMac, LOG1, FL("WNI_CFG_%s (%d 0x%x), in_interrupt()=TRUE"), gCfgParamName[cfgId], (int)cfgId, (int)cfgId);
status = cfgSetSub(pMac, hHdd, cfgId, type, length, ccmPtr, ccmValue, callback, toBeSaved, NULL, &req);
void *sem ;
#ifdef CCM_DEBUG2
smsLog(pMac, LOG1, FL("WNI_CFG_%s (%d 0x%x), in_interrupt()=FALSE"), gCfgParamName[cfgId], (int)cfgId, (int)cfgId);
pal_local_bh_disable() ;
status = palMutexAllocLocked( hHdd, &sem ) ;
if (status != eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS)
smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("mutex alloc failed"));
sem = NULL;
status = cfgSetSub(pMac, hHdd, cfgId, type, length, ccmPtr, ccmValue, callback, toBeSaved, sem, &req);
if ((status != eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS) || (req == NULL))
//Either it fails to send or the req is finished already
palSemaphoreFree( hHdd, sem );
sem = NULL;
pal_local_bh_enable() ;
if ((status == eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS) && (sem != NULL))
#ifdef CCM_DEBUG
smsLog(pMac, LOG1, FL("ccmWaitForCompletion(%p)"), req->done);
ccmWaitForCompletion(hHdd, sem);
#ifdef CCM_DEBUG
smsLog(pMac, LOG1, FL("free(%p)"), req->done);
palSemaphoreFree( hHdd, sem ) ;
return status ;
eHalStatus ccmOpen(tHalHandle hHal)
tHddHandle hHdd = halHandle2HddHandle(hHal);
tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
vos_mem_set(&pMac->ccm, sizeof(tCcm), 0);
return palSpinLockAlloc(hHdd, &pMac->ccm.lock);
eHalStatus ccmClose(tHalHandle hHal)
tHddHandle hHdd = halHandle2HddHandle(hHal);
tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
tANI_U32 i ;
tCfgReq *req ;
/* Go thru comp[] to free all saved requests */
for (i = 0 ; i < CFG_PARAM_MAX_NUM ; ++i)
if ((req = pMac->ccm.comp[i]) != NULL)
freeCfgReq(hHdd, req);
return palSpinLockFree(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
/* This function executes in (Linux) softirq context */
void ccmCfgCnfMsgHandler(tHalHandle hHal, void *m)
tHddHandle hHdd = halHandle2HddHandle(hHal);
tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
tSirMbMsg *msg = (tSirMbMsg *)m ;
tANI_U32 result, cfgId ;
tCfgReq *req, *old ;
#if 0
if (pMac->ccm.state != eCCM_STARTED)
return ;
result = pal_be32_to_cpu(msg->data[0]);
cfgId = pal_be32_to_cpu(msg->data[1]);
if (pMac->ccm.replay.started && cfgId == CFG_UPDATE_MAGIC_DWORD)
pMac->ccm.replay.in_progress = 1 ;
return ;
if (pMac->ccm.replay.in_progress)
/* save error code */
pMac->ccm.replay.result = result ;
if (--pMac->ccm.replay.nr_param == 0)
pMac->ccm.replay.in_progress = 0 ;
if (pMac->ccm.replay.callback)
pMac->ccm.replay.callback(hHal, pMac->ccm.replay.result);
pMac->ccm.replay.started = 0 ;
/* Wake up the sleeping process */
#ifdef CCM_DEBUG
smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("ccmComplete(%p)"), pMac->ccm.replay.done);
ccmComplete(hHdd, pMac->ccm.replay.done);
//Let go with the rest of the set CFGs waiting.
sendQueuedReqToMacSw(pMac, hHdd);
* Try to match this response with the request.
