blob: 50dd95f4c0889eb35c0b494f506cd820cff5fa75 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Qualcomm Atheros Confidential and Proprietary.
Copyright (c) 2007 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Qualcomm Technologies Confidential and Proprietary
* Woodside Networks, Inc proprietary. All rights reserved.
* This file contains the utility functions to dump various
* MAC states and to enable/disable certain features during
* debugging.
* Author: Sandesh Goel
* Date: 02/27/02
* History:-
* 02/11/02 Created.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* @note : Bytes is to print overflow message information.
#include "palTypes.h"
#define MAX_OVERFLOW_MSG 400
#if defined(ANI_OS_TYPE_ANDROID)
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include "palApi.h"
#include "aniGlobal.h"
#include "sirCommon.h"
#include <sirDebug.h>
#include <utilsApi.h>
#include <limApi.h>
#include <cfgApi.h>
#include <utilsGlobal.h>
#include <dphGlobal.h>
#include <limGlobal.h>
#include "limUtils.h"
#include "schApi.h"
#include "pmmApi.h"
#include "limSerDesUtils.h"
#include "limAssocUtils.h"
#include "limSendMessages.h"
#include "limSecurityUtils.h"
//#include "halRadar.h"
#include "logDump.h"
#include "sysDebug.h"
#include "wlan_qct_wda.h"
/* Dump command id for Host modules starts from 300 onwards,
* hence do not extend the HAL commands beyond 300.
#define HAL_LOG_DUMP_CMD_END 299
static int debug;
logPrintf(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 cmd, tANI_U32 arg1, tANI_U32 arg2, tANI_U32 arg3, tANI_U32 arg4)
tANI_U16 bufLen;
pMac->gCurrentLogSize = 0;
bufLen = (tANI_U16)logRtaiDump(pMac, cmd, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, buf);
@brief: This function is used to Aggregate the formated buffer, this
also check the overflow condition and adds the overflow message
to the end of the log Dump buffer reserved of MAX_OVERFLOW_MSG size.
@param: tpAniSirGlobal pMac
@param: char *pBuf
@param: variable arguments...
@return: Returns the number of bytes added to the buffer.
Returns 0 incase of overflow.
@note: Currently in windows we do not print the Aggregated buffer as there
is a limitation on the number of bytes that can be displayed by DbgPrint
So we print the buffer immediately and we would also aggregate where
the TestDbg might use this buffer to print out at the application level.
int log_sprintf(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, char *pBuf, char *fmt, ...)
tANI_S32 ret = 0;
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
if (pMac->gCurrentLogSize >= MAX_LOGDUMP_SIZE)
return 0;
#if defined (ANI_OS_TYPE_ANDROID)
ret = vsnprintf(pBuf, (MAX_LOGDUMP_SIZE - pMac->gCurrentLogSize), fmt, args);
/* If an output error is encountered, a negative value is returned by vsnprintf */
if (ret < 0)
return 0;
if ((tANI_U32) ret > (MAX_LOGDUMP_SIZE - pMac->gCurrentLogSize)) {
pBuf += (MAX_LOGDUMP_SIZE - pMac->gCurrentLogSize);
pMac->gCurrentLogSize = MAX_LOGDUMP_SIZE;
#if defined (ANI_OS_TYPE_ANDROID)
ret = snprintf(pBuf, MAX_OVERFLOW_MSG, "\n-> ***********"
"\nOutput Exceeded the Buffer Size, message truncated!!\n<- ***********\n");
/* If an output error is encountered, a negative value is returned by snprintf */
if (ret < 0)
return 0;
pMac->gCurrentLogSize += ret;
#endif //for #ifdef WLAN_DEBUG
return ret;
char* dumpLOG( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, char *p )
tANI_U32 i;
for( i = SIR_FIRST_MODULE_ID; i <= SIR_LAST_MODULE_ID; i++ ) {
p += log_sprintf(pMac, p, "[0x%2x]", i);
switch (i)
case SIR_HAL_MODULE_ID: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "HAL "); break;
case SIR_CFG_MODULE_ID: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "CFG "); break;
case SIR_LIM_MODULE_ID: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "LIM "); break;
case SIR_ARQ_MODULE_ID: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "ARQ "); break;
