blob: 469a96818a1ff23c016fc9a83f968160534a7313 [file] [log] [blame]
Uploads from a VSTS release build layout to
Given the downloaded/extracted build artifact from a release
build run on, this script uploads
the files to the correct locations.
.Parameter build
The location on disk of the extracted build artifact.
.Parameter user
The username to use when logging into the host.
.Parameter server
The host or PuTTY session name.
.Parameter target
The subdirectory on the host to copy files to.
.Parameter tests
The path to run download tests in.
.Parameter doc_htmlhelp
Optional path besides -build to locate CHM files.
.Parameter embed
Optional path besides -build to locate ZIP files.
.Parameter skipupload
Skip uploading
.Parameter skippurge
Skip purging the CDN
.Parameter skiptest
Skip the download tests
.Parameter skiphash
Skip displaying hashes
if (-not $build) { throw "-build option is required" }
if (-not $user) { throw "-user option is required" }
$tools = $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path | Split-Path -parent;
if (-not ((Test-Path "$build\win32\python-*.exe") -or (Test-Path "$build\amd64\python-*.exe"))) {
throw "-build argument does not look like a 'build' directory"
function find-putty-tool {
param ([string]$n)
$t = gcm $n -EA 0
if (-not $t) { $t = gcm ".\$n" -EA 0 }
if (-not $t) { $t = gcm "${env:ProgramFiles}\PuTTY\$n" -EA 0 }
if (-not $t) { $t = gcm "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\PuTTY\$n" -EA 0 }
if (-not $t) { throw "Unable to locate $n.exe. Please put it on $PATH" }
return gi $t.Path
$p = gci -r "$build\python-*.exe" | `
?{ $_.Name -match '^python-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)((a|b|rc)\d+)?-.+' } | `
select -first 1 | `
%{ $Matches[1], $Matches[2] }
"Uploading version $($p[0]) $($p[1])"
" from: $build"
" to: $($server):$target/$($p[0])"
if (-not $skipupload) {
# Upload files to the server
$pscp = find-putty-tool "pscp"
$plink = find-putty-tool "plink"
"Upload using $pscp and $plink"
if ($doc_htmlhelp) {
pushd $doc_htmlhelp
} else {
pushd $build
$chm = gci python*.chm, python*.chm.asc
$d = "$target/$($p[0])/"
& $plink -batch $user@$server mkdir $d
& $plink -batch $user@$server chgrp downloads $d
& $plink -batch $user@$server chmod g-x,o+rx $d
& $pscp -batch $chm.FullName "$user@${server}:$d"
$dirs = gci "$build" -Directory
if ($embed) {
$dirs = ($dirs, (gi $embed)) | %{ $_ }
foreach ($a in $dirs) {
"Uploading files from $($a.FullName)"
pushd "$($a.FullName)"
$exe = gci *.exe, *.exe.asc, *.zip, *.zip.asc
$msi = gci *.msi, *.msi.asc, *.msu, *.msu.asc
if ($exe) {
& $pscp -batch $exe.FullName "$user@${server}:$d"
if ($msi) {
$sd = "$d$($a.Name)$($p[1])/"
& $plink -batch $user@$server mkdir $sd
& $plink -batch $user@$server chgrp downloads $sd
& $plink -batch $user@$server chmod g-x,o+rx $sd
& $pscp -batch $msi.FullName "$user@${server}:$sd"
& $plink -batch $user@$server chgrp downloads $sd*
& $plink -batch $user@$server chmod g-x,o+r $sd*
& $plink -batch $user@$server chgrp downloads $d*
& $plink -batch $user@$server chmod g-x,o+r $d*
if (-not $skippurge) {
# Run a CDN purge
py $tools\ "$($p[0])$($p[1])"
if (-not $skiptest) {
# Use each web installer to produce a layout. This will download
# each referenced file and validate their signatures/hashes.
gci "$build\*-webinstall.exe" -r -File | %{
$d = mkdir "$tests\$($_.BaseName)" -Force
gci $d -r -File | del
$ic = copy $_ $d -PassThru
"Checking layout for $($ic.Name)"
Start-Process -wait $ic "/passive", "/layout", "$d\layout", "/log", "$d\log\install.log"
if (-not $?) {
Write-Error "Failed to validate layout of $($inst.Name)"
if (-not $skiphash) {
# Display MD5 hash and size of each downloadable file
pushd $build
$files = gci python*.chm, *\*.exe, *\*.zip
if ($doc_htmlhelp) {
cd $doc_htmlhelp
$files = ($files, (gci python*.chm)) | %{ $_ }
if ($embed) {
cd $embed
$files = ($files, (gci *.zip)) | %{ $_ }
$hashes = $files | `
Sort-Object Name | `
Format-Table Name, @{Label="MD5"; Expression={(Get-FileHash $_ -Algorithm MD5).Hash}}, Length -AutoSize | `
Out-String -Width 4096
$hashes | clip