| Qualcomm MDSS MDP |
| |
| MDSS is Mobile Display SubSystem which implements Linux framebuffer APIs to |
| drive user interface to different panel interfaces. MDP driver is the core of |
| MDSS which manage all data paths to different panel interfaces. |
| |
| Required properties |
| - compatible : Must be "qcom,mdss_mdp" |
| - reg : offset and length of the register set for the device. |
| - reg-names : names to refer to register sets related to this device |
| - interrupts : Interrupt associated with MDSS. |
| - vdd-supply : Phandle for vdd regulator device node. |
| - qcom,max-clk-rate: Specify maximum MDP core clock rate in hz that this |
| device supports. |
| - qcom,mdss-pipe-vig-off: Array of offset for MDP source surface pipes of |
| type VIG, the offsets are calculated from |
| register "mdp_phys" defined in reg property. |
| The number of offsets defined here should |
| reflect the amount of VIG pipes that can be |
| active in MDP for this configuration. |
| - qcom,mdss-pipe-vig-fetch-id: Array of shared memory pool fetch ids |
| corresponding to the VIG pipe offsets defined in |
| previous property, the amount of fetch ids |
| defined should match the number of offsets |
| defined in property: qcom,mdss-pipe-vig-off |
| - qcom,mdss-pipe-vig-xin-id: Array of VBIF clients ids (xins) corresponding |
| to the respective VIG pipes. Number of xin ids |
| defined should match the number of offsets |
| defined in property: qcom,mdss-pipe-vig-off |
| - qcom,mdss-pipe-rgb-off: Array of offsets for MDP source surface pipes of |
| type RGB, the offsets are calculated from |
| register "mdp_phys" defined in reg property. |
| The number of offsets defined here should |
| reflect the amount of RGB pipes that can be |
| active in MDP for this configuration. |
| - qcom,mdss-pipe-rgb-fetch-id: Array of shared memory pool fetch ids |
| corresponding to the RGB pipe offsets defined in |
| previous property, the amount of fetch ids |
| defined should match the number of offsets |
| defined in property: qcom,mdss-pipe-rgb-off |
| - qcom,mdss-pipe-rgb-xin-id: Array of VBIF clients ids (xins) corresponding |
| to the respective RGB pipes. Number of xin ids |
| defined should match the number of offsets |
| defined in property: qcom,mdss-pipe-rgb-off |
| - qcom,mdss-pipe-dma-off: Array of offsets for MDP source surface pipes of |
| type DMA, the offsets are calculated from |
| register "mdp_phys" defined in reg property. |
| The number of offsets defined here should |
| reflect the amount of DMA pipes that can be |
| active in MDP for this configuration. |
| - qcom,mdss-pipe-dma-fetch-id: Array of shared memory pool fetch ids |
| corresponding to the DMA pipe offsets defined in |
| previous property, the amount of fetch ids |
| defined should match the number of offsets |
| defined in property: qcom,mdss-pipe-dma-off |
| - qcom,mdss-pipe-dma-xin-id: Array of VBIF clients ids (xins) corresponding |
| to the respective DMA pipes. Number of xin ids |
| defined should match the number of offsets |
| defined in property: qcom,mdss-pipe-dma-off |
| - qcom,mdss-smp-data: Array of shared memory pool data. There should |
| be only two values in this property. The first |
| value corresponds to the number of smp blocks |
| and the second is the size of each block |
| present in the mdss hardware. |
| - qcom,mdss-ctl-off: Array of offset addresses for the available ctl |
| hw blocks within MDP, these offsets are |
| calculated from register "mdp_phys" defined in |
| reg property. The number of ctl offsets defined |
| here should reflect the number of control paths |
| that can be configured concurrently on MDP for |
| this configuration. |
| - qcom,mdss-wb-off: Array of offset addresses for the progammable |
