blob: d2e1ff57f6ae8c69d6004042b5ed6aa58186d4b1 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
##--- Control supervision of applications run with callgrind ---##
##--- callgrind_control ---##
# This file is part of Callgrind, a cache-simulator and call graph
# tracer built on Valgrind.
# Copyright (C) 2003,2004,2005 Josef Weidendorfer
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# 02111-1307, USA.
sub getCallgrindPids {
@pids = ();
foreach $f (</tmp/*>) {
($pid) = ($f =~ /info\.(\d+)/);
if ($pid eq "") { next; }
$mapfile = "/proc/$pid/maps";
if (!-e $mapfile) { next; }
open MAP, "<$mapfile";
$found = 0;
while(<MAP>) {
# works both for VG 3.0 and VG 3.1+
if (/callgrind/) { $found = 1; }
close MAP;
if ($found == 0) { next; }
open INFO, "<$f";
while(<INFO>) {
if (/version: (\d+)/) { $mversion{$pid} = $1; }
if (/cmd: (.+)$/) { $cmd{$pid} = $1; }
if (/control: (.+)$/) { $control{$pid} = $1; }
if (/base: (.+)$/) { $base{$pid} = $1; }
if (/result: (.+)$/) { $result{$pid} = $1; }
close INFO;
if ($mversion{$pid} > 1) {
print " PID $pid: Unsupported command interface (version $mversion{$pid}) ?!\n\n";
push(@pids, $pid);
sub printHeader {
if ($headerPrinted) { return; }
$headerPrinted = 1;
if ($beQuiet) { return; }
print "Observe the status and control currently active callgrind runs.\n";
print "(C) 2003-2005, Josef Weidendorfer (Josef.Weidendorfer\\n\n";
sub printVersion {
print "callgrind_control-@VERSION@\n";
sub printHelp {
print "Usage: callgrind_control [options] [ <PID>|<Name> ...]\n\n";
print "If no PIDs/Names are given, an action is applied to all currently\n";
print "active Callgrind runs. Default action is printing short information.\n\n";
print "Options:\n";
print " -h Print this help text\n";
print " -v Print version\n";
print " -q Be quiet\n";
print " -l Print more information\n";
print " -s Print status information\n";
print " -b Print backtrace information\n";
print " -e [A,..] Print event counters for A,.. [default: all]\n";
print " -d [str] Request a profile dump, include <str> as trigger hint\n";
print " -z Zero all cost counters\n";
print " -k Kill\n";
print " -i on/off Switch instrumentation state on/off\n";
print " -w <dir> Manually specify the working directory of a callgrind run\n";
print "\n";
# Parts more or less copied from ct_annotate (author: Nicholas Nethercote)
sub prepareEvents {
@events = split(/\s+/, $events);
%events = ();
$n = 0;
foreach $event (@events) {
$events{$event} = $n;
if (@show_events) {
foreach my $show_event (@show_events) {
(defined $events{$show_event}) or
print "Warning: Event `$show_event' is not being collected\n";
} else {
@show_events = @events;
@show_order = ();
foreach my $show_event (@show_events) {
push(@show_order, $events{$show_event});
sub max ($$)
my ($x, $y) = @_;
return ($x > $y ? $x : $y);
sub line_to_CC ($)
my @CC = (split /\s+/, $_[0]);
(@CC <= @events) or die("Line $.: too many event counts\n");
return \@CC;
sub commify ($) {
my ($val) = @_;
1 while ($val =~ s/^(\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/);
return $val;
sub compute_CC_col_widths (@)
my @CCs = @_;
my $CC_col_widths = [];
# Initialise with minimum widths (from event names)
foreach my $event (@events) {
push(@$CC_col_widths, length($event));
# Find maximum width count for each column. @CC_col_width positions
# correspond to @CC positions.
foreach my $CC (@CCs) {
foreach my $i (0 .. scalar(@$CC)-1) {
if (defined $CC->[$i]) {
# Find length, accounting for commas that will be added
my $length = length $CC->[$i];
my $clength = $length + int(($length - 1) / 3);
$CC_col_widths->[$i] = max($CC_col_widths->[$i], $clength);
return $CC_col_widths;
