blob: b5c7e56251875a51428457dc9da728e7d07723d4 [file] [log] [blame]
&soc {
replicator_qdss: replicator@6046000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb909>;
reg = <0x6046000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "replicator-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-replicator-qdss";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
replicator0_out_tmc_etr: endpoint {
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
replicator_cx_in_swao_out: endpoint {
replicator_swao: replicator@6b06000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb909>;
reg = <0x6b06000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "replicator-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-replicator-swao";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
/* Always have EUD before funnel leading to ETR. If both
* sink are active we need to give preference to EUD
* over ETR
port@0 {
reg = <1>;
replicator_swao_out_eud: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
replicator_swao_out_cx_in: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@2 {
reg = <0>;
replicator_swao_in_tmc_etf_swao: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
dummy_eud: dummy_sink {
compatible = "qcom,coresight-dummy";
coresight-name = "coresight-eud";
port {
eud_in_replicator_swao: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tmc_etf_swao: tmc@6b05000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb961>;
reg = <0x6b05000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tmc-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tmc-etf";
coresight-ctis = <&cti0_swao &cti3_swao>;
coresight-csr = <&swao_csr>;
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
tmc_etf_swao_out_replicator_swao: endpoint {
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
tmc_etf_swao_in_funnel_swao: endpoint {
funnel_swao: funnel@6b04000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb908>;
reg = <0x6b04000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "funnel-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-funnel-swao";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_swao_out_tmc_etf_swao: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <3>;
funnel_swao_in_ssc_etm0: endpoint {
port@2 {
reg = <5>;
funnel_swao_in_audio_etm0: endpoint {
port@3 {
reg = <6>;
funnel_swao_in_tpda_swao: endpoint {
port@4 {
reg = <7>;
funnel_swao_in_funnel_merg: endpoint {
port@5 {
reg = <5>;
funnel_swao_in_lpass_lpi: endpoint {
tpda_swao: tpda@6b08000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb969>;
reg = <0x6b08000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpda-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpda-swao";
qcom,tpda-atid = <71>;
qcom,dsb-elem-size = <1 32>;
qcom,cmb-elem-size = <0 64>;
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
tpda_swao_out_funnel_swao: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
tpda_swao_in_tpdm_swao0: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@2 {
reg = <1>;
tpda_swao_in_tpdm_swao1: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpdm_swao0: tpdm@6b09000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x6b09000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-swao-0";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_swao0_out_tpda_swao: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&tpda_swao_in_tpdm_swao0>;
tpdm_swao1: tpdm@6b0a000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x6b0a000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_swao1_out_tpda_swao: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&tpda_swao_in_tpdm_swao1>;
tmc_etr: tmc@6048000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb961>;
reg = <0x6048000 0x1000>,
<0x6064000 0x15000>;
reg-names = "tmc-base", "bam-base";
iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x0480 0>,
<&apps_smmu 0x0520 0>;
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
arm,buffer-size = <0x400000>;
coresight-name = "coresight-tmc-etr";
coresight-ctis = <&cti0 &cti3_swao>;
coresight-csr = <&csr>;
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
interrupts = <GIC_SPI 270 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
interrupt-names = "byte-cntr-irq";
port {
tmc_etr_in_replicator0: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&replicator0_out_tmc_etr>;
funnel_merg: funnel@6045000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb908>;
reg = <0x6045000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "funnel-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-funnel-merg";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_merg_out_funnel_swao: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_merg_in_funnel_in0: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@2 {
reg = <1>;
funnel_merg_in_funnel_in1: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
stm: stm@6002000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb962>;
reg = <0x6002000 0x1000>,
<0x16280000 0x180000>,
<0x7820f0 0x4>;
reg-names = "stm-base", "stm-stimulus-base", "stm-debug-status";
coresight-name = "coresight-stm";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
stm_out_funnel_in0: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&funnel_in0_in_stm>;
csr: csr@6001000 {
compatible = "qcom,coresight-csr";
reg = <0x6001000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "csr-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-csr";
qcom,blk-size = <1>;
swao_csr: csr@6b0c000 {
compatible = "qcom,coresight-csr";
reg = <0x6b0c000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "csr-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-swao-csr";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
qcom,blk-size = <1>;
funnel_in0: funnel@6041000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb908>;
reg = <0x6041000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "funnel-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-funnel-in0";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_in0_out_funnel_merg: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <6>;
funnel_in0_in_funnel_qatb: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@2 {
reg = <7>;
funnel_in0_in_stm: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&stm_out_funnel_in0>;
funnel_in1: funnel@6042000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb908>;
