Restructure tests into separate modules

Move all tests to a designated subdirectory and split the modules up
so that each test module covers one module.

Further rename some misnamed Test classes and adapt the test coverage
configuration so that the new test modules are omitted in the reports.

Issue: HIC-212
Change-Id: Idfa309aad34b8adae181cc76e95b67a86231bc69
diff --git a/.coveragerc b/.coveragerc
index 36d6325..dcda13e 100644
--- a/.coveragerc
+++ b/.coveragerc
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 omit =
+    */tests/*
diff --git a/crashreport_stats/ b/crashreport_stats/
deleted file mode 100644
index f69ff0c..0000000
--- a/crashreport_stats/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2309 +0,0 @@
-"""Test crashreport_stats models and the 'stats' command."""
-# pylint: disable=too-many-lines,too-many-public-methods
-from io import StringIO
-from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
-import operator
-import os
-import unittest
-from urllib.parse import urlencode
-import zipfile
-import pytz
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
-from import call_command
-from django.test import TestCase
-from django.urls import reverse
-from rest_framework import status
-from rest_framework.authtoken.models import Token
-from rest_framework.test import APITestCase, APIClient
-from crashreport_stats.models import (
-    Version,
-    VersionDaily,
-    RadioVersion,
-    RadioVersionDaily,
-    StatsMetadata,
-from crashreports.models import Crashreport, Device, HeartBeat, LogFile, User
-from hiccup.allauth_adapters import FP_STAFF_GROUP_NAME
-class Dummy:
-    """Class for creating dummy instances for testing."""
-    # Valid unique entries
-        (
-            "Fairphone/FP2/FP2:5.1/FP2/r4275.1_FP2_gms76_1.13.0"
-            ":user/release-keys"
-        ),
-        (
-            "Fairphone/FP2/FP2:5.1.1/FP2-gms75.1.13.0/FP2-gms75.1.13.0"
-            ":user/release-keys"
-        ),
-        (
-            "Fairphone/FP2/FP2:6.0.1/FP2-gms-18.04.1/FP2-gms-18.04.1"
-            ":user/release-keys"
-        ),
-        ("Fairphone/FP2/FP2:7.1.2/18.07.2/gms-7480c31d:user/release-keys"),
-    ]
-        "4437.1-FP2-0-07",
-        "4437.1-FP2-0-08",
-        "4437.1-FP2-0-09",
-        "4437.1-FP2-0-10",
-    ]
-    USERNAMES = ["testuser1", "testuser2"]
-    DATES = [date(2018, 3, 19), date(2018, 3, 26), date(2018, 5, 1)]
-        "build_fingerprint": BUILD_FINGERPRINTS[0],
-        "first_seen_on": DATES[1],
-        "released_on": DATES[0],
-        "is_beta_release": False,
-        "is_official_release": True,
-    }
-        "radio_version": RADIO_VERSIONS[0],
-        "first_seen_on": DATES[1],
-        "released_on": DATES[0],
-    }
-        "updated_at": datetime(2018, 6, 15, 2, 12, 24, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
-    }
-        "board_date": datetime(2015, 12, 15, 1, 23, 45, tzinfo=pytz.utc),
-        "chipset": "Qualcomm MSM8974PRO-AA",
-        "token": "64111c62d521fb4724454ca6dea27e18f93ef56e",
-    }
-        "app_version": 10100,
-        "uptime": (
-            "up time: 16 days, 21:49:56, idle time: 5 days, 20:55:04, "
-            "sleep time: 10 days, 20:46:27"
-        ),
-        "build_fingerprint": BUILD_FINGERPRINTS[0],
-        "radio_version": RADIO_VERSIONS[0],
-        "date": datetime(2018, 3, 19, 12, 0, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc),
-    }
-        {
-            "is_fake_report": 0,
-            "boot_reason": Crashreport.BOOT_REASON_UNKOWN,
-            "power_on_reason": "it was powered on",
-            "power_off_reason": "something happened and it went off",
-        }
-    )
-        "logfile_type": "last_kmsg",
-        "logfile": os.path.join("resources", "test", ""),
-    }
-    DEFAULT_DUMMY_LOG_FILE_NAME = "dmesg.log"
-    @staticmethod
-    def update_copy(original, update):
-        """Merge fields of update into a copy of original."""
-        data = original.copy()
-        data.update(update)
-        return data
-    @staticmethod
-    def create_dummy_user(**kwargs):
-        """Create a dummy user instance.
-        The dummy instance is created and saved to the database.
-        Args:
-            **kwargs:
-                Optional arguments to extend/overwrite the default values.
-        Returns: The created user instance.
-        """
-        entity = User(
-            **Dummy.update_copy(Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_USER_VALUES, kwargs)
-        )
-        return entity
-    @staticmethod
-    def create_dummy_device(user, **kwargs):
-        """Create a dummy device instance.
-        The dummy instance is created and saved to the database.
-        Args:
-            user: The user instance that the device should relate to
-            **kwargs:
-                Optional arguments to extend/overwrite the default values.
-        Returns: The created device instance.
-        """
-        entity = Device(
-            user=user,
-            **Dummy.update_copy(Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_DEVICE_VALUES, kwargs)
-        )
-        return entity
-    @staticmethod
-    def create_dummy_report(report_type, device, **kwargs):
-        """Create a dummy report instance of the given report class type.
-        The dummy instance is created and saved to the database.
-        Args:
-            report_type: The class of the report type to be created.
-            user: The device instance that the heartbeat should relate to
-            **kwargs:
-                Optional arguments to extend/overwrite the default values.
-        Returns: The created report instance.
-        """
-        if report_type == HeartBeat:
-            entity = HeartBeat(
-                device=device,
-                **Dummy.update_copy(
-                    Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_HEARTBEAT_VALUES, kwargs
-                )
-            )
-        elif report_type == Crashreport:
-            entity = Crashreport(
-                device=device,
-                **Dummy.update_copy(
-                    Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_CRASHREPORT_VALUES, kwargs
-                )
-            )
-        else:
-            raise RuntimeError(
-                "No dummy report instance can be created for {}".format(
-                    report_type.__name__
-                )
-            )
-        return entity
-    @staticmethod
-    def create_dummy_log_file(crashreport, **kwargs):
-        """Create a dummy log file instance.
-        The dummy instance is created and saved to the database.
-        Args:
-            crashreport: The crashreport that the log file belongs to.
-            **kwargs: Optional arguments to extend/overwrite the default values.
-        Returns: The created log file instance.
-        """
-        entity = LogFile(
-            crashreport=crashreport,
-            **Dummy.update_copy(Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_LOG_FILE_VALUES, kwargs)
-        )
-        return entity
-    @staticmethod
-    def read_logfile_contents(path_to_zipfile, logfile_name):
-        """Read bytes of a zipped logfile."""
-        archive = zipfile.ZipFile(path_to_zipfile, "r")
-        return
-    @staticmethod
-    def create_dummy_version(**kwargs):
-        """Create a dummy version instance.
-        The dummy instance is created and saved to the database.
-        Args:
-            **kwargs:
-                Optional arguments to extend/overwrite the default values.
-        Returns: The created version instance.
-        """
-        entity = Version(
-            **Dummy.update_copy(Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_VERSION_VALUES, kwargs)
-        )
-        return entity
-    @staticmethod
-    def create_dummy_radio_version(**kwargs):
-        """Create a dummy radio version instance.
-        The dummy instance is created and saved to the database.
-        Args:
-            **kwargs:
-                Optional arguments to extend/overwrite the default values.
-        Returns: The created radio version instance.
-        """
-        entity = RadioVersion(
-            **Dummy.update_copy(
-                Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_RADIO_VERSION_VALUES, kwargs
-            )
-        )
-        return entity
-    @staticmethod
-    def create_dummy_daily_version(version, **kwargs):
-        """Create a dummy daily version instance.
-        The dummy instance is created and saved to the database.
-        Args:
-            **kwargs:
-                Optional arguments to extend/overwrite the default values.
-        Returns: The created daily version instance.
-        """
-        entity = VersionDaily(
-            version=version,
-            **Dummy.update_copy(
-                Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_VERSION_DAILY_VALUES, kwargs
-            )
-        )
-        return entity
-    @staticmethod
-    def create_dummy_daily_radio_version(version, **kwargs):
-        """Create a dummy daily radio version instance.
-        The dummy instance is created and saved to the database.
-        Args:
-            **kwargs:
-                Optional arguments to extend/overwrite the default values.
-        Returns: The created daily radio version instance.
-        """
-        entity = RadioVersionDaily(
-            version=version,
-            **Dummy.update_copy(
-            )
-        )
-        return entity
-    @staticmethod
-    def create_dummy_stats_metadata(**kwargs):
-        """Create a dummy stats metadata instance.
-        The dummy instance is created and saved to the database.
-        Args:
-            **kwargs:
-                Optional arguments to extend/overwrite the default values.
-        Returns: The created stats metadata instance.
-        """
-        entity = StatsMetadata(
-            **Dummy.update_copy(
-                Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_STATSMETADATA_VALUES, kwargs
-            )
-        )
-        return entity
-class _HiccupStatsAPITestCase(APITestCase):
-    """Abstract class for Hiccup stats REST API test cases to inherit from."""
-    @classmethod
-    def setUpTestData(cls):  # noqa: N802
-        """Create an admin and two client users for accessing the API.
-        The APIClient that can be used to make authenticated requests as
-        admin user is stored in self.admin. A client which is related to a
-        user that is part of the Fairphone staff group is stored in
-        self.fp_staff_client. A client which is related to a device owner
-        user is stored in self.device_owner_client.
-        """
-        admin_user = User.objects.create_superuser(
-            "somebody", "", "thepassword"
-        )
-        cls.admin = APIClient()
-        cls.admin.force_authenticate(admin_user)
-        fp_staff_group = Group(name=FP_STAFF_GROUP_NAME)
-        fp_staff_user = User.objects.create_user(
-            "fp_staff", "", "thepassword"
-        )
-        fp_staff_user.groups.add(fp_staff_group)
-        cls.fp_staff_client = APIClient()
-        cls.fp_staff_client.force_login(fp_staff_user)
-        cls.device_owner_user = User.objects.create_user(
-            "device_owner", "", "thepassword"
-        )
-        Token.objects.create(user=cls.device_owner_user)
-        cls.device_owner_device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(
-            user=cls.device_owner_user
-        )
-        cls.device_owner_client = APIClient()
-        cls.device_owner_client.credentials(
-            HTTP_AUTHORIZATION="Token " + cls.device_owner_user.auth_token.key
-        )
-    def _assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(
-        self, url, expected_status=status.HTTP_200_OK
-    ):
-        response = self.admin.get(url)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, expected_status)
-    def _assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(
-        self, url, expected_status=status.HTTP_200_OK
-    ):
-        response = self.fp_staff_client.get(url)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, expected_status)
-    def _assert_get_without_authentication_fails(
-        self, url, expected_status=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED
-    ):
-        response = self.client.get(url)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, expected_status)
-    def _assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(
-        self, url, expected_status=status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
-    ):
-        response = self.device_owner_client.get(url)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, expected_status)
-class StatusTestCase(_HiccupStatsAPITestCase):
-    """Test the status endpoint."""
-    status_url = reverse("hiccup_stats_api_v1_status")
-    def _assert_status_response_is(
-        self, response, num_devices, num_crashreports, num_heartbeats
-    ):
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-        self.assertIn("devices",
-        self.assertIn("crashreports",
-        self.assertIn("heartbeats",
-        self.assertEqual(["devices"], num_devices)
-        self.assertEqual(["crashreports"], num_crashreports)
-        self.assertEqual(["heartbeats"], num_heartbeats)
-    def test_status_url_as_admin(self):
-        """Test that admin users can access the status URL."""
-        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(self.status_url)
-    def test_status_url_as_fp_staff(self):
-        """Test that Fairphone staff users can access the status URL."""
-        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(self.status_url)
-    def test_status_url_as_device_owner(self):
-        """Test that device owner users can not access the status URL."""
-        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(self.status_url)
-    def test_status_url_no_auth(self):
-        """Test that non-authenticated users can not access the status URL."""
-        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(self.status_url)
-    def test_get_status_empty_database(self):
-        """Get the status when the database is empty."""
-        response = self.fp_staff_client.get(self.status_url)
-        # Assert that only the device that was created by the setUpTestData()
-        # method is found.
-        self._assert_status_response_is(response, 1, 0, 0)
-    def test_get_status(self):
-        """Get the status after some reports have been created."""
-        # Create a device with a heartbeat and a crash report
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        Dummy.create_dummy_report(HeartBeat, device)
-        Dummy.create_dummy_report(Crashreport, device)
-        # Create a second device without any reports
-        Dummy.create_dummy_device(
-            Dummy.create_dummy_user(username=Dummy.USERNAMES[1])
-        )
-        # Assert that the status includes the appropriate numbers (a third
-        # device was created by the setUpTestData() method)
-        response = self.fp_staff_client.get(self.status_url)
-        self._assert_status_response_is(
-            response, num_devices=3, num_crashreports=1, num_heartbeats=1
-        )
-class _VersionTestCase(_HiccupStatsAPITestCase):
-    """Abstract class for version-related test cases to inherit from."""
-    @staticmethod
-    def _create_dummy_version(**kwargs):
-        return Dummy.create_dummy_version(**kwargs)
-    def _get_with_params(self, url, params):
-        return self.admin.get("{}?{}".format(url, urlencode(params)))
-    def _assert_result_length_is(self, response, count):
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-        self.assertIn("results",
-        self.assertIn("count",
-        self.assertEqual(["count"], count)
-        self.assertEqual(len(["results"]), count)
-    def _assert_filter_result_matches(
-        self, endpoint_url, unique_entry_name, filter_params, expected_result
-    ):
-        # List entities with filter
-        response = self._get_with_params(endpoint_url, filter_params)
-        # Expect only the single matching result to be returned
-        self._assert_result_length_is(response, 1)
-        self.assertEqual(
-  ["results"][0][unique_entry_name],
-            getattr(expected_result, unique_entry_name),
-        )
-class VersionTestCase(_VersionTestCase):
-    """Test the Version and REST endpoint."""
-    # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
-    # The attribute name characterising the unicity of a stats entry (the
-    # named identifier)
-    unique_entry_name = "build_fingerprint"
-    # The collection of unique entries to post
-    unique_entries = Dummy.BUILD_FINGERPRINTS
-    # The URL to retrieve the stats entries from
-    endpoint_url = reverse("hiccup_stats_api_v1_versions")
-    def _create_version_entities(self):
-        versions = [
-            self._create_dummy_version(**{self.unique_entry_name: unique_entry})
-            for unique_entry in self.unique_entries
-        ]
-        return versions
-    def test_endpoint_url_as_admin(self):
-        """Test that admin users can access the endpoint URL."""
-        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(self.endpoint_url)
-    def test_endpoint_url_as_fp_staff(self):
-        """Test that Fairphone staff users can access the endpoint URL."""
-        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(self.endpoint_url)
-    def test_endpoint_url_as_device_owner(self):
-        """Test that device owner users can not access the endpoint URL."""
-        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(self.endpoint_url)
-    def test_endpoint_url_no_auth(self):
-        """Test that non-authenticated users can not access the endpoint URL."""
-        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(self.endpoint_url)
-    def test_list_versions_empty_database(self):
-        """Test listing of versions on an empty database."""
-        response = self.admin.get(self.endpoint_url)
-        self._assert_result_length_is(response, 0)
-    def test_list_versions(self):
-        """Test listing versions."""
-        versions = self._create_version_entities()
-        response = self.admin.get(self.endpoint_url)
-        self._assert_result_length_is(response, len(versions))
-    def test_filter_versions_by_unique_entry_name(self):
-        """Test filtering versions by their unique entry name."""
-        versions = self._create_version_entities()
-        response = self.admin.get(self.endpoint_url)
-        # Listing all entities should return the correct result length
-        self._assert_result_length_is(response, len(versions))
-        # List entities with filter
-        filter_params = {
-            self.unique_entry_name: getattr(versions[0], self.unique_entry_name)
-        }
-        self._assert_filter_result_matches(
-            self.endpoint_url,
-            self.unique_entry_name,
-            filter_params,
-            expected_result=versions[0],
-        )
-    def test_filter_versions_by_release_type(self):
-        """Test filtering versions by release type."""
-        # Create versions for all combinations of release types
-        versions = []
-        i = 0
-        for is_official_release in True, False:
-            for is_beta_release in True, False:
-                versions.append(
-                    self._create_dummy_version(
-                        **{
-                            "is_official_release": is_official_release,
-                            "is_beta_release": is_beta_release,
-                            self.unique_entry_name: self.unique_entries[i],
-                        }
-                    )
-                )
-                i += 1
-        # # Listing all entities should return the correct result length
-        response = self.admin.get(self.endpoint_url)
-        self._assert_result_length_is(response, len(versions))
-        # List each of the entities with the matching filter params
-        for version in versions:
-            filter_params = {
-                "is_official_release": version.is_official_release,
-                "is_beta_release": version.is_beta_release,
-            }
-            self._assert_filter_result_matches(
-                self.endpoint_url,
-                self.unique_entry_name,
-                filter_params,
-                expected_result=version,
-            )
-    def test_filter_versions_by_first_seen_date(self):
-        """Test filtering versions by first seen date."""
-        versions = self._create_version_entities()
-        # Set the first seen date of an entity
-        versions[0].first_seen_on = Dummy.DATES[2]
-        versions[0].save()
-        # Listing all entities should return the correct result length
-        response = self.admin.get(self.endpoint_url)
-        self._assert_result_length_is(response, len(versions))
-        # Expect the single matching result to be returned
-        filter_params = {"first_seen_after": Dummy.DATES[2]}
-        self._assert_filter_result_matches(
-            self.endpoint_url,
-            self.unique_entry_name,
-            filter_params,
-            expected_result=versions[0],
-        )
-# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
-class RadioVersionTestCase(VersionTestCase):
-    """Test the RadioVersion REST endpoint."""
-    unique_entry_name = "radio_version"
-    unique_entries = Dummy.RADIO_VERSIONS
-    endpoint_url = reverse("hiccup_stats_api_v1_radio_versions")
-    @staticmethod
-    def _create_dummy_version(**kwargs):
-        return Dummy.create_dummy_radio_version(**kwargs)
-class VersionDailyTestCase(_VersionTestCase):
-    """Test the VersionDaily REST endpoint."""
-    unique_entry_name = "build_fingerprint"
-    unique_entries = Dummy.BUILD_FINGERPRINTS
-    endpoint_url = reverse("hiccup_stats_api_v1_version_daily")
-    @staticmethod
-    def _create_dummy_daily_version(version, **kwargs):
-        return Dummy.create_dummy_daily_version(version, **kwargs)
-    def _create_version_entities(self):
-        versions = [
-            self._create_dummy_version(**{self.unique_entry_name: unique_entry})
-            for unique_entry in self.unique_entries
-        ]
-        versions_daily = [
-            self._create_dummy_daily_version(version=version)
-            for version in versions
-        ]
-        return versions_daily
-    def test_endpoint_url_as_admin(self):
-        """Test that admin users can access the endpoint URL."""
-        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(self.endpoint_url)
-    def test_endpoint_url_as_fp_staff(self):
-        """Test that Fairphone staff users can access the endpoint URL."""
-        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(self.endpoint_url)
-    def test_endpoint_url_as_device_owner(self):
-        """Test that device owner users can not access the endpoint URL."""
-        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(self.endpoint_url)
-    def test_endpoint_url_no_auth(self):
-        """Test that non-authenticated users can not access the endpoint URL."""
-        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(self.endpoint_url)
-    def test_list_daily_versions_empty_database(self):
-        """Test listing of daily versions on an empty database."""
-        response = self.admin.get(self.endpoint_url)
-        self._assert_result_length_is(response, 0)
-    def test_list_daily_versions(self):
-        """Test listing daily versions."""
-        versions_daily = self._create_version_entities()
-        response = self.admin.get(self.endpoint_url)
-        self._assert_result_length_is(response, len(versions_daily))
-    def test_filter_daily_versions_by_version(self):
-        """Test filtering versions by the version they relate to."""
-        # Create VersionDaily entities
-        versions = self._create_version_entities()
-        # Listing all entities should return the correct result length
-        response = self.admin.get(self.endpoint_url)
-        self._assert_result_length_is(response, len(versions))
-        # List entities with filter
-        param_name = "version__" + self.unique_entry_name
-        filter_params = {
-            param_name: getattr(versions[0].version, self.unique_entry_name)
-        }
-        self._assert_filter_result_matches(
-            self.endpoint_url,
-            self.unique_entry_name,
-            filter_params,
-            expected_result=versions[0].version,
-        )
-    def test_filter_daily_versions_by_date(self):
-        """Test filtering daily versions by date."""
-        # Create Version and VersionDaily entities
-        versions = self._create_version_entities()
-        # Update the date
-        versions[0].date = Dummy.DATES[2]
-        versions[0].save()
-        # Listing all entities should return the correct result length
-        response = self.admin.get(self.endpoint_url)
-        self._assert_result_length_is(response, len(versions))
-        # Expect the single matching result to be returned
-        filter_params = {"date": versions[0].date}
-        self._assert_filter_result_matches(
-            self.endpoint_url,
-            self.unique_entry_name,
-            filter_params,
-            expected_result=versions[0].version,
-        )
-class RadioVersionDailyTestCase(VersionDailyTestCase):
-    """Test the RadioVersionDaily REST endpoint."""
-    unique_entry_name = "radio_version"
-    unique_entries = Dummy.RADIO_VERSIONS
-    endpoint_url = reverse("hiccup_stats_api_v1_radio_version_daily")
-    @staticmethod
-    def _create_dummy_version(**kwargs):
-        entity = RadioVersion(
-            **Dummy.update_copy(
-                Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_RADIO_VERSION_VALUES, kwargs
-            )
-        )
-        return entity
-    @staticmethod
-    def _create_dummy_daily_version(version, **kwargs):
-        return Dummy.create_dummy_daily_radio_version(version, **kwargs)
-class StatsCommandVersionsTestCase(TestCase):
-    """Test the generation of Version stats with the stats command."""
