blob: 75fed0cbfd977a4b0bd7fbb2bc29c09816de9456 [file] [log] [blame]
set -o nounset
# Copyright 2018-2021 Fairphone B.V.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
printHeading() {
echo "### $1"
countPrintStat() {
echo -n "* **$(grep "$1" "${LOGFILE}" | wc -l)**"
echo " $2"
printHeading "Stats"
countPrintStat "INFO: HEAD and AOSP-Partner reference point to the same commit. Nothing to do." \
"projects are already up-to-date."
countPrintStat "INFO: AOSP-Partner ref. is already merged. Nothing to do." \
"projects have the AOSP-Partner reference already in their history."
countPrintStat "INFO: Could fast-forward to the AOSP-Partner ref., but will still create a merge commit." \
"projects could be fast-forwarded to the target reference."
countPrintStat "INFO: Continuing on top of local commits." \
"projects have local commits that are not merged on the remote."
echo ""
printHeading "Ignored and faulty projects"
countPrintStat "ERROR: Could not fetch the AOSP-Partner ref." \
"projects failed while fetching the target reference."
countPrintStat "ERROR: ls-remote on origin failed." \
"projects failed at ls-remote on origin."
countPrintStat "ERROR: Could not determine the remote revision of the target branch. Is this project
pointing to a branch?" \
"projects don't seem to point to a branch."
countPrintStat "ERROR: Could not unshallow the target branch." \
"projects failed to unshallow."
countPrintStat "ERROR: The AOSP-Partner ref does not exist on remote" \
"projects seems to be missing the partner remote reference."
echo ""
printHeading "Projects with merges"
countPrintStat "INFO: Successfully merged the AOSP-Partner ref." \
"projects with successful merges in total."
countPrintStat "ERROR: Merge was successful but we are not on a branch. This merge needs to be pushed!" \
"projects were merged without conflict but are not on a branch."
countPrintStat "WARNING: Merge was successful but we are not on a branch! However, the merge is empty so can be ignored." \
"projects that are not on a branch have an empty merge. (safe to ignore)"
countPrintStat "INFO: Pushing for review…" \
"projects were merged without conflict and can be pushed for review."
countPrintStat "ERROR: Could not push the merged HEAD to the remote" \
"projects where pushing to Gerrit failed."
echo ""
printHeading "Merge conflicts"
countPrintStat "ERROR: Could not merge the AOSP-Partner ref." \
"projects with merge conflicts"