reg = <0x6042000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "funnel-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-funnel-in1";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_in1_out_funnel_merg: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <1>;
funnel_in1_in_funnel_dl_north: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@2 {
reg = <4>;
funnel_in1_in_funnel_apss_merg: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
funnel_gpu: funnel@6902000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb908>;
reg = <0x6902000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "funnel-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-funnel-gpu";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>,
<&clock_gpucc GPU_CC_CXO_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_DDRSS_GPU_AXI_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_GPU_MEMNOC_GFX_CLK>,
<&clock_gpucc GPU_CC_CX_GMU_CLK>,
<&clock_gpucc GPU_CC_AHB_CLK>,
<&clock_cpucc L3_GPU_VOTE_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk",
qcom,proxy-clks = "rbbmtimer_clk",
vddcx-supply = <&gpu_cx_gdsc>;
vdd-supply = <&gpu_gx_gdsc>;
regulator-names = "vddcx", "vdd";
qcom,proxy-regs = "vddcx", "vdd";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_gpu_out_tpda: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_gpu_in_tpdm_gpu: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpdm_gpu: tpdm@6900000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x0003b968>;
reg = <0x6900000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-gpu";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>,
<&clock_gpucc GPU_CC_CXO_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_DDRSS_GPU_AXI_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_GPU_MEMNOC_GFX_CLK>,
<&clock_gpucc GPU_CC_CX_GMU_CLK>,
<&clock_gpucc GPU_CC_AHB_CLK>,
<&clock_cpucc L3_GPU_VOTE_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk",
qcom,proxy-clks = "rbbmtimer_clk",
vddcx-supply = <&gpu_cx_gdsc>;
vdd-supply = <&gpu_gx_gdsc>;
regulator-names = "vddcx", "vdd";
qcom,proxy-regs = "vddcx", "vdd";
port {
tpdm_gpu_out_funnel_gpu: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&funnel_gpu_in_tpdm_gpu>;
tpda: tpda@6004000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb969>;
reg = <0x6004000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpda-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpda";
qcom,tpda-atid = <65>;
qcom,bc-elem-size = <16 32>,
<24 32>,
<25 32>;
qcom,tc-elem-size = <16 32>,
<25 32>;
qcom,dsb-elem-size = <1 32>,
<6 32>,
<7 32>,
<10 32>,
<11 32>,
<12 32>,
<13 32>,
<14 32>,
<16 32>,
<19 32>,
<24 32>,
<25 32>;
qcom,cmb-elem-size = <7 64>,
<13 32>,
<15 32>,
<16 32>,
<17 32>,
<18 64>,
<20 64>,
<21 64>,
<22 32>,
<23 32>,
<25 64>;
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
tpda_out_funnel_qatb: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <1>;
tpda_in_funnel_gpu: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@2 {
reg = <6>;
tpda_6_in_tpdm_venus: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@3 {
reg = <7>;
tpda_7_in_tpdm_mdss: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@4 {
reg = <9>;
tpda_9_in_tpdm_mm: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@5 {
reg = <10>;
tpda_10_in_funnel_dl_center: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@6 {
reg = <11>;
tpda_11_in_tpdm_ddr_ch02: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@7 {
reg = <12>;
tpda_12_in_tpdm_ddr_ch13: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@8 {
reg = <13>;
tpda_13_in_tpdm_ddr: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@9 {
reg = <14>;
tpda_14_in_tpdm_turing: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@10 {
reg = <15>;
tpda_15_in_tpdm_llm_turing: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@11 {
reg = <16>;
tpda_16_in_tpdm_npu: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@12 {
reg = <17>;
tpda_17_in_tpdm_npu_llm: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@13 {
reg = <18>;
tpda_18_in_tpdm_npu_dpm: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@14 {
reg = <19>;
tpda_19_in_tpdm_dlct: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@15 {
reg = <20>;
tpda_20_in_tpdm_ipcc: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@16 {
reg = <21>;
tpda_in_tpdm_vsense: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@17 {
reg = <22>;
tpda_in_tpdm_dcc: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@18 {
reg = <23>;
tpda_in_tpdm_prng: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@19 {
reg = <24>;
tpda_in_tpdm_qm: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@20 {
reg = <25>;
tpda_in_tpdm_pimem: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpdm_dcc: tpdm@6870000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x0003b968>;
reg = <0x6870000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-dcc";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_dcc_out_tpda: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&tpda_in_tpdm_dcc>;
tpdm_vsense: tpdm@6840000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x6840000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
status = "disabled";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-vsense";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_vsense_out_tpda: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&tpda_in_tpdm_vsense>;
tpdm_prng: tpdm@684c000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x684c000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-prng";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_prng_out_tpda: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&tpda_in_tpdm_prng>;
tpdm_pimem: tpdm@6850000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x6850000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-pimem";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_pimem_out_tpda: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&tpda_in_tpdm_pimem>;
funnel_lpass: funnel@6846000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb908>;
reg = <0x6846000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "funnel-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-funnel-lpass";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_lpass_out_funnel_dl_center: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_lpass_in_tpdm_lpass: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpdm_lpass: tpdm@6844000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x6844000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-lpass";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_lpass_out_funnel_lpass: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&funnel_lpass_in_tpdm_lpass>;