| writeback blocks within MDP. The number of |
| offsets defined should match the number of ctl |
| blocks defined in property: qcom,mdss-ctl-off |
| - qcom,mdss-mixer-intf-off: Array of offset addresses for the available |
| mixer blocks that can drive data to panel |
| interfaces. |
| These offsets are be calculated from register |
| "mdp_phys" defined in reg property. |
| The number of offsets defined should reflect the |
| amount of mixers that can drive data to a panel |
| interface. |
| - qcom,mdss-dspp-off: Array of offset addresses for the available dspp |
| blocks. These offsets are calculated from |
| regsiter "mdp_phys" defined in reg property. |
| The number of dspp blocks should match the |
| number of mixers driving data to interface |
| defined in property: qcom,mdss-mixer-intf-off |
| - qcom,mdss-pingpong-off: Array of offset addresses for the available |
| pingpong blocks. These offsets are calculated |
| from regsiter "mdp_phys" defined in reg property. |
| The number of pingpong blocks should match the |
| number of mixers driving data to interface |
| defined in property: qcom,mdss-mixer-intf-off |
| - qcom,mdss-mixer-wb-off: Array of offset addresses for the available |
| mixer blocks that can be drive data to writeback |
| block. These offsets will be calculated from |
| register "mdp_phys" defined in reg property. |
| The number of writeback mixer offsets defined |
| should reflect the number of mixers that can |
| drive data to a writeback block. |
| - qcom,mdss-intf-off: Array of offset addresses for the available MDP |
| video interface blocks that can drive data to a |
| panel controller through timing engine. |
| The offsets are calculated from "mdp_phys" |
| defined in reg property. The number of offsets |
| defiend should reflect the number of progammable |
| interface blocks available in hardware. |
| - qcom,mdss-pref-prim-intf: A string which indicates the configured hardware |
| interface between MDP and the primary panel. |
| Individual panel controller drivers initialize |
| hardware based on this property. |
| Based on the interfaces supported at present, |
| possible values are: |
| - "dsi" |
| - "edp" |
| - "hdmi" |
| |
| Bus Scaling Data: |
| - qcom,msm-bus,name: String property describing MDSS client. |
| - qcom,msm-bus,num-cases: This is the the number of Bus Scaling use cases |
| defined in the vectors property. This must be |
| set to <3> for MDSS driver where use-case 0 is |
| used to take off MDSS BW votes from the system. |
| And use-case 1 & 2 are used in ping-pong fashion |
| to generate run-time BW requests. |
| - qcom,msm-bus,active-only: A boolean flag indicating if it is active only. |
| - qcom,msm-bus,num-paths: This represents the number of paths in each |
| Bus Scaling Usecase. This value depends on |
| how many number of AXI master ports are |
| dedicated to MDSS for particular chipset. |
| - qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps: * A series of 4 cell properties, with a format |
| of (src, dst, ab, ib) which is defined at |
| Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/msm/msm_bus.txt |
| * Current values of src & dst are defined at |
| arch/arm/mach-msm/msm_bus_board.h |
| src values allowed for MDSS are: |
| dst values allowed for MDSS are: |
| ab: Represents aggregated bandwidth. |
| ib: Represents instantaneous bandwidth. |
| * Total number of 4 cell properties will be |
| (number of use-cases * number of paths). |
| * These values will be overridden by the driver |
| based on the run-time requirements. So initial |
| ab and ib values defined here are random and |
| bare no logic except for the use-case 0 where ab |
| and ib values needs to be 0. |
| |
