blob: 4eb2474da7405ea2abf9f49813ef187d93cf64ee [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.same;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import android.platform.test.annotations.Presubmit;
import androidx.test.filters.SmallTest;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
public class PriorityDumpTest {
private static final String[] EMPTY_ARGS = {};
private PriorityDumper mDumper;
private PrintWriter mPw;
private final FileDescriptor mFd = FileDescriptor.err;
public void setup() {
public void testNullArgs() {
dump(mDumper, mFd, mPw, null);
verify(mDumper).dump(same(mFd), same(mPw), eq(null), /* asProto= */ eq(false));
public void testNoArgs() {
dump(mDumper, mFd, mPw, EMPTY_ARGS);
verify(mDumper).dump(same(mFd), same(mPw), eq(EMPTY_ARGS), /* asProto= */ eq(false));
public void testNonPriorityArgs() {
final String[] args = {
dump(mDumper, mFd, mPw, args);
verify(mDumper).dump(same(mFd), same(mPw), eq(args), /* asProto= */ eq(false));
public void testMissingPriority() {
final String[] args = {
dump(mDumper, mFd, mPw, args);
verify(mDumper).dump(same(mFd), same(mPw), eq(EMPTY_ARGS), /* asProto= */ eq(false));
public void testInvalidPriorityNoExtraArgs() {
final String[] args = {
"--dump-priority", "SUPER_HIGH"
dump(mDumper, mFd, mPw, args);
verify(mDumper).dump(same(mFd), same(mPw), eq(EMPTY_ARGS), /* asProto= */ eq(false));
public void testInvalidPriorityExtraArgs() {
final String[] args = {
"--dump-priority", "SUPER_HIGH", "--high", "--five"
dump(mDumper, mFd, mPw, args);
verify(mDumper).dump(same(mFd), same(mPw), eq(new String[] {
"--high", "--five"
}), /* asProto= */ eq(false));
public void testNoPriorityCallsAllMethods() {
final String[] args = {
"1", "2", "3"
// Cannot use mDumper here because it would mock the dump() call.
final FakeDumper fakeDumper = new FakeDumper();
dump(fakeDumper, mFd, mPw, args);
assertSame(mFd, fakeDumper.criticalFd);
assertSame(mPw, fakeDumper.criticalPw);
assertArrayEquals(args, fakeDumper.criticalArgs);
assertSame(mFd, fakeDumper.highFd);
assertSame(mPw, fakeDumper.highPw);
assertArrayEquals(args, fakeDumper.highArgs);
assertSame(mFd, fakeDumper.normalFd);
assertSame(mPw, fakeDumper.normalPw);
assertArrayEquals(args, fakeDumper.normalArgs);
public void testCriticalNoExtraArgs() {
dump(mDumper, mFd, mPw, new String[] {
"--dump-priority", "CRITICAL"
verify(mDumper).dumpCritical(same(mFd), same(mPw), eq(EMPTY_ARGS),
/* asProto= */ eq(false));
public void testCriticalExtraArgs() {
dump(mDumper, mFd, mPw, new String[] {
"--dump-priority", "CRITICAL", "--high", "--five"
verify(mDumper).dumpCritical(same(mFd), same(mPw), eq(new String[] {
"--high", "--five"
}), /* asProto= */ eq(false));
public void testCriticalExtraArgsInMiddle() {
dump(mDumper, mFd, mPw, new String[] {
"--high", "--dump-priority", "CRITICAL", "--five"
verify(mDumper).dumpCritical(same(mFd), same(mPw), eq(new String[] {
"--high", "--five"
}), /* asProto= */ eq(false));
public void testCriticalExtraArgsAtEnd() {
dump(mDumper, mFd, mPw, new String[] {
"--high", "--five", "--dump-priority", "CRITICAL"
verify(mDumper).dumpCritical(same(mFd), same(mPw), eq(new String[] {
"--high", "--five"
}), /* asProto= */ eq(false));
public void testHighNoExtraArgs() {
dump(mDumper, mFd, mPw, new String[] {
"--dump-priority", "HIGH"
verify(mDumper).dumpHigh(same(mFd), same(mPw), eq(EMPTY_ARGS), /* asProto= */ eq(false));
public void testHighExtraArgs() {
dump(mDumper, mFd, mPw, new String[] {
"--dump-priority", "HIGH", "--high", "--five"
verify(mDumper).dumpHigh(same(mFd), same(mPw), eq(new String[] {
"--high", "--five"
}), /* asProto= */ eq(false));
public void testNormalNoExtraArgs() {
dump(mDumper, mFd, mPw, new String[] {
"--dump-priority", "NORMAL"
verify(mDumper).dumpNormal(same(mFd), same(mPw), eq(EMPTY_ARGS), /* asProto= */ eq(false));
public void testNormalExtraArgs() {
dump(mDumper, mFd, mPw, new String[]{
"--dump-priority", "NORMAL", "--high", "--five"
verify(mDumper).dumpNormal(same(mFd), same(mPw), eq(new String[]{
"--high", "--five"
}), /* asProto= */ eq(false));
public void testProtoArgs() {
dump(mDumper, mFd, mPw, new String[]{"--proto"});
verify(mDumper).dump(same(mFd), same(mPw), eq(EMPTY_ARGS), /* asProto= */ eq(true));
public void testProtoArgsWithPriorityArgs() {
dump(mDumper, mFd, mPw, new String[]{"--proto", "--dump-priority", "NORMAL", "--five"});
verify(mDumper).dumpNormal(same(mFd), same(mPw),
eq(new String[]{"--five"}), /* asProto= */ eq(true));
public void testProtoArgsWithPriorityArgsReverseOrder() {
dump(mDumper, mFd, mPw, new String[]{"--dump-priority", "NORMAL", "--proto", "--five"});
verify(mDumper).dumpNormal(same(mFd), same(mPw),
eq(new String[]{"--five"}), /* asProto= */ eq(true));
public void testProtoArgsInMiddle() {
dump(mDumper, mFd, mPw, new String[]{"--unknown", "--proto", "--five"});
verify(mDumper).dump(same(mFd), same(mPw),
eq(new String[]{"--unknown", "--five"}), /* asProto= */ eq(true));
public void testProtoArgsAtEnd() {
dump(mDumper, mFd, mPw, new String[]{"args", "-left", "--behind", "--proto"});
verify(mDumper).dump(same(mFd), same(mPw),
eq(new String[]{"args", "-left", "--behind"}), /* asProto= */ eq(true));
public void testProtoArgsWithInvalidPriorityType() {
dump(mDumper, mFd, mPw, new String[]{"--dump-priority", "HIGH?", "--proto"});
verify(mDumper).dump(same(mFd), same(mPw),
eq(EMPTY_ARGS), /* asProto= */ eq(true));
private final class FakeDumper implements PriorityDumper {
String[] criticalArgs, highArgs, normalArgs;
FileDescriptor criticalFd, highFd, normalFd;
PrintWriter criticalPw, highPw, normalPw;
public void dumpCritical(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args,
boolean asProto) {
criticalFd = fd;
criticalPw = pw;
criticalArgs = args;
public void dumpHigh(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args, boolean asProto) {
highFd = fd;
highPw = pw;
highArgs = args;
public void dumpNormal(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args, boolean asProto) {
normalFd = fd;
normalPw = pw;
normalArgs = args;