tpdm_dl_north: tpdm@6ac0000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x6ac0000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-dl-north";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_dl_north_out_tpda_dl_north: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpdm_lpass_lpi: tpdm@6b26000 {
compatible = "qcom,coresight-dummy";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-lpass-lpi";
port {
lpass_lpi_out_funnel_swao: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpda_dl_north: tpda@6ac1000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb969>;
reg = <0x06ac1000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpda-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpda-dl-north";
qcom,tpda-atid = <97>;
qcom,dsb-elem-size = <0 32>;
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
tpda_dl_north_out_funnel_dl_north: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
tpda_dl_north_in_tpdm_dl_north: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
funnel_dl_south: funnel@69c2000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb908>;
reg = <0x69c2000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "funnel-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-funnel-dl-south";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_south_out_funnel_dl_compute: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_dl_south_in_tpda_dl_south: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpda_dl_south: tpda@69c1000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb969>;
reg = <0x69c1000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpda-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpda-dl-south";
qcom,tpda-atid = <75>;
qcom,dsb-elem-size = <0 64>;
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
tpda_dl_south_out_funnel_dl_south: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
tpda_dl_south_in_tpdm_dl_south: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpdm_dl_south: tpdm@69c0000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x69c0000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-dl-south";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_dl_south_out_tpda_dl_south: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
funnel_dl_north: funnel@6ac2000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb908>;
reg = <0x6ac2000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "funnel-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-funnel-dl-north";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_dl_north_out_funnel_in1: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_dl_north_in_tpda_dl_north: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
funnel_dl_compute: funnel@6c39000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb908>;
reg = <0x6c39000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "funnel-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-funnel-dl-compute";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_compute_out_funnel_dl_center: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_compute_in_funnel_turing: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@2 {
reg = <1>;
funnel_compute_in_funnel_npu: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@3 {
reg = <3>;
funnel_dl_compute_in_funnel_dl_south: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpdm_npu: tpdm@6c47000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x6c47000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-npu";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_NPU_AXI_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_NPU_CFG_AHB_CLK>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_XO_CLK>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_CORE_CLK>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_CORE_CLK_SRC>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_ATB_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk",
qcom,proxy-clks = "gcc_npu_axi_clk",
vdd-supply = <&npu_core_gdsc>;
vdd_cx-supply = <&VDD_CX_LEVEL>;
qcom,proxy-regs ="vdd", "vdd_cx";
port {
tpdm_npu_out_funnel_npu: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&funnel_npu_in_tpdm_npu>;
tpdm_npu_llm: tpdm@6c40000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x6c40000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-npu-llm";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_NPU_AXI_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_NPU_CFG_AHB_CLK>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_XO_CLK>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_CORE_CLK>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_CORE_CLK_SRC>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_ATB_CLK>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_LLM_CLK>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_LLM_XO_CLK>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_LLM_TEMP_CLK>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_LLM_CURR_CLK>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_DL_LLM_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk",
qcom,proxy-clks = "gcc_npu_axi_clk",
vdd-supply = <&npu_core_gdsc>;
vdd_cx-supply = <&VDD_CX_LEVEL>;
qcom,proxy-regs ="vdd", "vdd_cx";
port {
tpdm_npu_llm_out_funnel_npu: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&funnel_npu_in_tpdm_npu_llm>;
tpdm_npu_dpm: tpdm@6c41000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x6c41000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-npu-dpm";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_NPU_AXI_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_NPU_CFG_AHB_CLK>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_XO_CLK>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_CORE_CLK>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_CORE_CLK_SRC>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_ATB_CLK>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_DPM_CLK>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_DPM_XO_CLK>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_DL_DPM_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk",
qcom,proxy-clks = "gcc_npu_axi_clk",
vdd-supply = <&npu_core_gdsc>;
