blob: e0e64281f7171e8f3b13578772de7cc5e5ec2950 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/GrStrokeShader.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLGeometryProcessor.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLVarying.h"
#include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLVertexGeoBuilder.h"
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/GrStrokeInstancedShaderImpl.h"
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/GrStrokeTessellationShaderImpl.h"
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/GrStrokeTessellator.h"
// The built-in atan() is undefined when x==0. This method relieves that restriction, but also can
// return values larger than 2*PI. This shouldn't matter for our purposes.
const char* GrStrokeShaderImpl::kAtan2Fn = R"(
float atan2(float2 v) {
float bias = 0.0;
if (abs(v.y) > abs(v.x)) {
v = float2(v.y, -v.x);
bias = PI/2.0;
return atan(v.y, v.x) + bias;
const char* GrStrokeShaderImpl::kCosineBetweenVectorsFn = R"(
float cosine_between_vectors(float2 a, float2 b) {
float ab_cosTheta = dot(a,b);
float ab_pow2 = dot(a,a) * dot(b,b);
return (ab_pow2 == 0.0) ? 1.0 : clamp(ab_cosTheta * inversesqrt(ab_pow2), -1.0, 1.0);
// Extends the middle radius to either the miter point, or the bevel edge if we surpassed the miter
// limit and need to revert to a bevel join.
const char* GrStrokeShaderImpl::kMiterExtentFn = R"(
float miter_extent(float cosTheta, float miterLimit) {
float x = fma(cosTheta, .5, .5);
return (x * miterLimit * miterLimit >= 1.0) ? inversesqrt(x) : sqrt(x);
// Returns the number of radial segments required for each radian of rotation, in order for the
// curve to appear "smooth" as defined by the parametricPrecision.
const char* GrStrokeShaderImpl::kNumRadialSegmentsPerRadianFn = R"(
float num_radial_segments_per_radian(float parametricPrecision, float strokeRadius) {
return .5 / acos(max(1.0 - 1.0/(parametricPrecision * strokeRadius), -1.0));
// Unlike mix(), this does not return b when t==1. But it otherwise seems to get better
// precision than "a*(1 - t) + b*t" for things like chopping cubics on exact cusp points.
// We override this result anyway when t==1 so it shouldn't be a problem.
const char* GrStrokeShaderImpl::kUncheckedMixFn = R"(
float unchecked_mix(float a, float b, float T) {
return fma(b - a, T, a);
float2 unchecked_mix(float2 a, float2 b, float T) {
return fma(b - a, float2(T), a);
float4 unchecked_mix(float4 a, float4 b, float4 T) {
return fma(b - a, T, a);
void GrStrokeShaderImpl::emitTessellationCode(const GrStrokeShader& shader, SkString* code,
GrGPArgs* gpArgs,
const GrShaderCaps& shaderCaps) const {
// The subclass is responsible to define the following symbols before calling this method:
// // Functions.
// float2 unchecked_mix(float2, float2, float);
// float unchecked_mix(float, float, float);
// // Values provided by either uniforms or attribs.
// float4x2 P;
// float w;
// float 2x2 AFFINE_MATRIX;
// float2 TRANSLATE;
// // Values calculated by the specific subclass.
// float combinedEdgeID;
// bool isFinalEdge;
// float numParametricSegments;
// float radsPerSegment;
// float2 tan0;
// float2 tan1;
// float angle0;
// float strokeOutset;
float2 tangent, strokeCoord;
if (combinedEdgeID != 0 && !isFinalEdge) {
// Compute the location and tangent direction of the stroke edge with the integral id
// "combinedEdgeID", where combinedEdgeID is the sorted-order index of parametric and radial
// edges. Start by finding the tangent function's power basis coefficients. These define a
// tangent direction (scaled by some uniform value) as:
// |T^2|
// Tangent_Direction(T) = dx,dy = |A 2B C| * |T |
// |. . .| |1 |
float2 A, B, C = P[1] - P[0];
float2 D = P[3] - P[0];
if (w >= 0.0) {
// P0..P2 represent a conic and P3==P2. The derivative of a conic has a cumbersome
// order-4 denominator. However, this isn't necessary if we are only interested in a
// vector in the same *direction* as a given tangent line. Since the denominator scales
// dx and dy uniformly, we can throw it out completely after evaluating the derivative
// with the standard quotient rule. This leaves us with a simpler quadratic function
// that we use to find a tangent.
