Delete obsolete documentation file

The file was incomplete and its information is replaced by the
automated documentation in and the wiki.

Issue: HIC-171
Change-Id: I54ecec5d65537b634de15cbc01c383e2cb7f4cbe
diff --git a/documentation/ b/documentation/
deleted file mode 100644
index 90c94f1..0000000
--- a/documentation/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-# Hiccup CRUD interface
-## Protocol
-Strictly HTTPS
-## Prefix
-The API is accessible at ``
-## Authentication
-There are two ways to authenticate:
- * For devices
- * For users
-### Device authorization
-When registering a device, a UUID and a token are generated and returned in the response.
-The token can be used for authentication when uploading report for that particular device.
-This is achieved by setting the `Authorization` header:
-Authorization: Token ${TOKEN}
-#### Example
-Register a device:
-$ curl http://localhost:8000/hiccup/api/v1/devices/register/ \
-    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-    -d '{"board_date": "2018-01-01T10:10:10Z", "chipset": "foo bar"}'
-Use the token to authenticate (e.g. for sending a heartbeat report):
-$ curl http://localhost:8000/hiccup/api/v1/heartbeats/ \
-    -H "Authorization: Token a728354c460c4fd75c482839f0424a38630928ca" \
-    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-    -d '{"uuid": "7b8fb3fa-2ceb-4e8f-bfbe-8115b63148ff", "uptime": "1 hour", "build_fingerprint": "bar baz", "date": "2018-01-01T10:10:10Z", "app_version": 1, "radio_version": "x"}'
-{"id":-1,"uuid":"7b8fb3fa-2ceb-4e8f-bfbe-8115b63148ff","device_local_id":1,"app_version":1,"uptime":"1 hour","build_fingerprint":"bar baz","radio_version":"x","date":"2018-01-01T10:10:10Z","created_at":"2018-03-05T13:35:47.765748Z"}
-Notice that the UUID in the request body needs to match the UUID registered with the token.
-### User authentication
-Users can also access the API if they are logged in to the admin backend (``).
-Authentication is handled with a CSRF token and session ID stored in a cookie.
-#### Example
-Use `curl` with a cookie file to store the CSRF token and session ID.
-First get the token:
-$ curl http://localhost:8000/hiccup/admin/login/ -c django_cookies.txt -s -o /dev/null
-$ cat django_cookies.txt
-# Netscape HTTP Cookie File
-# This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk.
-localhost       FALSE   /       FALSE   1551707771      csrftoken       5eRLfzQSU2I6vXTmiQcYOrK3rUGRvW3VcMMaZ6Ha9pBjzb0ajdeMe0CvEZ8PX95l
-The token is returned in the `Set-Cookie` header and stored in the cookie file `django_cookies.txt`.
-Use that file for all further requests.
-To login, set the login page as a referrer and specify CSRF token, username, and password in the request parameters:
-$ curl http://localhost:8000/hiccup/admin/login/ \
-    -c django_cookies.txt -b django_cookies.txt \
-    -e http://localhost:8000/hiccup/admin/login \
-    -d 'csrfmiddlewaretoken=5eRLfzQSU2I6vXTmiQcYOrK3rUGRvW3VcMMaZ6Ha9pBjzb0ajdeMe0CvEZ8PX95l&username=admin&password=hiccuphiccup' \
-    -s -o /dev/null
-Login is complete and further requests with the cookie file are authenticated:
-$ curl http://localhost:8000/hiccup/api/v1/devices/7b8fb3fa-2ceb-4e8f-bfbe-8115b63148ff/ -c django_cookies.txt -b django_cookies.txt
-{"id":4,"uuid":"7b8fb3fa-2ceb-4e8f-bfbe-8115b63148ff","imei":null,"board_date":"2018-01-01T10:10:10Z","chipset":"foo bar","last_heartbeat":null,"token":"a728354c460c4fd75c482839f0424a38630928ca","next_per_crashreport_key":1,"next_per_heartbeat_key":2,"user":6}
-## Endpoints
-### Devices
-#### Registering a new device
-Care should be taken to not discard a device UUID lightly. As an UUID is
-obtained with anonymous data, a device can be theoretically registered over and
-over. The server will always return a new UUID (until the UUID pool runs out).
-* Endpoint: `/hiccup/api/v1/devices/register/`
-* Method: `POST`
-* Authentication: Not required
-##### Request headers
-* `Content-Type: application/json`
-##### Request body
-A JSON object.
-* Mandatory fields
-    + `board_date:str`: Manufacturing date of the device main board
-        - Format: Date loosely following the ISO-8601 standard
-        - Example: `"board_date": "2018-01-01 15:46:13"`
-    + `chipset:str`: The chipset powering the device
-        - Example: `"chipset": "Qualcomm MSM8974PRO-AA"`
-##### Responses
-* **200 OK**
-    + The device has been successfully registered.