vdd_cx-supply = <&VDD_CX_LEVEL>;
qcom,proxy-regs ="vdd", "vdd_cx";
port {
tpdm_npu_dpm_out_funnel_npu: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&funnel_npu_in_tpdm_npu_dpm>;
funnel_dl_center: funnel@6c2d000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb908>;
reg = <0x6c2d000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "funnel-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-funnel-dl-center";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
tpdm_venus_out_tpda6: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
source = <&tpdm_venus>;
port@1 {
reg = <1>;
tpdm_mdss_out_tpda7: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
source = <&tpdm_mdss>;
port@2 {
reg = <2>;
tpdm_mm_out_tpda9: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
source = <&tpdm_mm>;
port@3 {
reg = <3>;
funnel_dl_center_out_tpda_10: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
source = <&tpdm_lpass>;
port@4 {
reg = <4>;
tpdm_ddr_ch02_out_tpda11: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
source = <&tpdm_ddr_ch02>;
port@5 {
reg = <5>;
tpdm_ddr_ch13_out_tpda12: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
source = <&tpdm_ddr_ch13>;
port@6 {
reg = <6>;
tpdm_ddr_out_tpda13: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
source = <&tpdm_ddr>;
port@7 {
reg = <7>;
tpdm_turing_out_tpda14: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
source = <&tpdm_turing>;
port@8 {
reg = <8>;
tpdm_llm_turing_out_tpda15: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
source = <&tpdm_llm_turing>;
port@9 {
reg = <9>;
tpdm_npu_out_tpda16: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
source = <&tpdm_npu>;
port@10 {
reg = <10>;
tpdm_npu_llm_out_tpda17: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
source = <&tpdm_npu_llm>;
port@11 {
reg = <11>;
tpdm_npu_dpm_out_tpda18: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
source = <&tpdm_npu_dpm>;
port@12 {
reg = <12>;
tpdm_dlct_out_tpda19: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
source = <&tpdm_dlct>;
port@13 {
reg = <13>;
tpdm_ipcc_out_tpda20: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
source = <&tpdm_ipcc>;
port@14 {
reg = <14>;
funnel_dl_center_out_qatb3: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@15 {
reg = <2>;
funnel_dl_center_in_funnel_dl_mm: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@16 {
reg = <3>;
funnel_dl_center_in_funnel_lpass: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@17 {
reg = <4>;
funnel_dl_center_in_funnel_ddr_0: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@18 {
reg = <5>;
funnel_dl_center_in_funnel_compute: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@19 {
reg = <6>;
funnel_center_in_tpdm_dlct: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@20 {
reg = <7>;
funnel_center_in_tpdm_ipcc: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpdm_dlct: tpdm@6c28000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x6c28000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-dlct";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_dlct_out_funnel_center: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&funnel_center_in_tpdm_dlct>;
tpdm_ipcc: tpdm@6c29000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x6c29000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-ipcc";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_ipcc_out_funnel_center: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&funnel_center_in_tpdm_ipcc>;
tpdm_qm: tpdm@69d0000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x69d0000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-qm";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_qm_out_tpda: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&tpda_in_tpdm_qm>;
tpda_apss: tpda@7863000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb969>;
reg = <0x7863000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpda-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpda-apss";
qcom,tpda-atid = <66>;
qcom,dsb-elem-size = <3 32>;
qcom,cmb-elem-size = <0 32>,
<1 32>,
<2 64>;
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
tpda_apss_out_funnel_apss_merg: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
tpda_apss_in_tpdm_llm_silver: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@2 {
reg = <1>;
tpda_apss_in_tpdm_llm_gold: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@3 {
reg = <2>;
tpda_apss_in_tpdm_actpm: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@4 {
reg = <3>;
tpda_apss_in_tpdm_apss: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpdm_llm_silver: tpdm@78a0000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x78a0000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-llm-silver";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_llm_silver_out_tpda_apss: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpdm_llm_gold: tpdm@78b0000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x78b0000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-llm-gold";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_llm_gold_out_tpda_apss: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpdm_actpm: tpdm@7860000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x7860000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-actpm";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_actpm_out_tpda_apss: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpdm_apss: tpdm@7861000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x7861000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-apss";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_apss_out_tpda_apss: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
funnel_dl_mm: funnel@6c0b000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb908>;
reg = <0x6c0b000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "funnel-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-funnel-dl-mm";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_dl_mm_out_funnel_dl_center: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_dl_mm_in_funnel_venus: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@2 {
reg = <1>;
funnel_dl_mm_in_tpdm_mdss: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@3 {
reg = <3>;
funnel_dl_mm_in_tpdm_mm: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
funnel_venus: funnel@6832000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb908>;
