blob: c50b0a7a14052a3f8795361efcec058d425714c4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Qualcomm Atheros Confidential and Proprietary.
This section contains comments describing changes made to the module.
Notice that changes are listed in reverse chronological order.
$Header:$ $DateTime: $ $Author: $
when who what, where, why
-------- --- --------------------------------------------------------
04/10/13 kumarpra nv stream layer creation
#include "wlan_nv_stream.h"
_STREAM_BUF streamBuf;
static tANI_U32 deCodeData(tANI_U8 *ipdata, tANI_U32 length, tANI_U8 *opdata,
tANI_U32 *currentIndex);
\brief initReadStream() - stream Initialization
This function will initialize stream read
\param readBuf, length - ptr to read Buffer, number of bytes
\return success on init
_STREAM_RC initReadStream(tANI_U8 *readBuf, tANI_U32 length)
streamBuf.currentIndex = 0;
streamBuf.totalLength = 0;
streamBuf.totalLength = length;
streamBuf.dataBuf = (_NV_STREAM_BUF *)&readBuf[0];
return rc;
\brief nextStream() - get next Stream in buffer
This function will provide next stream in the buffere initalized
\param readBuf, length - ptr to stream length, stream data
\return success when stream length is non-zero else error
_STREAM_RC nextStream(tANI_U32 *length, tANI_U8 *dataBuf)
if (streamBuf.currentIndex >= streamBuf.totalLength)
*length = 0;
*length = deCodeData(&streamBuf.dataBuf[streamBuf.currentIndex],
(streamBuf.totalLength - streamBuf.currentIndex), dataBuf,
if (*length == 0)
rc = RC_FAIL;
return rc;
\brief decodeData() - decode the input data
This function will decode stream read
\param readBuf, length - ptr to input stream, length, output stream data,
\index pointer
\return success when stream length is non-zero else error
tANI_U32 deCodeData(tANI_U8 *ipdata, tANI_U32 length, tANI_U8 *opdata,
tANI_U32 *currentIndex)
tANI_U16 oplength = 0;
oplength = ipdata[0];
oplength = oplength | (ipdata[1] << 8);
memcpy(opdata, &ipdata[sizeof(tANI_U16)], oplength);
*currentIndex = *currentIndex + sizeof(tANI_U16) + oplength;
return oplength;