blob: d80fdd08aa9301a67b9af97cfb1e08749c3b3287 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "shill/crypto_provider.h"
#include "shill/glib.h"
#include "shill/store_interface.h"
namespace shill {
// A key file store implementation of the store interface. See
// for details
// of the key file format.
class KeyFileStore : public StoreInterface {
explicit KeyFileStore(GLib* glib);
~KeyFileStore() override;
void set_path(const base::FilePath& path) { path_ = path; }
const base::FilePath& path() const { return path_; }
// Returns true if the store exists and is non-empty.
bool IsNonEmpty() const;
// Opens the store. Returns true on success. This method must be
// invoked before using any of the getters or setters.
// This method does not complete gracefully if invoked on a store
// that has been opened already but not closed yet.
bool Open();
// Closes the store and flushes it to persistent storage. Returns true on
// success. Note that the store is considered closed even if Close returns
// false.
// This method does not complete gracefully if invoked on a store
// that has not been opened successfully or has been closed already.
bool Close();
// Mark the underlying file store as corrupted, moving the data file
// to a new filename. This will prevent the file from being re-opened
// the next time Open() is called.
bool MarkAsCorrupted();
// Inherited from StoreInterface.
bool Flush() override;
std::set<std::string> GetGroups() const override;
std::set<std::string> GetGroupsWithKey(const std::string& key) const override;
std::set<std::string> GetGroupsWithProperties(
const KeyValueStore& properties) const override;
bool ContainsGroup(const std::string& group) const override;
bool DeleteKey(const std::string& group, const std::string& key) override;
bool DeleteGroup(const std::string& group) override;
bool SetHeader(const std::string& header) override;
bool GetString(const std::string& group,
const std::string& key,
std::string* value) const override;
bool SetString(const std::string& group,
const std::string& key,
const std::string& value) override;
bool GetBool(const std::string& group,
const std::string& key,
bool* value) const override;
bool SetBool(const std::string& group,
const std::string& key,
bool value) override;
bool GetInt(const std::string& group,
const std::string& key,
int* value) const override;
bool SetInt(const std::string& group,
const std::string& key,
int value) override;
bool GetUint64(const std::string& group,
const std::string& key,
uint64_t* value) const override;
bool SetUint64(const std::string& group,
const std::string& key,
uint64_t value) override;
bool GetStringList(const std::string& group,
const std::string& key,
std::vector<std::string>* value) const override;
bool SetStringList(const std::string& group,
const std::string& key,
const std::vector<std::string>& value) override;
bool GetCryptedString(const std::string& group,
const std::string& key,
std::string* value) override;
bool SetCryptedString(const std::string& group,
const std::string& key,
const std::string& value) override;
FRIEND_TEST(KeyFileStoreTest, OpenClose);
FRIEND_TEST(KeyFileStoreTest, OpenFail);
static const char kCorruptSuffix[];
void ReleaseKeyFile();
bool DoesGroupMatchProperties(const std::string& group,
const KeyValueStore& properties) const;
GLib* glib_;
CryptoProvider crypto_;
GKeyFile* key_file_;
base::FilePath path_;
} // namespace shill