reg = <0x6832000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "funnel-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-funnel-venus";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_venus_out_funnel_dl_mm: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_venus_in_tpdm_venus: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpdm_venus: tpdm@6830000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x6830000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-venus";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_venus_out_funnel_venus: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpdm_mdss: tpdm@6c60000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x6c60000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-mdss";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_mdss_out_funnel_dl_mm: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpdm_mm: tpdm@6c08000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x6c08000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-mm";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_mm_out_funnel_dl_mm: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
funnel_npu: funnel@6c44000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb908>;
reg = <0x6c44000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "funnel-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-funnel-npu";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_NPU_AXI_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_NPU_CFG_AHB_CLK>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_XO_CLK>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_CORE_CLK>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_CORE_CLK_SRC>,
<&clock_npucc NPU_CC_ATB_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk",
qcom,proxy-clks = "gcc_npu_axi_clk",
vdd-supply = <&npu_core_gdsc>;
vdd_cx-supply = <&VDD_CX_LEVEL>;
regulator-names = "vdd", "vdd_cx";
qcom,proxy-regs ="vdd", "vdd_cx";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_npu_out_funnel_dl_compute: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_npu_in_tpdm_npu: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@2 {
reg = <1>;
funnel_npu_in_tpdm_npu_llm: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@3 {
reg = <2>;
funnel_npu_in_tpdm_npu_dpm: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@4 {
reg = <3>;
funnel_npu_in_npu_etm0: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
funnel_turing: funnel@6983000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb908>;
reg = <0x6983000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "funnel-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-funnel-turing";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_turing_out_funnel_dl_compute: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_turing_in_tpdm_turing: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@2 {
reg = <1>;
funnel_turing_in_tpdm_llm_turing: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@3 {
reg = <2>;
funnel_turing_in_turing_etm0: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpdm_turing: tpdm@6980000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x6980000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-turing";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_turing_out_funnel_turing: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpdm_llm_turing: tpdm@69810000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x6981000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-turing-llm";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
status = "disabled";
port {
tpdm_llm_turing_out_funnel_turing: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
funnel_ddr_0: funnel@6e04000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb908>;
reg = <0x6e04000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "funnel-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-funnel-ddr-0";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_ddr_0_out_funnel_dl_center: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_ddr_0_in_funnel_ddr_ch02: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@2 {
reg = <1>;
funnel_ddr_0_in_funnel_ddr_ch13: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@3 {
reg = <2>;
funnel_ddr_0_in_tpdm_ddr: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
funnel_ddr_ch02: funnel@6e12000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb908>;
reg = <0x6e12000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "funnel-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-funnel-ddr-ch02";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_ddr_ch02_out_funnel_ddr_0: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_ddr_ch02_in_tpdm_ddr_ch02: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
funnel_ddr_ch13: funnel@6e22000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb908>;
reg = <0x6e22000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "funnel-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-funnel-ddr-ch13";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_ddr_ch13_out_funnel_ddr_0: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_ddr_ch13_in_tpdm_ddr_ch13: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpdm_ddr_ch02: tpdm@6e10000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x06e10000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-ddr-ch02";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_ddr_ch02_out_funnel_ddr_ch02: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpdm_ddr_ch13: tpdm@6e20000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x06e20000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-ddr-ch13";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_ddr_ch13_out_funnel_ddr_ch13: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
tpdm_ddr: tpdm@6e00000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb968>;
reg = <0x06e00000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tpdm-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-tpdm-ddr";
status = "disabled";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
tpdm_ddr_out_funnel_ddr_0: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&funnel_ddr_0_in_tpdm_ddr>;
funnel_qatb: funnel@6005000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb908>;