C *= w;
B = .5*D - C;
A = (w - 1.0) * D;
P[1] *= w;
} else {
float2 E = P[2] - P[1];
B = E - C;
A = fma(float2(-3), E, D);
// Now find the coefficients that give a tangent direction from a parametric edge ID:
// |parametricEdgeID^2|
// Tangent_Direction(parametricEdgeID) = dx,dy = |A B_ C_| * |parametricEdgeID |
// |. . .| |1 |
float2 B_ = B * (numParametricSegments * 2.0);
float2 C_ = C * (numParametricSegments * numParametricSegments);
// Run a binary search to determine the highest parametric edge that is located on or before
// the combinedEdgeID. A combined ID is determined by the sum of complete parametric and
// radial segments behind it. i.e., find the highest parametric edge where:
// parametricEdgeID + floor(numRadialSegmentsAtParametricT) <= combinedEdgeID
float lastParametricEdgeID = 0.0;
float maxParametricEdgeID = min(numParametricSegments - 1.0, combinedEdgeID);
float2 tan0norm = normalize(tan0);
float negAbsRadsPerSegment = -abs(radsPerSegment);
float maxRotation0 = (1.0 + combinedEdgeID) * abs(radsPerSegment);
for (int exp = MAX_PARAMETRIC_SEGMENTS_LOG2 - 1; exp >= 0; --exp) {
// Test the parametric edge at lastParametricEdgeID + 2^exp.
float testParametricID = lastParametricEdgeID + float(1 << exp);
if (testParametricID <= maxParametricEdgeID) {
float2 testTan = fma(float2(testParametricID), A, B_);
testTan = fma(float2(testParametricID), testTan, C_);
float cosRotation = dot(normalize(testTan), tan0norm);
float maxRotation = fma(testParametricID, negAbsRadsPerSegment, maxRotation0);
maxRotation = min(maxRotation, PI);
// Is rotation <= maxRotation? (i.e., is the number of complete radial segments
// behind testT, + testParametricID <= combinedEdgeID?)
if (cosRotation >= cos(maxRotation)) {
// testParametricID is on or before the combinedEdgeID. Keep it!
lastParametricEdgeID = testParametricID;
// Find the T value of the parametric edge at lastParametricEdgeID.
float parametricT = lastParametricEdgeID / numParametricSegments;
// Now that we've identified the highest parametric edge on or before the
// combinedEdgeID, the highest radial edge is easy:
float lastRadialEdgeID = combinedEdgeID - lastParametricEdgeID;
// Find the tangent vector on the edge at lastRadialEdgeID.
float radialAngle = fma(lastRadialEdgeID, radsPerSegment, angle0);
tangent = float2(cos(radialAngle), sin(radialAngle));
float2 norm = float2(-tangent.y, tangent.x);
// Find the T value where the tangent is orthogonal to norm. This is a quadratic:
// dot(norm, Tangent_Direction(T)) == 0
// |T^2|
// norm * |A 2B C| * |T | == 0
// |. . .| |1 |
float3 coeffs = norm * float3x2(A,B,C);
float a=coeffs.x, b_over_2=coeffs.y, c=coeffs.z;
float discr_over_4 = max(b_over_2*b_over_2 - a*c, 0.0);
float q = sqrt(discr_over_4);
if (b_over_2 > 0.0) {
q = -q;
q -= b_over_2;
// Roots are q/a and c/q. Since each curve section does not inflect or rotate more than 180
// degrees, there can only be one tangent orthogonal to "norm" inside 0..1. Pick the root
// nearest .5.
float _5qa = -.5*q*a;
float2 root = (abs(fma(q,q,_5qa)) < abs(fma(a,c,_5qa))) ? float2(q,a) : float2(c,q);
float radialT = (root.t != 0.0) ? root.s / root.t : 0.0;
radialT = clamp(radialT, 0.0, 1.0);
if (lastRadialEdgeID == 0.0) {
// The root finder above can become unstable when lastRadialEdgeID == 0 (e.g., if
// there are roots at exatly 0 and 1 both). radialT should always == 0 in this case.
radialT = 0.0;
// Now that we've identified the T values of the last parametric and radial edges, our final
// T value for combinedEdgeID is whichever is larger.
float T = max(parametricT, radialT);
// Evaluate the cubic at T. Use De Casteljau's for its accuracy and stability.
float2 ab = unchecked_mix(P[0], P[1], T);
float2 bc = unchecked_mix(P[1], P[2], T);
float2 cd = unchecked_mix(P[2], P[3], T);
float2 abc = unchecked_mix(ab, bc, T);
float2 bcd = unchecked_mix(bc, cd, T);
float2 abcd = unchecked_mix(abc, bcd, T);
// Evaluate the conic weight at T.
float u = unchecked_mix(1.0, w, T);
float v = w + 1 - u; // == mix(w, 1, T)
float uv = unchecked_mix(u, v, T);
// If we went with T=parametricT, then update the tangent. Otherwise leave it at the radial
// tangent found previously. (In the event that parametricT == radialT, we keep the radial
// tangent.)
if (T != radialT) {
tangent = (w >= 0.0) ? bc*u - ab*v : bcd - abc;
strokeCoord = (w >= 0.0) ? abc/uv : abcd;
} else {
// Edges at the beginning and end of the strip use exact endpoints and tangents. This
// ensures crack-free seaming between instances.