* What if i could not find the req entry ???
req = pMac->ccm.reqQ.head ;
if (req)
if (req->cfgId == cfgId && req->state == eCCM_REQ_SENT)
palSpinLockTake(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
del_req(req, &pMac->ccm.reqQ);
palSpinLockGive(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
req->state = eCCM_REQ_DONE ;
if (result == WNI_CFG_NEED_RESTART ||
#ifdef CCM_DEBUG
smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("need restart/reload, cfgId=%d"), req->cfgId) ;
/* invoke callback */
if (req->callback)
#ifdef CCM_DEBUG
req->callback(hHal, cfgId) ;
req->callback(hHal, result) ;
/* Wake up the sleeping process */
#ifdef CCM_DEBUG
smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("cfgId=%ld, calling ccmComplete(%p)"), cfgId, req->done);
ccmComplete(hHdd, req->done);
/* move the completed req from reqQ to comp[] */
if (req->toBeSaved && (CCM_IS_RESULT_SUCCESS(result)))
if (cfgId < CFG_PARAM_MAX_NUM)
if ((old = pMac->ccm.comp[cfgId]) != NULL)
freeCfgReq(hHdd, old) ;
pMac->ccm.comp[cfgId] = req ;
freeCfgReq(hHdd, req) ;
sendQueuedReqToMacSw(pMac, hHdd);
smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("can not match RSP with REQ, rspcfgid=%d result=%d reqcfgid=%d reqstate=%d"),
(int)cfgId, (int)result, req->cfgId, req->state);
#ifdef CCM_DEBUG
smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("ccmComplete(%p)"), req->done);
return ;
void ccmStart(tHalHandle hHal)
tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
pMac->ccm.state = eCCM_STARTED ;
#if defined(ANI_LOGDUMP)
#endif //#if defined(ANI_LOGDUMP)
return ;
void ccmStop(tHalHandle hHal)
tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
pMac->ccm.state = eCCM_STOPPED ;
pal_local_bh_disable() ;
pal_local_bh_enable() ;
return ;
eHalStatus ccmCfgSetInt(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U32 cfgId, tANI_U32 ccmValue, tCcmCfgSetCallback callback, eAniBoolean toBeSaved)
if( callback || toBeSaved)
//we need to sychronous this one
return cfgSet(hHal, cfgId, CCM_INTEGER_TYPE, sizeof(tANI_U32), NULL, ccmValue, callback, toBeSaved);
//Simply push to CFG and not waiting for the response
tCfgReq req;
tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
req.callback = NULL; = NULL;
req.cfgId = ( tANI_U16 )cfgId;
req.length = sizeof( tANI_U32 );
req.type = CCM_INTEGER_TYPE;
req.ccmPtr = NULL;
req.ccmValue = ccmValue;
req.toBeSaved = toBeSaved;
req.state = eCCM_REQ_SENT;
return ( sendCfg( pMac, pMac->hHdd, &req, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE ) );
eHalStatus ccmCfgSetStr(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U32 cfgId, tANI_U8 *pStr, tANI_U32 length, tCcmCfgSetCallback callback, eAniBoolean toBeSaved)
if( callback || toBeSaved )
//we need to sychronous this one
return cfgSet(hHal, cfgId, CCM_STRING_TYPE, length, pStr, 0, callback, toBeSaved);
//Simply push to CFG and not waiting for the response
tCfgReq req;
tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
req.callback = NULL; = NULL;
req.cfgId = ( tANI_U16 )cfgId;
req.length = length;
req.type = CCM_STRING_TYPE;
req.ccmPtr = pStr;
req.ccmValue = 0;
req.toBeSaved = toBeSaved;
req.state = eCCM_REQ_SENT;
return ( sendCfg( pMac, pMac->hHdd, &req, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE ) );
eHalStatus ccmCfgGetInt(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U32 cfgId, tANI_U32 *pValue)
tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS ;
tCfgReq *req = pMac->ccm.comp[cfgId] ;
if (req && req->state == eCCM_REQ_DONE)
*pValue = req->ccmValue ;
if (wlan_cfgGetInt(pMac, (tANI_U16)cfgId, pValue) != eSIR_SUCCESS)
return status ;
eHalStatus ccmCfgGetStr(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U32 cfgId, tANI_U8 *pBuf, tANI_U32 *pLength)
tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
tHddHandle hHdd;
eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS ;
tCfgReq *req;
if (!pMac)
hHdd = halHandle2HddHandle(hHal);
req = pMac->ccm.comp[cfgId] ;
if (req && req->state == eCCM_REQ_DONE && (tANI_U32)req->length <= *pLength)
*pLength = req->length ;
vos_mem_copy((void *)pBuf, (void *)req->ccmPtr, req->length);
if (wlan_cfgGetStr(pMac, (tANI_U16)cfgId, pBuf, pLength) != eSIR_SUCCESS)
return status ;
* Loop thru comp[] and form an ANI message which contains all completed cfgIds.