| - qcom,mdss-prefill-outstanding-buffer-bytes: The size of mdp outstanding buffer |
| in bytes. The buffer is filled during prefill |
| time and the buffer size shall be included in |
| prefill bandwidth calculation. |
| - qcom,mdss-prefill-y-buffer-bytes: The size of mdp y plane buffer in bytes. The |
| buffer is filled during prefill time when format |
| is YUV and the buffer size shall be included in |
| prefill bandwidth calculation. |
| - qcom,mdss-prefill-scaler-buffer-lines-bilinear: The value indicates how many lines |
| of scaler line buffer need to be filled during |
| prefill time. If bilinear scalar is enabled, then this |
| number of lines is used to determine how many bytes |
| of scaler buffer to be included in prefill bandwidth |
| calculation. |
| - qcom,mdss-prefill-scaler-buffer-lines-caf: The value indicates how many lines of |
| of scaler line buffer need to be filled during |
| prefill time. If CAF mode filter is enabled, then |
| this number of lines is used to determine how many |
| bytes of scaler buffer to be included in prefill |
| bandwidth calculation. |
| - qcom,mdss-prefill-post-scaler-buffer: The size of post scaler buffer in bytes. |
| The buffer is used to smooth the output of the |
| scaler. If the buffer is present in h/w, it is |
| filled during prefill time and the number of bytes |
| shall be included in prefill bandwidth calculation. |
| - qcom,mdss-prefill-pingpong-buffer-pixels: The size of pingpong buffer in pixels. |
| The buffer is used to keep pixels flowing to the |
| panel interface. If the vertical start position of a |
| layer is in the beginning of the active area, pingpong |
| buffer must be filled during prefill time to generate |
| starting lines. The number of bytes to be filled is |
| determined by the line width, starting position, |
| byte per pixel and scaling ratio, this number shall be |
| included in prefill bandwidth calculation. |
| - qcom,mdss-prefill-fbc-lines: The value indicates how many lines are required to fill |
| fbc buffer during prefill time if FBC (Frame Buffer |
| Compressor) is enabled. The number of bytes to be filled |
| is determined by the line width, bytes per pixel and |
| scaling ratio, this number shall be included in prefill bandwidth |
| calculation. |
| Optional properties: |
| - vdd-cx-supply : Phandle for vdd CX regulator device node. |
| - batfet-supply : Phandle for battery FET regulator device node. |
| - qcom,vbif-settings : Array with key-value pairs of constant VBIF register |
| settings used to setup MDSS QoS for optimum performance. |
| The key used should be offset from "vbif_phys" register |
| defined in reg property. |
| - qcom,mdp-settings : Array with key-value pairs of constant MDP register |
| settings used to setup MDSS QoS for best performance. |
| The key used should be offset from "mdp_phys" register |
| defined in reg property. |
| - qcom,mdss-rot-block-size: The size of a memory block (in pixels) to be used |
| by the rotator. If this property is not specified, |
| then a default value of 128 pixels would be used. |
| - qcom,mdss-has-bwc: Boolean property to indicate the presence of bandwidth |
| compression feature in the rotator. |
| - qcom,mdss-has-decimation: Boolean property to indicate the presence of |
| decimation feature in fetch. |
| - qcom,mdss-ad-off: Array of offset addresses for the available |
| Assertive Display (AD) blocks. These offsets |
| are calculated from the register "mdp_phys" |
| defined in reg property. The number of AD |
| offsets should be less than or equal to the |
| number of mixers driving interfaces defined in |
| property: qcom,mdss-mixer-intf-off. Assumes |
| that AD blocks are aligned with the mixer |
| offsets as well (i.e. the first mixer offset |