-    + Body: JSON object
-        - `token:str`: Authentication token
-        - `uuid:str`: New universally unique identifier (UUID) of the device
-* **400 Bad Request**
-    + Some fields failed the sanity validation. Each failed field is part of the
-      response body while valid fields are omitted.
-    + Body: JSON object
-        - `token:list(str)`: [Optional] List of error descriptions
-        - `uuid:list(str)`: [Optional] List of error descriptions
-##### Example
-curl -i http://localhost:8000/hiccup/api/v1/devices/register/ \
-    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-    -d '{"board_date": "2018-01-01T10:10:10Z", "chipset": "foo bar"}'
-HTTP/1.0 200 OK
-Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2018 14:33:08 GMT
-Server: WSGIServer/0.1 Python/2.7.12
-Vary: Accept, Cookie
-X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
-Content-Type: application/json
-### Heartbeats
-#### Sending a heartbeat for a device
-The Hiccup client can cache heartbeat reports and upload them at a later stage.
-* Endpoint: `/hiccup/api/v1/heartbeats/`
-* Method: `POST`
-* Authentication: Device (`UUID`, `token`)
-##### Request headers
-* `Content-Type: application/json`
-* `Authorization: Token <token>`
-##### Request body
-A JSON object.
-* Mandatory fields
-    + `app_version:int`: Version of the Hiccup client
-        - Example: `"app_version": 10404`
-    + `build_fingerprint:str`: Fingerprint of the device operating system
-        - Format: Not null
-        - Example: `"build_fingerprint": "Fairphone/FP2/FP2:6.0.1/FP2-gms-18.03.1/FP2-gms-18.03.1:user/release-keys"`
-    + `date:str`: Timestamp of when the heartbeat was generated (local to the device)
-        - Format: Timestamp loosely following the ISO-8601 standard
-        - Example: `"date": "2018-01-01 15:46:13"`
-    + `uptime:str`: Uptime of the device
-        - Format: Not empty
-        - Example: `"uptime": "up time: 01:39:49, idle time: 01:40:00, sleep time: 00:00:00"`
-    + `uuid:str`: UUID of the device matching the authorization token
-        - Format: UUID-4 (`regex:^[:alnum:]{8}-([:alnum:]{4}-){3}[:alnum:]{12}$`)
-        - Example: `"uuid": "7b8fb3fa-2ceb-4e8f-bfbe-8115b63148ff"`
-* Optional fields
-    + `radio_version:str`: Version of the device radio firmware
-        - Format: Not empty
-        - Example: `"radio_version": "4437.1-FP2-0-08"`
-##### Responses
-* **201 Created**
-    + The heartbeat report has been successfully uploaded.
-      An identifier local to the device is returned instead of a global ID to not leak internal data (such as number of devices in field).
-    + Body: JSON object
-        - `id:int`: -1
-        - `device_local_id:int`: Heartbeat identifier local to this device.
-        - `created_at:str`: Timestamp at which the report was created server-side
-            * Format: ISO-8601 timestamp
-        - `...`: And all the (mandatory and optional) fields described in the
-          request body
-* **400 Bad Request**
-    + Some fields failed the sanity validation. Each failed field is part of the
-      response body while valid fields are omitted.
-    + Body: JSON object
-        - `app_version:list(str)`: [Optional] List of error descriptions
-        - `build_fingerprint:list(str)`: [Optional] List of error descriptions
-        - `date:list(str)`: [Optional] List of error descriptions
-        - `uptime:list(str)`: [Optional] List of error descriptions
-        - `uuid:list(str)`: [Optional] List of error descriptions
-* **401 Unauthenticated**
-    + Authentication must be provided for this endpoint.
-    + Body: JSON object
-        - `detail:str`: Error description
-* **403 Forbidden**
-    + The authenticated user is not allowed to perform this action for the given
-      data. Check if the authorization token is valid for the referred UUID.
-    + Body: JSON object
-        - `detail:str`: Error description
-##### Example
-curl -i http://localhost:8000/hiccup/api/v1/heartbeats/ \
-    -H "Authorization: Token a728354c460c4fd75c482839f0424a38630928ca" \
-    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-    -d '{"uuid": "7b8fb3fa-2ceb-4e8f-bfbe-8115b63148ff", "uptime": "1 hour", "build_fingerprint": "bar baz", "date": "2018-01-01T10:10:10Z", "app_version": 1, "radio_version": "x"}'
-HTTP/1.0 201 Created
-Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2018 14:06:30 GMT
-Server: WSGIServer/0.1 Python/2.7.12
-Vary: Accept, Cookie
-X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
-Content-Type: application/json
-{"id":-1,"uuid":"7b8fb3fa-2ceb-4e8f-bfbe-8115b63148ff","device_local_id":3,"app_version":1,"uptime":"1 hour","build_fingerprint":"bar baz","radio_version":"x","date":"2018-01-01T10:10:10Z","created_at":"2018-03-05T14:06:30.131540Z"}