case SIR_SCH_MODULE_ID: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "SCH "); break;
case SIR_PMM_MODULE_ID: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "PMM "); break;
case SIR_MNT_MODULE_ID: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "MNT "); break;
case SIR_DBG_MODULE_ID: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "DBG "); break;
case SIR_DPH_MODULE_ID: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "DPH "); break;
case SIR_SYS_MODULE_ID: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "SYS "); break;
case SIR_PHY_MODULE_ID: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "PHY "); break;
case SIR_DVT_MODULE_ID: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "DVT "); break;
case SIR_SMS_MODULE_ID: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "SMS "); break;
default: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "UNK ", i); break;
p += log_sprintf( pMac, p,
": debug level is [0x%x] ",
pMac->utils.gLogDbgLevel[i - SIR_FIRST_MODULE_ID]);
switch( pMac->utils.gLogDbgLevel[i - SIR_FIRST_MODULE_ID] )
case LOGOFF: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "LOG disabled\n"); break;
case LOGP: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "LOGP(Panic only)\n"); break;
case LOGE: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "LOGE(Errors only)\n"); break;
case LOGW: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "LOGW(Warnings)\n"); break;
case LOG1: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "LOG1(Minimal debug)\n"); break;
case LOG2: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "LOG2(Verbose)\n"); break;
case LOG3: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "LOG3(Very Verbose)\n"); break;
case LOG4: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "LOG4(Very Very Verbose)\n"); break;
default: p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "Unknown\n"); break;
return p;
char* setLOGLevel( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, char *p, tANI_U32 module, tANI_U32 level )
tANI_U32 i;
if((module > SIR_LAST_MODULE_ID || module < SIR_FIRST_MODULE_ID) && module != 0xff ) {
p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "Invalid module id 0x%x\n", module );
return p;
if( 0xff == module ) {
pMac->utils.gLogDbgLevel[i - SIR_FIRST_MODULE_ID] = level;
} else {
pMac->utils.gLogDbgLevel[module - SIR_FIRST_MODULE_ID] = level;
if (module == 0xff || module == SIR_PHY_MODULE_ID) {
pMac->hphy.phy.phyDebugLogLevel = level;
return dumpLOG( pMac, p );
static void Log_getCfg(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U16 cfgId)
#define CFG_CTL_INT 0x00080000
if ((pMac->cfg.gCfgEntry[cfgId].control & CFG_CTL_INT) != 0)
tANI_U32 val;
// Get integer parameter
if (wlan_cfgGetInt(pMac, (tANI_U16)cfgId, &val) != eSIR_SUCCESS)
sysLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("Get cfgId 0x%x failed\n"), cfgId);
sysLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("WNI_CFG_%s(%d 0x%x) = %ld\n"), gCfgParamName[cfgId], cfgId, cfgId, val );
tANI_U8 buf[CFG_MAX_STR_LEN] = {0} ;
tANI_U32 valueLen ;
// Get string parameter
valueLen = CFG_MAX_STR_LEN ;
if (wlan_cfgGetStr(pMac, cfgId, buf, &valueLen) != eSIR_SUCCESS)
sysLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("Get cfgId 0x%x failed\n"), cfgId);
sysLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("WNI_CFG_%s(%d 0x%x) len=%ld\n"), gCfgParamName[cfgId], cfgId, cfgId, valueLen );
sirDumpBuf(pMac, SIR_WDA_MODULE_ID, LOG1, buf, valueLen) ;
static void Log_setCfg(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U16 cfgId, tANI_U32 val)
sysLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("Set %s(0x%x) to value 0x%x\n"),
gCfgParamName[cfgId], cfgId, val);
if (cfgSetInt(pMac, (tANI_U16)cfgId, val) != eSIR_SUCCESS)
sysLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("setting cfgId 0x%x to value 0x%x failed \n"),