reg = <0x6005000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "funnel-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-funnel-qatb";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_qatb_out_funnel_in0: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_qatb_in_tpda: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@2 {
reg = <3>;
qatb3_in_funnel_dl_center: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
cti0_apss: cti@78e0000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x78e0000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-apss_cti0";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti1_apss: cti@78f0000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x78f0000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-apss_cti1";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti2_apss: cti@7900000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x7900000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-apss_cti2";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti0_ddr0: cti@6e01000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6e01000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-ddr_dl_0_cti_0";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti1_ddr0: cti@6e02000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6e02000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-ddr_dl_0_cti_1";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti2_ddr0: cti@6e03000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6e03000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-ddr_dl_0_cti_2";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti0_ddr1: cti@6e0c000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6e0c000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-ddr_dl_1_cti_0";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti1_ddr1: cti@6e0d000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6e0d000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-ddr_dl_1_cti_1";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti2_ddr1: cti@6e0e000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6e0e000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-ddr_dl_1_cti_2";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_ddr_ch02: cti@6e11000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6e11000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-ddr_ch02_dl_cti_0";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_ddr_ch13: cti@6e21000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6e21000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-ddr_ch13_dl_cti_0";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti0_dlmm: cti@6c09000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6c09000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-dlmm_cti0";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti1_dlmm: cti@6c0a000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6c0a000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-dlmm_cti1";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti0_dlct: cti@6c2a000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6c2a000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-dlct_cti0";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti1_dlct: cti@6c2b000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6c2b000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-dlct_cti1";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti2_dlct: cti@6c2c000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6c2c000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-dlct_cti2";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti0: cti@6010000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6010000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti0";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti1: cti@6011000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6011000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti1";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti2: cti@6012000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6012000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti2";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
qcom,cti-gpio-trigout = <4>;
pinctrl-names = "cti-trigout-pctrl";
pinctrl-0 = <&trigout_a>;
cti3: cti@6013000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6013000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti3";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti4: cti@6014000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6014000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti4";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti5: cti@6015000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6015000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti5";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti6: cti@6016000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6016000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti6";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti7: cti@6017000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6017000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti7";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti8: cti@6018000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6018000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti8";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti9: cti@6019000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6019000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti9";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti10: cti@601a000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x601a000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti10";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti11: cti@601b000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x601b000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti11";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti12: cti@601c000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x601c000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti12";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti13: cti@601d000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x601d000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti13";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti14: cti@601e000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x601e000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti14";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti15: cti@601f000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x601f000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti15";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_cpu0: cti@7020000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x7020000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-cpu0";