-    # The class of the version type to be tested
-    version_class = Version
-    # The attribute name characterising the unicity of a stats entry (the
-    # named identifier)
-    unique_entry_name = "build_fingerprint"
-    # The collection of unique entries to post
-    unique_entries = Dummy.BUILD_FINGERPRINTS
-    def _create_reports(
-        self, report_type, unique_entry_name, device, number, **kwargs
-    ):
-        # Create reports with distinct timestamps
-        now =
-        for i in range(number):
-            report_date = now - timedelta(milliseconds=i)
-            report_attributes = {
-                self.unique_entry_name: unique_entry_name,
-                "device": device,
-                "date": report_date,
-            }
-            report_attributes.update(**kwargs)
-            Dummy.create_dummy_report(report_type, **report_attributes)
-    def test_stats_calculation(self):
-        """Test generation of a Version instance."""
-        user = Dummy.create_dummy_user()
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=user)
-        heartbeat = Dummy.create_dummy_report(HeartBeat, device=device)
-        # Expect that we do not have the Version before updating the stats
-        get_params = {
-            self.unique_entry_name: getattr(heartbeat, self.unique_entry_name)
-        }
-        self.assertRaises(
-            self.version_class.DoesNotExist,
-            self.version_class.objects.get,
-            **get_params
-        )
-        # Run the command to update the database
-        call_command("stats", "update")
-        # Assume that a corresponding Version instance has been created
-        version = self.version_class.objects.get(**get_params)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(version)
-    def _assert_older_report_updates_version_date(self, report_type):
-        """Validate that older reports sent later affect the version date."""
-        user = Dummy.create_dummy_user()
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=user)
-        report = Dummy.create_dummy_report(report_type, device=device)
-        # Run the command to update the database
-        call_command("stats", "update")
-        get_params = {
-            self.unique_entry_name: getattr(report, self.unique_entry_name)
-        }
-        version = self.version_class.objects.get(**get_params)
-        self.assertEqual(, version.first_seen_on)
-        # Create a new report from an earlier point in time
-        report_time_2 = - timedelta(weeks=1)
-        Dummy.create_dummy_report(
-            report_type, device=device, date=report_time_2
-        )
-        # Run the command to update the database
-        call_command("stats", "update")
-        # Get the same version object from before
-        version = self.version_class.objects.get(**get_params)
-        # Validate that the date matches the report recently sent
-        self.assertEqual(, version.first_seen_on)
-    def test_older_heartbeat_updates_version_date(self):
-        """Validate updating version date with older heartbeats."""
-        self._assert_older_report_updates_version_date(HeartBeat)
-    def test_older_crash_report_updates_version_date(self):
-        """Validate updating version date with older crash reports."""
-        self._assert_older_report_updates_version_date(Crashreport)
-    def test_entries_are_unique(self):
-        """Validate the entries' unicity and value."""
-        # Create some reports
-        user = Dummy.create_dummy_user()
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=user)
-        for unique_entry in self.unique_entries:
-            self._create_reports(HeartBeat, unique_entry, device, 10)
-        # Run the command to update the database
-        call_command("stats", "update")
-        # Check whether the correct amount of distinct versions have been
-        # created
-        versions = self.version_class.objects.all()
-        for version in versions:
-            self.assertIn(
-                getattr(version, self.unique_entry_name), self.unique_entries
-            )
-        self.assertEqual(len(versions), len(self.unique_entries))
-    def _assert_counter_distribution_is_correct(
-        self, report_type, numbers, counter_attribute_name, **kwargs
-    ):
-        """Validate a counter distribution in the database."""
-        if len(numbers) != len(self.unique_entries):
-            raise ValueError(
-                "The length of the numbers list must match the "
-                "length of self.unique_entries in the test class"
-                "({} != {})".format(len(numbers), len(self.unique_entries))
-            )
-        # Create some reports
-        user = Dummy.create_dummy_user()
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=user)
-        for unique_entry, num in zip(self.unique_entries, numbers):
-            self._create_reports(
-                report_type, unique_entry, device, num, **kwargs
-            )
-        # Run the command to update the database
-        call_command("stats", "update")
-        # Check whether the numbers of reports match
-        for version in self.version_class.objects.all():
-            unique_entry_name = getattr(version, self.unique_entry_name)
-            num = numbers[self.unique_entries.index(unique_entry_name)]
-            self.assertEqual(num, getattr(version, counter_attribute_name))
-    def test_heartbeats_counter(self):
-        """Test the calculation of the heartbeats counter."""
-        numbers = [10, 7, 8, 5]
-        counter_attribute_name = "heartbeats"
-        self._assert_counter_distribution_is_correct(
-            HeartBeat, numbers, counter_attribute_name
-        )
-    def test_crash_reports_counter(self):
-        """Test the calculation of the crashreports counter."""
-        numbers = [2, 5, 0, 3]
-        counter_attribute_name = "prob_crashes"
-        boot_reason_param = {"boot_reason": Crashreport.BOOT_REASON_UNKOWN}
-        self._assert_counter_distribution_is_correct(
-            Crashreport, numbers, counter_attribute_name, **boot_reason_param
-        )
-    def test_smpl_reports_counter(self):
-        """Test the calculation of the smpl reports counter."""
-        numbers = [1, 3, 4, 0]
-        counter_attribute_name = "smpl"
-        boot_reason_param = {"boot_reason": Crashreport.BOOT_REASON_RTC_ALARM}
-        self._assert_counter_distribution_is_correct(
-            Crashreport, numbers, counter_attribute_name, **boot_reason_param
-        )
-    def test_other_reports_counter(self):
-        """Test the calculation of the other reports counter."""
-        numbers = [0, 2, 1, 2]
-        counter_attribute_name = "other"
-        boot_reason_param = {"boot_reason": "random boot reason"}
-        self._assert_counter_distribution_is_correct(
-            Crashreport, numbers, counter_attribute_name, **boot_reason_param
-        )
-    def _assert_reports_with_same_timestamp_are_counted(
-        self, report_type, counter_attribute_name, **kwargs
-    ):
-        """Validate that reports with the same timestamp are counted.
-        Reports from different devices but the same timestamp should be
-        counted as independent reports.
-        """
-        # Create a report
-        device1 = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        report1 = Dummy.create_dummy_report(
-            report_type, device=device1, **kwargs
-        )
-        # Create a second report with the same timestamp but from another device
-        device2 = Dummy.create_dummy_device(
-            user=Dummy.create_dummy_user(username=Dummy.USERNAMES[1])
-        )
-        Dummy.create_dummy_report(
-            report_type, device=device2,, **kwargs
-        )
-        # Run the command to update the database
-        call_command("stats", "update")
-        # Get the corresponding version instance from the database
-        get_params = {
-            self.unique_entry_name: getattr(report1, self.unique_entry_name)
-        }
-        version = self.version_class.objects.get(**get_params)
-        # Assert that both reports are counted
-        self.assertEqual(getattr(version, counter_attribute_name), 2)
-    @unittest.skip(
-        "Duplicates are dropped based on their timestamp at the moment. This is"
-        "to be adapted so that they are dropped taking into account the device"
-        "UUID as well."
-    )
-    def test_heartbeats_with_same_timestamp_are_counted(self):
-        """Validate that heartbeats with same timestamp are counted."""
-        counter_attribute_name = "heartbeats"
-        self._assert_reports_with_same_timestamp_are_counted(
-            HeartBeat, counter_attribute_name
-        )
-    @unittest.skip(
-        "Duplicates are dropped based on their timestamp at the moment. This is"
-        "to be adapted so that they are dropped taking into account the device"
-        "UUID as well."
-    )
-    def test_crash_reports_with_same_timestamp_are_counted(self):
-        """Validate that crash report duplicates are ignored."""
-        counter_attribute_name = "prob_crashes"
-        for unique_entry, boot_reason in zip(
-            self.unique_entries, Crashreport.CRASH_BOOT_REASONS
-        ):
-            params = {
-                "boot_reason": boot_reason,
-                self.unique_entry_name: unique_entry,
-            }
-            self._assert_reports_with_same_timestamp_are_counted(
-                Crashreport, counter_attribute_name, **params
-            )
-    @unittest.skip(
-        "Duplicates are dropped based on their timestamp at the moment. This is"
-        "to be adapted so that they are dropped taking into account the device"
-        "UUID as well."
-    )
-    def test_smpl_reports_with_same_timestamp_are_counted(self):
-        """Validate that smpl report duplicates are ignored."""
-        counter_attribute_name = "smpl"
-        for unique_entry, boot_reason in zip(
-            self.unique_entries, Crashreport.SMPL_BOOT_REASONS
-        ):
-            params = {
-                "boot_reason": boot_reason,
-                self.unique_entry_name: unique_entry,
-            }
-            self._assert_reports_with_same_timestamp_are_counted(
-                Crashreport, counter_attribute_name, **params
-            )
-    @unittest.skip(
-        "Duplicates are dropped based on their timestamp at the moment. This is"
-        "to be adapted so that they are dropped taking into account the device"
-        "UUID as well."
-    )
-    def test_other_reports_with_same_timestamp_are_counted(self):
-        """Validate that other report duplicates are ignored."""
-        counter_attribute_name = "other"
-        params = {"boot_reason": "random boot reason"}
-        self._assert_reports_with_same_timestamp_are_counted(
-            Crashreport, counter_attribute_name, **params
-        )
-    def _assert_duplicates_are_ignored(
-        self, report_type, device, counter_attribute_name, **kwargs
-    ):
-        """Validate that reports with duplicate timestamps are ignored."""
-        # Create a report
-        report = Dummy.create_dummy_report(report_type, device=device, **kwargs)
-        # Create a second report with the same timestamp
-        Dummy.create_dummy_report(
-            report_type, device=device,, **kwargs
-        )
-        # Run the command to update the database
-        call_command("stats", "update")
-        # Get the corresponding version instance from the database
-        get_params = {
-            self.unique_entry_name: getattr(report, self.unique_entry_name)
-        }
-        version = self.version_class.objects.get(**get_params)
-        # Assert that the report with the duplicate timestamp is not
-        # counted, i.e. only 1 report is counted.
-        self.assertEqual(getattr(version, counter_attribute_name), 1)
-    def test_heartbeat_duplicates_are_ignored(self):
-        """Validate that heartbeat duplicates are ignored."""
-        counter_attribute_name = "heartbeats"
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        self._assert_duplicates_are_ignored(
-            HeartBeat, device, counter_attribute_name
-        )
-    def test_crash_report_duplicates_are_ignored(self):
-        """Validate that crash report duplicates are ignored."""
-        counter_attribute_name = "prob_crashes"
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        for i, boot_reason in enumerate(Crashreport.CRASH_BOOT_REASONS):
-            params = {
-                "boot_reason": boot_reason,
-                self.unique_entry_name: self.unique_entries[i],
-            }
-            self._assert_duplicates_are_ignored(
-                Crashreport, device, counter_attribute_name, **params
-            )
-    def test_smpl_report_duplicates_are_ignored(self):
-        """Validate that smpl report duplicates are ignored."""
-        counter_attribute_name = "smpl"
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        for i, boot_reason in enumerate(Crashreport.SMPL_BOOT_REASONS):
-            params = {
-                "boot_reason": boot_reason,
-                self.unique_entry_name: self.unique_entries[i],
-            }
-            self._assert_duplicates_are_ignored(
-                Crashreport, device, counter_attribute_name, **params
-            )
-    def test_other_report_duplicates_are_ignored(self):
-        """Validate that other report duplicates are ignored."""
-        counter_attribute_name = "other"
-        params = {"boot_reason": "random boot reason"}
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        self._assert_duplicates_are_ignored(
-            Crashreport, device, counter_attribute_name, **params
-        )
-    def _assert_older_reports_update_released_on_date(
-        self, report_type, **kwargs
-    ):
-        """Test updating of the released_on date.
-        Validate that the released_on date is updated once an older report is
-        sent.
-        """
-        # Create a report
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        report = Dummy.create_dummy_report(report_type, device=device, **kwargs)
-        # Run the command to update the database
-        call_command("stats", "update")
-        # Get the corresponding version instance from the database
-        version = self.version_class.objects.get(
-            **{self.unique_entry_name: getattr(report, self.unique_entry_name)}
-        )
-        # Assert that the released_on date matches the first report date
-        self.assertEqual(version.released_on,
-        # Create a second report with the a timestamp earlier in time
-        report_2_date = - timedelta(days=1)
-        Dummy.create_dummy_report(
-            report_type, device=device, date=report_2_date, **kwargs
-        )
-        # Run the command to update the database
-        call_command("stats", "update")
-        # Get the corresponding version instance from the database
-        version = self.version_class.objects.get(
-            **{self.unique_entry_name: getattr(report, self.unique_entry_name)}
-        )
-        # Assert that the released_on date matches the older report date
-        self.assertEqual(version.released_on,
-    def _assert_newer_reports_do_not_update_released_on_date(
-        self, report_type, **kwargs
-    ):
-        """Test updating of the released_on date.
-        Validate that the released_on date is not updated once a newer report is
-        sent.
-        """
-        # Create a report
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        report = Dummy.create_dummy_report(report_type, device=device, **kwargs)
-        report_1_date =
-        # Run the command to update the database
-        call_command("stats", "update")
-        # Get the corresponding version instance from the database
-        version = self.version_class.objects.get(
-            **{self.unique_entry_name: getattr(report, self.unique_entry_name)}
-        )
-        # Assert that the released_on date matches the first report date
-        self.assertEqual(version.released_on, report_1_date)
-        # Create a second report with the a timestamp later in time
-        report_2_date = + timedelta(days=1)
-        Dummy.create_dummy_report(
-            report_type, device=device, date=report_2_date, **kwargs
-        )
-        # Run the command to update the database
-        call_command("stats", "update")
-        # Get the corresponding version instance from the database
-        version = self.version_class.objects.get(
-            **{self.unique_entry_name: getattr(report, self.unique_entry_name)}
-        )
-        # Assert that the released_on date matches the older report date
-        self.assertEqual(version.released_on, report_1_date)
-    def test_older_heartbeat_updates_released_on_date(self):
-        """Validate that older heartbeats update the release date."""
-        self._assert_older_reports_update_released_on_date(HeartBeat)
-    def test_older_crash_report_updates_released_on_date(self):
-        """Validate that older crash reports update the release date."""
-        self._assert_older_reports_update_released_on_date(Crashreport)
-    def test_newer_heartbeat_does_not_update_released_on_date(self):
-        """Validate that newer heartbeats don't update the release date."""
-        self._assert_newer_reports_do_not_update_released_on_date(HeartBeat)
-    def test_newer_crash_report_does_not_update_released_on_date(self):
-        """Validate that newer crash reports don't update the release date."""
-        self._assert_newer_reports_do_not_update_released_on_date(Crashreport)
-    def _assert_manually_changed_released_on_date_is_not_updated(
-        self, report_type, **kwargs
-    ):
-        """Test updating of manually changed released_on dates.
-        Validate that a manually changed released_on date is not updated when
-        new reports are sent.
-        """
-        # Create a report
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        report = Dummy.create_dummy_report(report_type, device=device, **kwargs)
-        # Run the command to update the database
-        call_command("stats", "update")
-        # Get the corresponding version instance from the database
-        version = self.version_class.objects.get(
-            **{self.unique_entry_name: getattr(report, self.unique_entry_name)}
-        )
-        # Assert that the released_on date matches the first report date
-        self.assertEqual(version.released_on,
-        # Create a second report with a timestamp earlier in time
-        report_2_date = - timedelta(days=1)
-        Dummy.create_dummy_report(
-            report_type, device=device, date=report_2_date, **kwargs
-        )
-        # Manually change the released_on date
-        version_release_date = + timedelta(days=1)
-        version.released_on = version_release_date
-        # Run the command to update the database
-        call_command("stats", "update")
-        # Get the corresponding version instance from the database
-        version = self.version_class.objects.get(
-            **{self.unique_entry_name: getattr(report, self.unique_entry_name)}
-        )
-        # Assert that the released_on date still matches the date is was
-        # manually changed to
-        self.assertEqual(version.released_on,
-    def test_manually_changed_released_on_date_is_not_updated_by_heartbeat(
-        self
-    ):
-        """Test update of manually changed released_on date with heartbeat."""
-        self._assert_manually_changed_released_on_date_is_not_updated(HeartBeat)
-    def test_manually_changed_released_on_date_is_not_updated_by_crash_report(
-        self
-    ):
-        """Test update of manually changed released_on date with crashreport."""
-        self._assert_manually_changed_released_on_date_is_not_updated(
-            Crashreport
-        )
-# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
-class StatsCommandRadioVersionsTestCase(StatsCommandVersionsTestCase):
-    """Test the generation of RadioVersion stats with the stats command."""
-    version_class = RadioVersion
-    unique_entry_name = "radio_version"
-    unique_entries = Dummy.RADIO_VERSIONS
-class CommandDebugOutputTestCase(TestCase):
-    """Test the reset and update commands debug output."""
-    # Additional positional arguments to pass to the commands
-    _CMD_ARGS = ["--no-color", "-v 2"]
-    # The stats models
-    _STATS_MODELS = [Version, VersionDaily, RadioVersion, RadioVersionDaily]
-    # The models that will generate an output
-    _ALL_MODELS = _STATS_MODELS + [StatsMetadata]
-    _COUNTER_NAMES = ["heartbeats", "crashes", "smpl", "other"]
-    _COUNTER_ACTIONS = ["created", "updated"]
-    def _assert_command_output_matches(self, command, number, facts, models):
-        """Validate the debug output of a command.
-        The debug output is matched against the facts and models given in
-        the parameters.
-        """
-        buffer = StringIO()
-        call_command("stats", command, *self._CMD_ARGS, stdout=buffer)
-        output = buffer.getvalue().splitlines()
-        expected_output = "{number} {model} {fact}"
-        for model in models:
-            for fact in facts:
-                self.assertIn(
-                    expected_output.format(
-                        number=number, model=model.__name__, fact=fact
-                    ),
-                    output,
-                )
-    def test_reset_command_on_empty_db(self):
-        """Test the reset command on an empty database.
-        The reset command should yield nothing on an empty database.
-        """
-        self._assert_command_output_matches(
-            "reset", 0, ["deleted"], self._ALL_MODELS
-        )
-    def test_update_command_on_empty_db(self):
-        """Test the update command on an empty database.
-        The update command should yield nothing on an empty database.
-        """
-        pattern = "{action} for counter {counter}"
-        facts = [
-            pattern.format(action=counter_action, counter=counter_name)
-            for counter_action in self._COUNTER_ACTIONS
-            for counter_name in self._COUNTER_NAMES
-        ]
-        self._assert_command_output_matches(
-            "update", 0, facts, self._STATS_MODELS
-        )
-    def test_reset_command_deletion_of_instances(self):
-        """Test the deletion of stats model instances with the reset command.
-        This test validates that model instances get deleted when the
-        reset command is called on a database that only contains a single
-        model instance for each class.
-        """
-        # Create dummy version instances
-        version = Dummy.create_dummy_version()
-        radio_version = Dummy.create_dummy_radio_version()
-        Dummy.create_dummy_daily_version(version)
-        Dummy.create_dummy_daily_radio_version(radio_version)
-        Dummy.create_dummy_stats_metadata()
-        # We expect that the model instances get deleted
-        self._assert_command_output_matches(
-            "reset", 1, ["deleted"], self._ALL_MODELS
-        )
-class DeviceStatsTestCase(_HiccupStatsAPITestCase):
-    """Test the single device stats REST endpoints."""
-    device_overview_url = "hiccup_stats_api_v1_device_overview"
-    device_report_history_url = "hiccup_stats_api_v1_device_report_history"
-    device_update_history_url = "hiccup_stats_api_v1_device_update_history"
-    device_logfile_download_url = "hiccup_stats_api_v1_logfile_download"
-    def _get_with_params(self, url, params):
-        url = reverse(url, kwargs=params)
-        return self.fp_staff_client.get(url)
-    def _assert_device_stats_response_is(
-        self,
-        response,
-        uuid,
-        board_date,
-        num_heartbeats,
-        num_crashreports,
-        num_smpls,
-        crashes_per_day,
-        smpl_per_day,
-        last_active,
-    ):
-        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-        self.assertIn("uuid",
-        self.assertIn("board_date",
-        self.assertIn("heartbeats",
-        self.assertIn("crashreports",
-        self.assertIn("smpls",
-        self.assertIn("crashes_per_day",
-        self.assertIn("smpl_per_day",
-        self.assertIn("last_active",
-        self.assertEqual(["uuid"], uuid)
-        self.assertEqual(["board_date"], board_date)
-        self.assertEqual(["heartbeats"], num_heartbeats)
-        self.assertEqual(["crashreports"], num_crashreports)
-        self.assertEqual(["smpls"], num_smpls)
-        self.assertEqual(["crashes_per_day"], crashes_per_day)
-        self.assertEqual(["smpl_per_day"], smpl_per_day)
-        self.assertEqual(["last_active"], last_active)
-    @unittest.skip(
-        "Fails because there is no fallback for the last_active "
-        "date for devices without heartbeats."
-    )
-    def test_device_overview_url_as_admin(self):
-        """Test that admin users can access the URL."""
-        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(
-            reverse(
-                self.device_overview_url,
-                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
-            )
-        )
-    @unittest.skip(
-        "Fails because there is no fallback for the last_active "
-        "date for devices without heartbeats."
-    )
-    def test_device_overview_url_as_fp_staff(self):
-        """Test that Fairphone staff users can access the URL."""
-        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(
-            reverse(
-                self.device_overview_url,
-                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
-            )
-        )
-    def test_device_overview_url_as_device_owner(self):
-        """Test that device owner users can not access the URL."""
-        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(
-            reverse(
-                self.device_overview_url,
-                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
-            )
-        )
-    def test_device_overview_url_no_auth(self):
-        """Test that non-authenticated users can not access the URL."""
-        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(
-            reverse(
-                self.device_overview_url,
-                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
-            )
-        )
-    def test_device_report_history_url_as_admin(self):
-        """Test that admin users can access device report history URL."""
