blob: fabfb5329da1ebfc34bc57aab040351d08efc1de [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions -fsyntax-only -verify %s -std=c++0x
struct S {
virtual ~S();
auto a; // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed in non-static struct member}}
auto *b; // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed in non-static struct member}}
const auto c; // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed in non-static struct member}}
void f() throw (auto); // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed here}}
friend auto; // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed in non-static struct member}}
operator auto(); // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed here}}
// PR 9278: auto is not allowed in typedefs, except with a trailing return type.
typedef auto *AutoPtr; // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed in typedef}}
typedef auto (*PFun)(int a); // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed in typedef}}
typedef auto Fun(int a) -> decltype(a + a);
void g(auto a) { // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed in function prototype}}
try { }
catch (auto &a) { } // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed in exception declaration}}
catch (const auto a) { } // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed in exception declaration}}
try { } catch (auto a) { } // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed in exception declaration}}
void h(auto a[10]) { // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed in function prototype}}
void i(const auto a) { // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed in function prototype}}
namespace std {
class type_info;
template<typename T> struct U {};
void j() {
(void)typeid(auto); // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed here}}
(void)sizeof(auto); // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed here}}
(void)__alignof(auto); // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed here}}
U<auto> v; // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed in template argument}}
int n;
(void)dynamic_cast<auto&>(S()); // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed here}}
(void)static_cast<auto*>(&n); // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed here}}
(void)reinterpret_cast<auto*>(&n); // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed here}}
(void)const_cast<auto>(n); // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed here}}
(void)*(auto*)(&n); // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed here}}
(void)auto(n); // expected-error{{expected expression}}
(void)auto{n}; // expected-error{{expected expression}}
template <auto a = 10> class C { }; // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed in template parameter}}
int ints[] = {1, 2, 3};
template <const auto (*a)[3] = &ints> class D { }; // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed in template parameter}}
enum E : auto {}; // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed here}}
struct F : auto {}; // expected-error{{expected class name}}
template<typename T = auto> struct G { }; // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed here}}
using A = auto; // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed in type alias}}
// FIXME: don't issue the second diagnostic for this error.
auto k() -> auto; // expected-error{{'auto' not allowed here}} unexpected-error{{without trailing return type}}