| corresponds to the same pathway as the first |
| AD offset). |
| - qcom,mdss-has-wfd-blk: Boolean property to indicate the presence of dedicated |
| writeback wfd block in MDSS as opposed to writeback |
| block that is shared between rotator and wfd. |
| - qcom,mdss-no-lut-read: Boolean property to indicate reading of LUT is |
| not supported. |
| - qcom,mdss-smp-mb-per-pipe: Maximum number of shared memory pool blocks |
| restricted for a source surface pipe. If this |
| property is not specified, no such restriction |
| would be applied. |
| - qcom,mdss-pipe-rgb-fixed-mmb: Array of indexes describing fixed Memory Macro |
| Blocks (MMBs) for rgb pipes. First value denotes |
| total numbers of MMBs per pipe while values, if |
| any, following first one denotes indexes of MMBs |
| to that RGB pipe. |
| - qcom,max-bandwidth-low-kbps: This value indicates the max bandwidth in KB |
| that can be supported without underflow. |
| This is a low bandwidth threshold which should |
| be applied in most scenarios to be safe from |
| underflows when unable to satisfy bandwith |
| requirements. |
| - qcom,max-bandwidth-high-kbps: This value indicates the max bandwidth in KB |
| that can be supported without underflow. |
| This is a high bandwidth threshold which can be |
| applied in scenarios where panel interface can |
| be more tolerant to memory latency such as |
| command mode panels. |
| - qcom,mdss-rotator-ot-limit: This integer value indicates maximum number of pending |
| writes that can be allowed from rotator client. Default |
| value is 16 which is the maximum. This value can be |
| used to reduce the pending writes limit dynamically |
| and can be tuned to match performance requirements |
| depending upon system state. |
| |
| Fudge Factors: Fudge factors are used to boost demand for |
| resources like bus bandswidth, clk rate etc. to |
| overcome system inefficiencies and avoid any |
| glitches. These fudge factors are expressed in |
| terms of numerator and denominator. First value |
| is numerator followed by denominator. They all |
| are optional but highly recommended. |
| Ex: |
| x = value to be fudged |
| a = numerator, default value is 1 |
| b = denominator, default value is 1 |
| FUDGE(x, a, b) = ((x * a) / b) |
| - qcom,mdss-ib-factor: This fudge factor is applied to calculated ib |
| values in default conditions. |
| - qcom,mdss-clk-factor: This fudge factor is applied to calculated mdp |
| clk rate in default conditions. |
| - qcom,mdss-highest-bank-bit: Property to indicate tile format as opposed to usual |
| linear format. The value tells the GPU highest memory |
| bank bit used. |
| |
| Optional subnodes: |
| Child nodes representing the frame buffer virtual devices. |
| |
| Subnode properties: |
| - compatible : Must be "qcom,mdss-fb" |
| - cell-index : Index representing frame buffer |
| - qcom,mdss-mixer-swap: A boolean property that indicates if the mixer muxes |
| need to be swapped based on the target panel. |
| By default the property is not defined. |
| - qcom,mdss-fb-split: Array of splitted framebuffer size. There should |
| be only two values in this property. The values |
| correspond to the left and right size respectively. |
| MDP muxes two mixer output together before sending to |
| the panel interface and these values are used to set |
| each mixer width, so the sum of these two values |
| should be equal to the panel x-resolution. |
| |
| Note that if the sum of two values is not equal to |
| x-resolution or this subnode itself is not defined |
| in device tree there are two cases: 1)split is not |
| enabled if framebuffer size is less than max mixer |
| width; 2) the defaut even split is enabled if frambuffer |