-        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(
-            reverse(
-                self.device_report_history_url,
-                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
-            )
-        )
-    def test_device_report_history_url_as_fp_staff(self):
-        """Test that FP staff can access device report history URL."""
-        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(
-            reverse(
-                self.device_report_history_url,
-                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
-            )
-        )
-    def test_device_report_history_url_as_device_owner(self):
-        """Test that device owners can't access device report history URL."""
-        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(
-            reverse(
-                self.device_report_history_url,
-                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
-            )
-        )
-    def test_device_report_history_url_no_auth(self):
-        """Test that device report history is not accessible without auth."""
-        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(
-            reverse(
-                self.device_report_history_url,
-                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
-            )
-        )
-    def test_device_update_history_url_as_admin(self):
-        """Test that admin users can access device update history URL."""
-        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(
-            reverse(
-                self.device_update_history_url,
-                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
-            )
-        )
-    def test_device_update_history_url_as_fp_staff(self):
-        """Test that FP staff can access device update history URL."""
-        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(
-            reverse(
-                self.device_update_history_url,
-                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
-            )
-        )
-    def test_device_update_history_url_as_device_owner(self):
-        """Test that device owners can't access device update history URL."""
-        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(
-            reverse(
-                self.device_update_history_url,
-                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
-            )
-        )
-    def test_device_update_history_url_no_auth(self):
-        """Test that device update history is not accessible without auth."""
-        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(
-            reverse(
-                self.device_update_history_url,
-                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
-            )
-        )
-    def test_logfile_download_url_as_admin(self):
-        """Test that admin users can access the logfile download URL."""
-        non_existent_logfile_id = 0
-        self.assertFalse(
-            LogFile.objects.filter(id=non_existent_logfile_id).exists()
-        )
-        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(
-            reverse(
-                self.device_logfile_download_url,
-                kwargs={"id_logfile": non_existent_logfile_id},
-            ),
-            expected_status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND,
-        )
-    def tes_logfile_download_url_as_fp_staff(self):
-        """Test that FP staff can access the logfile download URL."""
-        non_existent_logfile_id = 0
-        self.assertFalse(
-            LogFile.objects.filter(id=non_existent_logfile_id).exists()
-        )
-        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(
-            reverse(
-                self.device_logfile_download_url,
-                kwargs={"id_logfile": non_existent_logfile_id},
-            ),
-            expected_status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND,
-        )
-    def test_logfile_download_url_as_device_owner(self):
-        """Test that device owners can't access the logfile download URL."""
-        non_existent_logfile_id = 0
-        self.assertFalse(
-            LogFile.objects.filter(id=non_existent_logfile_id).exists()
-        )
-        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(
-            reverse(
-                self.device_logfile_download_url,
-                kwargs={"id_logfile": non_existent_logfile_id},
-            )
-        )
-    def test_logfile_download_url_no_auth(self):
-        """Test that the logfile download URL is not accessible without auth."""
-        non_existent_logfile_id = 0
-        self.assertFalse(
-            LogFile.objects.filter(id=non_existent_logfile_id).exists()
-        )
-        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(
-            reverse(
-                self.device_logfile_download_url,
-                kwargs={"id_logfile": non_existent_logfile_id},
-            )
-        )
-    @unittest.skip(
-        "Fails because there is no fallback for the last_active "
-        "date for devices without heartbeats."
-    )
-    def test_get_device_stats_no_reports(self):
-        """Test getting device stats for a device without reports."""
-        # Create a device
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        # Get the device statistics
-        response = self._get_with_params(
-            self.device_overview_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
-        )
-        # Assert that the statistics match
-        self._assert_device_stats_response_is(
-            response=response,
-            uuid=str(device.uuid),
-            board_date=device.board_date,
-            num_heartbeats=0,
-            num_crashreports=0,
-            num_smpls=0,
-            crashes_per_day=0.0,
-            smpl_per_day=0.0,
-            last_active=device.board_date,
-        )
-    def test_get_device_stats_no_crash_reports(self):
-        """Test getting device stats for a device without crashreports."""
-        # Create a device and a heartbeat
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        heartbeat = Dummy.create_dummy_report(HeartBeat, device)
-        # Get the device statistics
-        response = self._get_with_params(
-            self.device_overview_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
-        )
-        # Assert that the statistics match
-        self._assert_device_stats_response_is(
-            response=response,
-            uuid=str(device.uuid),
-            board_date=device.board_date,
-            num_heartbeats=1,
-            num_crashreports=0,
-            num_smpls=0,
-            crashes_per_day=0.0,
-            smpl_per_day=0.0,
-  ,
-        )
-    @unittest.skip(
-        "Fails because there is no fallback for the last_active "
-        "date for devices without heartbeats."
-    )
-    def test_get_device_stats_no_heartbeats(self):
-        """Test getting device stats for a device without heartbeats."""
-        # Create a device and crashreport
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        Dummy.create_dummy_report(Crashreport, device)
-        # Get the device statistics
-        response = self._get_with_params(
-            self.device_overview_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
-        )
-        # Assert that the statistics match
-        self._assert_device_stats_response_is(
-            response=response,
-            uuid=str(device.uuid),
-            board_date=device.board_date,
-            num_heartbeats=0,
-            num_crashreports=1,
-            num_smpls=0,
-            crashes_per_day=0.0,
-            smpl_per_day=0.0,
-            last_active=device.board_date,
-        )
-    def test_get_device_stats(self):
-        """Test getting device stats for a device."""
-        # Create a device with a heartbeat and one report of each type
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        heartbeat = Dummy.create_dummy_report(HeartBeat, device)
-        for boot_reason in (
-            Crashreport.SMPL_BOOT_REASONS
-            + Crashreport.CRASH_BOOT_REASONS
-            + ["other boot reason"]
-        ):
-            Dummy.create_dummy_report(
-                Crashreport, device, boot_reason=boot_reason
-            )
-        # Get the device statistics
-        response = self._get_with_params(
-            self.device_overview_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
-        )
-        # Assert that the statistics match
-        self._assert_device_stats_response_is(
-            response=response,
-            uuid=str(device.uuid),
-            board_date=device.board_date,
-            num_heartbeats=1,
-            num_crashreports=len(Crashreport.CRASH_BOOT_REASONS),
-            num_smpls=len(Crashreport.SMPL_BOOT_REASONS),
-            crashes_per_day=len(Crashreport.CRASH_BOOT_REASONS),
-            smpl_per_day=len(Crashreport.SMPL_BOOT_REASONS),
-  ,
-        )
-    def test_get_device_stats_multiple_days(self):
-        """Test getting device stats for a device that sent more reports."""
-        # Create a device with some heartbeats and reports over time
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        num_days = 100
-        for i in range(num_days):
-            report_day = + timedelta(days=i)
-            heartbeat = Dummy.create_dummy_report(
-                HeartBeat, device, date=report_day
-            )
-            Dummy.create_dummy_report(Crashreport, device, date=report_day)
-            Dummy.create_dummy_report(
-                Crashreport,
-                device,
-                date=report_day,
-                boot_reason=Crashreport.SMPL_BOOT_REASONS[0],
-            )
-        # Get the device statistics
-        response = self._get_with_params(
-            self.device_overview_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
-        )
-        # Assert that the statistics match
-        self._assert_device_stats_response_is(
-            response=response,
-            uuid=str(device.uuid),
-            board_date=device.board_date,
-            num_heartbeats=num_days,
-            num_crashreports=num_days,
-            num_smpls=num_days,
-            crashes_per_day=1,
-            smpl_per_day=1,
-  ,
-        )
-    def test_get_device_stats_multiple_days_missing_heartbeat(self):
-        """Test getting device stats for a device with missing heartbeat."""
-        # Create a device with some heartbeats and reports over time
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        num_days = 100
-        skip_day = round(num_days / 2)
-        for i in range(num_days):
-            report_day = + timedelta(days=i)
-            # Skip creation of heartbeat at one day
-            if i != skip_day:
-                heartbeat = Dummy.create_dummy_report(
-                    HeartBeat, device, date=report_day
-                )
-            Dummy.create_dummy_report(Crashreport, device, date=report_day)
-        # Get the device statistics
-        response = self._get_with_params(
-            self.device_overview_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
-        )
-        # Assert that the statistics match
-        self._assert_device_stats_response_is(
-            response=response,
-            uuid=str(device.uuid),
-            board_date=device.board_date,
-            num_heartbeats=num_days - 1,
-            num_crashreports=num_days,
-            num_smpls=0,
-            crashes_per_day=num_days / (num_days - 1),
-            smpl_per_day=0,
-  ,
-        )
-    @unittest.skip("Duplicate heartbeats are currently not dropped.")
-    def test_get_device_stats_multiple_days_duplicate_heartbeat(self):
-        """Test getting device stats for a device with duplicate heartbeat.
-        Duplicate heartbeats are dropped and thus should not influence the
-        statistics.
-        """
-        # Create a device with some heartbeats and reports over time
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        num_days = 100
-        duplicate_day = round(num_days / 2)
-        first_report_day = Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_HEARTBEAT_VALUES["date"]
-        for i in range(num_days):
-            report_day = first_report_day + timedelta(days=i)
-            heartbeat = Dummy.create_dummy_report(
-                HeartBeat, device, date=report_day
-            )
-            # Create a second at the duplicate day (with 1 hour delay)
-            if i == duplicate_day:
-                Dummy.create_dummy_report(
-                    HeartBeat, device, date=report_day + timedelta(hours=1)
-                )
-            Dummy.create_dummy_report(Crashreport, device, date=report_day)
-        # Get the device statistics
-        response = self._get_with_params(
-            self.device_overview_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
-        )
-        # Assert that the statistics match
-        self._assert_device_stats_response_is(
-            response=response,
-            uuid=str(device.uuid),
-            board_date=device.board_date,
-            num_heartbeats=num_days,
-            num_crashreports=num_days,
-            num_smpls=0,
-            crashes_per_day=1,
-            smpl_per_day=0,
-  ,
-        )
-    def test_get_device_report_history_no_reports(self):
-        """Test getting report history stats for a device without reports."""
-        # Create a device
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        # Get the device report history statistics
-        response = self._get_with_params(
-            self.device_report_history_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
-        )
-        # Assert that the report history is empty
-        self.assertEqual([],
-    @unittest.skip("Broken raw query. Heartbeats are not counted correctly.")
-    def test_get_device_report_history(self):
-        """Test getting report history stats for a device."""
-        # Create a device with a heartbeat and one report of each type
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        heartbeat = Dummy.create_dummy_report(HeartBeat, device)
-        for boot_reason in (
-            Crashreport.SMPL_BOOT_REASONS
-            + Crashreport.CRASH_BOOT_REASONS
-            + ["other boot reason"]
-        ):
-            Dummy.create_dummy_report(
-                Crashreport, device, boot_reason=boot_reason
-            )
-        # Get the device report history statistics
-        response = self._get_with_params(
-            self.device_report_history_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
-        )
-        # Assert that the statistics match
-        report_history = [
-            {
-                "date":,
-                "heartbeats": 1,
-                "smpl": len(Crashreport.SMPL_BOOT_REASONS),
-                "prob_crashes": len(Crashreport.CRASH_BOOT_REASONS),
-                "other": 1,
-            }
-        ]
-        self.assertEqual(report_history,
-    def test_get_device_update_history_no_reports(self):
-        """Test getting update history stats for a device without reports."""
-        # Create a device
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        # Get the device report history statistics
-        response = self._get_with_params(
-            self.device_update_history_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
-        )
-        # Assert that the update history is empty
-        self.assertEqual([],
-    def test_get_device_update_history(self):
-        """Test getting update history stats for a device."""
-        # Create a device with a heartbeat and one report of each type
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        heartbeat = Dummy.create_dummy_report(HeartBeat, device)
-        for boot_reason in (
-            Crashreport.SMPL_BOOT_REASONS
-            + Crashreport.CRASH_BOOT_REASONS
-            + ["other boot reason"]
-        ):
-            params = {"boot_reason": boot_reason}
-            Dummy.create_dummy_report(Crashreport, device, **params)
-        # Get the device update history statistics
-        response = self._get_with_params(
-            self.device_update_history_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
-        )
-        # Assert that the statistics match
-        update_history = [
-            {
-                "build_fingerprint": heartbeat.build_fingerprint,
-                "heartbeats": 1,
-                "max":,
-                "other": 1,
-                "prob_crashes": len(Crashreport.CRASH_BOOT_REASONS),
-                "smpl": len(Crashreport.SMPL_BOOT_REASONS),
-                "update_date":,
-            }
-        ]
-        self.assertEqual(update_history,
-    def test_get_device_update_history_multiple_updates(self):
-        """Test getting update history stats with multiple updates."""
-        # Create a device with a heartbeats and crashreport for each build
-        # fingerprint in the dummy values
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        expected_update_history = []
-        for i, build_fingerprint in enumerate(Dummy.BUILD_FINGERPRINTS):
-            report_day = + timedelta(days=i)
-            Dummy.create_dummy_report(
-                HeartBeat,
-                device,
-                date=report_day,
-                build_fingerprint=build_fingerprint,
-            )
-            Dummy.create_dummy_report(
-                Crashreport,
-                device,
-                date=report_day,
-                build_fingerprint=build_fingerprint,
-            )
-            # Create the expected update history object
-            expected_update_history.append(
-                {
-                    "update_date": report_day,
-                    "build_fingerprint": build_fingerprint,
-                    "max":,
-                    "prob_crashes": 1,
-                    "smpl": 0,
-                    "other": 0,
-                    "heartbeats": 1,
-                }
-            )
-        # Sort the expected values by build fingerprint
-        expected_update_history.sort(
-            key=operator.itemgetter("build_fingerprint")
-        )
-        # Get the device update history statistics and sort it
-        response = self._get_with_params(
-            self.device_update_history_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
-        )
-        # Assert that the statistics match
-        self.assertEqual(expected_update_history,
-    def test_download_non_existing_logfile(self):
-        """Test download of a non existing log file."""
-        # Try to get a log file
-        response = self._get_with_params(
-            self.device_logfile_download_url, {"id_logfile": 0}
-        )
-        # Assert that the log file was not found
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
-    def test_download_logfile(self):
-        """Test download of log files."""
-        # Create a device with a crash report along with log file
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        crashreport = Dummy.create_dummy_report(Crashreport, device)
-        logfile = Dummy.create_dummy_log_file(crashreport)
-        # Get the log file
-        response = self._get_with_params(
-            self.device_logfile_download_url, {"id_logfile":}
-        )
-        # Assert that the log file contents are in the response data
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-        self.assertIn(Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_LOG_FILE_NAME,
-        expected_logfile_content = Dummy.read_logfile_contents(
-            logfile.logfile.path, Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_LOG_FILE_NAME
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(
-            expected_logfile_content,
-        )
-class ViewsTestCase(_HiccupStatsAPITestCase):
-    """Test cases for the statistics views."""
-    home_url = reverse("device")
-    device_url = reverse("hiccup_stats_device")
-    versions_url = reverse("hiccup_stats_versions")
-    versions_all_url = reverse("hiccup_stats_versions_all")
-    @staticmethod
-    def _url_with_params(url, params):
-        # Encode params, but keep slashes because we want to accept URLs as
-        # parameter values.
-        encoded_params = urlencode(params, safe="/")
-        return "{}?{}".format(url, encoded_params)
-    def _get_with_params(self, url, params):
-        return self.fp_staff_client.get(self._url_with_params(url, params))
-    @unittest.skip(
-        "Fails because the view is currently not accessible for admin users."
-    )
-    def test_home_view_as_admin(self):
-        """Test that admin users can access the home view."""
-        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(self.home_url)
-    def test_home_view_as_fp_staff(self):
-        """Test that Fairphone staff users can access the home view."""
-        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(self.home_url)
-    def test_home_view_as_device_owner(self):
-        """Test that device owner users can not access the home view."""
-        # Assert that the response is a redirect (to the login page)
-        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(
-            self.home_url, expected_status=status.HTTP_302_FOUND
-        )
-    def test_home_view_no_auth(self):
-        """Test that one can not access the home view without auth."""
-        # Assert that the response is a redirect (to the login page)
-        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(
-            self.home_url, expected_status=status.HTTP_302_FOUND
-        )
-    @unittest.skip(
-        "Fails because the view is currently not accessible for admin users."
-    )
-    def test_device_view_as_admin(self):
-        """Test that admin users can access the device view."""
-        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(
-            self._url_with_params(
-                self.device_url, {"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid}
-            )
-        )
-    def test_device_view_as_fp_staff(self):
-        """Test that Fairphone staff users can access the device view."""
-        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(
-            self._url_with_params(
-                self.device_url, {"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid}
-            )
-        )
-    def test_device_view_as_device_owner(self):
-        """Test that device owner users can not access the device view."""
-        # Assert that the response is a redirect (to the login page)
-        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(
-            self._url_with_params(
-                self.device_url, {"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid}
-            ),
-            expected_status=status.HTTP_302_FOUND,
-        )
-    def test_device_view_no_auth(self):
-        """Test that non-authenticated users can not access the device view."""
-        # Assert that the response is a redirect (to the login page)
-        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(
-            self._url_with_params(
-                self.device_url, {"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid}
-            ),
-            expected_status=status.HTTP_302_FOUND,
-        )
-    @unittest.skip(
-        "Fails because the view is currently not accessible for admin users."
-    )
-    def test_versions_view_as_admin(self):
-        """Test that admin users can access the versions view."""
-        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(self.versions_url)
-    def test_versions_view_as_fp_staff(self):
-        """Test that Fairphone staff users can access the versions view."""
-        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(self.versions_url)
-    def test_versions_view_as_device_owner(self):
-        """Test that device owner users can not access the versions view."""
-        # Assert that the response is a redirect (to the login page)
-        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(
-            self.versions_url, expected_status=status.HTTP_302_FOUND
-        )
-    def test_versions_view_no_auth(self):
-        """Test one can not access the versions view without auth."""
-        # Assert that the response is a redirect (to the login page)
-        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(
-            self.versions_url, expected_status=status.HTTP_302_FOUND
-        )
-    @unittest.skip(
-        "Fails because the view is currently not accessible for admin users."
-    )
-    def test_versions_all_view_as_admin(self):
-        """Test that admin users can access the versions all view."""
-        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(self.versions_all_url)
-    def test_versions_all_view_as_fp_staff(self):
-        """Test that Fairphone staff users can access the versions all view."""
-        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(self.versions_all_url)
-    def test_versions_all_view_as_device_owner(self):
-        """Test that device owner users can not access the versions all view."""
-        # Assert that the response is a redirect (to the login page)
-        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(
-            self.versions_all_url, expected_status=status.HTTP_302_FOUND
-        )
-    def test_versions_all_view_no_auth(self):
-        """Test that one can not access the versions all view without auth."""
-        # Assert that the response is a redirect (to the login page)
-        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(
-            self.versions_all_url, expected_status=status.HTTP_302_FOUND
-        )
-    @unittest.skip(
-        "Fails because the view is currently not accessible for admin users."
-    )
-    def test_home_view_post_as_admin_user(self):
-        """Test HTTP POST method to home view as admin user."""
-        response =
-            self.home_url, data={"uuid": str(self.device_owner_device.uuid)}
-        )
-        # Assert that the response is a redirect to the device page
-        self.assertRedirects(
-            response,
-            self._url_with_params(
-                self.device_url, {"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid}
-            ),
-        )
-    def test_home_view_post_as_fp_staff(self):
-        """Test HTTP POST method to home view as Fairphone staff user."""
-        response =
-            self.home_url, data={"uuid": str(self.device_owner_device.uuid)}
-        )
-        # Assert that the response is a redirect to the device page
-        self.assertRedirects(
-            response,
-            self._url_with_params(
-                self.device_url, {"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid}
-            ),
-        )
-    def test_home_view_post_no_auth(self):
-        """Test HTTP POST method to home view without authentication."""
-        response =
-            self.home_url, data={"uuid": str(self.device_owner_device.uuid)}
-        )
-        # Assert that the response is a redirect to the login page
-        self.assertRedirects(
-            response,
-            self._url_with_params(
-                settings.ACCOUNT_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL,
-                {"next": settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL},
-            ),
-        )
-    def test_home_view_post_as_device_owner(self):
-        """Test HTTP POST method to home view as device owner."""
-        response =
-            self.home_url, data={"uuid": str(self.device_owner_device.uuid)}
-        )
-        # Assert that the response is a redirect to the login page
-        self.assertRedirects(
-            response,
-            self._url_with_params(
-                settings.ACCOUNT_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL,
-                {"next": settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL},
-            ),
-        )
-    def test_get_home_view(self):
-        """Test getting the home view with device search form."""
-        response = self.fp_staff_client.get(self.home_url)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-        self.assertTemplateUsed(
-            response, "crashreport_stats/home.html", count=1
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(response.context["devices"], None)
-    def test_home_view_filter_devices_by_uuid(self):
-        """Test filtering devices by UUID."""
-        # Create a device
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        # Filter devices by UUID of the created device
-        response =
-            self.home_url, data={"uuid": str(device.uuid)}
-        )
-        # Assert that the the client is redirected to the device page
-        self.assertRedirects(
-            response,
-            self._url_with_params(self.device_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}),
-        )
-    def test_home_view_filter_devices_by_uuid_part(self):
-        """Test filtering devices by start of UUID."""
-        # Create a device
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        # Filter devices with start of the created device's UUID
-        response =
-            self.home_url, data={"uuid": str(device.uuid)[:4]}
-        )
-        # Assert that the the client is redirected to the device page
-        self.assertRedirects(
-            response,
-            self._url_with_params(self.device_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}),
-        )
-    def test_home_view_filter_devices_by_uuid_part_ambiguous_result(self):
-        """Test filtering devices with common start of UUIDs."""
