Delete unused code and empty file

The functions have been replaced by the stats management
command. The 'fill_in_build_fingerprints' function of
is never called.

Issue: HIC-170
Change-Id: Ifc46582fb08fd6462f2cafbca0a47c82692f2e15
diff --git a/crashreport_stats/ b/crashreport_stats/
index a71a346..8d8c77d 100644
--- a/crashreport_stats/
+++ b/crashreport_stats/
@@ -1,29 +1,6 @@
 from django.conf import settings
-class FormatDict(dict):
-    def __missing__(self, key):
-        return "{" + key + "}"
-def fill_in_build_fingerprints(query, build_fingerprints):
-    all_fingerprints_query = (
-        "select distinct build_fingerprint from crashreports_crashreport"
-    )
-    if len(build_fingerprints) > 0:
-        return query.format(
-            FormatDict(
-                fingerprint_placeholers=",".join(
-                    ["%s"] * len(build_fingerprints)
-                )
-            )
-        )
-    else:
-        return query.format(
-            FormatDict(fingerprint_placeholers=all_fingerprints_query)
-        )
 def execute_device_update_history_query(cursor, params):
     if (
diff --git a/crashreport_stats/ b/crashreport_stats/
deleted file mode 100644
index a2111f7..0000000
--- a/crashreport_stats/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-from django.db import migrations, models
-import django.db.models.deletion
-from django.db import connection
-from datetime import date, timedelta
-from . import models as myModels
-from django.db import transaction
-def dictfetchall(cursor):
-    "Returns all rows from a cursor as a dict"
-    desc = cursor.description
-    return [
-        dict(zip([col[0] for col in desc], row)) for row in cursor.fetchall()
-    ]
-def fill_version_data():
-    myModels.Version.objects.all().delete()
-    query = """
-        SELECT fingerprint as build_fingerprint,
-        ( select count(id) from crashreports_crashreport where boot_reason in ("RTC alarm")  and crashreports_crashreport.build_fingerprint = fingerprint) as SMPL,
-        ( select count(id) from crashreports_crashreport where boot_reason in ("UNKNOWN", "keyboard power on")  and crashreports_crashreport.build_fingerprint = fingerprint) as prob_crashes,
-        ( select count(id) from crashreports_crashreport where boot_reason not in ("RTC alarm", "UNKNOWN", "keyboard power on")  and crashreports_crashreport.build_fingerprint = fingerprint) as other,
-        ( select count(id) from crashreports_heartbeat where  crashreports_heartbeat.build_fingerprint = fingerprint) as heartbeats,
-        ( select min(crashreports_heartbeat.created_at) from crashreports_heartbeat where  crashreports_heartbeat.build_fingerprint = fingerprint) as first_seen
-        from  (select distinct(build_fingerprint) as fingerprint
-        from crashreports_heartbeat) group by fingerprint order by heartbeats;"""
-    cursor = connection.cursor()
-    cursor.execute(query, [])
-    desc = cursor.description
-    for row in cursor.fetchall():
-        i = dict(zip([col[0] for col in desc], row))
-        version = myModels.Version(
-            build_fingerprint=i["build_fingerprint"],
-            first_seen_on=i["first_seen"].split()[0],
-            released_on=i["first_seen"].split()[0],
-            heartbeats=i["heartbeats"],
-            prob_crashes=i["prob_crashes"],
-            smpl=i["SMPL"],
-            other=i["other"],
-        )
-def fill_version_daily_data():
-    myModels.VersionDaily.objects.all().delete()
-    query = """
-        SELECT build_fingerprint, count(id) as heartbeats,
-        strftime("%%Y-%%m-%%d", as date,
-        ( select count(id) from crashreports_crashreport where boot_reason in ("RTC alarm")  and crashreports_crashreport.build_fingerprint = crashreports_heartbeat.build_fingerprint and >= %s and < %s) as SMPL,
-        ( select count(id) from crashreports_crashreport where boot_reason in ("UNKNOWN", "keyboard power on")  and crashreports_crashreport.build_fingerprint =  crashreports_heartbeat.build_fingerprint and >= %s and < %s) as prob_crashes,
-        ( select count(id) from crashreports_crashreport where boot_reason not in ("RTC alarm", "UNKNOWN", "keyboard power on")  and crashreports_crashreport.build_fingerprint =  crashreports_heartbeat.build_fingerprint and >= %s and < %s) as other
-         from crashreports_heartbeat where >= %s and < %s
-         group by build_fingerprint"""
-    start = date(2016, 8, 1)
-    end = + timedelta(days=5)
-    delta = end - start
-    for d in range(delta.days + 1):
-        day = start + timedelta(days=d)
-        print("Getting Stats for " + str(day))
-        cursor = connection.cursor()
-        cursor.execute(query, [str(day), str(day + timedelta(days=1))] * 4)
-        desc = cursor.description
-        for row in cursor.fetchall():
-            i = dict(zip([col[0] for col in desc], row))
-            try:
-                version_daily = myModels.VersionDaily(
-                    version=myModels.Version.objects.get(
-                        build_fingerprint=i["build_fingerprint"]
-                    ),
-                    heartbeats=i["heartbeats"],
-                    date=day,
-                    prob_crashes=i["prob_crashes"],
-                    smpl=i["SMPL"],
-                    other=i["other"],
-                )
-            except:
-                print(
-                    "Skipping entry for {} {}".format(
-                        i["build_fingerprint"], day
-                    )
-                )
diff --git a/crashreports/ b/crashreports/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/crashreports/
+++ /dev/null