* The message begins with an INTEGER parameter (cfgId=CFG_UPDATE_MAGIC_DWORD)
* to mark the start of the message.
static eHalStatus cfgUpdate(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tHddHandle hHdd, tCcmCfgSetCallback callback)
tANI_U32 i, *pl ;
tCfgReq *req ;
tSirMbMsg *msg ;
eHalStatus status ;
tANI_S16 msgLen = 4 + /* 4 bytes for msg header */
if (pMac->ccm.state == eCCM_STOPPED || pMac->ccm.replay.started)
goto end ;
palSpinLockTake(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
pMac->ccm.replay.started = 1 ;
pMac->ccm.replay.nr_param = 0 ;
palSpinLockGive(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
/* Calculate message length */
for (i = 0 ; i < CFG_PARAM_MAX_NUM ; ++i)
if ((req = pMac->ccm.comp[i]) != NULL)
msgLen += (tANI_S16)(CFGOBJ_ID_SIZE + CFGOBJ_LEN_SIZE + CFGOBJ_ALIGN(req->length)) ;
pMac->ccm.replay.nr_param += 1 ;
#ifdef CCM_DEBUG
smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("cfgId=%d"), req->cfgId);
if (pMac->ccm.replay.nr_param == 0)
if (callback)
callback((tHalHandle)pMac, WNI_CFG_SUCCESS) ;
goto end ;
pMac->ccm.replay.in_progress = 0 ;
pMac->ccm.replay.result = WNI_CFG_SUCCESS ;
pMac->ccm.replay.callback = callback ;
pMac->ccm.replay.done = NULL ;
msg = vos_mem_malloc(msgLen);
if ( NULL == msg )
pMac->ccm.replay.started = 0 ;
goto end;
msg->type = pal_cpu_to_be16(WNI_CFG_SET_REQ);
msg->msgLen = pal_cpu_to_be16(msgLen);
/* Encode the starting cfgId */
pl = encodeCfgReq(hHdd, msg->data, CFG_UPDATE_MAGIC_DWORD, 4, NULL, 0, CCM_INTEGER_TYPE) ;
/* Encode the saved cfg requests */
for (i = 0 ; i < CFG_PARAM_MAX_NUM ; ++i)
if ((req = pMac->ccm.comp[i]) != NULL)
pl = encodeCfgReq(hHdd, pl, req->cfgId, req->length, req->ccmPtr, req->ccmValue, req->type) ;
status = palSendMBMessage(hHdd, msg) ;
if (status != eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS)
smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("palSendMBMessage() failed. status=%d"), status);
pMac->ccm.replay.started = 0 ;
//No need to free msg. palSendMBMessage frees it.
goto end ;
return status ;
eHalStatus ccmCfgUpdate(tHalHandle hHal, tCcmCfgSetCallback callback)
tHddHandle hHdd = halHandle2HddHandle(hHal);
tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
eHalStatus status ;
pal_local_bh_disable() ;
status = cfgUpdate(pMac, hHdd, callback) ;
if (status == eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS)
if (pMac->ccm.replay.nr_param == 0)
/* there is nothing saved at comp[], so we are done! */
pMac->ccm.replay.started = 0 ;
/* we have sent update message to MAC SW */
void *sem ;
status = palMutexAllocLocked( hHdd, &sem ) ;
if (status != eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS)
smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("mutex alloc failed"));
pMac->ccm.replay.started = 0 ;
pMac->ccm.replay.done = sem ;
pal_local_bh_enable() ;
/* Waiting here ... */
if (status == eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS && pMac->ccm.replay.done)
#ifdef CCM_DEBUG
smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("ccmWaitForCompletion(%p)"), pMac->ccm.replay.done);
ccmWaitForCompletion(hHdd, pMac->ccm.replay.done);
#ifdef CCM_DEBUG
smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("free(%p)"), pMac->ccm.replay.done);
palSemaphoreFree( hHdd, pMac->ccm.replay.done) ;
return status ;