# Print the CC with each column's size dictated by $CC_col_widths.
sub print_CC ($$)
my ($CC, $CC_col_widths) = @_;
foreach my $i (@show_order) {
my $count = (defined $CC->[$i] ? commify($CC->[$i]) : ".");
my $space = ' ' x ($CC_col_widths->[$i] - length($count));
print("$space$count ");
sub print_events ($)
my ($CC_col_widths) = @_;
foreach my $i (@show_order) {
my $event = $events[$i];
my $event_width = length($event);
my $col_width = $CC_col_widths->[$i];
my $space = ' ' x ($col_width - $event_width);
print("$space$event ");
# Main
$requestEvents = 0;
$requestDump = 0;
$switchInstr = 0;
$headerPrinted = 0;
$beQuiet = 0;
$dumpHint = "";
$gotW = 0;
$workingDir = "";
%spids = ();
foreach $arg (@ARGV) {
if ($arg =~ /^-/) {
if ($requestDump == 1) { $requestDump = 2; }
if ($requestEvents == 1) { $requestEvents = 2; }
if ($gotW == 1) { $gotW = 2; }
if ($arg =~ /^-?-h/) { printHelp; }
if ($arg =~ /^-?-v/) { printVersion; }
if ($arg =~ /^-q/) { $beQuiet = 1; next; }
if ($arg =~ /^-l/) { $printLong = 1; next; }
if ($arg =~ /^-s/) { $printStatus = 1; next; }
if ($arg =~ /^-b/) { $printBacktrace = 1; next; }
if ($arg =~ /^-d/) { $requestDump = 1; next; }
if ($arg =~ /^-z/) { $requestZero = 1; next; }
if ($arg =~ /^-k/) { $requestKill = 1; next; }
if ($arg =~ /^-e/) { $requestEvents = 1; next; }
if ($arg =~ /^-i/) { $switchInstr = 1; next; }
if ($arg =~ /^-w/) { $gotW = 1; next; }
print "Unknown option '$arg'.\n\n";
if ($arg =~ /^[A-Za-z_]/) {
# arguments of -d/-e/-i are non-numeric
if ($requestDump == 1) {
$requestDump = 2;
$dumpHint = $arg;
if ($requestEvents == 1) {
$requestEvents = 2;
@show_events = split(/,/, $arg);
if ($switchInstr == 1) {
$switchInstr = 2;
$switchInstrMode = "+";
if (($arg eq "off") || ($arg eq "no")) {
$switchInstrMode = "-";
if ($gotW == 1) {
$gotW = 2;
$workingDir = $arg;
if (!-d $workingDir) {
print "Error: directory '$workingDir' does not exist.\n";
if (defined $cmd{$arg}) { $spids{$arg} = 1; next; }
$nameFound = 0;
foreach $p (@pids) {
if ($cmd{$p} =~ /^$arg/) {
$nameFound = 1;
$spids{$p} = 1;
if ($nameFound) { next; }
print "Non-existent Callgrind task with PID/Name '$arg'.\n\n";
if ($workingDir ne "") {
# Generate dummy information for dummy pid 0
$pid = "0";
$mversion{$pid} = "1.0";
$cmd{$pid} = "???";
$base{$pid} = $workingDir;
$control{$pid} = "$workingDir/callgrind.cmd";
$result{$pid} = "$workingDir/callgrind.res";
# Only handle this faked callgrind run
@pids = ($pid);
if (scalar @pids == 0) {
print "No active callgrind runs detected.\n";
#print "Detection fails when /proc/*/maps is not readable.\n";
print "[Detection can fail on some systems; to work around this,\n";
print " specify the working directory of a callgrind run with '-w']\n";
@spids = keys %spids;
if (scalar @spids >0) { @pids = @spids; }
$command = "";
$waitForAnswer = 0;
if ($requestDump) {
$command = "Dump";
if ($dumpHint ne "") { $command .= " ".$dumpHint; }
if ($requestZero) { $command = "Zero"; }
if ($requestKill) { $command = "Kill"; }
if ($switchInstr) { $command = $switchInstrMode."Instrumentation"; }
if ($printStatus || $printBacktrace || $requestEvents) {
$command = "Status";
$waitForAnswer = 1;
foreach $pid (@pids) {