| size is greater than max mixer width. |
| - qcom,memblock-reserve: Specifies the memory location and the size reserved |
| for the framebuffer used to display the splash screen. |
| This property is required whenever the continuous splash |
| screen feature is enabled for the corresponding |
| framebuffer device. |
| - qcom,mdss-fb-splash-logo-enabled: The boolean entry enables the framebuffer |
| driver to display the splash logo image. |
| It is independent of continuous splash |
| screen feature and has no relation with |
| qcom,cont-splash-enabled entry present in |
| panel configuration. |
| |
| Example: |
| mdss_mdp: qcom,mdss_mdp@fd900000 { |
| compatible = "qcom,mdss_mdp"; |
| reg = <0xfd900000 0x22100>, |
| <0xfd924000 0x1000>; |
| reg-names = "mdp_phys", "vbif_phys"; |
| interrupts = <0 72 0>; |
| vdd-supply = <&gdsc_mdss>; |
| vdd-cx-supply = <&pm8841_s2_corner>; |
| batfet-supply = <&pm8941_chg_batif>; |
| |
| qcom,max-bandwidth-low-kbps = <2300000>; |
| qcom,max-bandwidth-high-kbps = <3000000>; |
| |
| /* Bus Scale Settings */ |
| qcom,msm-bus,name = "mdss_mdp"; |
| qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <3>; |
| qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <2>; |
| qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps = |
| <22 512 0 0>, <23 512 0 0>, |
| <22 512 0 6400000>, <23 512 0 6400000>, |
| <22 512 0 6400000>, <23 512 0 6400000>; |
| |
| /* Fudge factors */ |
| qcom,mdss-ab-factor = <2 1>; /* 2 times */ |
| qcom,mdss-ib-factor = <3 2>; /* 1.5 times */ |
| qcom,mdss-clk-factor = <5 4>; /* 1.25 times */ |
| |
| qcom,max-clk-rate = <320000000>; |
| qcom,vbif-settings = <0x0004 0x00000001>, |
| <0x00D8 0x00000707>; |
| qcom,mdp-settings = <0x02E0 0x000000AA>, |
| <0x02E4 0x00000055>; |
| qcom,mdss-pipe-vig-off = <0x00001200 0x00001600 |
| 0x00001A00>; |
| qcom,mdss-pipe-rgb-off = <0x00001E00 0x00002200 |
| 0x00002600>; |
| qcom,mdss-pipe-dma-off = <0x00002A00 0x00002E00>; |
| qcom,mdss-pipe-vig-fetch-id = <1 4 7>; |
| qcom,mdss-pipe-rgb-fetch-id = <16 17 18>; |
| qcom,mdss-pipe-dma-fetch-id = <10 13>; |
| qcom,mdss-pipe-rgb-fixed-mmb = <2 0 1>, |
| <2 2 3>, |
| <2 4 5>, |
| <2 6 7>; |
| |
| qcom,mdss-pipe-vig-xin-id = <0 4 8>; |
| qcom,mdss-pipe-rgb-xin-id = <1 5 9>; |
| qcom,mdss-pipe-dma-xin-id = <2 10>; |
| |
| qcom,mdss-smp-data = <22 4096>; |
| qcom,mdss-rot-block-size = <64>; |
| qcom,mdss-rotator-ot-limit = <2>; |
| qcom,mdss-smp-mb-per-pipe = <2>; |
| qcom,mdss-pref-prim-intf = "dsi"; |
| qcom,mdss-has-bwc; |
| qcom,mdss-has-decimation; |
| qcom,mdss-has-wfd-blk; |
| qcom,mdss-no-lut-read; |
| |
| qcom,mdss-ctl-off = <0x00000600 0x00000700 0x00000800 |
| 0x00000900 0x0000A00>; |
| qcom,mdss-mixer-intf-off = <0x00003200 0x00003600 |
| 0x00003A00>; |
| qcom,mdss-mixer-wb-off = <0x00003E00 0x00004200>; |
| qcom,mdss-dspp-off = <0x00004600 0x00004A00 0x00004E00>; |
| qcom,mdss-pingpong-off = <0x00012D00 0x00012E00 0x00012F00>; |
| qcom,mdss-wb-off = <0x00011100 0x00013100 0x00015100 |
| 0x00017100 0x00019100>; |
| qcom,mdss-intf-off = <0x00021100 0x00021300 |
| 0x00021500 0x00021700>; |
| |
| /* buffer parameters to calculate prefill bandwidth */ |
| qcom,mdss-prefill-outstanding-buffer-bytes = <1024>; |
| qcom,mdss-prefill-y-buffer-bytes = <4096>; |
| qcom,mdss-prefill-scaler-buffer-lines-bilinear = <2>; |
| qcom,mdss-prefill-scaler-buffer-lines-caf = <4>; |
| qcom,mdss-prefill-post-scaler-buffer-pixels = <2048>; |
| qcom,mdss-prefill-pingpong-buffer-pixels = <5120>; |
| qcom,mdss-prefill-fbc-lines = <2>; |
| |
| mdss_fb0: qcom,mdss_fb_primary { |
| cell-index = <0>; |
| compatible = "qcom,mdss-fb"; |
| qcom,mdss-mixer-swap; |
| qcom,mdss-fb-split = <480 240> |
| qcom,mdss-fb-splash-logo-enabled: |
| }; |
| }; |
| |