cfgId, val);
char * dump_cfg_get( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 arg1, tANI_U32 arg2, tANI_U32 arg3, tANI_U32 arg4, char *p)
(void) arg2; (void) arg3; (void) arg4;
Log_getCfg(pMac, (tANI_U16) arg1);
return p;
char * dump_cfg_group_get( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 arg1, tANI_U32 arg2, tANI_U32 arg3, tANI_U32 arg4, char *p)
tANI_U32 i, startId, endId;
(void) arg3; (void) arg4;
if (arg1 < CFG_PARAM_MAX_NUM) {
startId = arg1;
} else {
p += log_sprintf( pMac, p, "Start CFGID must be less than %d\n", CFG_PARAM_MAX_NUM);
return p;
if ((arg2 == 0) || (arg2 > CFG_PARAM_MAX_NUM))
arg2 = 30;
endId = ((startId + arg2) < CFG_PARAM_MAX_NUM) ? (startId + arg2) : CFG_PARAM_MAX_NUM;
for (i=startId; i < endId; i++)
Log_getCfg(pMac, (tANI_U16) i);
return p;
char * dump_cfg_set( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 arg1, tANI_U32 arg2, tANI_U32 arg3, tANI_U32 arg4, char *p)
(void) arg3; (void) arg4;
Log_setCfg(pMac, (tANI_U16) arg1, arg2);
return p;
char * dump_log_level_set( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 arg1, tANI_U32 arg2, tANI_U32 arg3, tANI_U32 arg4, char *p)
(void) arg1; (void) arg2; (void) arg3; (void) arg4;
p = setLOGLevel( pMac, p, arg1, arg2 );
return p;
/* Initialize the index */
void logDumpInit(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
pMac->dumpTablecurrentId = 0;
void logDumpRegisterTable( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tDumpFuncEntry *pEntry, tANI_U32 nItems )
pMac->dumpTableEntry[pMac->dumpTablecurrentId]->nItems = nItems;
pMac->dumpTableEntry[pMac->dumpTablecurrentId]->mindumpid = pEntry->id;
pMac->dumpTableEntry[pMac->dumpTablecurrentId]->maxdumpid = (pEntry + (nItems-1))->id;
pMac->dumpTableEntry[pMac->dumpTablecurrentId]->dumpTable = pEntry;
* print nItems from the menu list ponted to by m
static tANI_U32 print_menu(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, char *p, tANI_U32 startId)
tANI_U32 currentId = 0;
tANI_U32 i, j;
tANI_S32 ret = 0;
tDumpFuncEntry *pEntry = NULL;
tANI_U32 nItems = 0;
for(i = 0; i < pMac->dumpTablecurrentId; i++) {
pEntry = pMac->dumpTableEntry[i]->dumpTable;
nItems = pMac->dumpTableEntry[i]->nItems;
for (j = 0; j < nItems; j++, pEntry++) {
if (pEntry->description == NULL)
if (pEntry->id == 0) {
ret = log_sprintf( pMac,p, "---- %s\n", pEntry->description);
if (ret <= 0)
p += ret;
if (pEntry->id < startId)
ret = log_sprintf(pMac, p, "%4d\t%s\n", pEntry->id, pEntry->description);
if (ret <= 0)
currentId = pEntry->id;
p += ret;
if (ret <= 0)
return currentId;
int logRtaiDump( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 cmd, tANI_U32 arg1, tANI_U32 arg2, tANI_U32 arg3, tANI_U32 arg4, tANI_U8 *pBuf)
char *p = (char *)pBuf;
tANI_U32 i;
tANI_U32 nItems = 0;
tDumpFuncEntry *pEntry = NULL;
pMac->gCurrentLogSize = 0;
if (debug) {
p += log_sprintf( pMac,p, "Cmd = %d Args (0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x)\n\n",
cmd, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
if( cmd == MAX_DUMP_CMD || cmd == 0 ) {
pMac->menuCurrent = print_menu(pMac, p, pMac->menuCurrent);
return pMac->gCurrentLogSize;
WDA_HALDumpCmdReq(pMac, cmd, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, p);
for(i = 0; i < pMac->dumpTablecurrentId; i++) {
if( (cmd > pMac->dumpTableEntry[i]->mindumpid) && (cmd <= pMac->dumpTableEntry[i]->maxdumpid)) {
pEntry = pMac->dumpTableEntry[i]->dumpTable;
nItems = pMac->dumpTableEntry[i]->nItems;
} else {
if((nItems > 0) && (pEntry != NULL)) {
for (i = 0; i < nItems; i++, pEntry++) {
if( cmd == pEntry->id ) {
if ( pEntry->func != NULL ) {
pEntry->func(pMac, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, p);
} else {
p += log_sprintf( pMac,p, "Cmd not supported\n");
} else {
p += log_sprintf( pMac,p, "Cmd not found \n");
if (debug)
p += log_sprintf( pMac,p, "Returned %d bytes\n", pMac->gCurrentLogSize);
return pMac->gCurrentLogSize;