cpu = <&CPU0>;
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_cpu1: cti@7120000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x7120000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-cpu1";
cpu = <&CPU1>;
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_cpu2: cti@7220000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x7220000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-cpu2";
cpu = <&CPU2>;
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_cpu3: cti@7320000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x7320000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-cpu3";
cpu = <&CPU3>;
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_cpu4: cti@7420000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x7420000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-cpu4";
cpu = <&CPU4>;
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_cpu5: cti@7520000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x7520000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-cpu5";
cpu = <&CPU5>;
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_cpu6: cti@7620000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x7620000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-cpu6";
cpu = <&CPU6>;
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_cpu7: cti@7720000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x7720000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-cpu7";
cpu = <&CPU7>;
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_gpu_m3: cti@6962000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6962000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-gpu_cortex_m3";
status = "disabled";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>,
<&clock_gpucc GPU_CC_CXO_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_DDRSS_GPU_AXI_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_GPU_MEMNOC_GFX_CLK>,
<&clock_gpucc GPU_CC_CX_GMU_CLK>,
<&clock_gpucc GPU_CC_AHB_CLK>,
<&clock_cpucc L3_GPU_VOTE_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk",
qcom,proxy-clks = "rbbmtimer_clk",
vddcx-supply = <&gpu_cx_gdsc>;
vdd-supply = <&gpu_gx_gdsc>;
regulator-names = "vddcx", "vdd";
qcom,proxy-regs = "vddcx", "vdd";
cti_gpu_isdb: cti@6961000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6961000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-gpu_isdb_cti";
status = "disabled";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>,
<&clock_gpucc GPU_CC_CXO_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_DDRSS_GPU_AXI_CLK>,
<&clock_gcc GCC_GPU_MEMNOC_GFX_CLK>,
<&clock_gpucc GPU_CC_CX_GMU_CLK>,
<&clock_gpucc GPU_CC_AHB_CLK>,
<&clock_cpucc L3_GPU_VOTE_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk",
qcom,proxy-clks = "rbbmtimer_clk",
vddcx-supply = <&gpu_cx_gdsc>;
vdd-supply = <&gpu_gx_gdsc>;
regulator-names = "vddcx", "vdd";
qcom,proxy-regs = "vddcx", "vdd";
cti_iris: cti@6831000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6831000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-iris_dl_cti";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_lpass: cti@6845000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6845000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-lpass_dl_cti";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_lpass_lpi: cti@6b21000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6b21000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-lpass_lpi_cti";
status = "disabled";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_lpass_q6: cti@6b2b000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6b2b000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-lpass_q6_cti";
status = "disabled";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_mdss: cti@6c61000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6c61000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-mdss_dl_cti";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_npu_dl0: cti@6c42000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6c42000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-npu_dl_cti_0";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_npu_dl1: cti@6c43000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6c43000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-npu_dl_cti_1";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_npu: cti@6c4b000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6c4b000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-npu_q6_cti";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_titan: cti@6c13000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6c13000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-sierra_a6_cti";
status = "disabled";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_sdc: cti@6b40000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6b40000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-ssc_cortex_m3";
status = "disabled";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_ssc0: cti@6b4b000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6b4b000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-ssc_cti0_q6";
status = "disabled";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_ssc1: cti@6b41000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6b41000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-ssc_cti1";
status = "disabled";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_ssc4: cti@6b4e000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6b4e000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-ssc_cti_noc";
