blob: 7bf17d47cb8cfc7ddaea051f81cf95225f0d11a7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import sys
import shill_proxy
def usage():
""" Prints a usage message and returns False. """
cmd = sys.argv[0]
print 'Usage:'
print cmd, 'connect <ssid> [passphrase] [security]'
print ' |security| defaults to "psk" when |passphrase|',
print 'is given without |security|'
print cmd, 'disconnect <ssid> [timeout seconds]'
return False
def connect(ssid, security, passphrase, save_credentials):
"""Attempt to connect to a WiFi network.
Blocks until we connect successfully to a WiFi network described
by the given parameters or time out while attempting to do so.
@param ssid string Name of the network to connect to.
@param security string security type of the network to connect to.
@param passphrase string password or key of the network.
@param save_credentials bool True if credentials should be saved.
@return True upon success, False otherwise.
shill = shill_proxy.ShillProxy()
result = shill.connect_to_wifi_network(ssid,
(successful, discovery, association, configuration, reason) = result
if successful:
print 'Operation succeeded.'
print 'Operation failed. (%s)' % reason
print 'Discovery time: %f.' % discovery
print 'Association time: %f.' % association
print 'Configuration time: %f.' % configuration
return successful
def disconnect(ssid, timeout=None):
"""Disconnect from the specified network.
Disconnect from a network with name |ssid|. Note that this
method will not fail if we're already disconnected.
@param ssid string Name of the network to disconnect from.
@param timeout float number of seconds to wait for transition
to idle state.
@return True upon seeing network is in idle state.
shill = shill_proxy.ShillProxy()
result = shill.disconnect_from_wifi_network(ssid, timeout)
(successful, duration, reason) = result
if successful:
print 'Operation succeeded.'
print 'Operation failed: %s.' % reason
print 'Disconnect time: %f.' % duration
return successful
def main(args):
"""Main method for this script.
@param args list of arguments to the script, not including script name.
@return True on success, False otherwise.
if len(args) < 2:
return usage()
command = args[0]
ssid = args[1]
if command == 'connect':
security = 'none'
passphrase = ''
save_credentials = False
if len(args) > 2:
passphrase = args[2]
security = 'psk'
if len(args) > 3:
security = args[3]
return connect(ssid, security, passphrase, save_credentials)
if command == 'disconnect':
if len(args) > 2:
timeout = float(args[2])
return disconnect(ssid, timeout)
return usage()
if __name__ == '__main__':
if not main(sys.argv[1:]):