-        # Create two devices
-        device1 = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        device2 = Dummy.create_dummy_device(
-            Dummy.create_dummy_user(username=Dummy.USERNAMES[1])
-        )
-        # Adapt the devices' UUID so that they start with the same characters
-        device1.uuid = "4060fd90-6de1-4b03-a380-4277c703e913"
-        device2.uuid = "4061c59b-823d-4ec6-a463-8ac0c1cea67d"
-        # Filter devices with first three (common) characters of the UUID
-        response =
-            self.home_url, data={"uuid": str(device1.uuid)[:3]}
-        )
-        # Assert that both devices are part of the result
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-        self.assertTemplateUsed(
-            response, "crashreport_stats/home.html", count=1
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(set(response.context["devices"]), {device1, device2})
-    def test_home_view_filter_devices_empty_database(self):
-        """Test filtering devices on an empty database."""
-        response =
-            self.home_url, data={"uuid": "TestUUID"}
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(response.content)
-    def test_home_view_filter_devices_no_uuid(self):
-        """Test filtering devices without specifying UUID."""
-        response =
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-        self.assertTemplateUsed(
-            response, "crashreport_stats/home.html", count=1
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(response.context["devices"], None)
-    def test_get_device_view_empty_database(self):
-        """Test getting device view on an empty database."""
-        response = self.fp_staff_client.get(self.device_url)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
-    def test_get_device_view(self):
-        """Test getting device view."""
-        # Create a device
-        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
-        # Get the corresponding device view
-        response = self._get_with_params(self.device_url, {"uuid": device.uuid})
-        # Assert that the view is constructed from the correct templates and
-        # the response context contains the device UUID
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-        self.assertTemplateUsed(
-            response, "crashreport_stats/device.html", count=1
-        )
-        self.assertTemplateUsed(
-            response, "crashreport_stats/tags/device_overview.html", count=1
-        )
-        self.assertTemplateUsed(
-            response,
-            "crashreport_stats/tags/device_update_history.html",
-            count=1,
-        )
-        self.assertTemplateUsed(
-            response,
-            "crashreport_stats/tags/device_report_history.html",
-            count=1,
-        )
-        self.assertTemplateUsed(
-            response,
-            "crashreport_stats/tags/device_crashreport_table.html",
-            count=1,
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(response.context["uuid"], str(device.uuid))
-    def _assert_versions_view_templates_are_used(self, response):
-        self.assertTemplateUsed(
-            response, "crashreport_stats/versions.html", count=1
-        )
-        self.assertTemplateUsed(
-            response, "crashreport_stats/tags/versions_table.html", count=1
-        )
-        self.assertTemplateUsed(
-            response, "crashreport_stats/tags/versions_pie_chart.html", count=1
-        )
-        self.assertTemplateUsed(
-            response, "crashreport_stats/tags/versions_bar_chart.html", count=1
-        )
-        self.assertTemplateUsed(
-            response, "crashreport_stats/tags/versions_area_chart.html", count=1
-        )
-    @unittest.skip("Fails because of wrong boolean usage in")
-    def test_get_versions_view_empty_database(self):
-        """Test getting versions view on an empty database."""
-        response = self.fp_staff_client.get(self.versions_url)
-        # Assert that the correct templates are used and the response context
-        # contains the correct value for is_official_release
-        self._assert_versions_view_templates_are_used(response)
-        self.assertEqual(response.context["is_official_release"], True)
-    @unittest.skip("Fails because of wrong boolean usage in")
-    def test_get_versions_view(self):
-        """Test getting versions view."""
-        # Create a version
-        Dummy.create_dummy_version()
-        # Get the versions view
-        response = self.fp_staff_client.get(self.versions_url)
-        # Assert that the correct templates are used and the response context
-        # contains the correct value for is_official_release
-        self._assert_versions_view_templates_are_used(response)
-        self.assertEqual(response.context["is_official_release"], True)
-    @unittest.skip("Fails because of wrong boolean usage in")
-    def test_get_versions_all_view_no_versions(self):
-        """Test getting versions all view on an empty database."""
-        response = self.fp_staff_client.get(self.versions_all_url)
-        # Assert that the correct templates are used and the response context
-        # contains an empty value for is_official_release
-        self._assert_versions_view_templates_are_used(response)
-        self.assertEqual(response.context.get("is_official_release", ""), "")
-    @unittest.skip("Fails because of wrong boolean usage in")
-    def test_get_versions_all_view(self):
-        """Test getting versions view."""
-        # Create a version
-        Dummy.create_dummy_version()
-        # Get the versions view
-        response = self.fp_staff_client.get(self.versions_all_url)
-        # Assert that the correct templates are used and the response context
-        # contains the an empty value for is_official_release
-        self._assert_versions_view_templates_are_used(response)
-        self.assertEqual(response.context.get("is_official_release", ""), "")
diff --git a/crashreport_stats/tests/ b/crashreport_stats/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..604c361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crashreport_stats/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"""Tests for the crashreport_stats modules."""
diff --git a/crashreport_stats/tests/ b/crashreport_stats/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..623f86a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crashreport_stats/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,969 @@
+"""Tests for the rest_endpoints module."""
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+import operator
+import unittest
+import pytz
+from django.urls import reverse
+from django.utils.http import urlencode
+from rest_framework import status
+from crashreport_stats.models import RadioVersion
+from crashreport_stats.tests.utils import Dummy, HiccupStatsAPITestCase
+from crashreports.models import Crashreport, HeartBeat, LogFile
+# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
+class StatusTestCase(HiccupStatsAPITestCase):
+    """Test the status endpoint."""
+    status_url = reverse("hiccup_stats_api_v1_status")
+    def _assert_status_response_is(
+        self, response, num_devices, num_crashreports, num_heartbeats
+    ):
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+        self.assertIn("devices",
+        self.assertIn("crashreports",
+        self.assertIn("heartbeats",
+        self.assertEqual(["devices"], num_devices)
+        self.assertEqual(["crashreports"], num_crashreports)
+        self.assertEqual(["heartbeats"], num_heartbeats)
+    def test_status_url_as_admin(self):
+        """Test that admin users can access the status URL."""
+        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(self.status_url)
+    def test_status_url_as_fp_staff(self):
+        """Test that Fairphone staff users can access the status URL."""
+        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(self.status_url)
+    def test_status_url_as_device_owner(self):
+        """Test that device owner users can not access the status URL."""
+        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(self.status_url)
+    def test_status_url_no_auth(self):
+        """Test that non-authenticated users can not access the status URL."""
+        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(self.status_url)
+    def test_get_status_empty_database(self):
+        """Get the status when the database is empty."""
+        response = self.fp_staff_client.get(self.status_url)
+        # Assert that only the device that was created by the setUpTestData()
+        # method is found.
+        self._assert_status_response_is(response, 1, 0, 0)
+    def test_get_status(self):
+        """Get the status after some reports have been created."""
+        # Create a device with a heartbeat and a crash report
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        Dummy.create_dummy_report(HeartBeat, device)
+        Dummy.create_dummy_report(Crashreport, device)
+        # Create a second device without any reports
+        Dummy.create_dummy_device(
+            Dummy.create_dummy_user(username=Dummy.USERNAMES[1])
+        )
+        # Assert that the status includes the appropriate numbers (a third
+        # device was created by the setUpTestData() method)
+        response = self.fp_staff_client.get(self.status_url)
+        self._assert_status_response_is(
+            response, num_devices=3, num_crashreports=1, num_heartbeats=1
+        )
+class _VersionTestCase(HiccupStatsAPITestCase):
+    """Abstract class for version-related test cases to inherit from."""
+    @staticmethod
+    def _create_dummy_version(**kwargs):
+        return Dummy.create_dummy_version(**kwargs)
+    def _get_with_params(self, url, params):
+        return self.admin.get("{}?{}".format(url, urlencode(params)))
+    def _assert_result_length_is(self, response, count):
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+        self.assertIn("results",
+        self.assertIn("count",
+        self.assertEqual(["count"], count)
+        self.assertEqual(len(["results"]), count)
+    def _assert_filter_result_matches(
+        self, endpoint_url, unique_entry_name, filter_params, expected_result
+    ):
+        # List entities with filter
+        response = self._get_with_params(endpoint_url, filter_params)
+        # Expect only the single matching result to be returned
+        self._assert_result_length_is(response, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(
+  ["results"][0][unique_entry_name],
+            getattr(expected_result, unique_entry_name),
+        )
+class VersionTestCase(_VersionTestCase):
+    """Test the Version and REST endpoint."""
+    # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
+    # The attribute name characterising the unicity of a stats entry (the
+    # named identifier)
+    unique_entry_name = "build_fingerprint"
+    # The collection of unique entries to post
+    unique_entries = Dummy.BUILD_FINGERPRINTS
+    # The URL to retrieve the stats entries from
+    endpoint_url = reverse("hiccup_stats_api_v1_versions")
+    def _create_version_entities(self):
+        versions = [
+            self._create_dummy_version(**{self.unique_entry_name: unique_entry})
+            for unique_entry in self.unique_entries
+        ]
+        return versions
+    def test_endpoint_url_as_admin(self):
+        """Test that admin users can access the endpoint URL."""
+        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(self.endpoint_url)
+    def test_endpoint_url_as_fp_staff(self):
+        """Test that Fairphone staff users can access the endpoint URL."""
+        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(self.endpoint_url)
+    def test_endpoint_url_as_device_owner(self):
+        """Test that device owner users can not access the endpoint URL."""
+        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(self.endpoint_url)
+    def test_endpoint_url_no_auth(self):
+        """Test that non-authenticated users can not access the endpoint URL."""
+        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(self.endpoint_url)
+    def test_list_versions_empty_database(self):
+        """Test listing of versions on an empty database."""
+        response = self.admin.get(self.endpoint_url)
+        self._assert_result_length_is(response, 0)
+    def test_list_versions(self):
+        """Test listing versions."""
+        versions = self._create_version_entities()
+        response = self.admin.get(self.endpoint_url)
+        self._assert_result_length_is(response, len(versions))
+    def test_filter_versions_by_unique_entry_name(self):
+        """Test filtering versions by their unique entry name."""
+        versions = self._create_version_entities()
+        response = self.admin.get(self.endpoint_url)
+        # Listing all entities should return the correct result length
+        self._assert_result_length_is(response, len(versions))
+        # List entities with filter
+        filter_params = {
+            self.unique_entry_name: getattr(versions[0], self.unique_entry_name)
+        }
+        self._assert_filter_result_matches(
+            self.endpoint_url,
+            self.unique_entry_name,
+            filter_params,
+            expected_result=versions[0],
+        )
+    def test_filter_versions_by_release_type(self):
+        """Test filtering versions by release type."""
+        # Create versions for all combinations of release types
+        versions = []
+        i = 0
+        for is_official_release in True, False:
+            for is_beta_release in True, False:
+                versions.append(
+                    self._create_dummy_version(
+                        **{
+                            "is_official_release": is_official_release,
+                            "is_beta_release": is_beta_release,
+                            self.unique_entry_name: self.unique_entries[i],
+                        }
+                    )
+                )
+                i += 1
+        # # Listing all entities should return the correct result length
+        response = self.admin.get(self.endpoint_url)
+        self._assert_result_length_is(response, len(versions))
+        # List each of the entities with the matching filter params
+        for version in versions:
+            filter_params = {
+                "is_official_release": version.is_official_release,
+                "is_beta_release": version.is_beta_release,
+            }
+            self._assert_filter_result_matches(
+                self.endpoint_url,
+                self.unique_entry_name,
+                filter_params,
+                expected_result=version,
+            )
+    def test_filter_versions_by_first_seen_date(self):
+        """Test filtering versions by first seen date."""
+        versions = self._create_version_entities()
+        # Set the first seen date of an entity
+        versions[0].first_seen_on = Dummy.DATES[2]
+        versions[0].save()
+        # Listing all entities should return the correct result length
+        response = self.admin.get(self.endpoint_url)
+        self._assert_result_length_is(response, len(versions))
+        # Expect the single matching result to be returned
+        filter_params = {"first_seen_after": Dummy.DATES[2]}
+        self._assert_filter_result_matches(
+            self.endpoint_url,
+            self.unique_entry_name,
+            filter_params,
+            expected_result=versions[0],
+        )
+# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
+class RadioVersionTestCase(VersionTestCase):
+    """Test the RadioVersion REST endpoint."""
+    unique_entry_name = "radio_version"
+    unique_entries = Dummy.RADIO_VERSIONS
+    endpoint_url = reverse("hiccup_stats_api_v1_radio_versions")
+    @staticmethod
+    def _create_dummy_version(**kwargs):
+        return Dummy.create_dummy_radio_version(**kwargs)
+class VersionDailyTestCase(_VersionTestCase):
+    """Test the VersionDaily REST endpoint."""
+    unique_entry_name = "build_fingerprint"
+    unique_entries = Dummy.BUILD_FINGERPRINTS
+    endpoint_url = reverse("hiccup_stats_api_v1_version_daily")
+    @staticmethod
+    def _create_dummy_daily_version(version, **kwargs):
+        return Dummy.create_dummy_daily_version(version, **kwargs)
+    def _create_version_entities(self):
+        versions = [
+            self._create_dummy_version(**{self.unique_entry_name: unique_entry})
+            for unique_entry in self.unique_entries
+        ]
+        versions_daily = [
+            self._create_dummy_daily_version(version=version)
+            for version in versions
+        ]
+        return versions_daily
+    def test_endpoint_url_as_admin(self):
+        """Test that admin users can access the endpoint URL."""
+        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(self.endpoint_url)
+    def test_endpoint_url_as_fp_staff(self):
+        """Test that Fairphone staff users can access the endpoint URL."""
+        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(self.endpoint_url)
+    def test_endpoint_url_as_device_owner(self):
+        """Test that device owner users can not access the endpoint URL."""
+        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(self.endpoint_url)
+    def test_endpoint_url_no_auth(self):
+        """Test that non-authenticated users can not access the endpoint URL."""
+        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(self.endpoint_url)
+    def test_list_daily_versions_empty_database(self):
+        """Test listing of daily versions on an empty database."""
+        response = self.admin.get(self.endpoint_url)
+        self._assert_result_length_is(response, 0)
+    def test_list_daily_versions(self):
+        """Test listing daily versions."""
+        versions_daily = self._create_version_entities()
+        response = self.admin.get(self.endpoint_url)
+        self._assert_result_length_is(response, len(versions_daily))
+    def test_filter_daily_versions_by_version(self):
+        """Test filtering versions by the version they relate to."""
+        # Create VersionDaily entities
+        versions = self._create_version_entities()
+        # Listing all entities should return the correct result length
+        response = self.admin.get(self.endpoint_url)
+        self._assert_result_length_is(response, len(versions))
+        # List entities with filter
+        param_name = "version__" + self.unique_entry_name
+        filter_params = {
+            param_name: getattr(versions[0].version, self.unique_entry_name)
+        }
+        self._assert_filter_result_matches(
+            self.endpoint_url,
+            self.unique_entry_name,
+            filter_params,
+            expected_result=versions[0].version,
+        )
+    def test_filter_daily_versions_by_date(self):
+        """Test filtering daily versions by date."""
+        # Create Version and VersionDaily entities
+        versions = self._create_version_entities()
+        # Update the date
+        versions[0].date = Dummy.DATES[2]
+        versions[0].save()
+        # Listing all entities should return the correct result length
+        response = self.admin.get(self.endpoint_url)
+        self._assert_result_length_is(response, len(versions))
+        # Expect the single matching result to be returned
+        filter_params = {"date": versions[0].date}
+        self._assert_filter_result_matches(
+            self.endpoint_url,
+            self.unique_entry_name,
+            filter_params,
+            expected_result=versions[0].version,
+        )
+class RadioVersionDailyTestCase(VersionDailyTestCase):
+    """Test the RadioVersionDaily REST endpoint."""
+    unique_entry_name = "radio_version"
+    unique_entries = Dummy.RADIO_VERSIONS
+    endpoint_url = reverse("hiccup_stats_api_v1_radio_version_daily")
+    @staticmethod
+    def _create_dummy_version(**kwargs):
+        entity = RadioVersion(
+            **Dummy.update_copy(
+                Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_RADIO_VERSION_VALUES, kwargs
+            )
+        )
+        return entity
+    @staticmethod
+    def _create_dummy_daily_version(version, **kwargs):
+        return Dummy.create_dummy_daily_radio_version(version, **kwargs)
+class DeviceStatsTestCase(HiccupStatsAPITestCase):
+    """Test the single device stats REST endpoints."""
+    device_overview_url = "hiccup_stats_api_v1_device_overview"
+    device_report_history_url = "hiccup_stats_api_v1_device_report_history"
+    device_update_history_url = "hiccup_stats_api_v1_device_update_history"
+    device_logfile_download_url = "hiccup_stats_api_v1_logfile_download"
+    def _get_with_params(self, url, params):
+        url = reverse(url, kwargs=params)
+        return self.fp_staff_client.get(url)
+    def _assert_device_stats_response_is(
+        self,
+        response,
+        uuid,
+        board_date,
+        num_heartbeats,
+        num_crashreports,
+        num_smpls,
+        crashes_per_day,
+        smpl_per_day,
+        last_active,
+    ):
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+        self.assertIn("uuid",
+        self.assertIn("board_date",
+        self.assertIn("heartbeats",
+        self.assertIn("crashreports",
+        self.assertIn("smpls",
+        self.assertIn("crashes_per_day",
+        self.assertIn("smpl_per_day",
+        self.assertIn("last_active",
+        self.assertEqual(["uuid"], uuid)
+        self.assertEqual(["board_date"], board_date)
+        self.assertEqual(["heartbeats"], num_heartbeats)
+        self.assertEqual(["crashreports"], num_crashreports)
+        self.assertEqual(["smpls"], num_smpls)
+        self.assertEqual(["crashes_per_day"], crashes_per_day)
+        self.assertEqual(["smpl_per_day"], smpl_per_day)
+        self.assertEqual(["last_active"], last_active)
+    @unittest.skip(
+        "Fails because there is no fallback for the last_active "
+        "date for devices without heartbeats."
+    )
+    def test_device_overview_url_as_admin(self):
+        """Test that admin users can access the URL."""
+        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(
+            reverse(
+                self.device_overview_url,
+                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
+            )
+        )
+    @unittest.skip(
+        "Fails because there is no fallback for the last_active "
+        "date for devices without heartbeats."
+    )
+    def test_device_overview_url_as_fp_staff(self):
+        """Test that Fairphone staff users can access the URL."""
+        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(
+            reverse(
+                self.device_overview_url,
+                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
+            )
+        )
+    def test_device_overview_url_as_device_owner(self):
+        """Test that device owner users can not access the URL."""
+        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(
+            reverse(
+                self.device_overview_url,
+                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
+            )
+        )
+    def test_device_overview_url_no_auth(self):
+        """Test that non-authenticated users can not access the URL."""
+        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(
+            reverse(
+                self.device_overview_url,
+                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
+            )
+        )
+    def test_device_report_history_url_as_admin(self):
+        """Test that admin users can access device report history URL."""
+        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(
+            reverse(
+                self.device_report_history_url,
+                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
+            )
+        )
+    def test_device_report_history_url_as_fp_staff(self):
+        """Test that FP staff can access device report history URL."""
+        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(
+            reverse(
+                self.device_report_history_url,
+                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
+            )
+        )
+    def test_device_report_history_url_as_device_owner(self):
+        """Test that device owners can't access device report history URL."""
+        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(
+            reverse(
+                self.device_report_history_url,
+                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
+            )
+        )
+    def test_device_report_history_url_no_auth(self):
+        """Test that device report history is not accessible without auth."""
+        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(
+            reverse(
+                self.device_report_history_url,
+                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
+            )
+        )
+    def test_device_update_history_url_as_admin(self):
+        """Test that admin users can access device update history URL."""
+        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(
+            reverse(
+                self.device_update_history_url,
+                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
+            )
+        )
+    def test_device_update_history_url_as_fp_staff(self):
+        """Test that FP staff can access device update history URL."""
+        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(
+            reverse(
+                self.device_update_history_url,
+                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
+            )
+        )
+    def test_device_update_history_url_as_device_owner(self):
+        """Test that device owners can't access device update history URL."""
+        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(
+            reverse(
+                self.device_update_history_url,
+                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
+            )
+        )
+    def test_device_update_history_url_no_auth(self):
+        """Test that device update history is not accessible without auth."""
+        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(
+            reverse(
+                self.device_update_history_url,
+                kwargs={"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid},
+            )
+        )
+    def test_logfile_download_url_as_admin(self):
+        """Test that admin users can access the logfile download URL."""
+        non_existent_logfile_id = 0
+        self.assertFalse(
+            LogFile.objects.filter(id=non_existent_logfile_id).exists()
+        )
+        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(
+            reverse(
+                self.device_logfile_download_url,
+                kwargs={"id_logfile": non_existent_logfile_id},
+            ),
+            expected_status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND,
+        )
+    def tes_logfile_download_url_as_fp_staff(self):
+        """Test that FP staff can access the logfile download URL."""
+        non_existent_logfile_id = 0
+        self.assertFalse(
+            LogFile.objects.filter(id=non_existent_logfile_id).exists()
+        )
+        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(
+            reverse(
+                self.device_logfile_download_url,
+                kwargs={"id_logfile": non_existent_logfile_id},
+            ),
+            expected_status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND,
+        )
+    def test_logfile_download_url_as_device_owner(self):
+        """Test that device owners can't access the logfile download URL."""
+        non_existent_logfile_id = 0
+        self.assertFalse(
+            LogFile.objects.filter(id=non_existent_logfile_id).exists()
+        )
+        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(
+            reverse(
+                self.device_logfile_download_url,
+                kwargs={"id_logfile": non_existent_logfile_id},
+            )
+        )
+    def test_logfile_download_url_no_auth(self):
+        """Test that the logfile download URL is not accessible without auth."""
+        non_existent_logfile_id = 0
+        self.assertFalse(
+            LogFile.objects.filter(id=non_existent_logfile_id).exists()
+        )
+        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(
+            reverse(
+                self.device_logfile_download_url,
+                kwargs={"id_logfile": non_existent_logfile_id},
+            )
+        )
+    @unittest.skip(
+        "Fails because there is no fallback for the last_active "
+        "date for devices without heartbeats."
+    )
+    def test_get_device_stats_no_reports(self):
+        """Test getting device stats for a device without reports."""