status = "disabled";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti0_swao:cti@6b00000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6b00000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-swao_cti0";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti1_swao:cti@6b01000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6b01000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-swao_cti1";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti2_swao:cti@6b02000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6b02000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-swao_cti2";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti3_swao:cti@6b03000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6b03000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-swao_cti3";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_turing:cti@6982000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6982000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-turing_dl_cti";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_turing_q6:cti@698b000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x698b000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-turing_q6_cti";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
cti_compute:cti@6c38000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb966>;
reg = <0x6c38000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cti-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-cti-compute_dl_cti";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ipcb_tgu: tgu@6b0b000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb999>;
reg = <0x06b0b000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "tgu-base";
tgu-steps = <3>;
tgu-conditions = <4>;
tgu-regs = <4>;
tgu-timer-counters = <8>;
coresight-name = "coresight-tgu-ipcb";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
etm_turing: turing_etm0 {
compatible = "qcom,coresight-remote-etm";
coresight-name = "coresight-turing-etm0";
qcom,inst-id = <13>;
port {
turing_etm0_out_funnel_turing: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
audio_etm0 {
compatible = "qcom,coresight-remote-etm";
coresight-name = "coresight-audio-etm0";
qcom,inst-id = <5>;
port {
audio_etm0_out_funnel_swao: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
ssc_etm0 {
compatible = "qcom,coresight-remote-etm";
coresight-name = "coresight-ssc-etm0";
qcom,inst-id = <8>;
port {
ssc_etm0_out_funnel_swao: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
npu_etm0 {
compatible = "qcom,coresight-remote-etm";
coresight-name = "coresight-npu-etm0";
qcom,inst-id = <14>;
port {
npu_etm0_out_funnel_npu: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
funnel_apss_merg: funnel@7810000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb908>;
reg = <0x7810000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "funnel-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-funnel-apss-merg";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_apss_merg_out_funnel_in1: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_apss_merg_in_funnel_apss: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@2 {
reg = <3>;
funnel_apss_merg_in_tpda_apss: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
etm0: etm@7040000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb95d>;
reg = <0x7040000 0x1000>;
cpu = <&CPU0>;
coresight-name = "coresight-etm0";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
etm0_out_funnel_apss: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&funnel_apss_in_etm0>;
etm1: etm@7140000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb95d>;
reg = <0x7140000 0x1000>;
cpu = <&CPU1>;
coresight-name = "coresight-etm1";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
etm1_out_funnel_apss: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&funnel_apss_in_etm1>;
etm2: etm@7240000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb95d>;
reg = <0x7240000 0x1000>;
cpu = <&CPU2>;
coresight-name = "coresight-etm2";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
etm2_out_funnel_apss: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&funnel_apss_in_etm2>;
etm3: etm@7340000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb95d>;
reg = <0x7340000 0x1000>;
cpu = <&CPU3>;
coresight-name = "coresight-etm3";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
etm3_out_funnel_apss: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&funnel_apss_in_etm3>;
etm4: etm@7440000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb95d>;
reg = <0x7440000 0x1000>;
cpu = <&CPU4>;
coresight-name = "coresight-etm4";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
etm4_out_funnel_apss: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&funnel_apss_in_etm4>;
etm5: etm@7540000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb95d>;
reg = <0x7540000 0x1000>;
cpu = <&CPU5>;
coresight-name = "coresight-etm5";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
etm5_out_funnel_apss: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&funnel_apss_in_etm5>;
etm6: etm@7640000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb95d>;
reg = <0x7640000 0x1000>;
cpu = <&CPU6>;
coresight-name = "coresight-etm6";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
etm6_out_funnel_apss: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&funnel_apss_in_etm6>;
etm7: etm@7740000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb95d>;
reg = <0x7740000 0x1000>;
cpu = <&CPU7>;
coresight-name = "coresight-etm7";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
port {
etm7_out_funnel_apss: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&funnel_apss_in_etm7>;
funnel_apss: funnel@7800000 {
compatible = "arm,primecell";
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x000bb908>;
reg = <0x7800000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "funnel-base";
coresight-name = "coresight-funnel-apss";
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_apss_out_funnel_apss_merg: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@1 {
reg = <0>;
funnel_apss_in_etm0: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@2 {
reg = <1>;
funnel_apss_in_etm1: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@3 {
reg = <2>;
funnel_apss_in_etm2: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@4 {
reg = <3>;
funnel_apss_in_etm3: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@5 {
reg = <4>;
funnel_apss_in_etm4: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@6 {
reg = <5>;
funnel_apss_in_etm5: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@7 {
reg = <6>;
funnel_apss_in_etm6: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
port@8 {
reg = <7>;
funnel_apss_in_etm7: endpoint {
remote-endpoint =
hwevent {
compatible = "qcom,coresight-hwevent";
coresight-name = "coresight-hwevent";
coresight-csr = <&csr>;
clocks = <&clock_aop QDSS_CLK>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";