Update README.md on branching structure

Issue: HIC-277
Change-Id: Ic4b97decc386e151b3475469328992d58e9a3b89
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7e62ab3..e43b2b3 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -195,11 +195,15 @@
 ### Branching structure
-The `production` branch reflects the codebase currently running on the production server. New
-changes should be pushed for review to the `master` branch. Every version that is merged into the
-`master` branch has to be buildable. From there they can be merged into the `production` branch to
-integrate the changes in the running server.
+New changes should be pushed for review to the `master` branch. Every
+version that is merged into the `master` branch has to be buildable.
+The production server is fetching its code from the
+[public mirror of the project](https://code.fairphone.com/gerrit/#/admin/projects/tools/hiccup/hiccup-server).
+To update the production server, new changes have to be pulled into the
+public project and the server should be redeployed using the corresponding
+ansible playbook.
 ## License