prima: Fix invalid value of assoc id in tdls indication.

While receiving the WDI_TDLS_IND message from the firmware
the value of assoc id is not being copied which is causing
the garbage value being used by UMAC and throwing error.
The message is dropped and not sent to upper layers so
teardown was not initiated.

Change-Id: I7ac7d7d0657b06bc38c70ea068076c9d0dd39120
CRs-Fixed: 729194
diff --git a/CORE/WDI/CP/src/wlan_qct_wdi.c b/CORE/WDI/CP/src/wlan_qct_wdi.c
index 1846f31..429eb05 100644
--- a/CORE/WDI/CP/src/wlan_qct_wdi.c
+++ b/CORE/WDI/CP/src/wlan_qct_wdi.c
@@ -21185,6 +21185,8 @@
                           = halTdlsIndMsg.tdlsIndParams.reasonCode;
+  wdiInd.wdiIndicationData.wdiTdlsIndInfo.assocId
+                          = halTdlsIndMsg.tdlsIndParams.assocId;
   /*Notify UMAC*/
   pWDICtx->wdiLowLevelIndCB( &wdiInd, pWDICtx->pIndUserData );