$pidstr = "PID $pid: ";
if ($pid >0) { print $pidstr.$cmd{$pid}; }
if ($command eq "") {
if ($printLong) {
#print " " x length $pidstr;
print " (in $base{$pid})\n";
else {
print "\n";
else {
if (! (open CONTROL, ">$control{$pid}")) {
print " [sending '$command' failed: permission denied]\n";
print " [requesting '$command'...]\n";
print CONTROL $command;
close CONTROL;
while(-e $control{$pid}) {
# sleep for 250 ms
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.25);
#print "Reading ".$result{$pid}. "...\n";
if ($result{$pid} eq "") { $waitForAnswer=0; }
if (!$waitForAnswer) { print " OK.\n"; next; }
if (! (open RESULT, "<$result{$pid}")) {
print " Warning: Can't open expected result file $result{$pid}.\n";
@tids = ();
$ctid = 0;
%fcount = ();
%func = ();
%calls = ();
%events = ();
@events = ();
@threads = ();
%totals = ();
$exec_bbs = 0;
$dist_bbs = 0;
$exec_calls = 0;
$dist_calls = 0;
$dist_ctxs = 0;
$dist_funcs = 0;
$threads = "";
$events = "";
while(<RESULT>) {
if (/function-(\d+)-(\d+): (.+)$/) {
if ($ctid != $1) {
$ctid = $1;
push(@tids, $ctid);
$fcount{$ctid} = 0;
$func{$ctid,$fcount{$ctid}} = $3;
elsif (/calls-(\d+)-(\d+): (.+)$/) {
if ($ctid != $1) { next; }
$calls{$ctid,$fcount{$ctid}} = $3;
elsif (/events-(\d+)-(\d+): (.+)$/) {
if ($ctid != $1) { next; }
$events{$ctid,$fcount{$ctid}} = line_to_CC($3);
elsif (/events-(\d+): (.+)$/) {
if (scalar @events == 0) { next; }
$totals{$1} = line_to_CC($2);
elsif (/executed-bbs: (\d+)/) { $exec_bbs = $1; }
elsif (/distinct-bbs: (\d+)/) { $dist_bbs = $1; }
elsif (/executed-calls: (\d+)/) { $exec_calls = $1; }
elsif (/distinct-calls: (\d+)/) { $dist_calls = $1; }
elsif (/distinct-functions: (\d+)/) { $dist_funcs = $1; }
elsif (/distinct-contexts: (\d+)/) { $dist_ctxs = $1; }
elsif (/events: (.+)$/) { $events = $1; prepareEvents; }
elsif (/threads: (.+)$/) { $threads = $1; @threads = split " ", $threads; }
elsif (/instrumentation: (\w+)$/) { $instrumentation = $1; }
unlink $result{$pid};
if ($instrumentation eq "off") {
print " No information available as instrumentation is switched off.\n\n";
if ($printStatus) {
if ($requestEvents <1) {
print " Number of running threads: " .($#threads+1). ", thread IDs: $threads\n";
print " Events collected: $events\n";
print " Functions: ".commify($dist_funcs);
print " (executed ".commify($exec_calls);
print ", contexts ".commify($dist_ctxs).")\n";
print " Basic blocks: ".commify($dist_bbs);
print " (executed ".commify($exec_bbs);
print ", call sites ".commify($dist_calls).")\n";
if ($requestEvents >0) {
$totals_width = compute_CC_col_widths(values %totals);
print "\n Totals:";
foreach $tid (@tids) {
print " Th".substr(" ".$tid,-2)." ";
print_CC($totals{$tid}, $totals_width);
if ($printBacktrace) {
if ($requestEvents >0) {
$totals_width = compute_CC_col_widths(values %events);
foreach $tid (@tids) {
print "\n Frame: ";
if ($requestEvents >0) {
print "Backtrace for Thread $tid\n";
$i = $fcount{$tid};
$c = 0;
while($i>0 && $c<100) {
$fc = substr(" $c",-2);
print " [$fc] ";
if ($requestEvents >0) {
print_CC($events{$tid,$i-1}, $totals_width);
print $func{$tid,$i};
if ($i > 1) {
print " (".$calls{$tid,$i-1}." x)";
print "\n";
print "\n";
print "\n";