+        # Create a device
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        # Get the device statistics
+        response = self._get_with_params(
+            self.device_overview_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
+        )
+        # Assert that the statistics match
+        self._assert_device_stats_response_is(
+            response=response,
+            uuid=str(device.uuid),
+            board_date=device.board_date,
+            num_heartbeats=0,
+            num_crashreports=0,
+            num_smpls=0,
+            crashes_per_day=0.0,
+            smpl_per_day=0.0,
+            last_active=device.board_date,
+        )
+    def test_get_device_stats_no_crash_reports(self):
+        """Test getting device stats for a device without crashreports."""
+        # Create a device and a heartbeat
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        heartbeat = Dummy.create_dummy_report(HeartBeat, device)
+        # Get the device statistics
+        response = self._get_with_params(
+            self.device_overview_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
+        )
+        # Assert that the statistics match
+        self._assert_device_stats_response_is(
+            response=response,
+            uuid=str(device.uuid),
+            board_date=device.board_date,
+            num_heartbeats=1,
+            num_crashreports=0,
+            num_smpls=0,
+            crashes_per_day=0.0,
+            smpl_per_day=0.0,
+  ,
+        )
+    @unittest.skip(
+        "Fails because there is no fallback for the last_active "
+        "date for devices without heartbeats."
+    )
+    def test_get_device_stats_no_heartbeats(self):
+        """Test getting device stats for a device without heartbeats."""
+        # Create a device and crashreport
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        Dummy.create_dummy_report(Crashreport, device)
+        # Get the device statistics
+        response = self._get_with_params(
+            self.device_overview_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
+        )
+        # Assert that the statistics match
+        self._assert_device_stats_response_is(
+            response=response,
+            uuid=str(device.uuid),
+            board_date=device.board_date,
+            num_heartbeats=0,
+            num_crashreports=1,
+            num_smpls=0,
+            crashes_per_day=0.0,
+            smpl_per_day=0.0,
+            last_active=device.board_date,
+        )
+    def test_get_device_stats(self):
+        """Test getting device stats for a device."""
+        # Create a device with a heartbeat and one report of each type
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        heartbeat = Dummy.create_dummy_report(HeartBeat, device)
+        for boot_reason in (
+            Crashreport.SMPL_BOOT_REASONS
+            + Crashreport.CRASH_BOOT_REASONS
+            + ["other boot reason"]
+        ):
+            Dummy.create_dummy_report(
+                Crashreport, device, boot_reason=boot_reason
+            )
+        # Get the device statistics
+        response = self._get_with_params(
+            self.device_overview_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
+        )
+        # Assert that the statistics match
+        self._assert_device_stats_response_is(
+            response=response,
+            uuid=str(device.uuid),
+            board_date=device.board_date,
+            num_heartbeats=1,
+            num_crashreports=len(Crashreport.CRASH_BOOT_REASONS),
+            num_smpls=len(Crashreport.SMPL_BOOT_REASONS),
+            crashes_per_day=len(Crashreport.CRASH_BOOT_REASONS),
+            smpl_per_day=len(Crashreport.SMPL_BOOT_REASONS),
+  ,
+        )
+    def test_get_device_stats_multiple_days(self):
+        """Test getting device stats for a device that sent more reports."""
+        # Create a device with some heartbeats and reports over time
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        num_days = 100
+        for i in range(num_days):
+            report_day = + timedelta(days=i)
+            heartbeat = Dummy.create_dummy_report(
+                HeartBeat, device, date=report_day
+            )
+            Dummy.create_dummy_report(Crashreport, device, date=report_day)
+            Dummy.create_dummy_report(
+                Crashreport,
+                device,
+                date=report_day,
+                boot_reason=Crashreport.SMPL_BOOT_REASONS[0],
+            )
+        # Get the device statistics
+        response = self._get_with_params(
+            self.device_overview_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
+        )
+        # Assert that the statistics match
+        self._assert_device_stats_response_is(
+            response=response,
+            uuid=str(device.uuid),
+            board_date=device.board_date,
+            num_heartbeats=num_days,
+            num_crashreports=num_days,
+            num_smpls=num_days,
+            crashes_per_day=1,
+            smpl_per_day=1,
+  ,
+        )
+    def test_get_device_stats_multiple_days_missing_heartbeat(self):
+        """Test getting device stats for a device with missing heartbeat."""
+        # Create a device with some heartbeats and reports over time
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        num_days = 100
+        skip_day = round(num_days / 2)
+        for i in range(num_days):
+            report_day = + timedelta(days=i)
+            # Skip creation of heartbeat at one day
+            if i != skip_day:
+                heartbeat = Dummy.create_dummy_report(
+                    HeartBeat, device, date=report_day
+                )
+            Dummy.create_dummy_report(Crashreport, device, date=report_day)
+        # Get the device statistics
+        response = self._get_with_params(
+            self.device_overview_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
+        )
+        # Assert that the statistics match
+        self._assert_device_stats_response_is(
+            response=response,
+            uuid=str(device.uuid),
+            board_date=device.board_date,
+            num_heartbeats=num_days - 1,
+            num_crashreports=num_days,
+            num_smpls=0,
+            crashes_per_day=num_days / (num_days - 1),
+            smpl_per_day=0,
+  ,
+        )
+    @unittest.skip("Duplicate heartbeats are currently not dropped.")
+    def test_get_device_stats_multiple_days_duplicate_heartbeat(self):
+        """Test getting device stats for a device with duplicate heartbeat.
+        Duplicate heartbeats are dropped and thus should not influence the
+        statistics.
+        """
+        # Create a device with some heartbeats and reports over time
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        num_days = 100
+        duplicate_day = round(num_days / 2)
+        first_report_day = Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_HEARTBEAT_VALUES["date"]
+        for i in range(num_days):
+            report_day = first_report_day + timedelta(days=i)
+            heartbeat = Dummy.create_dummy_report(
+                HeartBeat, device, date=report_day
+            )
+            # Create a second at the duplicate day (with 1 hour delay)
+            if i == duplicate_day:
+                Dummy.create_dummy_report(
+                    HeartBeat, device, date=report_day + timedelta(hours=1)
+                )
+            Dummy.create_dummy_report(Crashreport, device, date=report_day)
+        # Get the device statistics
+        response = self._get_with_params(
+            self.device_overview_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
+        )
+        # Assert that the statistics match
+        self._assert_device_stats_response_is(
+            response=response,
+            uuid=str(device.uuid),
+            board_date=device.board_date,
+            num_heartbeats=num_days,
+            num_crashreports=num_days,
+            num_smpls=0,
+            crashes_per_day=1,
+            smpl_per_day=0,
+  ,
+        )
+    def test_get_device_report_history_no_reports(self):
+        """Test getting report history stats for a device without reports."""
+        # Create a device
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        # Get the device report history statistics
+        response = self._get_with_params(
+            self.device_report_history_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
+        )
+        # Assert that the report history is empty
+        self.assertEqual([],
+    @unittest.skip("Broken raw query. Heartbeats are not counted correctly.")
+    def test_get_device_report_history(self):
+        """Test getting report history stats for a device."""
+        # Create a device with a heartbeat and one report of each type
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        heartbeat = Dummy.create_dummy_report(HeartBeat, device)
+        for boot_reason in (
+            Crashreport.SMPL_BOOT_REASONS
+            + Crashreport.CRASH_BOOT_REASONS
+            + ["other boot reason"]
+        ):
+            Dummy.create_dummy_report(
+                Crashreport, device, boot_reason=boot_reason
+            )
+        # Get the device report history statistics
+        response = self._get_with_params(
+            self.device_report_history_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
+        )
+        # Assert that the statistics match
+        report_history = [
+            {
+                "date":,
+                "heartbeats": 1,
+                "smpl": len(Crashreport.SMPL_BOOT_REASONS),
+                "prob_crashes": len(Crashreport.CRASH_BOOT_REASONS),
+                "other": 1,
+            }
+        ]
+        self.assertEqual(report_history,
+    def test_get_device_update_history_no_reports(self):
+        """Test getting update history stats for a device without reports."""
+        # Create a device
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        # Get the device report history statistics
+        response = self._get_with_params(
+            self.device_update_history_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
+        )
+        # Assert that the update history is empty
+        self.assertEqual([],
+    def test_get_device_update_history(self):
+        """Test getting update history stats for a device."""
+        # Create a device with a heartbeat and one report of each type
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        heartbeat = Dummy.create_dummy_report(HeartBeat, device)
+        for boot_reason in (
+            Crashreport.SMPL_BOOT_REASONS
+            + Crashreport.CRASH_BOOT_REASONS
+            + ["other boot reason"]
+        ):
+            params = {"boot_reason": boot_reason}
+            Dummy.create_dummy_report(Crashreport, device, **params)
+        # Get the device update history statistics
+        response = self._get_with_params(
+            self.device_update_history_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
+        )
+        # Assert that the statistics match
+        update_history = [
+            {
+                "build_fingerprint": heartbeat.build_fingerprint,
+                "heartbeats": 1,
+                "max":,
+                "other": 1,
+                "prob_crashes": len(Crashreport.CRASH_BOOT_REASONS),
+                "smpl": len(Crashreport.SMPL_BOOT_REASONS),
+                "update_date":,
+            }
+        ]
+        self.assertEqual(update_history,
+    def test_get_device_update_history_multiple_updates(self):
+        """Test getting update history stats with multiple updates."""
+        # Create a device with a heartbeats and crashreport for each build
+        # fingerprint in the dummy values
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        expected_update_history = []
+        for i, build_fingerprint in enumerate(Dummy.BUILD_FINGERPRINTS):
+            report_day = + timedelta(days=i)
+            Dummy.create_dummy_report(
+                HeartBeat,
+                device,
+                date=report_day,
+                build_fingerprint=build_fingerprint,
+            )
+            Dummy.create_dummy_report(
+                Crashreport,
+                device,
+                date=report_day,
+                build_fingerprint=build_fingerprint,
+            )
+            # Create the expected update history object
+            expected_update_history.append(
+                {
+                    "update_date": report_day,
+                    "build_fingerprint": build_fingerprint,
+                    "max":,
+                    "prob_crashes": 1,
+                    "smpl": 0,
+                    "other": 0,
+                    "heartbeats": 1,
+                }
+            )
+        # Sort the expected values by build fingerprint
+        expected_update_history.sort(
+            key=operator.itemgetter("build_fingerprint")
+        )
+        # Get the device update history statistics and sort it
+        response = self._get_with_params(
+            self.device_update_history_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}
+        )
+        # Assert that the statistics match
+        self.assertEqual(expected_update_history,
+    def test_download_non_existing_logfile(self):
+        """Test download of a non existing log file."""
+        # Try to get a log file
+        response = self._get_with_params(
+            self.device_logfile_download_url, {"id_logfile": 0}
+        )
+        # Assert that the log file was not found
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
+    def test_download_logfile(self):
+        """Test download of log files."""
+        # Create a device with a crash report along with log file
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        crashreport = Dummy.create_dummy_report(Crashreport, device)
+        logfile = Dummy.create_dummy_log_file(crashreport)
+        # Get the log file
+        response = self._get_with_params(
+            self.device_logfile_download_url, {"id_logfile":}
+        )
+        # Assert that the log file contents are in the response data
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+        self.assertIn(Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_LOG_FILE_NAME,
+        expected_logfile_content = Dummy.read_logfile_contents(
+            logfile.logfile.path, Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_LOG_FILE_NAME
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            expected_logfile_content,
+        )
diff --git a/crashreport_stats/tests/ b/crashreport_stats/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51860e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crashreport_stats/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+"""Tests for the stats management command module."""
+from io import StringIO
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+import unittest
+import pytz
+from import call_command
+from django.test import TestCase
+from crashreport_stats.models import (
+    Version,
+    VersionDaily,
+    RadioVersion,
+    RadioVersionDaily,
+    StatsMetadata,
+from crashreport_stats.tests.utils import Dummy
+from crashreports.models import Crashreport, HeartBeat
+# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
+class StatsCommandVersionsTestCase(TestCase):
+    """Test the generation of Version stats with the stats command."""
+    # The class of the version type to be tested
+    version_class = Version
+    # The attribute name characterising the unicity of a stats entry (the
+    # named identifier)
+    unique_entry_name = "build_fingerprint"
+    # The collection of unique entries to post
+    unique_entries = Dummy.BUILD_FINGERPRINTS
+    def _create_reports(
+        self, report_type, unique_entry_name, device, number, **kwargs
+    ):
+        # Create reports with distinct timestamps
+        now =
+        for i in range(number):
+            report_date = now - timedelta(milliseconds=i)
+            report_attributes = {
+                self.unique_entry_name: unique_entry_name,
+                "device": device,
+                "date": report_date,
+            }
+            report_attributes.update(**kwargs)
+            Dummy.create_dummy_report(report_type, **report_attributes)
+    def test_stats_calculation(self):
+        """Test generation of a Version instance."""
+        user = Dummy.create_dummy_user()
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=user)
+        heartbeat = Dummy.create_dummy_report(HeartBeat, device=device)
+        # Expect that we do not have the Version before updating the stats
+        get_params = {
+            self.unique_entry_name: getattr(heartbeat, self.unique_entry_name)
+        }
+        self.assertRaises(
+            self.version_class.DoesNotExist,
+            self.version_class.objects.get,
+            **get_params
+        )
+        # Run the command to update the database
+        call_command("stats", "update")
+        # Assume that a corresponding Version instance has been created
+        version = self.version_class.objects.get(**get_params)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(version)
+    def _assert_older_report_updates_version_date(self, report_type):
+        """Validate that older reports sent later affect the version date."""
+        user = Dummy.create_dummy_user()
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=user)
+        report = Dummy.create_dummy_report(report_type, device=device)
+        # Run the command to update the database
+        call_command("stats", "update")
+        get_params = {
+            self.unique_entry_name: getattr(report, self.unique_entry_name)
+        }
+        version = self.version_class.objects.get(**get_params)
+        self.assertEqual(, version.first_seen_on)
+        # Create a new report from an earlier point in time
+        report_time_2 = - timedelta(weeks=1)
+        Dummy.create_dummy_report(
+            report_type, device=device, date=report_time_2
+        )
+        # Run the command to update the database
+        call_command("stats", "update")
+        # Get the same version object from before
+        version = self.version_class.objects.get(**get_params)
+        # Validate that the date matches the report recently sent
+        self.assertEqual(, version.first_seen_on)
+    def test_older_heartbeat_updates_version_date(self):
+        """Validate updating version date with older heartbeats."""
+        self._assert_older_report_updates_version_date(HeartBeat)
+    def test_older_crash_report_updates_version_date(self):
+        """Validate updating version date with older crash reports."""
+        self._assert_older_report_updates_version_date(Crashreport)
+    def test_entries_are_unique(self):
+        """Validate the entries' unicity and value."""
+        # Create some reports
+        user = Dummy.create_dummy_user()
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=user)
+        for unique_entry in self.unique_entries:
+            self._create_reports(HeartBeat, unique_entry, device, 10)
+        # Run the command to update the database
+        call_command("stats", "update")
+        # Check whether the correct amount of distinct versions have been
+        # created
+        versions = self.version_class.objects.all()
+        for version in versions:
+            self.assertIn(
+                getattr(version, self.unique_entry_name), self.unique_entries
+            )
+        self.assertEqual(len(versions), len(self.unique_entries))
+    def _assert_counter_distribution_is_correct(
+        self, report_type, numbers, counter_attribute_name, **kwargs
+    ):
+        """Validate a counter distribution in the database."""
+        if len(numbers) != len(self.unique_entries):
+            raise ValueError(
+                "The length of the numbers list must match the "
+                "length of self.unique_entries in the test class"
+                "({} != {})".format(len(numbers), len(self.unique_entries))
+            )
+        # Create some reports
+        user = Dummy.create_dummy_user()
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=user)
+        for unique_entry, num in zip(self.unique_entries, numbers):
+            self._create_reports(
+                report_type, unique_entry, device, num, **kwargs
+            )
+        # Run the command to update the database
+        call_command("stats", "update")
+        # Check whether the numbers of reports match
+        for version in self.version_class.objects.all():
+            unique_entry_name = getattr(version, self.unique_entry_name)
+            num = numbers[self.unique_entries.index(unique_entry_name)]
+            self.assertEqual(num, getattr(version, counter_attribute_name))
+    def test_heartbeats_counter(self):
+        """Test the calculation of the heartbeats counter."""
+        numbers = [10, 7, 8, 5]
+        counter_attribute_name = "heartbeats"
+        self._assert_counter_distribution_is_correct(
+            HeartBeat, numbers, counter_attribute_name
+        )
+    def test_crash_reports_counter(self):
+        """Test the calculation of the crashreports counter."""
+        numbers = [2, 5, 0, 3]
+        counter_attribute_name = "prob_crashes"
+        boot_reason_param = {"boot_reason": Crashreport.BOOT_REASON_UNKOWN}
+        self._assert_counter_distribution_is_correct(
+            Crashreport, numbers, counter_attribute_name, **boot_reason_param
+        )
+    def test_smpl_reports_counter(self):
+        """Test the calculation of the smpl reports counter."""
+        numbers = [1, 3, 4, 0]
+        counter_attribute_name = "smpl"
+        boot_reason_param = {"boot_reason": Crashreport.BOOT_REASON_RTC_ALARM}
+        self._assert_counter_distribution_is_correct(
+            Crashreport, numbers, counter_attribute_name, **boot_reason_param
+        )
+    def test_other_reports_counter(self):
+        """Test the calculation of the other reports counter."""
+        numbers = [0, 2, 1, 2]
+        counter_attribute_name = "other"
+        boot_reason_param = {"boot_reason": "random boot reason"}
+        self._assert_counter_distribution_is_correct(
+            Crashreport, numbers, counter_attribute_name, **boot_reason_param
+        )
+    def _assert_reports_with_same_timestamp_are_counted(
+        self, report_type, counter_attribute_name, **kwargs
+    ):
+        """Validate that reports with the same timestamp are counted.
+        Reports from different devices but the same timestamp should be
+        counted as independent reports.
+        """
+        # Create a report
+        device1 = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        report1 = Dummy.create_dummy_report(
+            report_type, device=device1, **kwargs
+        )
+        # Create a second report with the same timestamp but from another device
+        device2 = Dummy.create_dummy_device(
+            user=Dummy.create_dummy_user(username=Dummy.USERNAMES[1])
+        )
+        Dummy.create_dummy_report(
+            report_type, device=device2,, **kwargs
+        )
+        # Run the command to update the database
+        call_command("stats", "update")
+        # Get the corresponding version instance from the database
+        get_params = {
+            self.unique_entry_name: getattr(report1, self.unique_entry_name)
+        }
+        version = self.version_class.objects.get(**get_params)
+        # Assert that both reports are counted
+        self.assertEqual(getattr(version, counter_attribute_name), 2)
+    @unittest.skip(
+        "Duplicates are dropped based on their timestamp at the moment. This is"
+        "to be adapted so that they are dropped taking into account the device"
+        "UUID as well."
+    )
+    def test_heartbeats_with_same_timestamp_are_counted(self):
+        """Validate that heartbeats with same timestamp are counted."""
+        counter_attribute_name = "heartbeats"
+        self._assert_reports_with_same_timestamp_are_counted(
+            HeartBeat, counter_attribute_name
+        )
+    @unittest.skip(
+        "Duplicates are dropped based on their timestamp at the moment. This is"
+        "to be adapted so that they are dropped taking into account the device"
+        "UUID as well."
+    )
+    def test_crash_reports_with_same_timestamp_are_counted(self):
+        """Validate that crash report duplicates are ignored."""
+        counter_attribute_name = "prob_crashes"
+        for unique_entry, boot_reason in zip(
+            self.unique_entries, Crashreport.CRASH_BOOT_REASONS
+        ):
+            params = {
+                "boot_reason": boot_reason,
+                self.unique_entry_name: unique_entry,
+            }
+            self._assert_reports_with_same_timestamp_are_counted(
+                Crashreport, counter_attribute_name, **params
+            )
+    @unittest.skip(
+        "Duplicates are dropped based on their timestamp at the moment. This is"
+        "to be adapted so that they are dropped taking into account the device"
+        "UUID as well."
+    )
+    def test_smpl_reports_with_same_timestamp_are_counted(self):
+        """Validate that smpl report duplicates are ignored."""
+        counter_attribute_name = "smpl"
+        for unique_entry, boot_reason in zip(
+            self.unique_entries, Crashreport.SMPL_BOOT_REASONS
+        ):
+            params = {
+                "boot_reason": boot_reason,
+                self.unique_entry_name: unique_entry,
+            }
+            self._assert_reports_with_same_timestamp_are_counted(
+                Crashreport, counter_attribute_name, **params
+            )
+    @unittest.skip(
+        "Duplicates are dropped based on their timestamp at the moment. This is"
+        "to be adapted so that they are dropped taking into account the device"
+        "UUID as well."
+    )
+    def test_other_reports_with_same_timestamp_are_counted(self):
+        """Validate that other report duplicates are ignored."""
+        counter_attribute_name = "other"
+        params = {"boot_reason": "random boot reason"}
+        self._assert_reports_with_same_timestamp_are_counted(
+            Crashreport, counter_attribute_name, **params
+        )
+    def _assert_duplicates_are_ignored(
+        self, report_type, device, counter_attribute_name, **kwargs
+    ):
+        """Validate that reports with duplicate timestamps are ignored."""
+        # Create a report
+        report = Dummy.create_dummy_report(report_type, device=device, **kwargs)
+        # Create a second report with the same timestamp
+        Dummy.create_dummy_report(
+            report_type, device=device,, **kwargs
+        )
+        # Run the command to update the database
+        call_command("stats", "update")
+        # Get the corresponding version instance from the database
+        get_params = {
+            self.unique_entry_name: getattr(report, self.unique_entry_name)
+        }
+        version = self.version_class.objects.get(**get_params)
+        # Assert that the report with the duplicate timestamp is not
+        # counted, i.e. only 1 report is counted.
+        self.assertEqual(getattr(version, counter_attribute_name), 1)
+    def test_heartbeat_duplicates_are_ignored(self):
+        """Validate that heartbeat duplicates are ignored."""