tangent = (combinedEdgeID == 0) ? tan0 : tan1;
strokeCoord = (combinedEdgeID == 0) ? P[0] : P[3];
float2 ortho = normalize(float2(tangent.y, -tangent.x));
strokeCoord += ortho * (STROKE_RADIUS * strokeOutset);)");
if (!shader.stroke().isHairlineStyle()) {
// Normal case. Do the transform after tessellation.
float2 devCoord = AFFINE_MATRIX * strokeCoord + TRANSLATE;)");
gpArgs->fPositionVar.set(kFloat2_GrSLType, "devCoord");
gpArgs->fLocalCoordVar.set(kFloat2_GrSLType, "strokeCoord");
} else {
// Hairline case. The scale and skew already happened before tessellation.
float2 devCoord = strokeCoord + TRANSLATE;
float2 localCoord = inverse(AFFINE_MATRIX) * strokeCoord;)");
gpArgs->fPositionVar.set(kFloat2_GrSLType, "devCoord");
gpArgs->fLocalCoordVar.set(kFloat2_GrSLType, "localCoord");
void GrStrokeShaderImpl::emitFragmentCode(const GrStrokeShader& shader, const EmitArgs& args) {
if (!shader.hasDynamicColor()) {
// The fragment shader just outputs a uniform color.
const char* colorUniformName;
fColorUniform = args.fUniformHandler->addUniform(nullptr, kFragment_GrShaderFlag,
kHalf4_GrSLType, "color",
args.fFragBuilder->codeAppendf("half4 %s = %s;", args.fOutputColor, colorUniformName);
} else {
args.fFragBuilder->codeAppendf("half4 %s = %s;", args.fOutputColor,
args.fFragBuilder->codeAppendf("const half4 %s = half4(1);", args.fOutputCoverage);
void GrStrokeShaderImpl::setData(const GrGLSLProgramDataManager& pdman, const GrShaderCaps&,
const GrGeometryProcessor& geomProc) {
const auto& shader = geomProc.cast<GrStrokeShader>();
const auto& stroke = shader.stroke();
if (!shader.hasDynamicStroke()) {
// Set up the tessellation control uniforms.
GrStrokeTolerances tolerances;
if (!stroke.isHairlineStyle()) {
tolerances = GrStrokeTolerances::MakeNonHairline(shader.viewMatrix().getMaxScale(),
} else {
// In the hairline case we transform prior to tessellation. Set up tolerances for an
// identity viewMatrix and a strokeWidth of 1.
tolerances = GrStrokeTolerances::MakeNonHairline(1, 1);
float strokeRadius = (stroke.isHairlineStyle()) ? .5f : stroke.getWidth() * .5;
tolerances.fParametricPrecision, // PARAMETRIC_PRECISION
tolerances.fNumRadialSegmentsPerRadian, // NUM_RADIAL_SEGMENTS_PER_RADIAN
GrStrokeShader::GetJoinType(stroke), // JOIN_TYPE
strokeRadius); // STROKE_RADIUS
} else {
float maxScale = shader.viewMatrix().getMaxScale();
if (shader.mode() == GrStrokeShader::Mode::kFixedCount) {
SkASSERT(shader.fixedCountNumTotalEdges() != 0);
pdman.set1f(fEdgeCountUniform, (float)shader.fixedCountNumTotalEdges());
// Set up the view matrix, if any.
const SkMatrix& m = shader.viewMatrix();
pdman.set2f(fTranslateUniform, m.getTranslateX(), m.getTranslateY());
pdman.set4f(fAffineMatrixUniform, m.getScaleX(), m.getSkewY(), m.getSkewX(),
if (!shader.hasDynamicColor()) {
pdman.set4fv(fColorUniform, 1, shader.color().vec());
void GrStrokeShader::getGLSLProcessorKey(const GrShaderCaps&, GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b) const {
bool keyNeedsJoin = (fMode != Mode::kHardwareTessellation) &&
!(fShaderFlags & ShaderFlags::kDynamicStroke);
SkASSERT((int)fMode >> 2 == 0);
SkASSERT(fStroke.getJoin() >> 2 == 0);
// Attribs get worked into the key automatically during GrGeometryProcessor::getAttributeKey().
// When color is in a uniform, it's always wide. kWideColor doesn't need to be considered here.
uint32_t key = (uint32_t)(fShaderFlags & ~ShaderFlags::kWideColor);
key = (key << 2) | (uint32_t)fMode;
key = (key << 2) | ((keyNeedsJoin) ? fStroke.getJoin() : 0);
key = (key << 1) | (uint32_t)fStroke.isHairlineStyle();
GrGLSLGeometryProcessor* GrStrokeShader::createGLSLInstance(const GrShaderCaps&) const {
switch (fMode) {
case Mode::kHardwareTessellation:
return new GrStrokeTessellationShaderImpl;
case Mode::kLog2Indirect:
case Mode::kFixedCount:
return new GrStrokeInstancedShaderImpl;