blob: d2e49a5cfb0b5716b988aa4d3aaec1d4a5451050 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "GrGLShaderStringBuilder.h"
#include "gl/GrGLGpu.h"
#include "gl/GrGLSLPrettyPrint.h"
#include "SkTraceEvent.h"
#define GL_CALL(X) GR_GL_CALL(gpu->glInterface(), X)
#define GL_CALL_RET(R, X) GR_GL_CALL_RET(gpu->glInterface(), R, X)
// Print the source code for all shaders generated.
static const bool c_PrintShaders{false};
static void print_shader_source(const char** strings, int* lengths, int count);
GrGLuint GrGLCompileAndAttachShader(const GrGLContext& glCtx,
GrGLuint programId,
GrGLenum type,
const char** strings,
int* lengths,
int count,
GrGpu::Stats* stats) {
const GrGLInterface* gli = glCtx.interface();
GrGLuint shaderId;
GR_GL_CALL_RET(gli, shaderId, CreateShader(type));
if (0 == shaderId) {
return 0;
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
SkString prettySource = GrGLSLPrettyPrint::PrettyPrintGLSL(strings, lengths, count, false);
const GrGLchar* sourceStr = prettySource.c_str();
GrGLint sourceLength = static_cast<GrGLint>(prettySource.size());
GR_GL_CALL(gli, ShaderSource(shaderId, 1, &sourceStr, &sourceLength));
GR_GL_CALL(gli, ShaderSource(shaderId, count, strings, lengths));
// If tracing is enabled in chrome then we pretty print
bool traceShader;
if (traceShader) {
SkString shader = GrGLSLPrettyPrint::PrettyPrintGLSL(strings, lengths, count, false);
TRACE_EVENT_SCOPE_THREAD, "shader", TRACE_STR_COPY(shader.c_str()));
GR_GL_CALL(gli, CompileShader(shaderId));
// Calling GetShaderiv in Chromium is quite expensive. Assume success in release builds.
bool checkCompiled = kChromium_GrGLDriver != glCtx.driver();
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
checkCompiled = true;
if (checkCompiled) {
GrGLint compiled = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;
GR_GL_CALL(gli, GetShaderiv(shaderId, GR_GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compiled));
if (!compiled) {
GrGLint infoLen = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;
GR_GL_CALL(gli, GetShaderiv(shaderId, GR_GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infoLen));
SkAutoMalloc log(sizeof(char)*(infoLen+1)); // outside if for debugger
if (infoLen > 0) {
// retrieve length even though we don't need it to workaround bug in Chromium cmd
// buffer param validation.
GrGLsizei length = GR_GL_INIT_ZERO;
GR_GL_CALL(gli, GetShaderInfoLog(shaderId, infoLen+1, &length, (char*)log.get()));
print_shader_source(strings, lengths, count);
SkDebugf("\n%s", (const char*)log.get());
SkDEBUGFAIL("Shader compilation failed!");
GR_GL_CALL(gli, DeleteShader(shaderId));
return 0;
if (c_PrintShaders) {
print_shader_source(strings, lengths, count);
// Attach the shader, but defer deletion until after we have linked the program.
// This works around a bug in the Android emulator's GLES2 wrapper which
// will immediately delete the shader object and free its memory even though it's
// attached to a program, which then causes glLinkProgram to fail.
GR_GL_CALL(gli, AttachShader(programId, shaderId));
return shaderId;
static void print_shader_source(const char** strings, int* lengths, int count) {
const SkString& pretty = GrGLSLPrettyPrint::PrettyPrintGLSL(strings, lengths, count, true);
SkTArray<SkString> lines;
SkStrSplit(pretty.c_str(), "\n", &lines);
for (const SkString& line : lines) {
// Print the shader one line at the time so it doesn't get truncated by the adb log.
SkDebugf("%s\n", line.c_str());