+        counter_attribute_name = "heartbeats"
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        self._assert_duplicates_are_ignored(
+            HeartBeat, device, counter_attribute_name
+        )
+    def test_crash_report_duplicates_are_ignored(self):
+        """Validate that crash report duplicates are ignored."""
+        counter_attribute_name = "prob_crashes"
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        for i, boot_reason in enumerate(Crashreport.CRASH_BOOT_REASONS):
+            params = {
+                "boot_reason": boot_reason,
+                self.unique_entry_name: self.unique_entries[i],
+            }
+            self._assert_duplicates_are_ignored(
+                Crashreport, device, counter_attribute_name, **params
+            )
+    def test_smpl_report_duplicates_are_ignored(self):
+        """Validate that smpl report duplicates are ignored."""
+        counter_attribute_name = "smpl"
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        for i, boot_reason in enumerate(Crashreport.SMPL_BOOT_REASONS):
+            params = {
+                "boot_reason": boot_reason,
+                self.unique_entry_name: self.unique_entries[i],
+            }
+            self._assert_duplicates_are_ignored(
+                Crashreport, device, counter_attribute_name, **params
+            )
+    def test_other_report_duplicates_are_ignored(self):
+        """Validate that other report duplicates are ignored."""
+        counter_attribute_name = "other"
+        params = {"boot_reason": "random boot reason"}
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        self._assert_duplicates_are_ignored(
+            Crashreport, device, counter_attribute_name, **params
+        )
+    def _assert_older_reports_update_released_on_date(
+        self, report_type, **kwargs
+    ):
+        """Test updating of the released_on date.
+        Validate that the released_on date is updated once an older report is
+        sent.
+        """
+        # Create a report
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        report = Dummy.create_dummy_report(report_type, device=device, **kwargs)
+        # Run the command to update the database
+        call_command("stats", "update")
+        # Get the corresponding version instance from the database
+        version = self.version_class.objects.get(
+            **{self.unique_entry_name: getattr(report, self.unique_entry_name)}
+        )
+        # Assert that the released_on date matches the first report date
+        self.assertEqual(version.released_on,
+        # Create a second report with the a timestamp earlier in time
+        report_2_date = - timedelta(days=1)
+        Dummy.create_dummy_report(
+            report_type, device=device, date=report_2_date, **kwargs
+        )
+        # Run the command to update the database
+        call_command("stats", "update")
+        # Get the corresponding version instance from the database
+        version = self.version_class.objects.get(
+            **{self.unique_entry_name: getattr(report, self.unique_entry_name)}
+        )
+        # Assert that the released_on date matches the older report date
+        self.assertEqual(version.released_on,
+    def _assert_newer_reports_do_not_update_released_on_date(
+        self, report_type, **kwargs
+    ):
+        """Test updating of the released_on date.
+        Validate that the released_on date is not updated once a newer report is
+        sent.
+        """
+        # Create a report
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        report = Dummy.create_dummy_report(report_type, device=device, **kwargs)
+        report_1_date =
+        # Run the command to update the database
+        call_command("stats", "update")
+        # Get the corresponding version instance from the database
+        version = self.version_class.objects.get(
+            **{self.unique_entry_name: getattr(report, self.unique_entry_name)}
+        )
+        # Assert that the released_on date matches the first report date
+        self.assertEqual(version.released_on, report_1_date)
+        # Create a second report with the a timestamp later in time
+        report_2_date = + timedelta(days=1)
+        Dummy.create_dummy_report(
+            report_type, device=device, date=report_2_date, **kwargs
+        )
+        # Run the command to update the database
+        call_command("stats", "update")
+        # Get the corresponding version instance from the database
+        version = self.version_class.objects.get(
+            **{self.unique_entry_name: getattr(report, self.unique_entry_name)}
+        )
+        # Assert that the released_on date matches the older report date
+        self.assertEqual(version.released_on, report_1_date)
+    def test_older_heartbeat_updates_released_on_date(self):
+        """Validate that older heartbeats update the release date."""
+        self._assert_older_reports_update_released_on_date(HeartBeat)
+    def test_older_crash_report_updates_released_on_date(self):
+        """Validate that older crash reports update the release date."""
+        self._assert_older_reports_update_released_on_date(Crashreport)
+    def test_newer_heartbeat_does_not_update_released_on_date(self):
+        """Validate that newer heartbeats don't update the release date."""
+        self._assert_newer_reports_do_not_update_released_on_date(HeartBeat)
+    def test_newer_crash_report_does_not_update_released_on_date(self):
+        """Validate that newer crash reports don't update the release date."""
+        self._assert_newer_reports_do_not_update_released_on_date(Crashreport)
+    def _assert_manually_changed_released_on_date_is_not_updated(
+        self, report_type, **kwargs
+    ):
+        """Test updating of manually changed released_on dates.
+        Validate that a manually changed released_on date is not updated when
+        new reports are sent.
+        """
+        # Create a report
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(user=Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        report = Dummy.create_dummy_report(report_type, device=device, **kwargs)
+        # Run the command to update the database
+        call_command("stats", "update")
+        # Get the corresponding version instance from the database
+        version = self.version_class.objects.get(
+            **{self.unique_entry_name: getattr(report, self.unique_entry_name)}
+        )
+        # Assert that the released_on date matches the first report date
+        self.assertEqual(version.released_on,
+        # Create a second report with a timestamp earlier in time
+        report_2_date = - timedelta(days=1)
+        Dummy.create_dummy_report(
+            report_type, device=device, date=report_2_date, **kwargs
+        )
+        # Manually change the released_on date
+        version_release_date = + timedelta(days=1)
+        version.released_on = version_release_date
+        # Run the command to update the database
+        call_command("stats", "update")
+        # Get the corresponding version instance from the database
+        version = self.version_class.objects.get(
+            **{self.unique_entry_name: getattr(report, self.unique_entry_name)}
+        )
+        # Assert that the released_on date still matches the date is was
+        # manually changed to
+        self.assertEqual(version.released_on,
+    def test_manually_changed_released_on_date_is_not_updated_by_heartbeat(
+        self
+    ):
+        """Test update of manually changed released_on date with heartbeat."""
+        self._assert_manually_changed_released_on_date_is_not_updated(HeartBeat)
+    def test_manually_changed_released_on_date_is_not_updated_by_crash_report(
+        self
+    ):
+        """Test update of manually changed released_on date with crashreport."""
+        self._assert_manually_changed_released_on_date_is_not_updated(
+            Crashreport
+        )
+# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
+class StatsCommandRadioVersionsTestCase(StatsCommandVersionsTestCase):
+    """Test the generation of RadioVersion stats with the stats command."""
+    version_class = RadioVersion
+    unique_entry_name = "radio_version"
+    unique_entries = Dummy.RADIO_VERSIONS
+class CommandDebugOutputTestCase(TestCase):
+    """Test the reset and update commands debug output."""
+    # Additional positional arguments to pass to the commands
+    _CMD_ARGS = ["--no-color", "-v 2"]
+    # The stats models
+    _STATS_MODELS = [Version, VersionDaily, RadioVersion, RadioVersionDaily]
+    # The models that will generate an output
+    _ALL_MODELS = _STATS_MODELS + [StatsMetadata]
+    _COUNTER_NAMES = ["heartbeats", "crashes", "smpl", "other"]
+    _COUNTER_ACTIONS = ["created", "updated"]
+    def _assert_command_output_matches(self, command, number, facts, models):
+        """Validate the debug output of a command.
+        The debug output is matched against the facts and models given in
+        the parameters.
+        """
+        buffer = StringIO()
+        call_command("stats", command, *self._CMD_ARGS, stdout=buffer)
+        output = buffer.getvalue().splitlines()
+        expected_output = "{number} {model} {fact}"
+        for model in models:
+            for fact in facts:
+                self.assertIn(
+                    expected_output.format(
+                        number=number, model=model.__name__, fact=fact
+                    ),
+                    output,
+                )
+    def test_reset_command_on_empty_db(self):
+        """Test the reset command on an empty database.
+        The reset command should yield nothing on an empty database.
+        """
+        self._assert_command_output_matches(
+            "reset", 0, ["deleted"], self._ALL_MODELS
+        )
+    def test_update_command_on_empty_db(self):
+        """Test the update command on an empty database.
+        The update command should yield nothing on an empty database.
+        """
+        pattern = "{action} for counter {counter}"
+        facts = [
+            pattern.format(action=counter_action, counter=counter_name)
+            for counter_action in self._COUNTER_ACTIONS
+            for counter_name in self._COUNTER_NAMES
+        ]
+        self._assert_command_output_matches(
+            "update", 0, facts, self._STATS_MODELS
+        )
+    def test_reset_command_deletion_of_instances(self):
+        """Test the deletion of stats model instances with the reset command.
+        This test validates that model instances get deleted when the
+        reset command is called on a database that only contains a single
+        model instance for each class.
+        """
+        # Create dummy version instances
+        version = Dummy.create_dummy_version()
+        radio_version = Dummy.create_dummy_radio_version()
+        Dummy.create_dummy_daily_version(version)
+        Dummy.create_dummy_daily_radio_version(radio_version)
+        Dummy.create_dummy_stats_metadata()
+        # We expect that the model instances get deleted
+        self._assert_command_output_matches(
+            "reset", 1, ["deleted"], self._ALL_MODELS
+        )
diff --git a/crashreport_stats/tests/ b/crashreport_stats/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c188d23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crashreport_stats/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+"""Tests for the views module."""
+import unittest
+from urllib.parse import urlencode
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.urls import reverse
+from rest_framework import status
+from crashreport_stats.tests.utils import Dummy, HiccupStatsAPITestCase
+# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
+class ViewsTestCase(HiccupStatsAPITestCase):
+    """Test cases for the statistics views."""
+    home_url = reverse("device")
+    device_url = reverse("hiccup_stats_device")
+    versions_url = reverse("hiccup_stats_versions")
+    versions_all_url = reverse("hiccup_stats_versions_all")
+    @staticmethod
+    def _url_with_params(url, params):
+        # Encode params, but keep slashes because we want to accept URLs as
+        # parameter values.
+        encoded_params = urlencode(params, safe="/")
+        return "{}?{}".format(url, encoded_params)
+    def _get_with_params(self, url, params):
+        return self.fp_staff_client.get(self._url_with_params(url, params))
+    @unittest.skip(
+        "Fails because the view is currently not accessible for admin users."
+    )
+    def test_home_view_as_admin(self):
+        """Test that admin users can access the home view."""
+        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(self.home_url)
+    def test_home_view_as_fp_staff(self):
+        """Test that Fairphone staff users can access the home view."""
+        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(self.home_url)
+    def test_home_view_as_device_owner(self):
+        """Test that device owner users can not access the home view."""
+        # Assert that the response is a redirect (to the login page)
+        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(
+            self.home_url, expected_status=status.HTTP_302_FOUND
+        )
+    def test_home_view_no_auth(self):
+        """Test that one can not access the home view without auth."""
+        # Assert that the response is a redirect (to the login page)
+        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(
+            self.home_url, expected_status=status.HTTP_302_FOUND
+        )
+    @unittest.skip(
+        "Fails because the view is currently not accessible for admin users."
+    )
+    def test_device_view_as_admin(self):
+        """Test that admin users can access the device view."""
+        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(
+            self._url_with_params(
+                self.device_url, {"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid}
+            )
+        )
+    def test_device_view_as_fp_staff(self):
+        """Test that Fairphone staff users can access the device view."""
+        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(
+            self._url_with_params(
+                self.device_url, {"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid}
+            )
+        )
+    def test_device_view_as_device_owner(self):
+        """Test that device owner users can not access the device view."""
+        # Assert that the response is a redirect (to the login page)
+        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(
+            self._url_with_params(
+                self.device_url, {"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid}
+            ),
+            expected_status=status.HTTP_302_FOUND,
+        )
+    def test_device_view_no_auth(self):
+        """Test that non-authenticated users can not access the device view."""
+        # Assert that the response is a redirect (to the login page)
+        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(
+            self._url_with_params(
+                self.device_url, {"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid}
+            ),
+            expected_status=status.HTTP_302_FOUND,
+        )
+    @unittest.skip(
+        "Fails because the view is currently not accessible for admin users."
+    )
+    def test_versions_view_as_admin(self):
+        """Test that admin users can access the versions view."""
+        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(self.versions_url)
+    def test_versions_view_as_fp_staff(self):
+        """Test that Fairphone staff users can access the versions view."""
+        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(self.versions_url)
+    def test_versions_view_as_device_owner(self):
+        """Test that device owner users can not access the versions view."""
+        # Assert that the response is a redirect (to the login page)
+        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(
+            self.versions_url, expected_status=status.HTTP_302_FOUND
+        )
+    def test_versions_view_no_auth(self):
+        """Test one can not access the versions view without auth."""
+        # Assert that the response is a redirect (to the login page)
+        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(
+            self.versions_url, expected_status=status.HTTP_302_FOUND
+        )
+    @unittest.skip(
+        "Fails because the view is currently not accessible for admin users."
+    )
+    def test_versions_all_view_as_admin(self):
+        """Test that admin users can access the versions all view."""
+        self._assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(self.versions_all_url)
+    def test_versions_all_view_as_fp_staff(self):
+        """Test that Fairphone staff users can access the versions all view."""
+        self._assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(self.versions_all_url)
+    def test_versions_all_view_as_device_owner(self):
+        """Test that device owner users can not access the versions all view."""
+        # Assert that the response is a redirect (to the login page)
+        self._assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(
+            self.versions_all_url, expected_status=status.HTTP_302_FOUND
+        )
+    def test_versions_all_view_no_auth(self):
+        """Test that one can not access the versions all view without auth."""
+        # Assert that the response is a redirect (to the login page)
+        self._assert_get_without_authentication_fails(
+            self.versions_all_url, expected_status=status.HTTP_302_FOUND
+        )
+    @unittest.skip(
+        "Fails because the view is currently not accessible for admin users."
+    )
+    def test_home_view_post_as_admin_user(self):
+        """Test HTTP POST method to home view as admin user."""
+        response =
+            self.home_url, data={"uuid": str(self.device_owner_device.uuid)}
+        )
+        # Assert that the response is a redirect to the device page
+        self.assertRedirects(
+            response,
+            self._url_with_params(
+                self.device_url, {"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid}
+            ),
+        )
+    def test_home_view_post_as_fp_staff(self):
+        """Test HTTP POST method to home view as Fairphone staff user."""
+        response =
+            self.home_url, data={"uuid": str(self.device_owner_device.uuid)}
+        )
+        # Assert that the response is a redirect to the device page
+        self.assertRedirects(
+            response,
+            self._url_with_params(
+                self.device_url, {"uuid": self.device_owner_device.uuid}
+            ),
+        )
+    def test_home_view_post_no_auth(self):
+        """Test HTTP POST method to home view without authentication."""
+        response =
+            self.home_url, data={"uuid": str(self.device_owner_device.uuid)}
+        )
+        # Assert that the response is a redirect to the login page
+        self.assertRedirects(
+            response,
+            self._url_with_params(
+                settings.ACCOUNT_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL,
+                {"next": settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL},
+            ),
+        )
+    def test_home_view_post_as_device_owner(self):
+        """Test HTTP POST method to home view as device owner."""
+        response =
+            self.home_url, data={"uuid": str(self.device_owner_device.uuid)}
+        )
+        # Assert that the response is a redirect to the login page
+        self.assertRedirects(
+            response,
+            self._url_with_params(
+                settings.ACCOUNT_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL,
+                {"next": settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL},
+            ),
+        )
+    def test_get_home_view(self):
+        """Test getting the home view with device search form."""
+        response = self.fp_staff_client.get(self.home_url)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+        self.assertTemplateUsed(
+            response, "crashreport_stats/home.html", count=1
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(response.context["devices"], None)
+    def test_home_view_filter_devices_by_uuid(self):
+        """Test filtering devices by UUID."""
+        # Create a device
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        # Filter devices by UUID of the created device
+        response =
+            self.home_url, data={"uuid": str(device.uuid)}
+        )
+        # Assert that the the client is redirected to the device page
+        self.assertRedirects(
+            response,
+            self._url_with_params(self.device_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}),
+        )
+    def test_home_view_filter_devices_by_uuid_part(self):
+        """Test filtering devices by start of UUID."""
+        # Create a device
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        # Filter devices with start of the created device's UUID
+        response =
+            self.home_url, data={"uuid": str(device.uuid)[:4]}
+        )
+        # Assert that the the client is redirected to the device page
+        self.assertRedirects(
+            response,
+            self._url_with_params(self.device_url, {"uuid": device.uuid}),
+        )
+    def test_home_view_filter_devices_by_uuid_part_ambiguous_result(self):
+        """Test filtering devices with common start of UUIDs."""
+        # Create two devices
+        device1 = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        device2 = Dummy.create_dummy_device(
+            Dummy.create_dummy_user(username=Dummy.USERNAMES[1])
+        )
+        # Adapt the devices' UUID so that they start with the same characters
+        device1.uuid = "4060fd90-6de1-4b03-a380-4277c703e913"
+        device2.uuid = "4061c59b-823d-4ec6-a463-8ac0c1cea67d"
+        # Filter devices with first three (common) characters of the UUID
+        response =
+            self.home_url, data={"uuid": str(device1.uuid)[:3]}
+        )
+        # Assert that both devices are part of the result
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+        self.assertTemplateUsed(
+            response, "crashreport_stats/home.html", count=1
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(set(response.context["devices"]), {device1, device2})
+    def test_home_view_filter_devices_empty_database(self):
+        """Test filtering devices on an empty database."""
+        response =
+            self.home_url, data={"uuid": "TestUUID"}
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(response.content)
+    def test_home_view_filter_devices_no_uuid(self):
+        """Test filtering devices without specifying UUID."""
+        response =
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+        self.assertTemplateUsed(
+            response, "crashreport_stats/home.html", count=1
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(response.context["devices"], None)
+    def test_get_device_view_empty_database(self):
+        """Test getting device view on an empty database."""
+        response = self.fp_staff_client.get(self.device_url)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
+    def test_get_device_view(self):
+        """Test getting device view."""
+        # Create a device
+        device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(Dummy.create_dummy_user())
+        # Get the corresponding device view
+        response = self._get_with_params(self.device_url, {"uuid": device.uuid})
+        # Assert that the view is constructed from the correct templates and
+        # the response context contains the device UUID
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+        self.assertTemplateUsed(
+            response, "crashreport_stats/device.html", count=1
+        )
+        self.assertTemplateUsed(
+            response, "crashreport_stats/tags/device_overview.html", count=1
+        )
+        self.assertTemplateUsed(
+            response,
+            "crashreport_stats/tags/device_update_history.html",
+            count=1,
+        )
+        self.assertTemplateUsed(
+            response,
+            "crashreport_stats/tags/device_report_history.html",
+            count=1,
+        )
+        self.assertTemplateUsed(
+            response,
+            "crashreport_stats/tags/device_crashreport_table.html",
+            count=1,
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(response.context["uuid"], str(device.uuid))
+    def _assert_versions_view_templates_are_used(self, response):
+        self.assertTemplateUsed(
+            response, "crashreport_stats/versions.html", count=1
+        )
+        self.assertTemplateUsed(
+            response, "crashreport_stats/tags/versions_table.html", count=1
+        )
+        self.assertTemplateUsed(
+            response, "crashreport_stats/tags/versions_pie_chart.html", count=1
+        )
+        self.assertTemplateUsed(
+            response, "crashreport_stats/tags/versions_bar_chart.html", count=1
+        )
+        self.assertTemplateUsed(
+            response, "crashreport_stats/tags/versions_area_chart.html", count=1
+        )
+    @unittest.skip("Fails because of wrong boolean usage in")
+    def test_get_versions_view_empty_database(self):
+        """Test getting versions view on an empty database."""
+        response = self.fp_staff_client.get(self.versions_url)
+        # Assert that the correct templates are used and the response context
+        # contains the correct value for is_official_release
+        self._assert_versions_view_templates_are_used(response)
+        self.assertEqual(response.context["is_official_release"], True)
+    @unittest.skip("Fails because of wrong boolean usage in")
+    def test_get_versions_view(self):
+        """Test getting versions view."""
+        # Create a version
+        Dummy.create_dummy_version()
+        # Get the versions view
+        response = self.fp_staff_client.get(self.versions_url)
+        # Assert that the correct templates are used and the response context
+        # contains the correct value for is_official_release
+        self._assert_versions_view_templates_are_used(response)
+        self.assertEqual(response.context["is_official_release"], True)
+    @unittest.skip("Fails because of wrong boolean usage in")
+    def test_get_versions_all_view_no_versions(self):
+        """Test getting versions all view on an empty database."""
+        response = self.fp_staff_client.get(self.versions_all_url)
+        # Assert that the correct templates are used and the response context
+        # contains an empty value for is_official_release
+        self._assert_versions_view_templates_are_used(response)
+        self.assertEqual(response.context.get("is_official_release", ""), "")
+    @unittest.skip("Fails because of wrong boolean usage in")
+    def test_get_versions_all_view(self):
+        """Test getting versions view."""
+        # Create a version
+        Dummy.create_dummy_version()
+        # Get the versions view
+        response = self.fp_staff_client.get(self.versions_all_url)
+        # Assert that the correct templates are used and the response context
+        # contains the an empty value for is_official_release
+        self._assert_versions_view_templates_are_used(response)
+        self.assertEqual(response.context.get("is_official_release", ""), "")
diff --git a/crashreport_stats/tests/ b/crashreport_stats/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04697a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crashreport_stats/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+"""Utility functions shared by all crashreport stats tests."""
+from datetime import datetime, date
+import os
+import zipfile
+import pytz
+from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
+from rest_framework import status
+from rest_framework.authtoken.models import Token
+from rest_framework.test import APITestCase, APIClient
+from crashreport_stats.models import (
+    Version,
+    VersionDaily,
+    RadioVersion,
+    RadioVersionDaily,
+    StatsMetadata,
+from crashreports.models import Crashreport, Device, HeartBeat, LogFile, User
+from hiccup.allauth_adapters import FP_STAFF_GROUP_NAME
+class Dummy:
+    """Class for creating dummy instances for testing."""
+    # Valid unique entries
+        (
+            "Fairphone/FP2/FP2:5.1/FP2/r4275.1_FP2_gms76_1.13.0"
+            ":user/release-keys"
+        ),
+        (
+            "Fairphone/FP2/FP2:5.1.1/FP2-gms75.1.13.0/FP2-gms75.1.13.0"
+            ":user/release-keys"
+        ),
+        (
+            "Fairphone/FP2/FP2:6.0.1/FP2-gms-18.04.1/FP2-gms-18.04.1"
+            ":user/release-keys"
+        ),
+        ("Fairphone/FP2/FP2:7.1.2/18.07.2/gms-7480c31d:user/release-keys"),
+    ]
+        "4437.1-FP2-0-07",
+        "4437.1-FP2-0-08",
+        "4437.1-FP2-0-09",
+        "4437.1-FP2-0-10",
+    ]
+    USERNAMES = ["testuser1", "testuser2"]
+    DATES = [date(2018, 3, 19), date(2018, 3, 26), date(2018, 5, 1)]
+        "build_fingerprint": BUILD_FINGERPRINTS[0],
+        "first_seen_on": DATES[1],
+        "released_on": DATES[0],
+        "is_beta_release": False,
+        "is_official_release": True,
+    }
+        "radio_version": RADIO_VERSIONS[0],
+        "first_seen_on": DATES[1],
+        "released_on": DATES[0],
+    }
+        "updated_at": datetime(2018, 6, 15, 2, 12, 24, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
+    }
+        "board_date": datetime(2015, 12, 15, 1, 23, 45, tzinfo=pytz.utc),
+        "chipset": "Qualcomm MSM8974PRO-AA",
+        "token": "64111c62d521fb4724454ca6dea27e18f93ef56e",
+    }
+        "app_version": 10100,
+        "uptime": (
+            "up time: 16 days, 21:49:56, idle time: 5 days, 20:55:04, "
+            "sleep time: 10 days, 20:46:27"
+        ),
+        "build_fingerprint": BUILD_FINGERPRINTS[0],
+        "radio_version": RADIO_VERSIONS[0],
+        "date": datetime(2018, 3, 19, 12, 0, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc),
+    }
+        {
+            "is_fake_report": 0,
+            "boot_reason": Crashreport.BOOT_REASON_UNKOWN,
+            "power_on_reason": "it was powered on",
+            "power_off_reason": "something happened and it went off",
+        }
+    )
+        "logfile_type": "last_kmsg",
+        "logfile": os.path.join("resources", "test", ""),
+    }
+    DEFAULT_DUMMY_LOG_FILE_NAME = "dmesg.log"
+    @staticmethod
+    def update_copy(original, update):
+        """Merge fields of update into a copy of original."""
+        data = original.copy()
+        data.update(update)
+        return data
+    @staticmethod
+    def create_dummy_user(**kwargs):
+        """Create a dummy user instance.
+        The dummy instance is created and saved to the database.
+        Args:
+            **kwargs:
+                Optional arguments to extend/overwrite the default values.
+        Returns: The created user instance.
+        """
+        entity = User(
+            **Dummy.update_copy(Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_USER_VALUES, kwargs)
+        )
+        return entity
+    @staticmethod
+    def create_dummy_device(user, **kwargs):
+        """Create a dummy device instance.
+        The dummy instance is created and saved to the database.
+        Args:
+            user: The user instance that the device should relate to
+            **kwargs:
+                Optional arguments to extend/overwrite the default values.
+        Returns: The created device instance.
+        """
+        entity = Device(
+            user=user,
+            **Dummy.update_copy(Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_DEVICE_VALUES, kwargs)
+        )
+        return entity
+    @staticmethod
+    def create_dummy_report(report_type, device, **kwargs):
+        """Create a dummy report instance of the given report class type.
+        The dummy instance is created and saved to the database.
+        Args:
+            report_type: The class of the report type to be created.
+            user: The device instance that the heartbeat should relate to
+            **kwargs:
+                Optional arguments to extend/overwrite the default values.
+        Returns: The created report instance.
+        """
+        if report_type == HeartBeat:
+            entity = HeartBeat(
+                device=device,
+                **Dummy.update_copy(
+                    Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_HEARTBEAT_VALUES, kwargs
+                )
+            )
+        elif report_type == Crashreport:
+            entity = Crashreport(
+                device=device,
+                **Dummy.update_copy(
+                    Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_CRASHREPORT_VALUES, kwargs
+                )
+            )
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                "No dummy report instance can be created for {}".format(
+                    report_type.__name__
+                )
+            )
+        return entity
+    @staticmethod
+    def create_dummy_log_file(crashreport, **kwargs):
+        """Create a dummy log file instance.
+        The dummy instance is created and saved to the database.
+        Args:
+            crashreport: The crashreport that the log file belongs to.
+            **kwargs: Optional arguments to extend/overwrite the default values.
+        Returns: The created log file instance.
+        """
+        entity = LogFile(
+            crashreport=crashreport,
+            **Dummy.update_copy(Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_LOG_FILE_VALUES, kwargs)
+        )
+        return entity
+    @staticmethod
+    def read_logfile_contents(path_to_zipfile, logfile_name):
+        """Read bytes of a zipped logfile."""
+        archive = zipfile.ZipFile(path_to_zipfile, "r")
+        return
+    @staticmethod
+    def create_dummy_version(**kwargs):
+        """Create a dummy version instance.
+        The dummy instance is created and saved to the database.
+        Args:
+            **kwargs:
+                Optional arguments to extend/overwrite the default values.
+        Returns: The created version instance.
+        """
+        entity = Version(
+            **Dummy.update_copy(Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_VERSION_VALUES, kwargs)
+        )
+        return entity
+    @staticmethod
+    def create_dummy_radio_version(**kwargs):
+        """Create a dummy radio version instance.
+        The dummy instance is created and saved to the database.
+        Args:
+            **kwargs:
+                Optional arguments to extend/overwrite the default values.
+        Returns: The created radio version instance.
+        """
+        entity = RadioVersion(
+            **Dummy.update_copy(
+                Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_RADIO_VERSION_VALUES, kwargs
+            )
+        )
+        return entity
+    @staticmethod
+    def create_dummy_daily_version(version, **kwargs):
+        """Create a dummy daily version instance.
+        The dummy instance is created and saved to the database.
+        Args:
+            **kwargs:
+                Optional arguments to extend/overwrite the default values.
+        Returns: The created daily version instance.
+        """
+        entity = VersionDaily(
+            version=version,
+            **Dummy.update_copy(
+                Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_VERSION_DAILY_VALUES, kwargs
+            )
+        )
+        return entity
+    @staticmethod
+    def create_dummy_daily_radio_version(version, **kwargs):
+        """Create a dummy daily radio version instance.
+        The dummy instance is created and saved to the database.
+        Args:
+            **kwargs:
+                Optional arguments to extend/overwrite the default values.
+        Returns: The created daily radio version instance.
+        """
+        entity = RadioVersionDaily(
+            version=version,
+            **Dummy.update_copy(
+            )
+        )
+        return entity
+    @staticmethod
+    def create_dummy_stats_metadata(**kwargs):
+        """Create a dummy stats metadata instance.
+        The dummy instance is created and saved to the database.
+        Args:
+            **kwargs:
+                Optional arguments to extend/overwrite the default values.
+        Returns: The created stats metadata instance.
+        """
+        entity = StatsMetadata(
+            **Dummy.update_copy(
+                Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_STATSMETADATA_VALUES, kwargs
+            )
+        )
+        return entity
+class HiccupStatsAPITestCase(APITestCase):
+    """Abstract class for Hiccup stats REST API test cases to inherit from."""
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpTestData(cls):  # noqa: N802
+        """Create an admin and two client users for accessing the API.
+        The APIClient that can be used to make authenticated requests as
+        admin user is stored in self.admin. A client which is related to a
+        user that is part of the Fairphone staff group is stored in
+        self.fp_staff_client. A client which is related to a device owner
+        user is stored in self.device_owner_client.
+        """
+        admin_user = User.objects.create_superuser(
+            "somebody", "", "thepassword"
+        )
+        cls.admin = APIClient()
+        cls.admin.force_authenticate(admin_user)
+        fp_staff_group = Group(name=FP_STAFF_GROUP_NAME)
+        fp_staff_user = User.objects.create_user(
+            "fp_staff", "", "thepassword"
+        )
+        fp_staff_user.groups.add(fp_staff_group)
+        cls.fp_staff_client = APIClient()
+        cls.fp_staff_client.force_login(fp_staff_user)
+        cls.device_owner_user = User.objects.create_user(
+            "device_owner", "", "thepassword"
+        )
+        Token.objects.create(user=cls.device_owner_user)
+        cls.device_owner_device = Dummy.create_dummy_device(
+            user=cls.device_owner_user
+        )
+        cls.device_owner_client = APIClient()
+        cls.device_owner_client.credentials(
+            HTTP_AUTHORIZATION="Token " + cls.device_owner_user.auth_token.key
+        )
+    def _assert_get_as_admin_user_succeeds(
+        self, url, expected_status=status.HTTP_200_OK
+    ):
+        response = self.admin.get(url)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, expected_status)
+    def _assert_get_as_fp_staff_succeeds(
+        self, url, expected_status=status.HTTP_200_OK
+    ):
+        response = self.fp_staff_client.get(url)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, expected_status)
+    def _assert_get_without_authentication_fails(
+        self, url, expected_status=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED
+    ):
+        response = self.client.get(url)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, expected_status)
+    def _assert_get_as_device_owner_fails(
+        self, url, expected_status=status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
+    ):
+        response = self.device_owner_client.get(url)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, expected_status)
diff --git a/crashreports/ b/crashreports/
deleted file mode 100644
index b70f400..0000000
--- a/crashreports/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,559 +0,0 @@
-"""Test the API for crashreports, devices, heartbeats and logfiles."""
-import os
-import tempfile
-from typing import Optional
-from django.contrib.auth.models import User
-from django.urls import reverse
-from rest_framework import status
-from rest_framework.test import APIClient, APITestCase
-from crashreports.models import Crashreport
-class InvalidCrashTypeError(BaseException):
-    """Invalid crash type encountered.
-    The valid crash type values (strings) are:
-      - 'crash';
-      - 'smpl';
-      - 'other'.
-    Args:
-      - crash_type: The invalid crash type.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, crash_type):
-        """Initialise the exception using the crash type to build a message.
-        Args:
-            crash_type: The invalid crash type.
-        """
-        super(InvalidCrashTypeError, self).__init__(
-            "{} is not a valid crash type".format(crash_type)
-        )
-class Dummy:
-    """Dummy values for devices, heartbeats and crashreports."""
-        "board_date": "2015-12-15T01:23:45Z",
-        "chipset": "Qualcomm MSM8974PRO-AA",
-    }
-        "uuid": None,
-        "app_version": 10100,
-        "uptime": (
-            "up time: 16 days, 21:49:56, idle time: 5 days, 20:55:04, "
-            "sleep time: 10 days, 20:46:27"
-        ),
-        "build_fingerprint": (
-            "Fairphone/FP2/FP2:6.0.1/FP2-gms-18.03.1/FP2-gms-18.03.1:user/"
-            "release-keys"
-        ),
-        "radio_version": "4437.1-FP2-0-08",
-        "date": "2018-03-19T09:58:30.386Z",
-    }
-        {
-            "is_fake_report": 0,
-            "boot_reason": "why?",
-            "power_on_reason": "it was powered on",
-            "power_off_reason": "something happened and it went off",
-        }
-    )
-        "crash": Crashreport.BOOT_REASON_KEYBOARD_POWER_ON,
-        "smpl": Crashreport.BOOT_REASON_RTC_ALARM,
-        "other": "whatever",
-    }
-    @staticmethod
-    def _update_copy(original, update):
-        """Merge fields of update into a copy of original."""
-        data = original.copy()
-        data.update(update)
-        return data
-    @staticmethod
-    def device_register_data(**kwargs):
-        """Return the data required to register a device.
-        Use the values passed as keyword arguments or default to the ones
-        """
-        return Dummy._update_copy(
-        )
-    @staticmethod
-    def heartbeat_data(**kwargs):
-        """Return the data required to create a heartbeat.
-        Use the values passed as keyword arguments or default to the ones
-        """
-        return Dummy._update_copy(Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_HEARTBEAT_VALUES, kwargs)
-    @staticmethod
-    def crashreport_data(report_type: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs):
-        """Return the data required to create a crashreport.
-        Use the values passed as keyword arguments or default to the ones
-        Args:
-            report_type: A valid value from
-                `Dummy.CRASH_TYPE_TO_BOOT_REASON_MAP.keys()` that will
-                define the boot reason if not explicitly defined in the
-                keyword arguments already.
-        """
-        data = Dummy._update_copy(
-        )
-        if report_type and "boot_reason" not in kwargs:
-            if report_type not in Dummy.CRASH_TYPE_TO_BOOT_REASON_MAP:
-                raise InvalidCrashTypeError(report_type)
-            data["boot_reason"] = Dummy.CRASH_TYPE_TO_BOOT_REASON_MAP.get(
-                report_type
-            )
-        return data
-class DeviceRegisterAPITestCase(APITestCase):
-    """Base class that offers a device registration method."""
-    REGISTER_DEVICE_URL = "api_v1_register_device"
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Create an admin user for accessing the API.
-        The APIClient that can be used to make authenticated requests to the
-        server is stored in self.admin.
-        """
-        admin_user = User.objects.create_superuser(
-            "somebody", "", "thepassword"
-        )
-        self.admin = APIClient()
-        self.admin.force_authenticate(admin_user)
-    def _register_device(self, **kwargs):
-        """Register a new device.
-        Arguments:
-            **kwargs: The data to pass the dummy data creation
-                method `Dummy.device_register_data`.
-        Returns:
-            (UUID, APIClient, str): The uuid of the new device as well as an
-            authentication token and the associated user with credentials.
-        """
-        data = Dummy.device_register_data(**kwargs)
-        response =, data)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-        uuid =["uuid"]
-        token =["token"]
-        user = APIClient()
-        user.credentials(HTTP_AUTHORIZATION="Token " + token)
-        return uuid, user, token
-class DeviceTestCase(DeviceRegisterAPITestCase):
-    """Test cases for registering devices."""
-    def test_register(self):
-        """Test registration of devices."""
-        response =
-            reverse(self.REGISTER_DEVICE_URL), Dummy.device_register_data()
-        )
-        self.assertTrue("token" in
-        self.assertTrue("uuid" in
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-    def test_create_missing_fields(self):
-        """Test registration with missing fields."""
-        response =
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
-    def test_create_missing_board_date(self):
-        """Test registration with missing board date."""
-        data = Dummy.device_register_data()
-        data.pop("board_date")
-        response =, data)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
-    def test_create_missing_chipset(self):
-        """Test registration with missing chipset."""
-        data = Dummy.device_register_data()
-        data.pop("chipset")
-        response =, data)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
-    def test_create_invalid_board_date(self):
-        """Test registration with invalid board date."""
-        data = Dummy.device_register_data()
-        data["board_date"] = "not_a_valid_date"
-        response =, data)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
-    def test_create_non_existent_time_board_date(self):
-        """Test registration with non existing time.
-        Test the resolution of a naive date-time in which the
-        Europe/Amsterdam daylight saving time transition moved the time
-        "forward". The server should not crash when receiving a naive
-        date-time which does not exist in the server timezone or locale.
-        """
-        data = Dummy.device_register_data()
-        # In 2017, the Netherlands changed from CET to CEST on March,
-        # 26 at 02:00
-        data["board_date"] = "2017-03-26 02:34:56"
-        response =, data)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-    def test_create_ambiguous_time_board_date(self):
-        """Test registration with ambiguous time.
-        Test the resolution of a naive date-time in which the
-        Europe/Amsterdam daylight saving time transition moved the time
-        "backward". The server should not crash when receiving a naive
-        date-time that can belong to multiple timezones.
-        """
-        data = Dummy.device_register_data()
-        # In 2017, the Netherlands changed from CEST to CET on October,
-        # 29 at 03:00
-        data["board_date"] = "2017-10-29 02:34:56"
-        response =, data)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-class ListDevicesTestCase(DeviceRegisterAPITestCase):
-    """Test cases for listing and deleting devices."""
-    LIST_CREATE_URL = "api_v1_list_devices"
-    RETRIEVE_URL = "api_v1_retrieve_device"
-    def test_device_list(self):
-        """Test registration of 2 devices."""
-        number_of_devices = 2
-        uuids = [
-            str(self._register_device()[0]) for _ in range(number_of_devices)
-        ]
-        response = self.admin.get(reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_URL), {})
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-        self.assertEqual(len(["results"]), number_of_devices)
-        for result in["results"]:
-            self.assertIn(result["uuid"], uuids)
-    def test_device_list_unauth(self):
-        """Test listing devices without authentication."""
-        response = self.client.get(reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_URL), {})
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
-    def test_retrieve_device_auth(self):
-        """Test retrieval of devices as admin user."""
-        uuid, _, token = self._register_device()
-        response = self.admin.get(reverse(self.RETRIEVE_URL, args=[uuid]), {})
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-        self.assertEqual(["uuid"], str(uuid))
-        self.assertEqual(["token"], token)
-    def test_retrieve_device_unauth(self):
-        """Test retrieval of devices without authentication."""
-        uuid, _, _ = self._register_device()
-        response = self.client.get(reverse(self.RETRIEVE_URL, args=[uuid]), {})
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
-    def test_delete_device_auth(self):
-        """Test deletion of devices as admin user."""
-        uuid, _, _ = self._register_device()
-        url = reverse(self.RETRIEVE_URL, args=[uuid])
-        response = self.admin.delete(url, {})
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
-        response = self.admin.delete(url, {})
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
-class HeartbeatListTestCase(DeviceRegisterAPITestCase):
-    """Test cases for heartbeats."""
-    LIST_CREATE_URL = "api_v1_heartbeats"
-    RETRIEVE_URL = "api_v1_heartbeat"
-    LIST_CREATE_BY_UUID_URL = "api_v1_heartbeats_by_uuid"
-    RETRIEVE_BY_UUID_URL = "api_v1_heartbeat_by_uuid"
-    @staticmethod
-    def _create_dummy_data(**kwargs):
-        return Dummy.heartbeat_data(**kwargs)
-    def _post_multiple(self, client, data, count):
-        return [
-  , data)
-            for _ in range(count)
-        ]
-    def _retrieve_single(self, user):
-        count = 5
-        response = self._post_multiple(self.admin,, count)
-        self.assertEqual(len(response), count)
-        self.assertEqual(response[0].status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
-        url = reverse(self.RETRIEVE_URL, args=[response[0].data["id"]])
-        request = user.get(url)
-        return request.status_code
-    def _retrieve_single_by_device(self, user):
-        count = 5
-        response = self._post_multiple(self.user,, count)
-        self.assertEqual(len(response), count)
-        self.assertEqual(response[0].status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
-        url = reverse(
-            self.RETRIEVE_BY_UUID_URL,
-            args=[self.uuid, response[0].data["device_local_id"]],
-        )
-        request = user.get(url)
-        return request.status_code
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Set up a device and some data."""
-        super().setUp()
-        self.uuid, self.user, self.token = self._register_device()
- = self._create_dummy_data(uuid=self.uuid)
-    def test_create_no_auth(self):
-        """Test creation without authentication."""
-        noauth_client = APIClient()
-        response =,
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
-    def test_create_as_admin(self):
-        """Test creation as admin."""
-        response =,
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
-        self.assertTrue(["id"] > 0)
-    def test_create_as_admin_not_existing_device(self):
-        """Test creation of heartbeat on non-existing device."""
-        response =
-            reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_URL), self._create_dummy_data()
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
-    def test_create_as_uuid_owner(self):
-        """Test creation as owner."""
-        response =
-            reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_URL),
-            self._create_dummy_data(uuid=self.uuid),
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
-        self.assertEqual(["id"], -1)
-    def test_create_as_uuid_not_owner(self):
-        """Test creation as non-owner."""
-        uuid, _, _ = self._register_device()
-        response =
-            reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_URL), self._create_dummy_data(uuid=uuid)
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
-    def test_list(self):
-        """Test listing of heartbeats."""
-        count = 5
-        self._post_multiple(self.user,, count)
-        response = self.admin.get(reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_URL))
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-        self.assertEqual(len(["results"]), count)
-    def test_retrieve_single_admin(self):
-        """Test retrieval as admin."""
-        self.assertEqual(self._retrieve_single(self.admin), status.HTTP_200_OK)
-    def test_retrieve_single_device_owner(self):
-        """Test retrieval as device owner."""
-        self.assertEqual(
-            self._retrieve_single(self.user), status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
-        )
-    def test_retrieve_single_noauth(self):
-        """Test retrieval without authentication."""
-        noauth_client = APIClient()
-        self.assertEqual(
-            self._retrieve_single(noauth_client), status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED
-        )
-    def test_retrieve_single_by_device_admin(self):
-        """Test retrieval by device as admin."""
-        self.assertEqual(
-            self._retrieve_single_by_device(self.admin), status.HTTP_200_OK
-        )
-    def test_retrieve_single_by_device_device_owner(self):
-        """Test retrieval by device as owner."""
-        self.assertEqual(
-            self._retrieve_single_by_device(self.user),
-            status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN,
-        )
-    def test_retrieve_single_by_device_noauth(self):
-        """Test retrieval by device without authentication."""
-        noauth_client = APIClient()
-        self.assertEqual(
-            self._retrieve_single_by_device(noauth_client),
-            status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED,
-        )
-    def test_list_by_uuid(self):
-        """Test listing of devices by UUID."""
-        count = 5
-        uuid, _, _ = self._register_device()
-        self._post_multiple(self.user,, count)
-        self._post_multiple(
-            self.admin, self._create_dummy_data(uuid=uuid), count
-        )
-        url = reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_BY_UUID_URL, args=[self.uuid])
-        response = self.admin.get(url)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-        self.assertEqual(len(["results"]), count)
-    def test_list_noauth(self):
-        """Test listing of devices without authentication."""
-        count = 5
-        noauth_client = APIClient()
-        self._post_multiple(self.user,, count)
-        response = noauth_client.get(reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_URL))
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
-    def test_list_device_owner(self):
-        """Test listing as device owner."""
-        count = 5
-        self._post_multiple(self.user,, count)
-        response = self.user.get(reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_URL))
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
-    def test_no_radio_version(self):
-        """Test creation and retrieval without radio version."""
-        data = self._create_dummy_data(uuid=self.uuid)
-        data.pop("radio_version")
-        response =, data)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
-        url = reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_BY_UUID_URL, args=[self.uuid])
-        response = self.admin.get(url)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-        self.assertEqual(len(["results"]), 1)
-        self.assertIsNone(["results"][0]["radio_version"])
-    def test_radio_version_field(self):
-        """Test retrieval of radio version field."""
-        response =,
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
-        url = reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_BY_UUID_URL, args=[self.uuid])
-        response = self.admin.get(url)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
-        self.assertEqual(len(["results"]), 1)
-        self.assertEqual(
-  ["results"][0]["radio_version"],
-  ["radio_version"],
-        )
-    def test_send_non_existent_time(self):
-        """Test sending of heartbeat with non existent time.
-        Test the resolution of a naive date-time in which the
-        Europe/Amsterdam daylight saving time transition moved the time
-        "forward".
-        """
-        data = self._create_dummy_data(uuid=self.uuid)
-        # In 2017, the Netherlands changed from CET to CEST on March,
-        # 26 at 02:00
-        data["date"] = "2017-03-26 02:34:56"
-        response =, data)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
-    def test_send_ambiguous_time(self):
-        """Test sending of heartbeat with ambiguous time.
-        Test the resolution of a naive date-time in which the
-        Europe/Amsterdam daylight saving time transition moved the time
-        "backward".
-        """
-        data = self._create_dummy_data(uuid=self.uuid)
-        # In 2017, the Netherlands changed from CEST to CET on October,
-        # 29 at 03:00
-        data["date"] = "2017-10-29 02:34:56"
-        response =, data)
-        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
-# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
-class CrashreportListTestCase(HeartbeatListTestCase):
-    """Test cases for crash reports."""
-    LIST_CREATE_URL = "api_v1_crashreports"
-    RETRIEVE_URL = "api_v1_crashreport"
-    LIST_CREATE_BY_UUID_URL = "api_v1_crashreports_by_uuid"
-    RETRIEVE_BY_UUID_URL = "api_v1_crashreport_by_uuid"
-    @staticmethod
-    def _create_dummy_data(**kwargs):
-        return Dummy.crashreport_data(**kwargs)
-class LogfileUploadTest(DeviceRegisterAPITestCase):
-    """Test cases for upload of log files."""
-    LIST_CREATE_URL = "api_v1_crashreports"
-    PUT_LOGFILE_URL = "api_v1_putlogfile_for_device_id"
-    def _upload_crashreport(self, user, uuid):
-        """
-        Upload dummy crashreport data.
-        Args:
-            user: The user which should be used for uploading the report
-            uuid: The uuid of the device to which the report should be uploaded
-        Returns: The local id of the device for which the report was uploaded.
-        """
-        data = Dummy.crashreport_data(uuid=uuid)
-        response =, data)
-        self.assertEqual(status.HTTP_201_CREATED, response.status_code)
-        self.assertTrue("device_local_id" in
-        device_local_id =["device_local_id"]
-        return device_local_id
-    def _test_logfile_upload(self, user, uuid):
-        # Upload crashreport
-        device_local_id = self._upload_crashreport(user, uuid)
-        # Upload a logfile for the crashreport
-        logfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w+", suffix=".log", delete=True)
-        logfile.write(u"blihblahblub")
-        response =
-            reverse(
-                self.PUT_LOGFILE_URL,
-                args=[uuid, device_local_id, os.path.basename(],
-            ),
-            {"file": logfile},
-            format="multipart",
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(status.HTTP_201_CREATED, response.status_code)
-    def test_logfile_upload_as_user(self):
-        """Test upload of logfiles as device owner."""
-        uuid, user, _ = self._register_device()
-        self._test_logfile_upload(user, uuid)
-    def test_logfile_upload_as_admin(self):
-        """Test upload of logfiles as admin user."""
-        uuid, _, _ = self._register_device()
-        self._test_logfile_upload(self.admin, uuid)
diff --git a/crashreports/tests/ b/crashreports/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b3e347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crashreports/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"""Tests for the crashreports modules."""
diff --git a/crashreports/tests/ b/crashreports/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7165f9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crashreports/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+"""Tests for the crashreports REST API."""
+from crashreports.tests.utils import Dummy
+from crashreports.tests.test_rest_api_heartbeats import HeartbeatsTestCase
+class CrashreportsTestCase(HeartbeatsTestCase):
+    """Test cases for crash reports."""
+    # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
+    LIST_CREATE_URL = "api_v1_crashreports"
+    RETRIEVE_URL = "api_v1_crashreport"
+    LIST_CREATE_BY_UUID_URL = "api_v1_crashreports_by_uuid"
+    RETRIEVE_BY_UUID_URL = "api_v1_crashreport_by_uuid"
+    @staticmethod
+    def _create_dummy_data(**kwargs):
+        return Dummy.crashreport_data(**kwargs)
diff --git a/crashreports/tests/ b/crashreports/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d023ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crashreports/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+"""Tests for the devices REST API."""
+from django.urls import reverse
+from rest_framework import status
+from crashreports.tests.utils import HiccupCrashreportsAPITestCase, Dummy
+class DeviceTestCase(HiccupCrashreportsAPITestCase):
+    """Test cases for registering devices."""
+    def test_register(self):
+        """Test registration of devices."""
+        response =
+            reverse(self.REGISTER_DEVICE_URL), Dummy.device_register_data()
+        )
+        self.assertTrue("token" in
+        self.assertTrue("uuid" in
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+    def test_create_missing_fields(self):
+        """Test registration with missing fields."""
+        response =
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+    def test_create_missing_board_date(self):
+        """Test registration with missing board date."""
+        data = Dummy.device_register_data()
+        data.pop("board_date")
+        response =, data)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+    def test_create_missing_chipset(self):
+        """Test registration with missing chipset."""
+        data = Dummy.device_register_data()
+        data.pop("chipset")
+        response =, data)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+    def test_create_invalid_board_date(self):
+        """Test registration with invalid board date."""
+        data = Dummy.device_register_data()
+        data["board_date"] = "not_a_valid_date"
+        response =, data)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
+    def test_create_non_existent_time_board_date(self):
+        """Test registration with non existing time.
+        Test the resolution of a naive date-time in which the
+        Europe/Amsterdam daylight saving time transition moved the time
+        "forward". The server should not crash when receiving a naive
+        date-time which does not exist in the server timezone or locale.
+        """
+        data = Dummy.device_register_data()
+        # In 2017, the Netherlands changed from CET to CEST on March,
+        # 26 at 02:00
+        data["board_date"] = "2017-03-26 02:34:56"
+        response =, data)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+    def test_create_ambiguous_time_board_date(self):
+        """Test registration with ambiguous time.
+        Test the resolution of a naive date-time in which the
+        Europe/Amsterdam daylight saving time transition moved the time
+        "backward". The server should not crash when receiving a naive
+        date-time that can belong to multiple timezones.
+        """
+        data = Dummy.device_register_data()
+        # In 2017, the Netherlands changed from CEST to CET on October,
+        # 29 at 03:00
+        data["board_date"] = "2017-10-29 02:34:56"
+        response =, data)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+class ListDevicesTestCase(HiccupCrashreportsAPITestCase):
+    """Test cases for listing and deleting devices."""
+    LIST_CREATE_URL = "api_v1_list_devices"
+    RETRIEVE_URL = "api_v1_retrieve_device"
+    def test_device_list(self):
+        """Test registration of 2 devices."""
+        number_of_devices = 2
+        uuids = [
+            str(self._register_device()[0]) for _ in range(number_of_devices)
+        ]
+        response = self.admin.get(reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_URL), {})
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+        self.assertEqual(len(["results"]), number_of_devices)
+        for result in["results"]:
+            self.assertIn(result["uuid"], uuids)
+    def test_device_list_unauth(self):
+        """Test listing devices without authentication."""
+        response = self.client.get(reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_URL), {})
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+    def test_retrieve_device_auth(self):
+        """Test retrieval of devices as admin user."""
+        uuid, _, token = self._register_device()
+        response = self.admin.get(reverse(self.RETRIEVE_URL, args=[uuid]), {})
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+        self.assertEqual(["uuid"], str(uuid))
+        self.assertEqual(["token"], token)
+    def test_retrieve_device_unauth(self):
+        """Test retrieval of devices without authentication."""
+        uuid, _, _ = self._register_device()
+        response = self.client.get(reverse(self.RETRIEVE_URL, args=[uuid]), {})
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+    def test_delete_device_auth(self):
+        """Test deletion of devices as admin user."""
+        uuid, _, _ = self._register_device()
+        url = reverse(self.RETRIEVE_URL, args=[uuid])
+        response = self.admin.delete(url, {})
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
+        response = self.admin.delete(url, {})
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
diff --git a/crashreports/tests/ b/crashreports/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04b7477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crashreports/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+"""Tests for the heartbeats REST API."""
+from django.urls import reverse
+from rest_framework import status
+from rest_framework.test import APIClient
+from crashreports.tests.utils import HiccupCrashreportsAPITestCase, Dummy
+class HeartbeatsTestCase(HiccupCrashreportsAPITestCase):
+    """Test cases for heartbeats."""
+    LIST_CREATE_URL = "api_v1_heartbeats"
+    RETRIEVE_URL = "api_v1_heartbeat"
+    LIST_CREATE_BY_UUID_URL = "api_v1_heartbeats_by_uuid"
+    RETRIEVE_BY_UUID_URL = "api_v1_heartbeat_by_uuid"
+    @staticmethod
+    def _create_dummy_data(**kwargs):
+        return Dummy.heartbeat_data(**kwargs)
+    def _post_multiple(self, client, data, count):
+        return [
+  , data)
+            for _ in range(count)
+        ]
+    def _retrieve_single(self, user):
+        count = 5
+        response = self._post_multiple(self.admin,, count)
+        self.assertEqual(len(response), count)
+        self.assertEqual(response[0].status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
+        url = reverse(self.RETRIEVE_URL, args=[response[0].data["id"]])
+        request = user.get(url)
+        return request.status_code
+    def _retrieve_single_by_device(self, user):
+        count = 5
+        response = self._post_multiple(self.user,, count)
+        self.assertEqual(len(response), count)
+        self.assertEqual(response[0].status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
+        url = reverse(
+            self.RETRIEVE_BY_UUID_URL,
+            args=[self.uuid, response[0].data["device_local_id"]],
+        )
+        request = user.get(url)
+        return request.status_code
+    def setUp(self):
+        """Set up a device and some data."""
+        super().setUp()
+        self.uuid, self.user, self.token = self._register_device()
+ = self._create_dummy_data(uuid=self.uuid)
+    def test_create_no_auth(self):
+        """Test creation without authentication."""
+        noauth_client = APIClient()
+        response =,
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+    def test_create_as_admin(self):
+        """Test creation as admin."""
+        response =,
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
+        self.assertTrue(["id"] > 0)
+    def test_create_as_admin_not_existing_device(self):
+        """Test creation of heartbeat on non-existing device."""
+        response =
+            reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_URL), self._create_dummy_data()
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
+    def test_create_as_uuid_owner(self):
+        """Test creation as owner."""
+        response =
+            reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_URL),
+            self._create_dummy_data(uuid=self.uuid),
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
+        self.assertEqual(["id"], -1)
+    def test_create_as_uuid_not_owner(self):
+        """Test creation as non-owner."""
+        uuid, _, _ = self._register_device()
+        response =
+            reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_URL), self._create_dummy_data(uuid=uuid)
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
+    def test_list(self):
+        """Test listing of heartbeats."""
+        count = 5
+        self._post_multiple(self.user,, count)
+        response = self.admin.get(reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_URL))
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+        self.assertEqual(len(["results"]), count)
+    def test_retrieve_single_admin(self):
+        """Test retrieval as admin."""
+        self.assertEqual(self._retrieve_single(self.admin), status.HTTP_200_OK)
+    def test_retrieve_single_device_owner(self):
+        """Test retrieval as device owner."""
+        self.assertEqual(
+            self._retrieve_single(self.user), status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN
+        )
+    def test_retrieve_single_noauth(self):
+        """Test retrieval without authentication."""
+        noauth_client = APIClient()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            self._retrieve_single(noauth_client), status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED
+        )
+    def test_retrieve_single_by_device_admin(self):
+        """Test retrieval by device as admin."""
+        self.assertEqual(
+            self._retrieve_single_by_device(self.admin), status.HTTP_200_OK
+        )
+    def test_retrieve_single_by_device_device_owner(self):
+        """Test retrieval by device as owner."""
+        self.assertEqual(
+            self._retrieve_single_by_device(self.user),
+            status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN,
+        )
+    def test_retrieve_single_by_device_noauth(self):
+        """Test retrieval by device without authentication."""
+        noauth_client = APIClient()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            self._retrieve_single_by_device(noauth_client),
+            status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED,
+        )
+    def test_list_by_uuid(self):
+        """Test listing of devices by UUID."""
+        count = 5
+        uuid, _, _ = self._register_device()
+        self._post_multiple(self.user,, count)
+        self._post_multiple(
+            self.admin, self._create_dummy_data(uuid=uuid), count
+        )
+        url = reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_BY_UUID_URL, args=[self.uuid])
+        response = self.admin.get(url)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+        self.assertEqual(len(["results"]), count)
+    def test_list_noauth(self):
+        """Test listing of devices without authentication."""
+        count = 5
+        noauth_client = APIClient()
+        self._post_multiple(self.user,, count)
+        response = noauth_client.get(reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_URL))
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
+    def test_list_device_owner(self):
+        """Test listing as device owner."""
+        count = 5
+        self._post_multiple(self.user,, count)
+        response = self.user.get(reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_URL))
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
+    def test_no_radio_version(self):
+        """Test creation and retrieval without radio version."""
+        data = self._create_dummy_data(uuid=self.uuid)
+        data.pop("radio_version")
+        response =, data)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
+        url = reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_BY_UUID_URL, args=[self.uuid])
+        response = self.admin.get(url)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+        self.assertEqual(len(["results"]), 1)
+        self.assertIsNone(["results"][0]["radio_version"])
+    def test_radio_version_field(self):
+        """Test retrieval of radio version field."""
+        response =,
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
+        url = reverse(self.LIST_CREATE_BY_UUID_URL, args=[self.uuid])
+        response = self.admin.get(url)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+        self.assertEqual(len(["results"]), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(
+  ["results"][0]["radio_version"],
+  ["radio_version"],
+        )
+    def test_send_non_existent_time(self):
+        """Test sending of heartbeat with non existent time.
+        Test the resolution of a naive date-time in which the
+        Europe/Amsterdam daylight saving time transition moved the time
+        "forward".
+        """
+        data = self._create_dummy_data(uuid=self.uuid)
+        # In 2017, the Netherlands changed from CET to CEST on March,
+        # 26 at 02:00
+        data["date"] = "2017-03-26 02:34:56"
+        response =, data)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
+    def test_send_ambiguous_time(self):
+        """Test sending of heartbeat with ambiguous time.
+        Test the resolution of a naive date-time in which the
+        Europe/Amsterdam daylight saving time transition moved the time
+        "backward".
+        """
+        data = self._create_dummy_data(uuid=self.uuid)
+        # In 2017, the Netherlands changed from CEST to CET on October,
+        # 29 at 03:00
+        data["date"] = "2017-10-29 02:34:56"
+        response =, data)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
diff --git a/crashreports/tests/ b/crashreports/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b646e2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crashreports/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+"""Tests for the logfiles REST API."""
+import os
+import tempfile
+from django.urls import reverse
+from rest_framework import status
+from crashreports.tests.utils import HiccupCrashreportsAPITestCase, Dummy
+class LogfileUploadTest(HiccupCrashreportsAPITestCase):
+    """Test cases for upload of log files."""
+    LIST_CREATE_URL = "api_v1_crashreports"
+    PUT_LOGFILE_URL = "api_v1_putlogfile_for_device_id"
+    def _upload_crashreport(self, user, uuid):
+        """
+        Upload dummy crashreport data.
+        Args:
+            user: The user which should be used for uploading the report
+            uuid: The uuid of the device to which the report should be uploaded
+        Returns: The local id of the device for which the report was uploaded.
+        """
+        data = Dummy.crashreport_data(uuid=uuid)
+        response =, data)
+        self.assertEqual(status.HTTP_201_CREATED, response.status_code)
+        self.assertTrue("device_local_id" in
+        device_local_id =["device_local_id"]
+        return device_local_id
+    def _test_logfile_upload(self, user, uuid):
+        # Upload crashreport
+        device_local_id = self._upload_crashreport(user, uuid)
+        # Upload a logfile for the crashreport
+        logfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w+", suffix=".log", delete=True)
+        logfile.write(u"blihblahblub")
+        response =
+            reverse(
+                self.PUT_LOGFILE_URL,
+                args=[uuid, device_local_id, os.path.basename(],
+            ),
+            {"file": logfile},
+            format="multipart",
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(status.HTTP_201_CREATED, response.status_code)
+    def test_logfile_upload_as_user(self):
+        """Test upload of logfiles as device owner."""
+        uuid, user, _ = self._register_device()
+        self._test_logfile_upload(user, uuid)
+    def test_logfile_upload_as_admin(self):
+        """Test upload of logfiles as admin user."""
+        uuid, _, _ = self._register_device()
+        self._test_logfile_upload(self.admin, uuid)
diff --git a/crashreports/tests/ b/crashreports/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ec7486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crashreports/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+"""Utility functions shared by all crashreports tests."""
+from typing import Optional
+from django.contrib.auth.models import User
+from django.urls import reverse
+from rest_framework import status
+from rest_framework.test import APITestCase, APIClient
+from crashreports.models import Crashreport
+class InvalidCrashTypeError(BaseException):
+    """Invalid crash type encountered.
+    The valid crash type values (strings) are:
+      - 'crash';
+      - 'smpl';
+      - 'other'.
+    Args:
+      - crash_type: The invalid crash type.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, crash_type):
+        """Initialise the exception using the crash type to build a message.
+        Args:
+            crash_type: The invalid crash type.
+        """
+        super(InvalidCrashTypeError, self).__init__(
+            "{} is not a valid crash type".format(crash_type)
+        )
+class Dummy:
+    """Dummy values for devices, heartbeats and crashreports."""
+        "board_date": "2015-12-15T01:23:45Z",
+        "chipset": "Qualcomm MSM8974PRO-AA",
+    }
+        "uuid": None,
+        "app_version": 10100,
+        "uptime": (
+            "up time: 16 days, 21:49:56, idle time: 5 days, 20:55:04, "
+            "sleep time: 10 days, 20:46:27"
+        ),
+        "build_fingerprint": (
+            "Fairphone/FP2/FP2:6.0.1/FP2-gms-18.03.1/FP2-gms-18.03.1:user/"
+            "release-keys"
+        ),
+        "radio_version": "4437.1-FP2-0-08",
+        "date": "2018-03-19T09:58:30.386Z",
+    }
+        {
+            "is_fake_report": 0,
+            "boot_reason": "why?",
+            "power_on_reason": "it was powered on",
+            "power_off_reason": "something happened and it went off",
+        }
+    )
+        "crash": Crashreport.BOOT_REASON_KEYBOARD_POWER_ON,
+        "smpl": Crashreport.BOOT_REASON_RTC_ALARM,
+        "other": "whatever",
+    }
+    @staticmethod
+    def _update_copy(original, update):
+        """Merge fields of update into a copy of original."""
+        data = original.copy()
+        data.update(update)
+        return data
+    @staticmethod
+    def device_register_data(**kwargs):
+        """Return the data required to register a device.
+        Use the values passed as keyword arguments or default to the ones
+        """
+        return Dummy._update_copy(
+        )
+    @staticmethod
+    def heartbeat_data(**kwargs):
+        """Return the data required to create a heartbeat.
+        Use the values passed as keyword arguments or default to the ones
+        """
+        return Dummy._update_copy(Dummy.DEFAULT_DUMMY_HEARTBEAT_VALUES, kwargs)
+    @staticmethod
+    def crashreport_data(report_type: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs):
+        """Return the data required to create a crashreport.
+        Use the values passed as keyword arguments or default to the ones
+        Args:
+            report_type: A valid value from
+                `Dummy.CRASH_TYPE_TO_BOOT_REASON_MAP.keys()` that will
+                define the boot reason if not explicitly defined in the
+                keyword arguments already.
+        """
+        data = Dummy._update_copy(
+        )
+        if report_type and "boot_reason" not in kwargs:
+            if report_type not in Dummy.CRASH_TYPE_TO_BOOT_REASON_MAP:
+                raise InvalidCrashTypeError(report_type)
+            data["boot_reason"] = Dummy.CRASH_TYPE_TO_BOOT_REASON_MAP.get(
+                report_type
+            )
+        return data
+class HiccupCrashreportsAPITestCase(APITestCase):
+    """Base class that offers a device registration method."""
+    REGISTER_DEVICE_URL = "api_v1_register_device"
+    def setUp(self):
+        """Create an admin user for accessing the API.
+        The APIClient that can be used to make authenticated requests to the
+        server is stored in self.admin.
+        """
+        admin_user = User.objects.create_superuser(
+            "somebody", "", "thepassword"
+        )
+        self.admin = APIClient()
+        self.admin.force_authenticate(admin_user)
+    def _register_device(self, **kwargs):
+        """Register a new device.
+        Arguments:
+            **kwargs: The data to pass the dummy data creation
+                method `Dummy.device_register_data`.
+        Returns:
+            (UUID, APIClient, str): The uuid of the new device as well as an
+            authentication token and the associated user with credentials.
+        """
+        data = Dummy.device_register_data(**kwargs)
+        response =, data)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+        uuid =["uuid"]
+        token =["token"]
+        user = APIClient()
+        user.credentials(HTTP_AUTHORIZATION="Token " + token)
+        return uuid, user, token